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Last Comic Standing 3

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Reality News Online has an interview with Jay, which describes the format of LCS3.


"We Became a Restaurant With a Great Location, That Still Serves Great Stuff": An Interview with Last Comic Standing's Jay Mohr

by Mike DeGeorge, with Dale Sherman -- 08/24/04


As we head into the third season of Last Comic Standing, Creator, Executive Producer, and Host Jay Mohr speaks to RealityNewsOnline. How did the second season compare to the first? Who was not happy with the results? And in an RNO EXCLUSIVE, find out the format on LCS3! It's all just a click away!


Jay Mohr is the Creator, Executive Producer, and Host of Last Comic Standing. In addition, he has recently released a book, Gasping for Airtime, dealing with his hellish short stint as a featured performer on Saturday Night Live. On the heels of the highly-anticipated third season of LCS, Jay sits down with RealityNewsOnline's Mike DeGeorge to discuss the second season, the book, and gives an exclusive preview of the LCS3 format!


RealityNewsOnline: So, first question, How could you lick ANT?


Jay Mohr: Why did I lick ANT? People don't realize this, ANT has the distinct taste of bacon. We'd been working all day, I skipped lunch so I could practice the teleprompter, and when he sat next to me this blast of bacon overwhelmed me. I licked him and next thing you know… you should have seen what happened when we went to commercial!


RNO: Do I want to know?


Jay: Ah, we all love ANT.


RNO: Okay then, let's start with the Paris controversy, from the finals in Las Vegas. You had said that Anthony Clark picked four comics. Did all of his picks make it?


Jay: I don't remember. Hoestly, I would tell you. I have no idea.


RNO: You had said that seven comics were picked by the judges…


Jay: I realized after I had said it that my math didn't add up. The bottom line is, you can't fix an audition. It's not a contest until the comics are in the house. NBC wanted ANT. No one voted for ANT.


RNO: No one?


Jay: But NBC wanted ANT a lot. And it is a casting process, it's not a contest until they get into the house because there's no fixing. You can't fix and audition. Drew picked six and Brett picked seven, or vice versa. You had people also like Todd Glass, who bombed, who didn't have a great set in Vegas, but every single time they were on camera, they were funny.


RNO: Right.


Jay: And then you had other people who were NEVER funny on camera and then had the set of their life, say, like Marina Franklin. She never gave you anything in those interviews. Those interviews mean a lot! Because you're mixing and matching parts. You know how they're always talking about team chemistry? This is like the opposite. You're trying to make a combustible clubhouse.


RNO: Right, that's probably why they put Todd in.


Jay: Look at the finale show, all the packages we had, they were all Todd! Because Todd was always talking! Todd "got it." Todd knew exactly what to do.


RNO: Did that drive him crazy when you'd skip over him and not introduce him during the live shows?


Jay: No, he laughed, he loved it. He got more attention from it than just being introduced normally. Todd and I are old friends. He used to live next door to me in the Hollywood Hills. I mean WAY up in the Hollywood Hills. My friends used to call my house "The Batcave." And Todd lived on the bottom floor of a three story house, and the bathroom was on the third floor, so whenever he had to take a leak he'd just walk out and pee in the street. I remember I'd leave for work and Todd would just be in the street, taking a leak. I was just like, "this guy's disgusting!" But then one day I was at his house watching TV downstairs and I had to go to the bathroom. I thought, I'm not walking up two flights of stairs, so there I am in the street taking a leak.


RNO: Who else did NBC put into the show that weren't chosen by the judges? We figured it was Bonnie, but that was just our guess.


Jay: No, Bonnie was chosen, I remember people liked Bonnie.


RNO: Kathleen? From what I understand, Kathleen is really well-respected, whether people think she's funny or not. She's been around a while, you know.


Jay: Well, the way she behaved since the [final six] vote, I have less respect for her.


RNO: I haven't heard anything about that, actually.


Jay: Being around her is excruciating.


RNO: Since the final six?


