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I love the flashbacks. I think they give a much needed break from the constant island scenarios, and it lets you see the characters in a different situation/light.

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It was pretty funny that Jack and Sayid were the only people to show any emotion over Shannons death.


This episode bored me though, you knew from the moment Sayid asked her if she had kids it was something to do with the guy that shot her, and that she was going to kill him.


Also Bernard and Rose, lamest characters on the Island.



EDIT: That being said, Jin and Sun back together again was beautiful.

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Guest Vitamin X

I thought that was a great episode, best all season. I guess I'm the only one that got slightly misty-eyed over the ending, it was moving to see all the reunions at the end. Some great holy shit moments too with Sayid bustin out the spinning back kick on Eko to take him out at the beginning, and then there was the Analucia flashback. Just great stuff all around.

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Sayid, Eko, and Locke vs. The Others. I'll take even money on that one.


The first season is on sale at a lot of places--Best Buy, Target--for $30 this week, if anyone's looking to fill out the collection.

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Also Bernard and Rose, lamest characters on the Island.

Rose is one of the favorite characters on the island. The way she handles herself is amazing.


And I NEVER cry during TV or movies, but I shed a tear or two when those two got back together.

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And I NEVER cry during TV or movies, but I shed a tear or two when those two got back together.


Yeah I definately teared up a bit when those to reunited. And I marked out for the Jack/Ana-Lucia face-off at the end.


I reckon Locke and Eko are going to make an awesome team.

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This was probably the best episode of the season so far as we've finally set up the two sections of the plane coming together.

Yeah I got a bit misty eyed during them being reunited. Part of me, though, was just waiting for Bernard to come back, asking for Rose. Charlie or someone pointing to Rose and Bernard going "..Thats not my wife" only for Rose to be revealed as an other or pull a gun out or something. I like how it ended though.


Oh and also for all those people who are "sick and tired of the flashbacks" need to realise that thats one of the main things that set this show apart in the begining. Getting rid of them makes the show less interesting and unique. Sure some of the backstories are boring (and I hate Ana Lucia even more now) but its a great way to deal with the way characters have developed and why they are in the situations they are in now.

Plus, from a writer/producer point of view. If you are pretty much half and half between current events and flashbacks, it means you can make current events last longer, which means more episodes/more seasons/more money. We'll probably know everything about the island by season 4. If your getting all pissy about knowing nothing now, just put the show to the back of your head, wait about 3 years and buy all the seasons on dvd so you can watch them all together and not get fustrated having to wait every week.



Oh and about the whispers I posted about 2 pages back:

Notice also that one of the voices was in german, just like one of the guys that was taken from the tail section from the plane. It sort of makes it possibly leaning more towards a dharma experiment rather than purgatory. Who knows though. Maybe they have some sort of "soul catcher" and caught boones along with all the others

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I love this show but I know that I cannot stand Michelle Rodriguez and her "I'm a hard-ass tough bitch dont' fuck with me" attitude she has in EVERYTHING she's in.

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Holy shit. Theres a new dharma video thats out that tells about what each facility does:

Dharma Initiative Video


Heres also an image of all the logo's:

(I guess it technically counts as spoilers so ill just link it instead of posting it)

Dharma Logos



I love the quality they put into making these videos. It really gives you a feel that they have aged about 20years and have gone grainy and warped. Also theres just enough info to let you know whats going on in each facility, but plenty more questions to be asked and answered.

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So the other group was in the Zoological bunker? Interesting.


Also, I bet the others are stationed at the Human Advancement bunker.

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Holy shit. Theres a new dharma video thats out that tells about what each facility does:

Dharma Initiative Video


Heres also an image of all the logo's:

(I guess it technically counts as spoilers so ill just link it instead of posting it)

Dharma Logos



I love the quality they put into making these videos. It really gives you a feel that they have aged about 20years and have gone grainy and warped. Also theres just enough info to let you know whats going on in each facility, but plenty more questions to be asked and answered.


Is this all legit from the show?

