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I think it's also worth pointing out that, with the exception of Goodwin breaking Nathan's neck in the last episode, the Others haven't really killed anybody, they just seem to abduct people.


Are they evil?


Don't forget, Ethan nearly killed Charlie. Technically, DID kill Charlie, but Jack brought him back.

Edited by chirs3

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It's kind of interesting (read: amusing) to me to read all the Michelle Rodriguez hate, especially after reading an interview in this weeks TV Guide, where she basically said that she feels like she's been typecast into those roles.

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I think it's also worth pointing out that, with the exception of Goodwin breaking Nathan's neck in the last episode, the Others haven't really killed anybody, they just seem to abduct people.


Are they evil?


Don't forget, Ethan nearly killed Charlie. Technically, DID kill Charlie, but Jack brought him back.


That's you going on the assumption that Ethan is an other.

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Guest frowned
While Lost is known to screw with us, I think it's safe to assume Ethan is an 'other'.


I've not been totally convinced that Ethan is an other, after the whole Claire fiasco. I mean - after she was abducted by him she remembered Rousseau scratching her at some point, so from that I took that either Ethan was not an other or Rousseau was.

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People need to realise that the people on the island dont even know who the others are.


Jin called the tail end section "others"


Tail enders called those people in rags "others"


Our main crew called ethan etc "others"


It hasnt really been set. But if anything people like Ethan etc are the head honchos ( unless the scientists are slightly above them) and those people in rags are beneath ethan etc. They are all others in a sense, there is just a ranking system.

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Just saw the episode today thanks to the DVR. I thought it was pretty good, I enjoyed the ending yet also had the cynic in me that thought Bernard's odyessy was not going to end well. :D


I hope the next show delivers since from the preview it seems to deviate from the central themes this year. (Although I have not seen the other trailer).


Any possibility that it was Goodwin that was in the Hatch with Desmond earlier? I guess the Desmond backstory and where he's at now is what I am interested in the most right now.


Mark me down as someone who also enjoys the flashbacks, its a change of pace, and if it does add some depth to the character, I'm for it.

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While Lost is known to screw with us, I think it's safe to assume Ethan is an 'other'.


I've not been totally convinced that Ethan is an other, after the whole Claire fiasco. I mean - after she was abducted by him she remembered Rousseau scratching her at some point, so from that I took that either Ethan was not an other or Rousseau was.



Rousseau scratched Claire's arm because she was also after the kid, which she took from Claire and tried to give it to the Others for Alex back.



Ethan was an Other. Rousseau was just crazy.

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Guest frowned
While Lost is known to screw with us, I think it's safe to assume Ethan is an 'other'.


I've not been totally convinced that Ethan is an other, after the whole Claire fiasco. I mean - after she was abducted by him she remembered Rousseau scratching her at some point, so from that I took that either Ethan was not an other or Rousseau was.



Rousseau scratched Claire's arm because she was also after the kid, which she took from Claire and tried to give it to the Others for Alex back.



Ethan was an Other. Rousseau was just crazy.


I guess that it's not impossible that Rousseau tried to steal Claire and the unborn baby off Ethan, but my point was that Claire had a flashback while staring at Rousseau's arm regarding the scratch's origin just before Rousseau stole her kid.


It also doesn't explain why the others' only target seems to have been Walt, no further attempts have been made on Claire's baby - although that is obviously subject to change.

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Another update


2.9 - What Kate Did (Kate IV)

airdate: 11/30/2005


apparently this is the last new show until January.


2.10 - The 23rd Psalm (Mr. Eko)

airdate: 1/11/2006

This is being reported by Televison Without Pity as AICN's Hercules has for weeks been claiming that he's been forbidden by his sources to say who the flashback would be about.


2.11 - The Hunting Party (Jack V)


2.12 - Fire + Water (Charlie III)

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We cannot confirm that it was Ethan who hung Charlie. We only speculate on this. Only what we see is "canon"


The "Others" are though, evil. They forcibly take people. Perhaps misguided, but they are not doing nice things. "They" have different goals than our survivors.


While a 6 week break sucks ass, it will give us some time to get everything worked out so far. The story is very complex, indeed.


But complex stories often have simple threads. For lost, Backgammon.


According to sources, we're due for a Desmond reappearance and flashback episode next year

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Guest frowned
We cannot confirm that it was Ethan who hung Charlie.  We only speculate on this.  Only what we see is "canon"


Given that after that he specifically asked Charlie to get Claire back for him, I think that such speculation is pretty solid.

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Guest Vitamin X

The 6 week break is nice only for the simple fact it gives me enough time to go buy and set up a TiVo by the time Lost comes back with new episodes.

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Ep 3 I believe, it was on a passing shot of the wing, according to the screencaps...the discussion on this is about 10 pages back in this thread.


Its definitely on the screencaps, and downhome believes it, but im planning on viewing the dvd just to confirm.

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I was thinking to myself the other day how cool it would be if we found out that while he was still an Other that Ethan had "gone rogue" when he went nuts trying to recapture Claire. Up to this point The Others haven't killed anybody with the exception of Ethan offing Scott which made me curious and wonder if they're on standing orders to not kill, only abduct.


I'd really enjoy something like Jack, Sawyer or Ecko managing to capture an Other, maybe one of the foot soldiers who abducts people and letting Sayid go bamboo on their ass to find out the whole story. I don't see us getting an Others flashback episode anytime soon so this would be a good glimpse into their world.


Oh, and MDH should spoiler-tag those episode previews.

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Why? You don't know a thing that will happen in those episodes from what was posted. It says nothing of what will happen in the flashbacks. If I told you that they are going to

do another Sawyer flashback before the season is over

would that be a spoiler?

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Why?  You don't know a thing that will happen in those episodes from what was posted.  It says nothing of what will happen in the flashbacks.  If I told you that they are going to

do another Sawyer flashback before the season is over

would that be a spoiler?


OMG for doing spoilers ... ban plz

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Technically it could be several different things. I was just asking why you thought they were spoilers, not trying to argue or anything. I just don't see anything wrong with listing the upcoming shows. I mean, my DVR goes ahead a little over two weeks, and I know the episode title and a brief synopsis that far ahead. It never spoils anything for me. But, each of us is different.

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Sounds to me like the episode where they go get Walt back.


Psalm 23


The LORD Is My Shepherd


23 The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. 2 He maketh me to lie down in green pastures: he leadeth me beside the still waters. 3 He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name's sake. 4 Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me. 5 Thou preparest a table before me in the presence of mine enemies: thou anointest my head with oil; my cup runneth over. 6 Surely goodness and mercy shall follow me all the days of my life: and I will dwell in the house of the Lord for ever.

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