Jay: Yeah.


RNO: I've heard that some of the final six wasn't happy about it, but…


Jay: Well, no one's happy about losing, but don't… look, when last year's house showed up, it was a breath of fresh air, everyone was SO NICE! And Cory Kahaney was in a room with Tammy and Kathleen at the final three show, and they were complaining and Cory said, "hey, listen, both of ya, men vote for men, women vote for men. You are not going to win. Have a good time with nine weeks on television." And walked out of the room. She was sharing a dressing room with them and she just couldn't take it anymore.


RNO: Dale has talked to Cory and we've got a friend that knows her and they say nothing but good things about her. How did you feel about the on-camera situation when Brett threw her microphone down and stomped off?


Jay: It was great! The first question I asked was, can we show it? And then someone said "We have to show it." If you don't show it, then rumors take over.


RNO: That was my next question. Why did you show the controversy? Because you felt you had to, or because you wanted to?


Jay: You want full disclosure. You don't want people to be talking about a controversy and then not show it, then people's imaginations go crazy. So we wanted to show Drew wiping his eyes and Drew saying "I call bulls**t," and Brett apologizing to the comics, because THAT'S reality television! It's great stuff! And we had nothing to hide, so… I'd rather show it than not show it and then keep explaining to people what happened. Full disclosure, here ya go, here's what happened.


RNO: And let people figure it out for themselves. Have you heard from Brett or Drew since the show?


Jay: No, but Barry, my manager, was in Aspen and Drew said "Get him away from me." Everyone thinks my manager's responsible for the entire show.


RNO: We've talked before about how he's getting the blame because he's ANT's manager and Gary's manager. So a lot of people say "Oh, he's behind the whole thing."


Jay: It's like they're making him the most powerful man in show business that he can manipulate a network into going into a federal offense. He's going to tell the networks who to have win. And the other thing that people said was Bob and Ross already had it planned who was going in, those guys who booked The Tonight Show. And that was laughable because they have… they don't have a lot of power. (chuckles)


RNO: My whole point is, WHY? Why would you want to fix it in the first place?


Jay: We didn't. It's just so stupid. It's stupid, it's funny, and then I would read the message boards and I just get MAD. I thought, you people are REALLY pathetic. Some guy wrote on a message board, "I have proof that it's rigged," in capitals, and then his post was, "If you look at the end credits, it says the producers pick who wins." I wrote back and said, "You are a f***ing idiot. I just froze it on my TiVo and it says…" and I wrote what it says, about portions not relating to the outcome have been edited for time. I'm like, you're a f***ing moron. The guy wrote back, and said "I really doubt that was Jay Mohr because he was swearing so much."


RNO: Well, that's how it proves that it's you!


Jay: Yeah, I know.


RNO: How do you think the semifinals worked with the six to the three, do you think that worked better than last year?


Jay: Well, I liked it better because it was an extra episode and an extra check. The network wanted more episodes, you're not going to argue with the network when they say they want more episodes, that we want to stretch it out. I was really most impressed with the first hour of our two hour show, because usually that drags and last year I thought it dragged, but this year I thought we really put together a great entertaining show.


RNO: I thought so too, I mean, it didn't feel like two hours at all. The challenges this year played off the idea that this is a situation that you as a comic have or may run into. Was that the general idea?


Jay: We didn't want any… last year we had a scavenger hunt, and that was the week we officially ran out of ideas. We wanted to make sure that all of the challenges were standup or entertainment oriented. This year you got a sense of the comics' skills. So if they weren't in a head-to-head, say, like a Kathleen never got to a head-to-head, at least performing in the weekly challenges you can get an idea of how she entertains people. Last year Vos never got to a head-to-head, and you don't really know how funny he was during a scavenger hunt. Although we did show a clip from last year's scavenger hunt, (laughing) when he took a picture of two guys with turbans, saying "this is for a little company here called the FBI."


RNO: You talked about Kathleen. Did some of the comics really hate doing the challenges? Did you get a lot of resistance?


