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Guest CronoT

The OAO "Thank GOD the Diva Search is over Thread"

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Guest CronoT


Sept. 27, 2004

The WWE will welcome its newest Diva on RAW Monday.



Christy Hemme, who just last week won the $250,000 RAW Diva Search, will get a party thrown in her honor by Women’s Champion Trish Stratus.



Also, what will be the fallout from the tragic news Kane and Lita received last week, as the couple lost their baby?



We also move one week closer to Taboo Tuesday, what major ramifications could the WWE’s first-ever interactive pay-per-view have for the entire RAW roster?



Tune in and watch RAW, live from Kansas City, on Spike TV (9/8 CT)


So, is Snitsky going to be on again, or will we get two hours of Kane jizzing himself over "losing the baby?" Also, how will Trish "welcome" Christy?


The voting for the *cough*rigged*cough* Taboo Tuesday polls start tomorrow. What do you think will happen?

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Guest Evolution

Snitsky is still fresh to me, so he can stick around. I know they're building up to something at Taboo Tuesday with him, and I want it to happen so bad, because this is actually a feud that has come out of left field and hey, I like it.


EDIT: Of course, the only problem is what do you do with him after his match with Kane? Lest Kane chokeslams him straight back to OVW.

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Guest Big Daddy V1
EDIT: Of course, the only problem is what do you do with him after his match with Kane? Lest Kane chokeslams him straight back to OVW.

That doesn't sound like a bad plan, and it's probably the direction they are heading.

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Sept. 27, 2004

The WWE will welcome its newest Diva on RAW Monday.



Christy Hemme, who just last week won the $250,000 RAW Diva Search, will get a party thrown in her honor by Women’s Champion Trish Stratus.



Also, what will be the fallout from the tragic news Kane and Lita received last week, as the couple lost their baby?



We also move one week closer to Taboo Tuesday, what major ramifications could the WWE’s first-ever interactive pay-per-view have for the entire RAW roster?



And, most importantly, will Y2JERK be really sorry he wasted money to see a this show live? After the last two weeks of mediocrity, is there even the remotest chance tonight's program will be good? Will he get on TV? Or will he spend the entire evening with someone's "Game Over" blocking his view?



Tune in and watch RAW, live from Kansas City, on Spike TV (9/8 CT)

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Based on the crappy map they have on the ticketmaster website, my tickets would appear to be in the risers facing the cameras on the lower level.


I'd say my chances of getting on TV are pretty good. I have not made any signs yet, though.


The one I was thinking about is:



(Not an average)"

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Guest Sylvan Grenier
So, is Snitsky going to be on again, or will we get two hours of Kane jizzing himself over "losing the baby?"

What? He copes with miscarriage by masturbating? Huh?

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I don't know if I can watch another Diva tag team match that has Stacy win with a rollup tonight. Maybe WWE is trying to dumb down the Diva workrate so Christy can beat Trish with a simple move like a dropkick after the "STUFF IN THE FACE STUFF IN THE FACE" X-pac move in the corner.


The only thing missing from Raw now is a talk show theropist like Dr. Phil to console Kane & Lita over the loss of the baby. Raw needs Brother Love.

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Guest Trivia247

problem now is only Christy won't be going away so quickly.


I still say Lita was behind Gene's "Job" to cause an Inadvertant cycle to a miscarriage.

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Guest Evolution

I have no problem with Christy staying around. She's just like every other Diva. Deep down, she sucks hard at trying to do the things that I want to see badly in the WWE (good wrestling and good storylines), but she's good eye candy and that's all I could ask from a former Juggy.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
I don't know if I can watch another Diva tag team match that has Stacy win with a rollup tonight. Maybe WWE is trying to dumb down the Diva workrate so Christy can beat Trish with a simple move like a dropkick after the "STUFF IN THE FACE STUFF IN THE FACE" X-pac move in the corner.

I agree, me personally I like seeing the girls wrestle, but the way they've dumbed it down so much to accomodate Stacy and Nidia is just sad, I wonder how they'll job Molly to Stacy this week?

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Guest Big Daddy V1
I agree, me personally I like seeing the girls wrestle, but the way they've dumbed it down so much to accomodate Stacy and Nidia is just sad, I wonder how they'll job Molly to Stacy this week?

You mean I have to sit through another one of those?


Just one question, how many times will the fans go 'Woo' tonight for the chops?

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Guest TigerDriver91

The Gail-Nidia match on Heat was a hell of a lot better than any of the crappy divas matches that we've seen on Raw for the past several weeks.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
The Gail-Nidia match on Heat was a hell of a lot better than any of the crappy divas matches that we've seen on Raw for the past several weeks.

