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Guest tnamark

Randy Orton's new theme music

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Guest Archibald Mutombo
Sucks! They need to get rid of that quick because it sounds terrible.....


I agree with you 100%



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Orton's new music is quite horrible. It, for me, ruins his whole entrance, thus half of his character. After last night I completely lost interest in him, although probably not because of JUST his theme music.

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You know, New Dawn Fades by Moby would work perfectly for Randy.


Hell, I'd rather seen it given to a better wrestler. Any of Moby's work- gold.


But this isn't the music folder.

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Like all...I said it was horrible when I heard it also.


But the fucking song has been in my head all day in school. :( And what makes it so bad I don't even know the lyrics.


It's become a guilty pleasure in less then a day..I actually like it :|. Or I don't like it and its one of those catchy tunes..but whatever. I feel like downloading it now...

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Guest complete confusion

I think they should have further the egomanical edge of Orton and say he brought the rights to the Evolution theme and turn it into a intramentual version


He should at least keep the golden entrance.

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I like the intro, with the building up drums, but once the lyrics kick in it's nothing special.

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Guest Anglesault

Who does Batista suck to get better music than anyone else in the company, including anyone who has held either world title all year?

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Guest GreatOne

Can't go wrong with Jesus Christ Superstar or Exodus (the first one Hennig used).


Although I'm guessing that Anglesault is secretly beaming that Orton's music is as generic as Test's :D

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Who does Batista suck to get better music than anyone else in the company, including anyone who has held either world title all year?

What's wrong with "Whatever"?


I remember losing my voice singing that at WrestleMania XX when Benoit won...

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Guest Anglesault
Um, Anglesault...


Benoit and Triple H both have better theme music than Batista. So did Orton when he won the title.


On Smackdown...give you that.

HHH maybe. Evolution's theme is completely unintelligible and the vocalist on Benoit's song sounds whiney as all hell. I can take deep throated yellers and screamers (obviously) but the minute I hear a whiner I flip the station.

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Guest GreatOne
Evolution's theme is completely unintelligible


Don't diss Lemmy like that. I don't care if it DOES come across like 'pissed Marine' or 'listerine' :lol:

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Who does Batista suck to get better music than anyone else in the company, including anyone who has held either world title all year?

It suits his monster persona. I don't think it'd be as good if Orton used it.

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Guest Kaspar Kucera

It sounds decent, but it sounds so generic that I instantly forget it 2 minutes afterwards. It is hardly fitting for the new superstar World Champion of the company.

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Guest Big Daddy V1
Evolution's theme is completely unintelligible


Don't diss Lemmy like that. I don't care if it DOES come across like 'pissed Marine' or 'listerine' :lol:

Too bad Evolution didn't come live for Wrestlemania, doing the Evolution theme. That would have been very nice for the icing on the cake against Rock and Foley and being able to hear either 'mystery', 'pissed marine' or 'listerine' once and for all.

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hell probably get a new theme soon so dont worry. and I love the evo theme and I can understand it.....mostly



Evolution is a mystery, full of changes no one see, god ( i think) makes a fool of history. Yesterday's too long ago, don't (or won't) agree with what I know, tommorrows got no place to be (I think) I see the light, in the sand, time to find out who I am, looking back to see where I stand, Evolution,, Evolution


See my reflection change, nothing ever stays the same, don't you know the names the game... You dont what it means, nothing's ever what it seems, unforgiven, unforseen


I see the light in the sand, time to find out who I am, looking back to see where I stand, evolution, evolution, evolution ,guitar solo



I think thats about right or not



actually the evo theme fits orton more than the group, as he is like an evolution of the orton family

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Guest Anglesault
Randy's theme is "Take Whats Mine" by Mercy Drive.

With the words "drive" "mercy" and the phrase "take what's mine" someone should be able to come up with a half way clever term to describe the crappiness of it.

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