Jay: No, because they're contractually obliged to do them.


RNO: Nobody sat out and took two rolls of film of their middle finger?


Jay: No, just Ralphie. [Note: In the final challenge of season one, the scavenger hunt contest, Ralphie never moved from his spot and took nothing but pictures of his middle finger.]


RNO: Was there a challenge that didn't work out like you thought it would, or just kind of bombed?


Jay: Nah, they were all good… the tour bus… hold on a second… my son got up from a nap, so…


RNO: How old is your son now?


Jay: Two. Ooooh, he's so cute! {we hear the son in the background} HEEEEEYYYYY! {yelling from the son} He's pumped up to see his daddy! {"DADDY!" in the background} DADDY… nothing. No reaction. OK, I'm here with you, buddy.


RNO: OK, how did you come up with the challenges?


Jay: It was a collective… like the roast, we came up together, me and {writer} KP Anderson and my manager. The writer, KP Anderson, came up with… it's hard to say "most" because there are only four. It was a collective effort… myself, my manager Barry and KP, mostly KP.


RNO: I thought they were a really strong part of the show.


Jay: Much better than last year.


RNO: How do you think the show as a whole compared to last year?


Jay: I thought it was a different show. Last year we were sort of feeling our way through it, and America didn't know what to expect. This year we became a restaurant with a great location, that still serves great stuff. I thought the show was produced better this year, I thought the comics one through ten were better than last year.


RNO: Was there anyone who shouldn't have been in the Top 10, or anyone that SHOULD have made it?


Jay: Weeellllll… not really. I would have liked to have seen Jim Wiggins make it, because he's 60 years old and would have been fun in the house. But you know, the biggest thing is, if Jim Norton were in the house, that would have been phenomenal. He could have won the whole thing.


RNO: I mentioned that his set the other night proved that he would have been in the final three.


Jay: He's SO FUNNY. When he mouthed the words, "YOU'RE DEAD…" (laughing)


RNO: Yeah, I could tell you liked that.


Jay: (still laughing)


RNO: Were you happy with the final three? Did you think it was the right three?


Jay: How can I not like it, that's who the people voted for. I can't say, hey, that's bulls**t! Those are the three most popular comics we had.


RNO: I know you had mentioned that from the beginning you thought Alonzo would win.


Jay: I picked Alonzo to win when we started, and since he came in second place, I was pretty close.


RNO: Were you happy with John?


Jay: Oh yeah, John's a great guy, he's funny. I mean, there was… maybe on another season there was a wacky result, that didn't happen this year. Hold on - {has a short conversation with his son} He's THE BEST. When they're two they sound like old Korean men. "Daddy go to work!"


RNO: (laughing) Okay… now here's a question I've got to know. How the hell did you get ten comics to come back for LCS3? Did you have to throw money at them?


Jay: No, really, almost zero money.


RNO: Really.


Jay: No, they get to be on TV again! I had to work harder to get the ones that we just had back. Bonnie's out, Bonnie's not coming back. Rich Vos tried to talk her into it. Bonnie said she could come back if she could get to be in the other house.


RNO: So how will you handle Bonnie not being there?


Jay: We let the second season's team choose any woman that made it to Vegas. They chose Jessica Kirson [Note: The loud "Mommy! Mommy!" comedian from the New York auditions] It was harder to get this year's comics back. Tammy, Kathleen, Bonnie, and ANT were pains in the asses. Last year's comics were very excited to be on prime time television and having their face run during the Olympics. They get it, they just got it, they just get the entire experience and they didn't get caught up in the drama. This year's cast was just a lot of drama.


RNO: Was it all behind-the-scenes?


Jay: Well, people thinking that we threw votes away, which was just stupid, and really just disrespectful to the comics who won votes. You know, for Kathleen to suggest we threw votes away for her is so disrespectful to a comic as great as Alonzo that won votes. It's just insane, and it's… we would all go to jail. I mean, NBC is going to fix a 4 rating? It gets a 4 and a half, you know what I mean? It's not Quiz Show.