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Oh and also for all those people who are "sick and tired of the flashbacks" need to realise that thats one of the main things that set this show apart in the begining. Getting rid of them makes the show less interesting and unique. Sure some of the backstories are boring (and I hate Ana Lucia even more now) but its a great way to deal with the way characters have developed and why they are in the situations they are in now.

I think, at this point, the flashbacks are only valuable for a small group of characters--namely Jack and Locke--and that's because their motivations and the things that form their dispositions on the island remain pretty insular. They're the axes around which a lot of the island's conflicts and dilemmas are formed. I've stated my preference before and I'm sticking by it. For the rest of the characters, a flashback is good the first, maybe second time an episode focuses on a character, and that's it. Considering the fact that the writers admit they don't know where a lot of the stuff on the show is going or what certain things mean, I'm sure the flashbacks will eventually be used to shoehorn in big plot revelations or character stuff that they've written themselves into a corner with on the island.


If we ever see another Michael flashback, or another Jin and Sun flashback, or, hell, another Charlie or Hurley flashback, then we'll know the writers are merely stalling for time. And that ain't good writing.

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Not saying they are out and out fakes, but

there are two station 5's and no station 4. Also, don't you think they would stop playing the music when Hanso was talking instead of having it on a loop for the entire video? Seems like when Hanso speaks, it would mean a LOT.

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I love this show but I know that I cannot stand Michelle Rodriguez and her "I'm a hard-ass tough bitch dont' fuck with me" attitude she has in EVERYTHING she's in.


Well, dude, you can't fault her for being typecast since Girl Fight.

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Oh and also for all those people who are "sick and tired of the flashbacks" need to realise that thats one of the main things that set this show apart in the begining. Getting rid of them makes the show less interesting and unique. Sure some of the backstories are boring (and I hate Ana Lucia even more now) but its a great way to deal with the way characters have developed and why they are in the situations they are in now.

I think, at this point, the flashbacks are only valuable for a small group of characters--namely Jack and Locke--and that's because their motivations and the things that form their dispositions on the island remain pretty insular. They're the axes around which a lot of the island's conflicts and dilemmas are formed. I've stated my preference before and I'm sticking by it. For the rest of the characters, a flashback is good the first, maybe second time an episode focuses on a character, and that's it. Considering the fact that the writers admit they don't know where a lot of the stuff on the show is going or what certain things mean, I'm sure the flashbacks will eventually be used to shoehorn in big plot revelations or character stuff that they've written themselves into a corner with on the island.


If we ever see another Michael flashback, or another Jin and Sun flashback, or, hell, another Charlie or Hurley flashback, then we'll know the writers are merely stalling for time. And that ain't good writing.


It's called backstory, main character or not, and I'd hardly call that stalling for time.

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Oh and also for all those people who are "sick and tired of the flashbacks" need to realise that thats one of the main things that set this show apart in the begining. Getting rid of them makes the show less interesting and unique. Sure some of the backstories are boring (and I hate Ana Lucia even more now) but its a great way to deal with the way characters have developed and why they are in the situations they are in now.

I think, at this point, the flashbacks are only valuable for a small group of characters--namely Jack and Locke--and that's because their motivations and the things that form their dispositions on the island remain pretty insular. They're the axes around which a lot of the island's conflicts and dilemmas are formed. I've stated my preference before and I'm sticking by it. For the rest of the characters, a flashback is good the first, maybe second time an episode focuses on a character, and that's it. Considering the fact that the writers admit they don't know where a lot of the stuff on the show is going or what certain things mean, I'm sure the flashbacks will eventually be used to shoehorn in big plot revelations or character stuff that they've written themselves into a corner with on the island.


If we ever see another Michael flashback, or another Jin and Sun flashback, or, hell, another Charlie or Hurley flashback, then we'll know the writers are merely stalling for time. And that ain't good writing.


It's called backstory, main character or not, and I'd hardly call that stalling for time.

