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For those of you who are currently outcasts from the WWE folder, i thought i'd let you know that you are missing absolutely nothing (shocking i know). The material in this thread has actually been more interesting than anything i've seen on that forum so far today. Fascinating subjects on the agenda include "when did Vince lose his mind", "WWE Title or World Title" and about 10 other threads involving Eugene, the dress code, Stevie in drag and HHH. I've been coming back on and off all morning during the slow periods at work and I dont think i've posted in there once. Wait, that's a lie, i did post in one about failed main eventers, but that's all.

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For those of you who are currently outcasts from the WWE folder, i thought i'd let you know that you are missing absolutely nothing (shocking i know). The material in this thread has actually been more interesting than anything i've seen on that forum so far today.


Splendid! All is going just as we planned!

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For those of you who are currently outcasts from the WWE folder, i thought i'd let you know that you are missing absolutely nothing (shocking i know). The material in this thread has actually been more interesting than anything i've seen on that forum so far today.


Splendid! All is going just as we planned!

Who the fuck is that old man?


And this is better than the RAW thread. All it is is people spooging over spots.



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First, Randy Orton SMACKAHOO! in the Ear of Trippy Ache.


And if that wasn’t enough, the WWE Champion then Deathened the Master and Ruler... of the WORLD a victory over Eugene by Kissing with a The Great Wall of China on the latest RAW.


Indeed, it’s been a busy couple of weeks for the Legend Astonishingly, who now better shift his focus away from Evolution and direct it toward MONSTERTRUCK. The Big Red Newlywed will Run Orton on MONDAY MONDAY MONDAY! HE IS SOOOO ANGRY AND WANTS RE-VENGE! OOOOH HEEEELLL YEAAAAAAH!!! YELL! YELL! YELL!


And Kane doesn’t figure to be Pretty after learning his new Crackwhore who loves Crack and Whoring, Lita secretly signed the Big Red Jim Morrison up for a match with Jesus at Unforgiven.


Of course, Orton probably had this coming. He didn’t exactly Angry himself to Eric Bischoff, who booked the match just moments after Orton Consummated on the RAW GM’s foot.


Also, last week on RAW, Bischoff wanted The Champ, brother to Roidragedly Eugene once and for all. However, Randy Orton, who continues his defiance of Honkers and make life Honkers, interfered in the match and cost The GAYme GAAAAAAAYME! the victory. This Monday night The guy who buttfucked Chyna and Eugene will battle each other again. This time it will be in a Vince McMahon. Will The guy who buttfucked Steph finally get what he wants and Drive Eugene? Or will Eugene Halt once again? Find out BUY! BUY! BUY!


Also, the 3 Peso RAW Women of Questionable Moral Fibre Search reached unreal heights this past week. It appears as though some of the contestants are developing a genuine Mindnumbingly for each other. Watch this week to see who's next to be shown the Laugh.

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Could be worse Rudo. You could be me, who went with the old stand-by from when I was ten. The tried and true method of using crap and ass for all verbs and nouns.


KANE VS. ORTON, Triple H vs. Eugene in a STEEL CAGE!


Sept. 6, 2004


First, Randy Orton crap in the ass of Triple-Juice~!.


And if that wasn’t enough, the WWE Champion then crap the Triple Haitch a victory over Eugene by crap with a ass on the latest RAW.


Indeed, it’s been a busy couple of weeks for the Legend Crappy, who now better shift his focus away from Evolution and direct it toward ass. The Big Red Newlywed will crap Orton on Downhome.


And Kane doesn’t figure to be crappy after learning his new walking, talking gash Lita secretly signed the Big Red Ass up for a match with Noah at Unforgiven.


Of course, Orton probably had this coming. He didn’t exactly crappy himself to Eric Bischoff, who booked the match just moments after Orton crap on the RAW GM’s foot.


Also, last week on RAW, Bischoff wanted The Raw main event scene to crappy Eugene once and for all. However, Randy Orton, who continues his defiance of Steph’s pharmacist and make life crappy, interfered in the match and cost Mr. Stephanie the victory. This Monday night Trips and Eugene will battle each other again. This time it will be in a ass Will The future champ finally get what he wants and crap Eugene? Or will Eugene crap once again? Find out GET THE F OUT!!!


Also, the Three Dollar RAW Missy Hyatt Search reached unreal heights this past week. It appears as though some of the contestants are developing a genuine crappy for each other. Watch this week to see who's next to be shown the crap.

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I swear I had to stop for a moment after...


"First, Randy Orton crap in the ass of Triple-Juice~!."


Good lord the Quote Material :)


Edit: It didn't take long for me to stop after...