RNO: John Heffron did an interview saying he just finished, now he's got to come up with new material. That was his problem with it.


Jay: Gimme a break, they did three minutes at a time!


RNO: Yeah, like Ralphie has an hour and a half in his DVD and he still doesn't cover everything.


Jay: Right, but I mean, Dat Phan couldn't come up with four new minutes in a year! What's weird is, he says, "I was at a urinal and this guy comes up to me and says 'I noticed the way you move out there, you move really smooth, do you do kung fu?'" What, I mean, are you at a urinal in a gay bookstore, a guy says you move really smoothly out there? Like at a urinal someone is going to come up to you and is like, "Hey, I like the way you move out there, it's real smooth." It's just bad, just awful, awful, awful.


RNO: What is Dat like?


Jay: He's genuine. He really believes he's fighting the good fight. Have you ever gone to his website? It like a crazy person wrote it, because a crazy person did. But that's really how he is.


RNO: I figured he's got to be exactly like he appeared on the show.


Jay: Yeah, you want to hate him, and then when you meet him, he's so thankful and he really, like… he believes it. He's like John Nash.


RNO: Is there anything you can tell us about the format for LCS3?


Jay: No house. Ten comics every week, five from each house. Bottom one from each house leaves. Whichever house has the highest vote-getter, the entire house wins $50,000. You want your best comics to go up, but you also want to convince someone to go up that you think could lose to go up, like you have to sucker someone into going. Because if you have five of your best comics going up, one of them is going to leave. You've got to convince a scrub like, "No, seriously, you're going to win this thing!" So the ten comics go up, America votes, every single show. So America votes for who they think is the funniest, so the lowest vote-getter from house one and the lowest vote getter from house two leave, they're out, they're gone, bye bye. So then you're down to eight comics, and you do it again.


RNO: Do you think there will be a LCS4?


Jay: I hope so, I like… it's a lot less pressure to be the perennial summer hit of just putting comics in the house and following that format. It's more nerve racking when the network says, "We need something for the fall, you guys think of it and do it, quick! But not the same thing!" So that's what we came up with is this version, no house. The ratings are higher when they're doing standup than when they move into the house, which surprises me. But the numbers don't lie. So they said, how about all standup with no house? I personally find the house fascinating, I could watch them in the house all the time. That's why, I love Tough Crowd with Colin Quinn, where they're just arguing and making fun of each other. And that's what I always hope would happen in the house, they start fighting.


RNO: There was a whole lot less of that this season. Is it because there wasn't a Dat Phan?


Jay: They were all more seasoned, so they sort of knew what was at stake. You've got Alonzo, his quote was, "I don't have to do a damn thing in the house, I just have to win on stage." And the people voting in the theater don't watch the show yet. So they don't know what happened in the house. Kathleen told us in the beginning, "I'm going to act exactly how I act in my own house, I'm not going to do anything differently." And she didn't. And then it came time to vote, she never had a challenge, and she never said anything funny on camera, and she got crushed in the voting. Then there's people like Todd, who realized that every time there's a camera around, even if it's annoying, I'm always going to do SOMETHING.


RNO: I'm really surprised he didn't do better on the whole. He said on his website that he lost the wild card by one vote.


Jay: (laughs) No, that's crazy.


RNO: That's what I figured.


Jay: It was close. It was two percent that separated him and Jay London. About 12,000 votes.


RNO: Now, it seemed that everything Jay London did cracked you up. Did you have a favorite, someone that you just couldn't wait to see perform?


Jay: Actually, Alonzo was my favorite pretty much all year. I just loved Jay London pretty much because he was a fish out of water. And I think I laughed more at just the idea that this guy was on prime time television. I knew him when he was practically homeless! So just the fact that he has this cheering section, and people have signs with his name on them!


RNO: It's no secret, Dale and I just love the guy.


