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AngleSlam Feedback!

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Tthe show is posted in HE (Home Entertainment). After you're done reading AS be sure to click on "FADE TO BLACK" at the end of the show so you can be transfered to the feedback thread.



Edited by Tony149

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The show is now available at OAOAST Home Entertainment. Click the link above to be taken there, and remember to click on "Fade to Black" after AS so you can be transfered back to the feedback thread.


Like I told Zack: I believe AS will rank up there with AM II & III as one of our best shows ever. The effort was great. Much props to Papacita for taking a corny tagline and making FANTASTIC graphics!

Edited by Tony149

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Sorry to all for me not clarifying whether or not I was going to be commentating or not. Hoff Pmed me at WDI, but I only just got the PM twenty minutes ago, due to my pop-up blocker blocking the PM pop-up and me not noticing the "1 new message" thing at the top.


It was weird for me to commentate on some matches and not others and I apologise again for me not being on the ball.


It was nice that there was finally a PPV in England for me and Eskimo.

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While having only skimmed the show and several matches, I'd like to briefly toss out props to Cal/Sly, PattyStar, I mean, Shattered O'Green, I mean...yeah him. As well as Hoff, Papa, Parka, and everyone else. We had a hell of an effort going into this, which shows when you read it. The matches were very well done, some surprises to get the ball rolling for fall, and SICK graphics from Papa, who outdoes himself every month.


Now, as for my match, Crystal winning was a long term plan that myself and several others got behind nearly one YEAR ago. The time and effort put into everything from the Thrillogy formation, my heel turn, Adam, Sly and Northstar's involvement/turns, and of course CC's part all made the AS main event possible. It has been one of the best stories I've gotten to write in my near three years here, and I had a hell of a time writing this match. I hope you all enjoy reading it as much as I did putting it together.


The OAOAST is at a high right now, and I for one don't want us to come down. Kudos all around.

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So far I've just skimmed the show because of work, but it looks like one of our best ever. Congrats to CC on Crystal's win. The storyline building to that win is better than anything WWE could even dream of doing nowdays.


What does everyone think of Blurricane's new look and the fact that he's back?

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Having only skimmed through the majority of the card, from what saw, it was a top quality, 5 Star Show. I had already read the Hoff-Gunner mathc for obvious reasons, and want to give Hoff a heartfelt thanks for taking this storyline by the balls and making it what it was, a great feud up to this point. But don't worry boys, girls and undecided, because with Gunner vs. Chris Stevens signed for this week's HeldDown, ITS NOT OVER~!


I read the Main Event start to finish, every word, every syllable. Since Zack told me his plans many, many months ago, I had been waiting for that match. It sure as hell delivered. That was simply awesome. Zack and Crystal, from a fan's perspective, thank you for putting such an awesome feud together, and thank you for including me in that feud in some small way. I think we are in dire need of The One and Only Crystal Thread, BUT, I'm not going to start it, I think that honor belongs to the man who passed the title onto her, one Zack Malibu. More detailed feedback for the rest of the card later, but for the time being, You did it girl! YOU FUCKING DID IT! WHO'S THE (WO)MAN? YOU'RE THE (WO)MAN! Congradulations.

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Well, I too have only really skimmed the show. But, yeah, possibly the best show I've read since I've been around.


First and foremost, Papa's graphics are off the chain/hook/whatever buzz word it is this month. Simply awesome. Show wise, I agree with Zack that the OAOAST really is on a high. The Tag Division is looking rock solid right now and the humour is certainly there to keep the show skimmers (i.e me) interested. Storylines running through the fed, from COD's winning over The Saints...SJ and Cappa...everything Hoff has been doing, which is interesting to say the least...Blurricane's return...Panther and Bryte, which as usual was great. Rick Shirley is so off the wall that it's laugh out loud crazy.


And then of course, the main event which managed to surpass last month. Congrats to Crystal of course, on being the new World's Champion...but also to Zack, because the entire storyline has been top class. Pun intended. Zack's character in particular. The way he's developed from a cocky heel to the unbalanced, parranoid Zack he is now has been great.

