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Taboo Tuesday

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If the Buyrate is low, first they will blame it on the Tuesday Night Timeslot and say "hey, it was a nice shot, let's go back to our Sunday Night Model." Then they will blame it on the internet not being a strong-enough fan base, thus making the internet worthless and they will go back to mocking everyone and anyone who likes to talk about wrestling online. THEN they will blame whatever television show that was on that night. THEN they will blame the presidential elections. Then they might blame who they put in that spot.

You forgot:


-Monday Night Football ("But it's Tuesday!" "Who cares?")

-Paul Heyman, who will be promptly re-demoted

-Passaic, New Jersey

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I was about to put Heyman, but the Jews got enough blame for killing Christ...


"Damn Tuesday Night Fights!"


"Does anyone watch boxing anymore?"


"Quiet, you"


"Did you say 'you' or 'Hugh'"




"Hugh what?"




"...must be kidding"








"I like that"


"I know you do"

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If it's worked, it'll be Future Hall of Famer Shawn Michaels, or Randy Orton after HHH sez "There is no way you will ever get another title shot" *No Chance* ... Vince sez that fans can vote for who will be in the main event. Fans vote Jericho, fans get Orton.... or Steph... Or Flair... Or Carmella...

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Wait a miniute...


Didn't they pull this shit back in May on Smackdown? And John Cena won by a very far margin, yet they give it to someone who wasn't even on the poll(JBL).

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Guest ally mccoist

I wouldn't be so certain this will be a work. Basically I don't they'll work it unless someone horrendous gets the shot, which is unlikely.


Anyway, I'd say Jericho is a strong bet. HHH/Benoit, HHH/HBK have been done to death. Fans realise this. They'd want to see something fresh.

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I wouldn't be so certain this will be a work. Basically I don't they'll work it unless someone horrendous gets the shot, which is unlikely.







I blame Bart Gunn for that.

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Guest ally mccoist
I wouldn't be so certain this will be a work. Basically I don't they'll work it unless someone horrendous gets the shot, which is unlikely.







Well I'm trying to be positive here. I'd be more inclined to believe that for once they'd go with what the fans want and pray something special happens that way, rather than going with what they think will work. Its a one-time thing, I think they're just being experimental. Of course, they'll work it if things turn out bad in the vote.

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Well I'm trying to be positive completely unrealistic here.

There is no reason for the WWE to actually go through with what the fans want. They look down on their fans. They think the fans are stupid. I'd almost go as-so-far-as-to-say they hate their fans (certainly they hate their online fan). Why would they go with what the fans want when Vince & co. clearly know best.


The WWE, despite all of its efforts to appear modern, still operates from the very old system of "work mark", and wrestling will continue to be that way for a long time.

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Well I'm trying to be positive completely unrealistic here.

There is no reason for the WWE to actually go through with what the fans want.

There is if they do it in such a way as to ensure something bad happening. It will allow them to further convince themselves that the fans don't know anything, and that they do. And even if this is a shoot, the buy rate is bound to be bad enough that WWE will convince themselves that the fans don't know shit.

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The inevitable outcome of this will be the WWE & Vince reenforced in their believe that the fans know shit and that their way is always the right way. But they won't do this 100% because they have never done anything 100% in years. They will put their spin on it, most likely working it, but since they operate from the "Us = Right, Them = Wrong" system, their spin isn't the problem, and they will blame the internet fan for not being interested enough in the show they were active in choosing - even if they weren't.

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Guest wildpegasus

THe thing is if they put Orton in they're telling all the fans that, "yes this poll is rigged." Is the WWE's obsession with Orton stronger than its desire to show that the poll "isn't rigged"? Time will tell I guess. Maybe they'll have the final vote have a difference of 10 votes or something so nobody looks too bad and of course show that show all their 18 - 30 year old fan base that voting really does make a difference! I know I'll be convinced. Ahh, too bad I'm not American.

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Um, Carmella - the chick who has been getting negative reactions in arenas across the country and has been for a few weeks now - is still in the final 2. If that doesn't cry "work", I dunno what does. And the DIVA search is the 2nd most promoted thing on the show, next to HHH.

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Guest wildpegasus
Um, Carmella - the chick who has been getting negative reactions in arenas across the country and has been for a few weeks now - is still in the final 2. If that doesn't cry "work", I dunno what does. And the DIVA search is the 2nd most promoted thing on the show, next to HHH.

That's why they have the telephone numbers the way they do. Christy's the only good thing on the Raw show these days and it looks lie she's not winning. Figures. Whatever you don't want to happen in the WWE happens and whatever you want to happen never happens. My favourite JR quote on his top 10 things you don't say to Vince. "It doesn't matter what the fans want."


WP -- REALLY ticked off at the WWE product as of late.

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I wouldn't be so certain this will be a work. Basically I don't they'll work it unless someone horrendous gets the shot, which is unlikely.







I blame Bart Gunn for that.

I blame the school system.

Blame Canada

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I wouldn't be so certain this will be a work. Basically I don't they'll work it unless someone horrendous gets the shot, which is unlikely.







I blame Bart Gunn for that.

I blame the school system.

Blame Canada

Don't Blame Canada, Blame Yourself.

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I wouldn't be so certain this will be a work. Basically I don't they'll work it unless someone horrendous gets the shot, which is unlikely.







I blame Bart Gunn for that.

I blame the school system.

Blame Canada

Don't Blame Canada, Blame Yourself.

"You people are just don't get it"

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Guest CronoT
You lost me at "Christy is the best thing on RAW...", I hope I'm not the only one who finds her ghastly and very much bag-worthy.

When she did the splits that one time she made a really scary face.


And her BUTT is hungry. AHHHH

Joy should have won it. Carmella will get picked/worked, and then will get dropped in a month when Vince realizes how badly he screwed up with the work....

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