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Guest Trivia247

top 10-20 bad angles in WWE/WWF

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Guest Trivia247

think about it, we have seen crap after crap sorta topping each other in the most tasteless crap catagory. But what are those top 10 or even top 20 that you can point out?



in no particular order...


99, Kennel from Hell (Beginning with Al Snow being fed Pepper by Bossman)


99 the Bossman Big show feud with Big Show's Father dying and he going surfing on it while Bossman dragged it away.


01 the Aborted Tazz vs Austin angle. It could have been at least money for one day, but poor wittle Austin's hurt neck couldn't take a Suplex so we had to scrap that, even though alot of us thought this would have been Tazz's moment to step up.


99 Mark Henry making out with a Transvestite



99 the Birth of Mae Young's baby Hand lets callem Handy!


01 Kronik's in and out Month


01 the whole Miss managed Invasion


03 Mr. America angle vs Vince Mcmahon which spawned.


03 McMahon vs Zack Gowen which spawned...


03 McMahon vs Stephanie and after which the Undertaker


01 The whole Vince Trish affair and putting Linda in a Home...tasteless


99 Val Venis angle vs Mankind


02-03 Test Steiner Stacy Angle


03 Katie Vick! blah!


04 Lita's pregnancy and getting Snitzky'd


02 Brock stalking Taker's preggo Wife, and accusing Taker of adultry with another woman.


99 The formation of the Corporate Ministry with Vince McMahon as the higher power.


02 HHH vs Booker T and the underlining Racial undertones that we were suppose to get but not take seriously.


99 Vince Mcmahon wins the Rumble! and pretty much any other mcmahon wrestling match he actually wins should also relate to it.


01 the legendary..MOPPY!

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Guest Ray
01 the Aborted Tazz vs Austin angle. It could have been at least money for one day, but poor wittle Austin's hurt neck couldn't take a Suplex so we had to scrap that, even though alot of us thought this would have been Tazz's moment to step up.

Somebody obviously slept through all those Austin/Benoit and Austin/Angle matches...

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Guest Anglesault
01 the Aborted Tazz vs Austin angle. It could have been at least money for one day, but poor wittle Austin's hurt neck couldn't take a Suplex so we had to scrap that

Must have been quite the shock to Angle and Benoit.

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Can you repost this topic with a little bit more organization with your information and better presentation?


Anyways, I think everyone will agree that Katie Vick was the worst angle in the history of the company. They made it a major part of their TV in late 2002, and while all along they KNEW it wouldn't bring in viewers and make money.


I still don't understand what the point of it was, and considering they never talk about it, neither do they.

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Guest Anglesault
I still don't understand what the point of it was, and considering they never talk about it, neither do they.

I really think they intended it to be some cult hit.

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I still don't understand what the point of it was, and considering they never talk about it, neither do they.

It was a desperate attempt to get publicity. The idea being that the media would get so outraged by the angle, that they would attack WWE, and thus, give them lots of free press. Sadly, or thankfully, the media that would have covered WWE, had either moved on to something else, or were feeling burnt after the whole Billy and Chuck debacle, and the angle got almost no press at all. About the only person to write about it was Phil Muchnick.

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Guest Trivia247

sorry was a blur when i was writing this.


I know Austin took suplexes from Angle and Benoit since you all Decided to bring it up, but remember the one match Austin did Have with Tazz during Invasion not one Suplex, it was a squash. (Or maybe the suplexes of lower card talent must hurt more than people Austin would allow to give him suplexes from)


But ya'll don't make mistakes or anything nahhhhhhhhhh


Sorry about the dates half the 02 stuff seem to blend into the 03 stuff.

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Guest Big Daddy V1
02 Brock stalking Taker's preggo Wife, and accusing Taker of adultry with another woman.

It was bad, but the DDP stalking of Taker's wife in 2001 was much more tasteless, and of course it killed DDP of ever being a taken seriously star in the WWE.

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Guest Anglesault
sorry was a blur when i was writing this.