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Good show. I think it was much better then AM III. I got a chance to read all the matches. Several times in some cases.


Zack, you left feedback! How thoughtful and unsolicited.


Random thoughts:


-Leon Rodez reminds me of a GPX you can bring home to mom. The kind of GPX who won’t make your dad get his shotgun. Patty likes the humorous direction of his character.


-I wrote the 10 grand match in fifteen minutes. It reads like it to.


-Zack wrote a quality main event! The storyline behind his and Crystal’s feud was wonderfully done. However I was surprised that Zack’s entire reign consisted of a feud with one person. I would hope his ranting and raving lunatic character doesn’t go away now that he’s lost the belt. Although now that he’s dropped it he has nothing to obsess over.


-Judas Vs Cain was a good match. Their contest was sort of secondary to Edwards Vs Edwards, but it stood well on its own. It would have been easy for Parka to slack off on the match (that’s what I would’ve done!) but he put together a nice piece of writing.


-Great TLC match! I thought GPX fighting their way off the stretchers and making it back to the ring was an excellent bit. It made them look like gutsy faces.


-You’ll all be very disappointed when you find out what a Muse is.


-You’ll all be very disappointed when there isn’t any follow up on the 10 grand match this HD~! I regret making that stipulation already.

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-Zack wrote a quality main event! The storyline behind his and Crystal’s feud was wonderfully done. However I was surprised that Zack’s entire reign consisted of a feud with one person. I would hope his ranting and raving lunatic character doesn’t go away now that he’s lost the belt. Although now that he’s dropped it he has nothing to obsess over.

Not true. Sly was the first feud post title win, when I was teetering on the turn. It was that feud that transitioned me into a heel role, and Sly into a face. Honestly, I feel the whole angle, with the reluctant partnerships of the faces (Sly, Crystal, Northstar had all had feuds at one point), the formation of the Thrillogy and Zack's turn on Crystal...it all flowed flawlessly. There was actually a time when I wound up getting the second job that I feared I wouldn't be able to devote enough time to the angle, but I pushed on. Hell, some of those Zack tirade promo's that turned out so well and were liked I wrote in quickie spans of like ten minutes. Still, I almost hate to see the angle end since I had so much fun with it, but I'm glad to hear you guys feel my title run went out with a bang.


And nothing to obsess over? Oh ye of little faith, Thursday shall prove you wrong!

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Brief feed from me...


It goes without saying that graphics were fantastic, and Tony did a great job putting everything together.


Hoff vs Gunner - a good big man bout, with convincing near falls towards the end- I really thought Hoff was going to win. A great match to start the card and pop the crowd with the return of AJ Flaire.


Judas vs Cain - entertaining stuff, I enjoyed Cain throwing Judas about. Cain being portrayed by the bad ass Angel guy just makes the character for me.


Cappa vs SJ - I wasn't expecting Los Infernales to show up. Maybe they'll be showing up in the tag team division too... It should be interesting to see where Cappa goes from here.


Stone vs Rodez- Fun match, as ever from these guys, with good psychology and Drek showing his match stealing abilities. Crystal vs Drek sometime soon?


TLC- Not sure if I went a little overboard on some of the spots, but it was fun to write and I hope to read. Stay tuned to the tag division for a truly HUGE match in every sense of the word coming soon...


Bryte vs Panther - Now this is a pay off. Good to see Panther finally getting the victory after some good stiff action. And a flaming~! chair improves any match.


CoD vs. Saints - Heh, awesome. I love Saints being saved from the undercard of the tag division and getting a great storyline like this. "Stone Cold Stumper" got an LOL from me.


Edwards vs Edwards- Another good match. Blurricane being back was a surprise, but was interesting to see him back.


Szechstein vs Sommers - Violent and fun, if kinda short. I could have read more of this.