Jay: Yeah, it's just, that's hilarious to me! This guy had nothing, and he came out of nowhere to make it all the way on board the show, and then he picked up steam, and… there's no one like him, that's for sure.


RNO: Let's talk about the book, Gasping for Airtime. Great book. You mentioned in the book that you started taking notes during the first season of Saturday Night Live for a possible book. Did you decide right then and there to write it?


Jay: I was reading Ball Four by Jim Bouton, it was really effortless to read. And that was kind of the motivation, I needed to write a Ball Four book about SNL. But I had to put it down, I just got swallowed up with this really negative terrible energy that it just turned into a complete whine-fest. Then we go to about a year or two years ago, it got brought up again. I had a meeting with Hyperion, I sat down with Hyperion, they said they were very very excited about having me write a book for them about SNL. When I was in their office, they had two books on display, one was George Carlin's and one was Kurt Cobain's. I thought, this is the place for me!


RNO: Yeah, that's good company. Since it started out as a book just about SNL, did you intend to include the part about your anxiety attacks or did that just happen as you wrote?


Jay: As I was writing I realized it was more of the story than I allowed myself to believe when I started. The more I wrote, the more I realized it was intrinsic to the entire experience and how much it was a part of me and it would be terrible for me to leave any of that out. And as I was writing about it I realized that I could actually be helping people.


RNO: Are you still on the…


Jay: Klonopin, yeah.


RNO: Do you still talk to anyone from the show?


Jay: Not really, I got a message from Fred Wolfe, the writer. It's more like in passing, everyone's on good terms, if I run into Sandler, or Rock, I wasn't even on with Chris, but… just like everyone was in the same school at one time.


RNO: If you see each other on the street…


Jay: Oh, yeah, you definitely stop and talk for a moment. But after a while… you know what's really interesting about the show is, when you see someone else from the show, you're incapable of small talk. Like you both deserved better. "Hey, Jay, what's going on," no, there is none of that.


RNO: Have you heard from anyone on the show about…


Jay: No, I get asked that every single time. No.


RNO: How do you go from being on SNL to being in movies?


Jay: Well, what else would you do? I mean, you don't want to settle for the middle.


RNO: You don't want to go back to standup?


Jay: Well, you can do standup, but doing films is just another way to succeed. That's what's great about standup comedy, there's no ceiling. So it's not a matter of how do you decide to do movies, it's WHEN you decide to do movies. There's really not a standup comic alive who hasn't said, "Hey, I could do a movie now if I felt like it." It's just that the quality of movies are different for each comic.


RNO: Before LCS, I'm sure everyone on the street came up to you and yelled "Show me the money!" [Note: The line that everybody remembers from Jery Maguire, which co-starred Jay as Jerry's rival sports agent.]


Jay: Oh they still do.


RNO: Does that bother you?


Jay: No, I like it. It's a great movie. Not good, it's a GREAT movie.


RNO: I say you had the best role in it.


Jay: I agree! And y'know, I don't want to be known as the reality host guy when it's all said and done, this is just an opportunity I took. It's a little side project that took off. So I'm flattered that people would go, "Hey, it's the guy from Jerry Maguire!"


RNO: Do you think you'll be writing another book?


Jay: I hope so, I would say if I'm betting on it, yes, but it's just what do you write about?


RNO: That was my follow-up question!


Jay: Do you write about every time a job didn't go your way? Or how do you successfully put your act into a book and disguise it as literature?


RNO: Not unless you're George Carlin, I guess.


Jay: Yeah, well, I don't think anybody's got jokes like that.


RNO: Besides LCS3, what else do you have in the works?


Jay: Taking a lot of time off, going back out on the road, and looking to make movies like I used to. I've got two movies in the can. King's Ransom and Are We There Yet?


RNO: So you're not working on anything now?


Jay: No, I'm laying in bed. A lot.


RNO: There was talk about an LCS tour at the end of last season. Are you doing anything with LCS2 as far as a club tour?


