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I forgot about the statue. Did that mean that Charle just grabbed a statue because it was the Virgin Mary and he doesn't know about the goodies inside? That's messed up.

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No, Charlie knows full well that Momma Jesus is crammed with H.


And yeah the symbol on the shark was visible--my mother called me to say "DID YOU SEE THAT SYMBOL ON THE SHARK ON LOST??? THAT WAS UNDER THE HATCH!"


Moms like this show, guys. We're so gay.

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In a way I like that his background is so plain and boring, because just about everybody else is gratuitously exceptional in some fashion. But it does make for rather dull flashbacks. Here's a dude who probably didn't even need a second flashback episode. I struggle to think what would happen in a third.


How long do you think the show will maintain the flashbacks? Is this always going to be a part of it, or, at some point, will we have had enough of everyone's background that we won't need them to be central parts of every episode, week in and week out?

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Guest Vitamin X



Well, hopefully the show won't be centered solely on flashbacks, but who knows by the time we think we know just about everything about every character, we could be looking at season 4 or 5, and I think the show's writers say they wouldn't go past 4-6, right?

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My big worry for the long term fate of the show is that it's going to have some massive sci-fi bullshit involved. Weird stuff is great, but I at least want it all to make some sense in the long run.


Oh, and if anyone caught any of Invasion after Lost: is that a seminar in how do you make boring television or what? Yikes.

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This episode reminded me of WWE's No Way Out PPV's; put filler on in between two exciting shows.


Michael looked like a bitch for the first thirty minutes whining to Sawyer & pushing him in the water.


Cute how USA Today wrote in an article that only "two of the three survivors on the boat surfaced".


The trailer for next week's episode is definetely to the point, and will have me waiting for next Wednesday, but I would have to say a very lacklustre episode tonight.

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Meh. That's about it.




- Interesting scenario with the computer and the numbers. What's the flip clock counting down to? Why does Desmond know the numbers but needs Locke to punch them in? Seemed he didn't know how to use it judging by the tones he was using which lends a bit more credibility to the theory that the opening of last weeks episode was indeed a flashback when Desmond clearly punched them in correctly.


- The fact that Jin made it away from The Others. Good for you.


- Kate eating the chocolate.


- The out of focus shot of The Others at the end.




- Michael needed that flashback like The Leafs need another loss.


- The extended stuff from last week felt too out of place, the only interesting stuff was with Locke and Desmond.


- No Sayid. He needs to, like, do something. Soon.


I'm not going to overreact to this episode like some are (not just on this board) but I will say that they've got some serious explaining to do because it would suck to see the questions bury the rest of the shows content.

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Why does Desmond know the numbers but needs Locke to punch them in?


I think that Desmond is totally capable of doing it himself - it's just that in order for him to have done it, he would have had to put his gun down. By making Locke do it, he could keep the barrel pointed at Locke at all times.

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LOTC: Are people really bashing the show on other websites & what are they saying?


I'm not jumping ship because they obviously have a plan, and we'll see it next week. I guess to me it just seemed like the whole episode could have been supplementary material in another episode, but I guess they can't go with "earth shattering surprises" every week.

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I like that they tried to do something different with this episode, showing the same events from a different POV. It didn't turn out as great as it could, but I don't think it was as bad as everyone's making it out to be.

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Guest Vitamin X

It wasn't bad by any stretch of the imagination, I just think these types of shows are suited more for towards the middle of the season or so, when everyone's already kind of in the routine of watching and would be more receptive to something like this... but you certainly should try to keep the viewers (and the new ones especially) hooked by having an exciting second show of the season.


The episode right before Exodus (Season 1 Finale) was exactly like this, in that nothing really happened but just advancing some storylines and filling in possible plot holes. Which is pretty interesting when you think about it.. are there any real plot holes to this show? At least, any worth noticing? (No nitpicking here)

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Guest Fishyswa

I just don't see how people can be disappointed with this episode, we were at such a point of confusion that things needed to be narrowed, and they were.


We know Desmond is part of some orginization that was expecting the end of the world and prepared for it, massively. How far that stretches though is gonna be interesting.


