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EVIL~! alkeiper

MLB Game Chatter

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Red Sox have a very key stretch coming up now.


v. Anaheim until thursday

v. Texas for friday and the weekend

@ Oakland monday-wednesday

@ Seattle thursday-sunday

v. Tampa tuesday-thursday

v. Yanks friday-sunday


Anaheim, Texas, and Oakland are all play-off caliber teams. Seattle is a series that they have to sweep to keep up and possibly gain some ground. Tampa isn't a pushover anymore, so that won't be an easy series, and then the Yanks come to town.


This stretch will establish the Red Sox as a contender or a pretender.

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And I'm heading this off now. Anglesault, you have one post available to bitch about the Yankees' performance tonight. After that, no more. I don't want this thread taken up by a stream of continual complaining.

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And I'm heading this off now. Anglesault, you have one post available to bitch about the Yankees' performance tonight. After that, no more. I don't want this thread taken up by a stream of continual complaining.

Can I complain about the Mets?


Listen what Cameron and Floyd say:

Cliff Floyd, usually clear-eyed and optimistic, all but issued a concession speech when he said, "things aren't looking bright. There's no light at the end of the tunnel."

Mike Cameron, another upbeat Met, echoed the dreary sentiment, saying, "San Diego took everything we had away from us. They took everything."





A truce was reached, but the fact that Duquette was forced to respond to a clubhouse-related issue was an open indictment of the manager. Executives are increasingly concerned that Howe has lost touch with his players. One veteran said, "it's like playing for your grandfather."

That dissatisfaction has apparently reached the highest level of the organization. According to one insider, Jeff Wilpon, the son of the owner and the club's chief operating officer, bluntly told Howe, "you're too weak."


and Zambrano's on the DL, Benson has a tired arm.......AAAAAAAAAAH!

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Man, the Cubs are awesome.


Aside from not being able to put away a single WC competitor yet, despite having many chances to do so, their starting pitching in the last week has been garbage; their bullpen has been even worse; the defense is borderline embarrassing at times; the baserunning is positively embarrassing; Sosa continues to be a shell of his former self and guys like Nomar and Lee have gone cold as of late. On top of all that, instead of addressing the horrible bullpen issue, we went out and grabbed a back up catcher for the back up catcher. Tremendous.


The one positive is we picked up Ben Grieve for the infamous PTBNL.


But man, at this point, despite having a soft schedule ahead of them, things are getting real interested the last month of the season. In addition to the Cubs, Giants and Padres, the Marlins and Astros are suddenly back into it. Like they did with the Astros this past weekend, the Cubs will have the opportunity to put the Marlins out for good, as they face each other six times in the coming weeks. Things are getting real depressing for these guys, as if things haven't been that way most of the season.

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Well, atleast one positive I can take from the Yankee game, since i'm a Vizquel fan i'm happy for him going 6-6 tying an American League record. Other than that, a pitiful performance. Good thing they play again tomorrow.

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One positive for the Cubs is that they don't have to play the Cardinals again. The talking heads on ESPN kept saying how terrible and disgraceful that was, well from the Cubs standpoint, it is a GREAT break.


And watchout, because the Expos are about to catch the Mets, that is how bad it has gotten, Mets have lost 10 of 12 and are 11 under .500. Could be the third year in a row Mets finish last

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Holy shit. I knew the Yankees were losing bad, but damn. I hereby rescind my declaration. Anglesault has every right to bitch about this game.

Here come da flood

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At first I thought that the score was an odd night for a preseason football game with The Browns are beating the Giants 22-0 but then I double checked and saw it really was the Yankees..




And Im going to the O's/Yankees game on Sept 11th at Camden Yards. I just got my tickets today.


Just as I posted this, Julio blows the save for the Os by giving up a 2 out HR to Huff to tie the game at 5.

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It's funny, because unlike other blowouts that eventually just turn into a lot of scoreless innings for both teams, the Indians have added on in six innings. And not just a run or two; most of them have been three at the least, with a pair of sixers up there. Loiaza didn't help things, giving up six himself and it's basically no secret that he was a one-season wonder.

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At first I thought that the score was an odd night for a preseason football game with The Browns are beating the Giants 22-0 but then I double checked and saw it really was the Yankees..




And Im going to the O's/Yankees game on Sept 11th at Camden Yards. I just got my tickets today.


Just as I posted this, Julio blows the save for the Os by giving up a 2 out HR to Huff to tie the game at 5.

My university is taking a bus trip to this game. If it weren't for work, I'd go.

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One positive for the Cubs is that they don't have to play the Cardinals again. The talking heads on ESPN kept saying how terrible and disgraceful that was, well from the Cubs standpoint, it is a GREAT break.

They could play the fucking Diamondbacks the rest of the season and I'm not sure it'd matter much. The Cubs look like anything but a playoff team right now.

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Guest Ray_Rougeau

Being a fan of a low-market team (Toronto) and seeing the stacked Yankees lose to a team who isn't exactly in the wildcard running anymore, this is awesome. The Yankees will still more than likely win it all this year, but I can enjoy a thrashing like this for one night. Too bad the Yankees will probably win by 10+ tomorrow.

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Guest Anglesault
Holy shit. I knew the Yankees were losing bad, but damn. I hereby rescind my declaration. Anglesault has every right to bitch about this game.

Eh, shit happens. No team can win every game, and sometimes things get out of control. What can you do.

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