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Best on the stick

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Here's mine!


I'm just including wrestlers, as it's sort of hard to place Corny, Vinnie Mac, Cyrus, Paul E. or Heenan on this list for me. But please, feel free.


1. Foley

Could do it all, psycho, serious, sad, or comedic interviews. Always put his all into it. By far my fave. Almost always original.


2. Flair/Ausin (tie)

Very versatile, just like Foley. However, they were often more repetetive. Two unique, undeniably great talkers, though.


4. Jericho

At his peak, his was, in my book, by far the funniest character to ever grab the mic. His serious interviews are better than Rock's, IMO, which is why he is above..


5. The Rock

Consistently funny, although he did fall into that unfunny lick a/bite a/ smell a monkey/donkey/squirrel nipple/ass/scrotum trend for a while. Pretty decent at serious interviews, but not the best. That's not what people watched him for, though.


6. The Hulkster

Completely overblown, but he was both hilarious and got the crowd wildly into his promos. Either he believed the gimmick or he is a great scene-chewing actor.


7. Regal

Can do comedy or serious promos. A good actor, as he can really make you believe his hatred. Understated, but excellent.


8. Rick Rude

A personal favourite of mine. Objectively, he cut the same promo 75% of the time, but given the chance, could give a terrific angry interview. He always cracked me up.


9. Angle

Not as good as the rest, but can do the comedy or the funny. Often manages to make himself sound smart and idiotic at the same time.


10. Terry Funk

I always liked his soft-spoken, intense interviews. Both sincere and intimidating. A style many also liked in Arn Anderson


Well, there's lots of room for debate. Hart, Michaels, Jake the Snake, DeBiase, Piper, Raven, even the Ultimate Warrior could place on anyone's list. What are your thoughts?

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1) The Rock - I've never seen anyone manipulate crowds into buying whatever is being sold like Rock can.


2) Mick Foley - The full range, only beaten by Rocky because on occasion, Foley's super intense promos would go over the head of most of the crowd.


3) Ric Flair - Nothing but pure emotion.


4) Arn Anderson - When Arn stares into the camera and starts addressing individual wrestlers, you cannot help but believe exactly what Arn is saying is both true and inevitable.


5) 'Stone Cold' Steve Austin - As 'Stone Cold' character his promos were perfect in fully capturing all the facets of the character. Rowdy, Aggressive and Unrelenting.


6) Chris Jericho - Very hit or miss, but when he's on, he's hard to eclipse.

7) Kurt Angle - Amazing comedic timing. (Not the Cena stuff however)

8) Jake Roberts - VERY Intense.

9) Mr McMahon - Was always effective.

10) Hulk Hogan - Got the crowd behind him.

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Guest ally mccoist

Can't be arsed to do a top 10, so heres a quick top 5:


1. The Rock

2. Foley

3. Piper

4. Flair

5. Heyman

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Only ranking ones I feel deserve it.


1.Foley-nuff said

2.Piper-Could talk about anything, entertain, and still bring it together at the end. He has become the bar for which others mic skills are measured.

3.Jericho-see Piper

4.Raven-Evil privilaged-grunge angst is always mentally stimulating

5.Rocky-Love him, or hate him, he has the crowd wrapped around his finger

6.Flair-Classic promos, always has a tendancy to help further the storyline

7.McMahon-He's a meglomaniac, and everything you love and hate about wrestling all in one package

8.Christain- I put him on the list because I feel that he shows promise in being a future leader of the mic. He already has very good presence on the mic, and shows signs of being a mixture between Jericho/Foley.

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Am I the only one who finds Foley massively overrated, both on the stick and in the ring?

I'd say the same thing about Chris Jericho, but this is just opening a giant can of worm..ass.


(Not to say I think Chris Jericho's such a bad wrestler. I just consider him okay.)

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I'm going with Jericho as my fave. The other night on Raw he actually made people forget that they wanted to see Y2J/HBK for the IC title, and had them convinced the tag match was a big deal. Not many wrestlers could do that.


Of the non-wrestlers I love Paul Heyman. His talents would be better served helping someone other than Heidenreich though.

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Jericho is probably one of the most overrated wrestlers around, especially on the 'net.

Preach on brotha.


Foley is also overrated to an extent. Don't get me wrong he's a TREMENDOUS mic worker but not the best. The way I see it when Piper's on, no one touches him.


But yah don't get me started on Foley or Jericho in ring.


BTW am I the only one who believes that Vince absolutely SMOKES Heyman on the mic?

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