We know he's incredibly paranoid for some reason, which could either be because of the others, or just being in a hole for that long.


We know the others are far from friendly, but I still can't see them being 'the bad guys' so to speak. I think Desmond and the others seemingly evil actions are just the result of dealing with larger problems.


I think it was a great episode that provided enough answers for certain things and left the door open for more questions.

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Guest Biggles
I think that Desmond is totally capable of doing it himself - it's just that in order for him to have done it, he would have had to put his gun down. By making Locke do it, he could keep the barrel pointed at Locke at all times.


Yep. He needed Locke to punch the numbers in so he could keep his eyes focused on him and keep both hands on his weapon.


I think the numbers have something to do with venting or something like that. Every 108 minutes he needs to recycle air in that thing and he needs a combination to do it.

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Guest Biggles

Also, this has maybe been said by someone else, but I'm guessing that Desmond works for a company that's part of a military-industrial complex, and he was left behind in perhaps a caretaker/watchkeeper role on the island. I'm guessing there are other exits than the Quarantine hatch, possibly down a mile or more of tunnels on other directions - that's just the one that led to where the "sick" people were, and thus his concern/fear...


I didn't notice anything on the shark fin, but if the same logo was really there, then I'm guessing that the island was/is the home of genetic experimentation. That would explain the shark, the polar bears, and whatever the other big freaky creature is. And also why some others apparently got "sick." I'm interested to see the health/disposition of the "others" next week.


Love this show!!! :)

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I think the "Others" we saw were just the tail survivors. They just didn't have as much stuff or as much good fortune.


Others is just the feat of the unknown...


They're not the dudes from the boat

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About Desmond


He said he was going on a race around the world. There is such a race at the South Pole. With the magentic stuff confirmed, it seems to me that would could consider some sort of triangle theory, philly style.


He could have 'slipped' into the island from one of many points. Given that Nigeria is also represented, as well as an atlantic slave ship, triangle theorists could be right


Btw, is anyone else noticing the time discrepanices? A 400 year old ship, still preserved and lokos like its just a few years old? The uncertainty of time? A clean Desmond before the bang and a dirty apartment afterwards


Tiimmee...why you bother meee?

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Question for you all ... I presumed that the 'others' that Jin spoke of were the people from the rear of the plane, as many of you did.


But a girl I work with pointed out that in the coming attractions they showed Sawyer & Michael get thrown into a cell with (I-forget-her-character's-name, but Rodriguez is her real name). Since we know that she was in the rear of the plane, why would the other survivors have her captured like that??

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I liked the episdoe, probably because the producers told everyone that we wouldn't find out the meaning of what's in the hatch until episode 3. If I had been expecting them to pay off last weeks cliffhanger this week, I might not have been happy.


I'm in agreement about Micheal's flashback not being neccessary. Charlie, Kate, Michael & Walt, and Shannon are the characters who's backstories I've been the least interested in and I wouldn't be that upset if any of them were the next one killed off.

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Guest Biggles
Btw, is anyone else noticing the time discrepanices?  A 400 year old ship, still preserved and lokos like its just a few years old?  The uncertainty of time?


They got dynamite from the ship. Dynamite was invented in 1866 by Alfred Nobel. That tells me that the ship is only about 130 years old at the most. I don't think it is inconceivable for a ship which gets swept onto a tropical island by a monsoon to have remained that well preserved for 130 years.

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I thought it was decent enough. The Michael flashbacks weren't ~! like so many others, but they kept my attention.


One episode this season is going to end with the timer in Desmond's bunker reaching zero, and it'll happen before we know what it's counting down to. We'll hate them for it, but it's too sweet an opportunity to pass up.


Anyone notice what stuffed animal it was Michael gave to Walt? :P

Edited by chirs3

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Guest Vitamin X

Anyone else think it's possible for Charlie and the statue of Mary thing to be a complete swerve, maybe making us think there's H in there but there's really not?


After all, if anyone recalls his first flashback, he was an extremely religious Catholic before his brother lured him into the drugs and all.

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