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Remember that "the others" are more than likely the first people who had anything to do with whatever the hell the entire project was. A lot has changed since they first showed up, and a lot of time has went by.


Can you guys remember the last time a simple TV show got people talking and thinking as much as this one? In my opinion, Lost is better than the majority of films that have been released in the past few years.

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Well, that pic implies that the Others are the people who started the whole project. So while I agree that it is possible, somehow I doubt it.


Besides, there's been lots of crashes on that island. For all we know, they're just a random group of people who all got sick.

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Can you guys remember the last time a simple TV show got people talking and thinking as much as this one? In my opinion, Lost is better than the majority of films that have been released in the past few years.


No kidding. I haven't been this 'mentally invested' in a TV show in a long long time. Usually it would be movies like Memento or Requiem for a Dream that would create the same sort of interest that I feel for this TV show. Very good stuff, indeed. :)

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I guess the last time I was this mentally invested, as you put it, in any sort of film or TV show would be right after I first watched Donnie Darko for the first time in 2001.


As for a TV show, I don't think it's ever happened like this to me.


I love how TV seems to be 'growing up' so to speak. There are so many smart type of shows, that it's getting harder and harder for people to dismiss TV as the idiot box.

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Guest Vitamin X

Most likely


1.) The music and quality of the film with all the grain

and 2.) The fact the guy says "an incident" happened but doesn't elaborate at all, despite talking about how great the Dharma Initiative was before that.


You'd think an orientation video would explain that a little bit more, which is why I think Jack's right. It does seem like a bit of a sociological experiment to me. Of course, the fact that this was brought up in the course of the show would make one think that's NOT the case, as we await the inevitable twist, but maybe the best kind of twist is no twist at all, knowing we all got worked up for nothing, much like everyone else around the computer (aka Team Locke?) except Jack.

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I love how TV seems to be 'growing up' so to speak. There are so many smart type of shows, that it's getting harder and harder for people to dismiss TV as the idiot box.


I think reality TV sparked it. They were getting their asses handed to them by all those singing shows, dancing shows, voting shows, etc, so the writers and producers actually got smart and started making good TV again with drama series like these.

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I guess the last time I was this mentally invested, as you put it, in any sort of film or TV show would be right after I first watched Donnie Darko for the first time in 2001.


As for a TV show, I don't think it's ever happened like this to me.


I love how TV seems to be 'growing up' so to speak. There are so many smart type of shows, that it's getting harder and harder for people to dismiss TV as the idiot box.


I think the last TV series that had me going like this was Millennium. Oddly enough, another show that Terry O'Quinn was a regular on.

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Well, for some reason my DVR taped tonight's replay and the trailer at the end was different than Wednesday's episode and it revealed more regarding Michael, Jin & Sawyer.

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My thing with the flashbacks, which last week drove home for me, is that I really don't think we need a lot more of them.  These people are on the island and we have basic snapshots of how everyone got there and what their lives were like beforehand.  Really, aside from one more Jack (what happened to his marriage) and perhaps tonight's Locke (how'd he get paralyzed?), I can't think of anyone else who really needs one.


They also haven't said what Kate's original crime was.

Presumebly it's the reason her mother was afraid of her at the hospital.

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We need to know how Hurley ended up in the psych ward.


Apparently, we'll know soon enough in the Hurley II episode. :mellow:

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Guest Vitamin X

I'll throw out a guess and say that Hurley probably ended up in the psych ward from attempting suicide..

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Maybe he was in a psych ward because he experienced a traumatic accident, after which a psychological problem caused him to "lose" his ability to walk, and it was only after he accepted the numbers as his lord and god that he was able to overcome the problem?



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Guest Biggles

I think there are plenty of great flashbacks to still happen besides the obvious Jack & Locke flashbacks we'll inevitably see. Who knows what's up w/ Jin ? I think the guy has a much more interesting background than we have been led to believe (and I'm not just saying that because he can suddenly speak English). Kate obviously has a ton of stuff in her history (even before the bank robbery) we haven't even been touched upon.

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Guest Vitamin X

I agree, and it probably helps keep that large cast intact when you consider how much shooting needs to be done for the island acts, whereas the flashbacks limit how much is shown on the island.

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The perspective is a little off, so they might be fake. Could be wrong though.


Either way they don't look much like the dharma logo.. aside from the hexagon shape.

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How exactly did I get played?




Go check out the DVDs, the thrid episode (Tabula Rasa), and go to the very end where the music is playing and wait for when they show Walt like you see him in the pictures.


Not many things on this show are a coincidence. We've been seeing this logo on all kinds of things, even a shark. I don't think it's that much of a stretch to think it was on the plane that brought all of these people here in the first place.

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My only issue with it is, aside from the hexagonal shape - the bars look nothing like the ones on the dharma logo..


..and about the shark - I didn't catch that during the actual episode. I know a lot of people are floating a picture of it around the net, but the logo looks about 100x more pixellated than the photo of the shark does. Photographically, that doesn't make sense to me.


I'm not saying that neither of these are possible or out of line for the show, just noting some opinions.

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I don't know if I'm buying the symbol on the plane and whatnot ... but I did see it on the shark during that episode, plain as day. I haven't seen many good screenshots of the logo/shark to completely support what I saw, but I know that I saw it when I watched the show live.


/potentially a +1?

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I don't know if I'm buying the symbol on the plane and whatnot ... but I did see it on the shark during that episode, plain as day.  I haven't seen many good screenshots of the logo/shark to completely support what I saw, but I know that I saw it when I watched the show live.


/potentially a +1?


The shark went way too fast for me to even notice, and I was even looking for the symbol, lol. Maybe the gamma is too low on my TV (which has been a problem before). :P

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I just took this capture of the shark myself, straight from the episode. Tihs is an unedited capture:




Now here is one I fooled around with to get more detail of the sign:




And finally, here is one that I cropped so you can see just the sign. It's horrible quality, but still:




There seems to be more than one "official" Dharma sign as well.

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Kewl, I stand corrected. :P


Maybe it pixellated more because it was digitally added by the FX crew. Either way.. I love this show!!


BTW, DH - are you on Lamejournal? What's your username?

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