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Guest Brian
What if all the Survivors have had their memories altered? That there wasn't really a crash, that they were perhaps taken from their homes (or maybe even volunteered) for a scientific experiment where they were given all knew memories (or relatively new memories). Think Dark City. That the Black Horse being on the island and in Kates mind is not a coincidence, or a manefestation, but that the people who inserted those memories decided to see how Kate would react to the horse being on the island. Maybe Claire wasn't reacting well to it so they tried again, which is why she couldn't remember what happened after the crash.


The whole deal with re-inserting memories goes really well with what Eko told Locke: "Do not mstake coincidence for fate."

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What if all the Survivors have had their memories altered? That there wasn't really a crash, that they were perhaps taken from their homes (or maybe even volunteered) for a scientific experiment where they were given all knew memories (or relatively new memories). Think Dark City. That the Black Horse being on the island and in Kates mind is not a coincidence, or a manefestation, but that the people who inserted those memories decided to see how Kate would react to the horse being on the island. Maybe Claire wasn't reacting well to it so they tried again, which is why she couldn't remember what happened after the crash.


How? I dont see it relating very well...


The whole deal with re-inserting memories goes really well with what Eko told Locke: "Do not mstake coincidence for fate."

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Guest Brian

Well, if they all had memories re-inserted, than maybe they weren't fated tobe there. The numbers would serve such a grand purpose. Everyone would have not been connected through their memories and such (Sawyer and Jack's dad, etc.). Their past seems to intertwine so much it is as if they were supposed to come together in the island. But if there are no links between them, then they're not fated to be there, but rather it is a coincidence they are each there.

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While donig my daily scouring of the LOST boards (it's like a job ;) ), I came across a pretty interesting screencap. This is from Jin's episode when he talks to Sun's father.




Look at the two screens on the right side of the office. Is it just me, or does that look like an island?

Also, someone pointed out that one of the old Korean flags has the i-ching symbols laid out in a similar fashion as the dharma logo (the current flag only has four i-ching symbols).

Edited by metr0man

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Guest guerillagenius

Wow, I love how they put small things in everywhere for people to find. Very cool.

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To add-on to my altered-memories theory...


What if Jack wasn't _really_ a doctor. What if they altered his memories to make him think he was one (including medical knowledge). What if, in real life (before the Island) he was like Sawyer. The tattoos, for example, is more of a Sawyer thing than a Jack thing (and what if Sawyer was a doctor?). If the Island was an experiment, the test would be to see if this former bad guy who cared about nothing but himself would end up being a noble leader who sacrifices himself for others, not because it is in his nature, but rather, all because his memories changed.


This would also explain how Locke can use his legs. In real life, Locke could always use his legs. There was never a problem. But the memories they gave him told him he was once paralyzed. How would this man deal with one moment being paralyzed, and the next moment being able to walk? How could he explain it?


What if Kate lived a regular life, trouble free. There wasn't a criminal bone in her body. On the island, her memories tell her she killed, that she's inherantly bad. And there's two guys on the island (let's even say that Sawyer and her were married in "real life") and which one will she turn to and fall in love with?

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Guest Vitamin X

I really wouldn't dig the whole memory alteration thing. It makes watching all the flashbacks kind of pointless.

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I disagree. The flashbacks both under the current circumstances and the theorized circumstances do the same thing - help explain why the character is the way he/she is. I can see how it would be a bit of a rip off since it never "really" happened, _but_ if you traded the memories among the survivors, then it *did* happen, just to another character. Or even if the memories aren't traded, then you can get into their real history.

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What would be cool is if that theory was true, that when they have a flashback, things start getting blurry and not making sense as the real memories begin to come through.



For example, Michael has the flashback of getting hit by the car in NY again, but it starts getting hazy and has a flashback of living in California without a son or a wife and not really being an architect or something.



And then the Others get him.

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I don't really think the altered memories thing is viable, though it's a cool idea (I'm a big Dark City fan). The main sticking point for me is that I don't know how the writers would explain away what they showed us just a few weeks ago: the tail section crashing into the sea. Yeah, we as viewers never actually see the front end of the plane crash, but I can't see any excusable reason to have that static, non-POV shot of the plane's tail crashing if it never actually crashed. That'd be bad, sneaky writing.


I'm kinda thinking the writers don't know where they're going with it all, despite constant urgings otherwise. The odd fusion of seemingly typical and supernatural elements is going to be very difficult to resolve in an effective manner.

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If they do some altered memories thing I'd be pissed, it'd be just as lame as some 'it was all a dream ending' in terms of negating everything.

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Yeah, both of the last two theories are well thought and sort of make sense, but I won't buy either of them. I also agree that a memory altering scenario would feel too much like a ripoff. And the other theory that was posted from the other board just seems too complex. I can't really see myself getting into something involving a collective consciousness...

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I don't really think the altered memories thing is viable, though it's a cool idea (I'm a big Dark City fan). The main sticking point for me is that I don't know how the writers would explain away what they showed us just a few weeks ago: the tail section crashing into the sea. Yeah, we as viewers never actually see the front end of the plane crash, but I can't see any excusable reason to have that static, non-POV shot of the plane's tail crashing if it never actually crashed. That'd be bad, sneaky writing.


I'm kinda thinking the writers don't know where they're going with it all, despite constant urgings otherwise. The odd fusion of seemingly typical and supernatural elements is going to be very difficult to resolve in an effective manner.

I don't necessarily support the theory, but just playing the Devil's Advocate: maybe it was the view point of one of the Others, such as Goodwin, who just happened to be there when they crashed.

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Bored waiting for the next new episode - damn holidays!

I came across this wierd-ass gem from Dose.ca:


"I feel like pinning him down and farting in his face. We have that kind of sibling energy." –Michelle Rodriguez on her new Lost co-star Josh Holloway. (WENN)

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Just something I was thinking about:


What do you think of the idea that the John Locke character that we know is not the same that started the season? John was cured of his paralysis somehow upon reaching the island. He was basically a wannabe in the "soldier of fortune/walkabout hunter" ideals. Then, as he is setting out into the jungle to hunt boar, he is knocked to the ground and unsuccessful. After facing the "security system," he was suddenly a bad ass hunter and all the shit he fantasized about before coming to the island. Since that time, he has been a protagonist for the majority of the characters on the island. He knows just about everything, and seems to get other characters to see and overcome the flaws. But I take it back to that one point in time where he came face to face with the security system.

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