I know Austin took suplexes from Angle and Benoit since you all Decided to bring it up, but remember the one match Austin did Have with Tazz during Invasion not one Suplex, it was a squash. (Or maybe the suplexes of lower card talent must hurt more than people Austin would allow to give him suplexes from)


But ya'll don't make mistakes or anything nahhhhhhhhhh

Wait a minute.



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Not sure if this counts, but the entire Shane-Kane feud (the bad-looking tombstone on Linda, the limo-trailer accident, Kane falling into the pit of fire, Shane's electrical testicles, thier bizzare dinner date) was absolutely dreadful.


edit: fixed for C-Bacon's eyesight.

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Guest TonyJaymzV1

I think I'm the only person who doesn't get the big deal over tazz. He was a big fish in a little pond, but when he hit the WWE, he wasn't as impressive because he didn't have Paul Heyman feeding him bodies like he was a monster.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I'm suprised no one has said the brief angle of Chris Nowinski trying to break Molly Holly's hymen. Real classy that was (although Nowinski and Molly did their best to make it decent.).

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Guest Ray
sorry was a blur when i was writing this.


I know Austin took suplexes from Angle and Benoit since you all Decided to bring it up, but remember the one match Austin did Have with Tazz during Invasion not one Suplex, it was a squash. (Or maybe the suplexes of lower card talent must hurt more than people Austin would allow to give him suplexes from)


But ya'll don't make mistakes or anything nahhhhhhhhhh

The match was a squash because WWF booking that year was insanely stupid and they made mistake after mistake after mistake. It really has nothing to do with Austin not wanting to take suplexes and saying such comes off as a pointless cheap shot at the guy.

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Guest SteveyP93
poor wittle Austin's hurt neck


Yeah, because his neck injury was so trivial. That Steve Austin, what a pussy.


The guy is almost paralyzed by a sit-down Tombstone, works through the pain (at the main event level) for two years, finally has no choice but to have neck surgery because of the additional abuse this has put on his bad neck, comes back 12 months later with a fused neck and instead of falling back on the WWF brawling style, he busts his ass to give us a slew of ****+ matches, taking Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit's German and backdrop suplexes every night for months on end...sometimes over 10 in one night. All to entertain us, because he gets paid the same money either way. This balls-to-the-wall style results in Austin destroying his neck, but he keeps on plugging until 2003, at which point he can't flat-back bump at all without being in excruciating pain and is forced to retire.


And you act like Austin "lost his smile".


Fuck you, asshole.

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Guest mst3krules
02 Brock stalking Taker's preggo Wife, and accusing Taker of adultry with another woman.

It was bad, but the DDP stalking of Taker's wife in 2001 was much more tasteless, and of course it killed DDP of ever being a taken seriously star in the WWE.

Anything that ever involved his wife in an angle stunk. Thank God they finally stopped that crap.

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Guest combat_rock

I think some room should be made on that list for the Booker T/Triple H feud leading to WMXIX. I mean, here we have an obviously rasict themed character belittling a black man (and to make it worse, Jerry Lawler throwing in his own insults. I thought even heel announcers were supposed to admit a heel went to far if they did). But then, they realized that there was no way that Booker was going over Triple H, so they quickly aborted that stance (as in some barely seen interview right before Wrestlmania).


Personally, I have no problem with rasicts heels. I mean, we're supposed to dislike them and it really is no different than say, Edward Norton playing a rasict skinhead (ok, so it has none of the depth of that movie, but you get the idea). But the key thing is that after offending everyone, the heel must get his commupence (sp?). Obviously that didn't happen, and Booker became just another random face fed to Triple H during that era.

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Guest Big Daddy V1
How come nobody has mentioned Al Wilson yet?

The less said the better.....

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Guest combat_rock

Actually, much like Gene Snitsky, Al Wilson has reached the "so bad he's awesome" plateu. God bless you, you horny old bastard.

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How come nobody has mentioned Al Wilson yet?

How about Chao Sr.? I guess he's another "so bad he's awesome". That is the way of entertaining your fans wwe. B-) Forget about putting on edge of your seat matches and storylines.