$10k challenge- good showcase for the Bryants. The Tag Team Top Ten will hopefully catch on and become really important.


Zack vs Crystal - Great match, great main event. From Zack's heel tactics and steady disintegration to Crystal's whipping of the champ, everything here worked.


Overall, an excellent show. Perhaps not quite enough truly outstanding stuff to go down as a best ever type card, but everything was at least good or very good. Congrats to everyone involved.

Edited by Mystery Eskimo

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I too loved the graphics. And the intro. On to the matches!


Gunner vs. Hoff

Hey! AJ!


Nice opening match! A very good big man match, with alot of emotion. Good choice to open. It's always cool when a face wins the first match, to get the crowd ecstatic.


Predictions: 1 for 1


Judas vs. Christopher Cain

Good big man vs. Small man match. Finish wasn't clean, but it made Judas look good. Hopefully this continues.


Predictions: 1 for 2


The Mad Cappa vs. Stephen Joseph

Short, but it made it's point. Good to see the Los Infernos (MARK OUT~!).


Predictions: 1 for 3


Leon vs. Drek

Boo-urns on the finish! Nah, I'm kidding. But damn, did Drek look bad ass here. Leon makes a great underdog too. And I love how Leon didn't get serious and stayed true to his character before the match. Word indeed.


Predictions: 2 for 4


NNMX vs. GPX vs. Black T: Tag Team Titles

Ah, I'm loving the tag division. By Gawd, the one foot high ladder! Is there any place that Jivin' JR will not go?


Seriously, awesome match, and huge kudos to whomever wrote it. I loved how there were some sense to the spots, and how everyone was logically incapitated for the finish. Interesting ending with T-Bod, though. We'll see where that goes.


Predictions: 3 for 5


Chris Bryte vs. Panther

HA! Cole said "vintage"!


Hells yeah, this match was B-R-utal. Just sick, but in a good way! Nice little touch at the end with Tina getting the last shot on Bryte. Just insane.


Predictions: 4 for 6


COD vs. The Saints

Aw man, poor Logan. I still think you rule!


Cool match, with just the right amount of comedy in it. And making fun of Cole is ALWAYS cool.


Predictions: 5 for 7



Blurricane (~!) vs. JAE

Hey! Blurricane's back! Good match, but a very small suggestion: IMO, counts are better when they are spaced out. I think it builds the anticipation more that way. Still a very good match though.


Ah man, no 5 minutes?


Predictions: 5 for 8


Sly vs. Calvin

EW. What's with the knife being used? Die Cal Die, indeed. Another bloody good (haha, GET IT?!?) match.


Predictions: 6 for 9


4-Way Tag Match for $10 000

Aw, poor Skulls! No reaction? Whatta burn!


Nice match. I love how the tag division is so deep, we can have two multi-tag team matches on one card. Just tremendous.


Prediction: 6 for 10


And we all know the World Title Match was great :P

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Thanks for the compliments CC. The reason I didn't space out my pin counts this time around was I had actually gotten some complaints about how I spaced out all my counts so I decided to test the waters with unspaced counts this time around.

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Thanks for the compliments CC. The reason I didn't space out my pin counts this time around was I had actually gotten some complaints about how I spaced out all my counts so I decided to test the waters with unspaced counts this time around.

Ah, I guess it's just a preference, but I'm partial to spaced out counts. Whatever floats your boat, I suppose.

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Well I'd kind of like to know what everyone in the OAOAST thinks about spaced out counts. Good or Bad?


I personally like both. When I space out my counts it's not always a matter of being dramatic. I did it to show how long the count was and how long it was after the 2 that he kicked out. If you go back and notice in some of my old matches the space between 2 or 3 and No!! was different each time. Sometimes the difference wasn't too noticable though.


But on the other hand I can see how it can become over done.

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Although I had no idea who half the people were, and what the storylines were, it was a very entertaining show. People painted good verbal pictures in their matches. But major props have to go to CC and Zack for the main. Really nice buildup and a great ending. Kudos all around.

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