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Guest Paul H.

Putting on weight.

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Guest Paul H.

Basically the title says it all.I'm 6'0,190lbs but i wanna pack on some more pounds.


Now i've been told that..


a.I should eat lots of small meals throughout the day.




B.Stuff my face 2x a day and wash it down with protein shakes..



Where should I go?I just wanna pack on some pounds of whatever I don't wanna lift shit so don't come here some Atkins shit..

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

So..you're just trying to get fat? You're telling me you can't figure out how one might go about doing that?

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I'm 6'1 and I'm trying to get down to around 190 from 220. If you are seriously working out on regular bases then you won't end up on the chubb side because just eating plans on their own never work for the best.

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Guest Paul H.

1.I'm not working out and don't want too.

2.I wanna gain fat or whatever.

3.The purpose is just cuz really. :huh:

4.AOB if i knew I wouldn't ask.Stuffing my face hasn't been that effective believe it or not.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

This being basically a wrestling site.............


STERIODS.....yep, steriods.

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Guest ally mccoist

No exercise and junk food. Try not to walk everywhere a lot because that burns off calories. The recommended daily calories for a man is something like 2500. Double that and you'll be on your way. No offence to any yanks here, but if you live in the USA it can't be THAT hard to gain weight.

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Since this isn't CE, I'll put aside our past arguement.


You're already a little above ideal weight for your height, the various methods suggest 170-180.


What's the motivation here? Are you trying to gain weight for something like football or a similar athletic activity, or do you want a belly and manboobs? I can't imagine why anyone would choose the second, but they're two different methods with different results.

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Are you trying to gain weight for something like football or a similar athletic activity, or do you want a belly and manboobs?

1.I'm not working out and don't want too.

2.I wanna gain fat or whatever.


My guess is he has a go-nowhere factory job and he's been brainstorming...the best he could come up with was that if his guy gets stuck in some machinery, he can file for workman's comp.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I'm pretty sure you get something like 20 thousand dollars on workman's comp for losing an eye...

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I'm pretty sure you get something like 20 thousand dollars on workman's comp for losing an eye...

What happens if you get your "guy" stuck in there? Would it be more than $20,000?

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Guest T®ITEC

I think he dropped the soap when Bradshaw was backstage. Bradshaw doesn't especially like the French, even if they're from Quebec.

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Guest Just Looking
You're already a little above ideal weight for your height, the various methods suggest 170-180.

That comment is dangerously wrong. Those charts do not take into account muscle or body type. Don't EVER take those charts as gospel. Trust me on this one.


I was once 6', 280+ pounds, and through a lot of running and watching what I ate (i.e. doing it the right way), I lost 80+ pounds. But the chart said I should be 184 at the most, so I kept going. However, no matter what I did, I couldn't get below 195 pounds. So I decided to starve myself, eating nothing but one plain turkey sandwich on wheat bread a day, while also running 5 miles a day. That got me to around 185, but my body nearly shut down on me, to the point where I literally could not walk down a hallway for more than 100 feet because I couldn't lift my feet off the ground. Finally, I got to the point where I had to eat, so I started to eat normal again, but would then force myself to throw up. That finally did get me to 180 pounds, but I couldn't stand up without leaning on something for support. That was me- 6', 180 pounds and I couldn't stand by myself, but according to the charts, I was barely within the range of a normal body type. Luckily, I stopped doing all that stuff, and have stayed between 195 to 200 pounds. I still look a bit too skinny at times, but at least I'm finally healthy enough to play a whole softball game without having my legs die on me.


So please don't say that 6', 190 is too heavy, because that's terribly inaccurate. Your body will tell you what is healthy, and what isn't.

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Guest Anglesault

On the subject of weight, I seem to have lost a little over ten pounds since last Tuesday. Is that bad?

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Guest Anglesault
On the subject of weight, I seem to have lost a little over ten pounds since last Tuesday. Is that bad?


Okay then.

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