That's sad isn't it? When Nidia can be made to look better than Molly or Victoria. Though I still feel the Heat match was a carry job by Gail.

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Guest Coffey
Big question...when the Hurricane steals his mask back off of the kid this week, will the kid have enough sense to cry instead laugh? And will they get an equally poor acting 'mother' to console him?

Yeah, that came off REALLY bad last week.


I want to see Triple H make someone play the game. I also mark out.


You can judge how much time is left in a Triple H match by Ric Flair's state on the outside of the ring. If Ric Flair has messed up hair, is sweating and his jackets off...watch for a Pedigree.



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Guest TigerDriver91
The Gail-Nidia match on Heat was a hell of a lot better than any of the crappy divas matches that we've seen on Raw for the past several weeks.

That's sad isn't it? When Nidia can be made to look better than Molly or Victoria. Though I still feel the Heat match was a carry job by Gail.

Indeed. I couldn't have said it better.


I still think Victoria's ring work has fallen off since she turned face.

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It wasn't to long ago that if I had told you all Gail Kim would be carring people to good matches, I would have been laughed out of the thread. Congrats on Gail Kim switching to a submission style instead of a lucha botch fest.

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The Gail-Nidia match on Heat was a hell of a lot better than any of the crappy divas matches that we've seen on Raw for the past several weeks.

That's sad isn't it? When Nidia can be made to look better than Molly or Victoria. Though I still feel the Heat match was a carry job by Gail.

Gail carry...?


It seems hard for me to believe the phrase "Gail carried Nidia" in whatever sense it could possibly mean.


Plus, it didn't hit me until now...but Nidia's stereotypical Puerto Rican character is similar to the Molly character Rudo came up with to complement 50-Year-Old-Black-Woman Trish.


Big question...when the Hurricane steals his mask back off of the kid this week, will the kid have enough sense to cry instead laugh? And will they get an equally poor acting 'mother' to console him?


WWE needs to bring out the...


stunt granny. Well, just make sure she knows not to wink at Helms when the camera is still on her.


Also, do we *really* think Carmella is gone? Come on, be realistic here.

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I still wish the Diva storyline would have gone my way, with Carmella bitching to Vince that he "was going to make damn sure" she won, only for him to simply screw up the voting or even have someone (such as Jericho) know about the ruse beforehand and switch the envelopes to give Christy the victory. He wouldn't be doing this so much for Christy as just to screw over Vince.


Then the storyline could become Vince vs. Jericho for a while (ala the old Vince/Austin stuff). Sure, it's been overplayed and done to death, but Vince hasn't been that kind of boss and I could see him playing more of a tweener role outside of the feud, with Bischoff laughing at him and giving him grief, only for Vince to get pissed and book matches against Evolution's favor or something, and then turn around and do the same thing to Jericho, only for Jericho to find ways out of whatever predicament he was in.


Chris has the mic skill to pull off an Austin type interview segment without the swearing or total badass attitude, but he could still make it work and maybe work his way into the upper echelons of the WWE as the feud draws to a close a month or so down the line (or maybe the Rumble...with Vince/Bisch doing what they can to keep Jericho from winning, only for it to come down to Jericho/Orton/random smackdown guy at the end, only for Evolution to try and eliminate both their problems, and end up with Orton winning it anyway.)


Then, Orton and Jericho could have a little face vs. face thing where Jericho can feel somewhat cheated and so there's a good free TV match for the lull between the Rumble and Wrestlemania for the true number one contender.

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Guest TigerDriver91
It seems hard for me to believe the phrase "Gail carried Nidia" in whatever sense it could possibly mean.

Did you even watch the damn match? I didn't think so.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
The Gail-Nidia match on Heat was a hell of a lot better than any of the crappy divas matches that we've seen on Raw for the past several weeks.

That's sad isn't it? When Nidia can be made to look better than Molly or Victoria. Though I still feel the Heat match was a carry job by Gail.

Indeed. I couldn't have said it better.


I still think Victoria's ring work has fallen off since she turned face.

I think Victoria's actual work isn't too bad, it's more that I think she isn't as physically capable as she once was. She should go and get her knee fixed as soon as possible.

Really, what the womens division seriously needs is either Molly or Gail to turn face or to bring up either Alexis Laree or Jillian Hall from OVW, the babyface ranks of the ladies are rather pathetic, with Victoria falling apart, Nidia as shitty as ever and Stacy likely to be the next womens champ, they need something.

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