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Bills are screwed

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Travis Brown just fucked up his leg during the Colts game. Less than a week after JP Losman broke his leg.


Now we're down to Bledsoe and a no-name from the practice squad for QB's.



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Travis Brown just fucked up his leg during the Colts game. Less than a week after JP Losman broke his leg.


Now we're down to Bledsoe and a no-name from the practice squad for QB's.



Paging Josh Booty... Your prima-donna ass is going to be needed in Buffalo again as a tackling dummy.

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Well... this would be a good reason to shorten the preseason to perhaps 2 games or not have any starters play in the last 2 games at all.

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Well... this would be a good reason to shorten the preseason to perhaps 2 games or not have any starters play in the last 2 games at all.

Then they can just get injured in the first game of the regular season


An injury is an injury

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Guest MikeSC
I just found out from the local news that Troy Vincent got hurt as well.

You've got to be fuckin' kidding me.


...Who thought the Bills might actually do well...

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Guest MikeSC
Have their starters still not scored a TD this preseason? Is there panic up in Buffalo these days?

I hope not. Somebody could get hurt by that.


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Have their starters still not scored a TD this preseason? Is there panic up in Buffalo these days?

Eric Moulds said on camera tonight (after we were losing like 30-10) something to the effect of:


"Nah, we're not worried - these are just simple plays for the preseason, we haven't run the true Buffalo offense yet".

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Guest MikeSC
Have their starters still not scored a TD this preseason?  Is there panic up in Buffalo these days?

Eric Moulds said on camera tonight (after we were losing like 30-10) something to the effect of:


"Nah, we're not worried - these are just simple plays for the preseason, we haven't run the true Buffalo offense yet".

There's a "non-suck" version of the Bills playbook?


Makes you wonder why Mularkey went through the trouble of creating a special, uber-suck version, doesn't it?


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Guest El Satanico

Travis Brown is a name QB?


With a new offensive coordinator it seemed Buffalo had a shot to improve from last year. Now their defense seems to be falling apart.

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I really think this is the last year of 4 pre-season games. It's just too many games that mean zip and only increase the risk of injuries. I mean, is there a point to playing one more game after this week? The teams would have played three "for real, holy shit that big guy's really hitting me" games. I think the rookies and new players would have a good feel for their team by now.


I can understand Slayer saying "injuries are injuries", but I dunno, getting injured in the first regular season game seems better than getting hurt in some exhibition.

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Guest El Satanico

There shouldn't even be 3, 2 games would be plenty. Game one sees the starters getting a series or two to get back up to speed, with the rest of the time being bench player time. Game two can be the extended tune up game for the starters, which is what the 3rd game is used for now.


One game would be best, but 2 games is probably the most the NFL would eliminate.

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Vincent Numb: Troy Vincent said the left side of his face went numb after he collided with Lawyer Milloy. He said they thought originally it was a jaw injury but x-rays were negative. It has been diagnosed as a pinched nerve. He said he was ready to go back in but was kept out for precautionary measures. He said he got the feeling back in the third quarter and he will be ready to go in practice on Monday.


Milloy To Have Surgery: Lawyer Milloy says his broken forearm will require surgery and then he will prepare for Jacksonville. He has never missed a game because of injury and doesn't plan to miss the opener. He will definitely miss the Lions preseason game and will most likely undergo surgery later today




Vincent's ok - that's good.

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I think the injuries have nothing to do with the length of the pre-season. The Browns 2nd round pick injure dhimself during a mini camp, Jon Jansen broke his leg in the HoF game, Losman broke his leg in Training Camp. A broken arm like what happened to Milloy isn't due to the length of the pre-season, its the fact that he landed bad. Landing bad can happen in any game. Over in Australia, the Western Bulldogs captin was lost for the year half-way through the first game of the year. I would say that had more to do with the fact that he landed wrong, rather than the fact he would have played in 4 pre-season games, 4 games is just fine for the pre-seaosn IMO

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