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WWE Global Warming Tour: Melbourne (2002)

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I bought this DVD the other day at Wal Mart. I thought it was pretty good. Im not so sure it was an actual card, but just random matches put together.. Their's lots of footage of wrestlers in Australia as well which makes up for some good moments. I liked the Kurt Angle, Christian, and Lance Storm in the zoo part. That was pretty good. Anyway.. the matches on the DVD are..


Hurricane vs Jamie Noble (Pretty good match)

Rico vs Rikishi (Kept short, the end is the best watching the little kids dance lol)

Jericho vs Edge (Pretty good match)

Triple H vs Brock Lesnar vs The Rock (Good match)

Billy Kidman/Rey Mysterio vs Christian/Lance Storm (Very good match, not as good as Rey/Kid vs WGTT, but good)

Torrie vs Stacy, Bra and Panties (Well yah, you all know what that means, eye candy)

There may be another match, but I can't remember.


The commentating performed by Tazz and Cole on this DVD is GREAT! I've never heard Cole call matches so good, as well as be funny. Tazz cracks me up so much during this DVD. The most memorable line may be..


Cole - ''Hurricane with a Small Package!!'

Tazz - "Ha! Everytime I see s Small Package, I think of you Cole."


Also there are 3 "Classic" Matches on the DVD.

The Rougeaus vs The Moondogs

Andre the Giant vs Big John Studd

Mr. Fuji & Don Muraco vs P.J. Brown and Someone (Cant remember, Brown and his manager were probably jobbers?)


Those 3 extra matches are from the 1986 Australian tour.


Anyway a very decent DVD for the price I picked it up for, and I really liked the announing as well as a few of the matches. The Older matches weren't great (Cept maybe Rougeaus vs Moondogs) but still were fun to watch as I've never seen them anywhere before.


If you can find it for the price I did ($9.99 CDN) I suggest picking it up. Not a bad investment, from a WWE standpoint.

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Pity they didn't have Test vs. Kurt Angle on there. I was there live and I can easily say that it was probably Tests best match ever.

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Just a glorified Smackdown, and that's not saying much. I don't know what it is about Smackdown, it just has always seemed so bush leauge. Cole/Tazz and the bad lighting/energy don't help.

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Pretty good DVD IMO. Too bad they cut the Angle match 'cause the DVD went shorter than 2 1/2 hours, and the extras were pretty bad. But the card was terrific with great matches and the crowd was totally on.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Pity they didn't have Test vs. Kurt Angle on there. I was there live and I can easily say that it was probably Tests best match ever.

I agree, it was a very good match live, but it was just weird seeing Kurt as a babyface in that match. The best part of the live show was before the show started, whilst the crew were doing the last minute setting up, so they sent Rico out to warm up the crowd. Rico was just brilliant, without even saying a word he had 56,000 people booing the fuck out of him, it made me a Rico fan.

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I've see Smackdowns that were better than this sad excuse of a dvd, the main event was awful because Lesnar was still learning the ropes at the time and he looked like he didn't know what to do.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I didn't mind the main actually, maybe it's a case of my memory of the event making it seem better than it was, but I thought it was enjoyable. Just a good fun main event with a hot crowd.

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Pity they didn't have Test vs. Kurt Angle on there. I was there live and I can easily say that it was probably Tests best match ever.

I agree, it was a very good match live, but it was just weird seeing Kurt as a babyface in that match. The best part of the live show was before the show started, whilst the crew were doing the last minute setting up, so they sent Rico out to warm up the crowd. Rico was just brilliant, without even saying a word he had 56,000 people booing the fuck out of him, it made me a Rico fan.

I was there live as well. I thought it was funny seeing how out of touch they were, with Angle getting a huge babyface reaction, but then getting booed for saying Australians were a lot like Americans (a definate no-no). He got past it though, and then the match with Test was cool, except for the botched spot on the top rope. Test's best match since SummerSlam 99.

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Guest Deviant

Yeah, Test in his UnAmerican stage claimed that we were all like Americans, and then ran off the usual list of bad American qualities to get some good heat. Angle comes out to a huge pop only to say "you're right about one thing, these people are a lot like Americans..."


Apparantly, this was supposed to be a compliment, but even I had to boo the shit out of Angle for that one. The "what did I say" look on his face was priceless, poor bastard actually expected us to WANT to be American. Poor delusional Olympic Hero...


And yes, I want to add my name to the "I swear Test had a good match, I swear he did!" campaign. Apart from the booing of America and Test falling all the way to the floor when Angle did his run up the ropes into a belly to belly spot, there was no reason to cut it.



However, my favourite part of the DVD is when Tazz forgets that he is supposed to be pretending to be taping the commentary in Australia, referring to America as "here", which Cole has to correct as back home in the States.


I haven't watched the DVD in quite a while, but it was fun live. But I was front row for Ruthless Aggression, which was a weaker card, but more fun for me as I got to interact with Jericho, Orton and others. Good times.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
But I was front row for Ruthless Aggression, which was a weaker card, but more fun for me as I got to interact with Jericho, Orton and others. Good times.

Which Ruthless Aggression show were you at? Sydney or Melbourne? For mine, the whole tour could've been shit, but the reception Steiner got in Sydney for his match against Christian was great. Steiner getting booed out of the building (and losing his temper calling a heckler a faggot) and Christian being treated like a hero, to the point that he had to tell the crowd to boo him (and even then he was still more over than most of the faces), brilliant.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
does this mean that Australians hate Americans? Is this Bart Simpsons fault?

We don't hate American's the only nation we hate is New Zealand :lol: , I think the thing that shits the crowd, was that Angle's statement, whether intentionally or not, gave the idea of Australian's want to be like Americans, which is a bit of a no no to say.

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