"The Big Red Newlywed will crap Orton on Downhome."


Edit:: "This time it will be in a ass Will The future champ finally get what he wants and crap Eugene? Or will Eugene crap once again? Find out GET THE F OUT!!!"







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Guest Kaspar Kucera

First, Randy Orton slept in the colon of the next World Champion.


And if that wasn’t enough, the WWE Champion then slipped the The Game/All Around Great Guy over Eugene by dancing with a vacuum cleaner.


Indeed, it’s been a busy couple of weeks for the Legend Sleeper, who now better shift his focus away from Evolution and direct it toward 9. A Giant Peache. The Big Red Newlywed will splatter Orton on WATCH SMACKDOWN!


And Kane doesn’t figure to be orange after learning his new pink pants Lita secretly signed the Big Red Necrophiliac up for a match with Job at Unforgiven.


Of course, Orton probably had this coming. He didn’t exactly 16. Adjective himself to Eric Bischoff, who booked the match just moments after Orton puked on the RAW GM’s foot.


Also, last week on RAW, Bischoff wanted Cerebral Assassin to foppish Eugene once and for all. However, Randy Orton, who continues his defiance of The Leader of Evolution and make life dandier, interfered in the match and cost HGH the victory. This Monday night The Game and Eugene will battle each other again. This time it will be in a vagina. Will The Greatest Wrestler ever finally get what he wants and ejaculate Eugene? Or will Eugene erupt once again? Find out BUY THE PPV!


Also, the 15 yuan RAW Fishmonger Search reached unreal heights this past week. It appears as though some of the contestants are developing a genuine leather for each other. Watch this week to see who's next to be shown the pervert.

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And here are the mahjik words....


"And that's how JR learned the true meaning of breakfast" = 15 pnts.


"Euphemistically" = 20 pnts


"You sunk my battleship" 5 points.


"Tutelage" 5 points.


"OMG ROCK" -1,000,000 points.


"This DIVA search is really rewarding" = 20 pnts.


"fangoriously" 12 pts


"Corked~!" = 5 pnts.


1, 2, got hi....No" - 20 points


"circumference" - 15 points

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Yeah, I really hope they lift my suspension.


And by that I mean this metaphorical, deep philosophical, esoteric, metaphysical, transubstantial suspension that I share will all of my fallen brothers.

You want me to suspend you RRR? I'll gladly do it!



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Zere vill be nein humor in ze WWE folder!




Good show, Col. Kloss!  Soon the WWE folder will be filled with bland humorless posters like Coffey who will not use humor to sidetrack from our wonderfully boring circular discussions about Triple H and Randy Orton.




Danke, Nik




Duplicate posted here (originally posted in the main WWE Folder Rules Thread) for the benefit of my fallen brothers in comedy

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Yeah, I really hope they lift my suspension.


And by that I mean this metaphorical, deep philosophical, esoteric, metaphysical, transubstantial suspension that I share will all of my fallen brothers.

You want me to suspend you RRR? I'll gladly do it!



You don't have the balls...

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Heyman is at RAW in a very familiar position. No, not hiding from debtors, though that is not out of the realm of possibility, but rather as a writer. What does this mean for RAW?




*Walks down a back alley, wearing a greyish trenchcoat, cigarette in-hand, black-and-white footage, shot at a skewed angle*


Well I see here now Paul Heyman is back on RAW. Whoopidee doo. The Grand Jewba is back to save all us smarks from the reign of terror that has been RAW. The DIVA search is running OUT of control and OUT of gas, the storylines are repetitive, and there is a champion whom many feel isn't ready and doesn't deserve the push he's getting, and here comes Paul E. to save us... Wait a second... Skanky, Foul-Mouthed Women on TV... Repetitive Storylines... Undeserving champion... Hell, Paul HAS been writing RAW, only he called it ECW in 2000.


Here's what we're going to get from Paul E. Jericho turning heel. Jericho leading Christian and Edge against Benoit. Benoit vs. Jericho all throughout the rest of the year. Why? Because that's what Paul does. He knows that if he puts Benoit out there with Jericho it's a no-fail situation. Just like with Angle in 02/03. They have no issue, there is no character development, there is just two guys in the ring wrestling and hell, everyone will be happy with it because for that moment (and for that moment only), you'll see some good television. Nevermind this does nothing for them in the long-run, nevermind that it keeps them stuck in the midcard, nevermind that it's all recycled material - hey, you're getting good matches and good promos so who cares? *takes a long puff*




Maybe it's good Paul E. is back on the scene, maybe he's changed and has a fresh vision for the future of RAW... yeah, and maybe these things are good for me. *Throws down Cigarette*

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