Of course it's "backstory." It's not worthwhile backstory because any more flashbacks for those people are just going to be rehashing the same damn themes and thoughts we've already got established. Michael II and Jin/Sun II are great (or should I say, lousy) examples of this. Hurley II was great though I think he's pretty much done now, and Locke episodes are always great since his character is so puzzling. Once we know how everyone got to the island and their basic histories, we're set with few exceptions. But don't mind me--I've been harping on this all season.

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I totally agree with Edwin, and that was my basic point. Sure, it's backstory, but it felt like a COLOSSIAL waste of time in those episodes. To me, and thats to *me*, I've never actually cared for the flashbacks beyond a few. I've always enjoyed the Island stuff far more.


This coming up will be Kate's what? Third? Fourth? In her last few, what the hell did we learn? If I remember right, she robbed a bank, and got her childhood sweethart killed. That was about it. WHY did she need all that when almost nothing was told about her? I could be wrong, but I really don't remember anything really happening in those episodes.


I've got no problem with them doing backstory for the new characters, since I'd love to see Eko's story...but the flashbacks in every episode is starting to get a bit old with me.

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I hate a lot of you.


Jins flashback episode helped make you understand his first episode, which helped you understand Suns episode. When he was on his own, he wasn't willing to compromise certain ideals - letting the kid in the hotel, for example. Letting the hotel owner demean him. Then, to be with Sun, he compromised a lot more than that. This is the reality of their old world.


Remember when you first saw Jin? Do you see him _at all_ in the same way now? So go fuck yourself if you think nothing has happened or its meaningless.

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Not saying they are out and out fakes, but

there are two station 5's and no station 4. Also, don't you think they would stop playing the music when Hanso was talking instead of having it on a loop for the entire video?  Seems like when Hanso speaks, it would mean a LOT.


Thats a pretty good observation, but if you watch the video, you can see that the right after they show the graphic for staion 5, zoological scienses, the next slide stating its initiative classifications calls it station 4 leading me to believe it's just a typo. Since I doubt that the show would make an error like this, I think the typo is on purpose, but I really can't think of any reason as to why.


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I hate a lot of you.


Jins flashback episode helped make you understand his first episode, which helped you understand Suns episode.  When he was on his own, he wasn't willing to compromise certain ideals - letting the kid in the hotel, for example.  Letting the hotel owner demean him.  Then, to be with Sun, he compromised a lot more than that.  This is the reality of their old world. 


Remember when you first saw Jin?  Do you see him _at all_ in the same way now?  So go fuck yourself if you think nothing has happened or its meaningless.


Consider me happily not hated.


I'm with you, RRR ... I dig the flashbacks. This last one (Ana Lucia) was one of the few that I wasn't into, and that was more-so because I wasn't able to sympathize with her. The only thing her flashback showed me was that she was a cop in her 'former life' (which explained her role as the alpha male of the rear-enders) ... it didn't force me to become any more interested in her as a character. Every other flashback added to the character that they were flashing back to, for me.

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I agree with the Ana Lucia thing, but it did serve a purpose and got the dude from Gross Point (Drawing a...) Blank in it.


The whole baby thing gives clearity to what they were building before. We know why she's so untrusting now, as well. And then there's her relationship with Sayid and the "Dead Inside" bond they share. It will be interesting to see how that plays out.


And I dunno if this has been said before but, Ethan Rom is an anagram for "Other Man"

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Of course it's "backstory."  It's not worthwhile backstory because any more flashbacks for those people are just going to be rehashing the same damn themes and thoughts we've already got established.  Michael II and Jin/Sun II are great (or should I say, lousy) examples of this.  Hurley II was great though I think he's pretty much done now, and Locke episodes are always great since his character is so puzzling.  Once we know how everyone got to the island and their basic histories, we're set with few exceptions.  But don't mind me--I've been harping on this all season.


Feh, whatever. It's worthwhile to me and anyone else who's interested in ALL of the characters and not just the main characters and main plot devices.

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Guest Vitamin X

I think it's also worth pointing out that, with the exception of Goodwin breaking Nathan's neck in the last episode, the Others haven't really killed anybody, they just seem to abduct people.


Are they evil?

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