Jay: No, because they all went out. Money is powerful. Gary Gulman's touring with Alonzo Bodden and Jay London, and then John Heffron is touring with Tammy Pescatelli and Corey Holcombe. They're savages, the agents are savages, they book it so far out in advance. But whatever, no, there's not an official LCS tour, but they're all out there.


RNO: You said you're going out on the road again?


Jay: Yeah, I'm going out, I'm going to do some theaters instead of clubs, usually with Bert Kreisher opening for me.


RNO: Thank you very much for talking to us tonight, Jay! Have a good night.


Jay: All right, I'll see you later buddy.


Well, lovely. Bonnie's out, but the unfunny screaming girl is in. At least Bonnie was good to look at...

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I like Jay. I like that he's honest about who he doesn't like (Dat) and whatnot. And I liked Bonnie's sense of humor...and she was hot. That other girl sucks. I would much rather see Jim Norton...or anyone else really.

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So ANT got chosen because the NBC execs wanted a little gay guy running around the house? I couldn't imagine anyone voting for him, turns out I was right. Does anyone know why Kathleen was so pissed at the end? I get the sense she thought the contest was favored towards the guys.


BTW, Bonnie was hot, but I never thought she was funny in the slightest.

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BTW, Bonnie was hot, but I never thought she was funny in the slightest.

If you can find her "Comics!" CBC special, you'd find that she actually CAN be funny, but a 3 minute segment doesn't fit her style, whereas Jay London could rip one out while deciding what kind of animal he was going to be that day.


Here's a theory - Bonnie knew this. She knew that her "bitch" act wouldn't go over well, and she was probably gonna be eliminated quickly, so she "sabotaged" her act so that she wouldn't make the house. Except - the 3 veteran "talent scouts" knew she could be funny, and put her in anyways. So, knowing that she was heading to a showdown, she didn't choose someone who she had a chance of beating (ANT, Tammy), but instead chose someone who would get a jumpstart by being showcased (John).


Well, it's a working theory, anyways...

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Anyone else watching? I'm not familiar enough with season 1 but it looks like they've set up Jessica "PUT ME IN THE HOWWWSE" Kirson to do the job this week...

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Did somebody from Season 2 refuse to come back? What's the deal with the new funny fat comic Jessica Kirson, did they bring her in to counter Ralphie May's weight or just have her as a one show jobber?

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Did somebody from Season 2 refuse to come back? What's the deal with the new funny fat comic Jessica Kirson, did they bring her in to counter Ralphie May's weight or just have her as a one show jobber?

Bonnie McFarlane decided she didn't want to come back...

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This two minute nonsense is just stupid.


Of course, Heffron proved that if you're talented, you can be funny in two minutes.


Kershon was horrible, Kahaney wasn't much better, Heffron was good for what little time he had, I don't understand Tess, and Pescatelli is just...bad.


As much as I hate Ralphie May, if that was a joke that his father died, I'll kill him myself.

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As much as I hate Ralphie May, if that was a joke that his father died, I'll kill him myself.

Too much time to setup the joke, really. And they were old standards, to boot.

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Top 3:

John Heffron

Alonzo Bodden

Dave Mordal


You could flip the top two if you want, but the more things change, the more things stay the same. Season two had 3/5 good sets. Season one had 1.5 good ones (Vos seemed to die at the end)

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No way Ralphie is going out anytime soon. Sucks about his father, but that sympathy vote will pull far for him.

Ah, but since it's COMEDY, it may be seen as a ploy to keep him on. All the same, he's enough of a "name" that people will vote to keep him on.


I say Jessica and the first season 1 comic goes.


Voted for Heffron, Bodden and Mordal btw.

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To hell with Ralphie. I'm sorry, but he's not funny. Dead father or not he's using old jokes you could find in Maxim to cover fort he fact that he has no new material. Way to go for the sympathy vote. They're not his jokes! If he were funny to begin with I could let it slide.


Wow, Jessica's just as unfunny as I remember her...same jokes too.


Todd freakin Glass! Guy kills me every single time.


