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The Mandarin

Favourite/Least Fav. Regular Spots

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You know, the cool stuff that leads up to the end. Before Triple H wins.



1) Flair Flop

2) Jericho's Cocky Pin

3) Green Mist


Honorable mention to Chris Benoit's BOOMSHAKALAKA and Chris Jericho's Walls of Jericho. Oh, come on, he never wins/finishes with that.


Least Favourite-

1) Randy Orton's chinlock

2) Triple H's main event sleeper

3) The Worm (does Scotty even have a finisher?)

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I loath the Stinkface, don't like Undi's Old School, and I have to say that I'm not keen on the Flair Flop either.


I get a kick out of The Rock, when he mimics his opponents mannerism before decking them. I like Benoit snotting his opponent. And I like Samoa Joe's Ole Ole Kick.

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Benoit's Triple German Suplex


Rico's Moonsault


Undertaker's Old School


TWGTT's Leap Frog


Least Favorite:


Benoit's Flying Heatbutt


The Stinkface


Christian's Chinlock of Doom


Cena's 5 Knuckle Shuffle


The Worm


3) The Worm (does Scotty even have a finisher?)


That is his finisher.

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Guest Rrrsh



Randy's Chinlock

Jericho's Running Flash Back

Jericho's Running Enzugiri






Old School

Batista's Knockout blow (I assume his finisher is still the DemonBomb)

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

I like Batista's Pop-Up Spinebuster and the Flair Flop. Plus Angle's spinning hoot, and Cena's Throwback.

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the Kurt Angle missed moonsault

Jericho's runnig enzuiguri

any time Chris Hero uses the cravate


Least favourite:

Shawn Michaels kip-up

John Cena 5 Knuckle

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While I'm here.



Hardcore Holly's dropkick

Eddie's 3 Amigos

RVD's split-legged moonsault

Jericho's running turnbuckle leap into a dropkick

Angle's running top rope throw



HBK's back from the dead nip-up

Cena's Five knuckle shuffle (and his shoe pumping)

Anything from Ric Flair. I could handle him 10+ years ago but now it's just pathetic.

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Jericho's Enziguri

Tajiri kicks

RVD Split-legged

Benoit's chops/clothesline

Arrogant cover!


Least favorite:

By far: slingshot into cornerpost (most ridiculous looking move IMO)


Rock's no-touch Belly-to-Belly and Sharpshooter


Chinlock (not hard to learn an armbar or something guys. even a bearhug but NOT....)


Bear hug when the attacker sticks his ass way out, thus completely neutralizing the point of the move (BROCK! I'm looking at you)

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One I forgot was the spot where, in the ring, one guy throws his opponent shoulder first into the ringpost. I HATE that spot with a passion. There was a period of about two months from around June through August where it seemed like you saw that damn spot every week, at least once.

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One I hate is the spot you see in every Jericho match.


He taunts his opponent, who foolishly runs at Jericho, gets caught in drop toe hold and lands in 619 position on the ropes. Jericho does his goofy looking run (and goofy facial expressions) and hits the back of his opponent's head with his nuts. I hate this spot.


I also hate Wrestler A using a resthold and Wrestler B fighting out, only for Wrestler A to put the same resthold on again 5 seconds later.

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Actually, if I may say so, I hate how when rest holds are used in every match nowadays, they go on for at least more than one minute, and they ignore the crowd support. I miss the good old days when fans clapping would get a face out of a chinlock. But no more!


Thanks, Randy Orton and Christian. Keep on boring us to tears.

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The worst spot EVER is when a guy just jumps off the top rope with his arms kinda out to the sides, lands on his feet and gets punched. It really looks pathetic, and you just know it's gonna be countered because the guy jumping off isn't set up to actually do any move.


Hilariously, Chris Jericho actually HIT this spot on Regal once (I think it was at WMX7, but I could be wrong)! It was painful to watch - he sort of fell off the top rope and bumped Regal with his ribs. I guess Regal was supposed to counter it but forgot to.


A spot I love, I've seen Benoit do it a few times, is when Person A whips Person B into the ropes and jumps up for the Frankensteiner, but Person B holds on to the ropes and Person A flops onto his back. If done properly, it's brutal and funny at the same time.

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Guest curry_man2002

the bad: the 3 amigos, rest holds, waiting for 9 seconds for wrestlers to get to there feet after being both knocked down , the run-in


The good: sharpshooter, benoit headbutt , the powerbomb and all its different variations, rock bottom , kurt angles moonsault , weapon shots that lead to crimson masks.

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what about when someone whips the opponent to the ropes and they try to do a dropkick but the opponents holds onto the ropes and they HURT their backs. I mean what so different about it, they would've fell exactly the same way have they hit the oponent.


The worst spot EVER is when a guy just jumps off the top rope with his arms kinda out to the sides, lands on his feet and gets punched. It really looks pathetic, and you just know it's gonna be countered because the guy jumping off isn't set up to actually do any move.


it's even worse when the opponent is laying and they jump in a dtraight possition and the other guy puts the boot up. Whate the hell were they exactly going for?

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it's even worse when the opponent is laying and they jump in a dtraight possition and the other guy puts the boot up. Whate the hell were they exactly going for?

The double footed ring shake of death. Duh.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout

Angle's top rope suplex is AWFUL. I love how the same people who hate HBK's no selling condone Angle's.

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I dont hate HBK's nip up because it's a no-sell, I hate it because it's so damn predictable - Flying forearm, lay on ground for 10-15 seconds, nip up. Repeat in every match.


Kurt's is predictable as well, but at least it looks decent.

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it's even worse when the opponent is laying and they jump in a dtraight possition and the other guy puts the boot up. Whate the hell were they exactly going for?

The double footed ring shake of death. Duh.


oh, like the move Jax does in the Mortal kombat games. Now i get it. I Liiiike it now :headbang:

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what about when someone whips the opponent to the ropes and they try to do a dropkick but the opponents holds onto the ropes and they HURT their backs. I mean what so different about it, they would've fell exactly the same way have they hit the oponent.

Brian Pillman once explained this. Basically, it's something like you expect your feet to conect with the opponents body, so you compensate for this with your body position for when you push off the opponents body. When you hit nothing, you've got nothing to push off, so your body position is wrong for the landing, thus causing injury.

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I don't mind the missed dropkick spot if it actually looks like a real dropkick (i.e. person attempting dropkick lands on his face). I do, however, hate it when the person missing makes it look like he's trying to powerbomb himself.

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Guest Rrrsh
I dont hate HBK's nip up because it's a no-sell, I hate it because it's so damn predictable - Flying forearm, lay on ground for 10-15 seconds, nip up. Repeat in every match.


Kurt's is predictable as well, but at least it looks decent.

Nowadays, every "pop" spot is very predictable


Thats a sad statement, however.

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