Unless Ralphie cries the whole time getting pitty votes till the end I can't see season 2 losing.

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Unless Ralphie cries the whole time getting pitty votes till the end I can't see season 2 losing.

Since they're not going strictly heads up against Mordal I'd have to agree. He's the only one from Season 1 I found to be very good. However since we're voting for one of ten people there's a chance that a great comic could end up going home (see Idol, American).

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I'm in the minority here, but I didn't find Mordal or Voss funny at all last season. In fact, the funniest person for me from Season 1 was Jay Mohr. But then I saw Dave doing bits on the Tonight Show and I thought he was pretty funny. His set last night was a lot funnier than anything he did last year. Voss is too inconsistent for me, too hit or miss. It seems that people (well at this board at least) like the comics who have a tight act, that sprinkle in personal life and contemporary issues. I've always liked comedians that are just out there, that do random stuff, like Norm McDonald, David Spade, David Cross, Patton Oswalt, Bob Odenkirk, Brian Posehn, Harland Williams (yeah I know most people hate him, but he's my kind of comic) Mitch Hedberg (sp?), hell I even like Todd Glass. The Season 1 cast were too "Standard Comic" for me, nothing out of the norm, nothing innovative. Season 2 was a definite improvement with Todd, Gulman, and Heffron. Again, I probably didn't like Mordal last year because he was too "cookie cutter" for me, but he has improved IMO. Season 2 should win in a landslide.

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To hell with Ralphie. I'm sorry, but he's not funny. Dead father or not he's using old jokes you could find in Maxim to cover fort he fact that he has no new material. Way to go for the sympathy vote. They're not his jokes! If he were funny to begin with I could let it slide.

I think he was telling his father's favorite jokes to honor him. Ralphie looked like he REALLY didn't want to be there, he didn't crack a smile all night.

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I've always liked comedians that are just out there, that do random stuff, like Norm McDonald, David Spade, David Cross, Patton Oswalt, Bob Odenkirk, Brian Posehn, Harland Williams (yeah I know most people hate him, but he's my kind of comic) Mitch Hedberg (sp?), hell I even like Todd Glass.

I actually thought Glass' set was pretty good yesterday actually, but not as funny as my top 3.


Anyways, Season 2 had the most total votes. The other 10 comics are performing today. So far:


Tere - 3/10. Wow, that was almost the exact opposite of funny

Jay London - 7/10. And Jay does a similar set, and does it a lot better.

Rob Cantrell - 2/10. I take that back. This was worse.

Corey Holcomb - 3/10. That gay story... what the fuck was that?


Weak weak WEAK so far. And since Dat Phan is next, don't expect that to change...



Dat Phan - 5/10. Stereotypes are played, but they're his strength. Best part - Jay mocks Dat Phan after his set.

Gary Gulman - 5/10. Weak set from the cookie monster. It looked like he was just getting warmed up when his 2 minutes were up.


(edit 2)


Kathleen Madigan - 8/10. I think that was her best set ever on LCS. But then again, mocking the president is generally pretty funny.


(edit 3)

Sean Kent - 6/10. Funny, but kinda blah

ANT - 6.5/10. No Scooby-Doo joke, and he's funnier when he turns up the gay


My top 3:




Edited by starvenger

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He got the memo that he had to be the CHRIS ROCK TUCKER clone for the show.......MAN!

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I hate the fact that Ralphie got someone else eliminated with his sob story. It's tragic, but as soon as he dropped the death card he knew there was no chance they would eliminate him.


And the 2 elimintions might as well have been done at the start of the show. Nothing could have been more predictable.


Even if he doesn't have a great set, Jay London makes me smile. And Gary Gulman is too damn likeable to go against.


Geoff Brown had the best set of season 1 so far. And Kathleen is always one of the best.


Dat Phan is still not funny. His stories just don't come off with any believability. "Hey, pick up my cane..." where the hell does that even come from?


And I actually liked Corey's set tonight.

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