Actually, I wonder how many bad angles/matches have happened since 1999 compared to the 5 years prior and the effect it had on the company's perception and interest. I think the 1999-present timeframe wins. Katie Vick, Al Wilson, Vince killing his own creation, the nwo, wcw invasion, Triple H's 2002-present title run, the brand split, etc. etc. etc.

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Guest Trivia247
poor wittle Austin's hurt neck


Yeah, because his neck injury was so trivial. That Steve Austin, what a pussy.


The guy is almost paralyzed by a sit-down Tombstone, works through the pain (at the main event level) for two years, finally has no choice but to have neck surgery because of the additional abuse this has put on his bad neck, comes back 12 months later with a fused neck and instead of falling back on the WWF brawling style, he busts his ass to give us a slew of ****+ matches, taking Kurt Angle and Chris Benoit's German and backdrop suplexes every night for months on end...sometimes over 10 in one night. All to entertain us, because he gets paid the same money either way. This balls-to-the-wall style results in Austin destroying his neck, but he keeps on plugging until 2003, at which point he can't flat-back bump at all without being in excruciating pain and is forced to retire.


And you act like Austin "lost his smile".


Fuck you, asshole.

Daww did I insult your wittle hero, Sorry you take it so personally that you blew that out of proportions.

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02 Brock stalking Taker's preggo Wife, and accusing Taker of adultry with another woman.

It was bad, but the DDP stalking of Taker's wife in 2001 was much more tasteless, and of course it killed DDP of ever being a taken seriously star in the WWE.

What got my about the angle was this. Remember when DDP first showed up on RAW DDP said the reason he was stalking Sara was because he wanted to become famous in the WWF and what better way to do that then to fight the Undertaker.


But, then all of a sudden they change it to DDP not wanting to become big in the WWF but, instead he REALLY was stalking Sara because he wanted to have her from himself no matter what. Which was dumb are what he first said. That and I had a hard to buying that DDP would want Cougar face Sara when he was that fine ass Kimberly at home.

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I still don't understand what the point of it (Katie Vick) was, and considering they never talk about it, neither do they.

I really think they intended it to be some cult hit.

Vince seriously thought this was a great segment and would make for great television. I remember reading how he read the script and was laughing so hard he almost fell out of his chair.


Kind of sheds some light on recent WWE programming.

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I guess we might get another retread of the angle then with UT and Heidneroaoriaech(sp? :P ). I mean he ass raped Michael Cole supposedly and now he gets to mess with a "Deadman". You might think Vince is doing some of his genius brainstorming again. Maybe Kane got jealous and that is why he's leaving ;)

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02 Brock stalking Taker's preggo Wife, and accusing Taker of adultry with another woman.

It was bad, but the DDP stalking of Taker's wife in 2001 was much more tasteless, and of course it killed DDP of ever being a taken seriously star in the WWE.

What got my about the angle was this. Remember when DDP first showed up on RAW DDP said the reason he was stalking Sara was because he wanted to become famous in the WWF and what better way to do that then to fight the Undertaker.


But, then all of a sudden they change it to DDP not wanting to become big in the WWF but, instead he REALLY was stalking Sara because he wanted to have her from himself no matter what. Which was dumb are what he first said. That and I had a hard to buying that DDP would want Cougar face Sara when he was that fine ass Kimberly at home.

I remember that. DDP's first entrance was absolutely awesome and it looked to be the start of a great fued. It took a stupid angle, dropped it right away, admitted it's stupidity, and gave it a purpose and great new direction.


Then the fued started. First match, Taker gets his revenge and destroys DDP. DDP's only offence being a somewhat sold balls shot. Okay, Taker was really pissed and DDP wasn't prepared for his strength, it'll get better. Second match, same. Third match, same. And so on until DDP's value became nil. The fact that they took it away from it's initial direction and back to it's original non-sensical beginnings simply made it all the worse.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I still believe that even after being massacred in his singles matches with Undertaker, DDP could still have been saved as a decent character. Until Summerslam '01 that is, what point did having DDP and Kanyon get annhiliated serve? Then of course the next night, when DDP did the job to Taker's wife :angry: .

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Don't forget Austin singing to Vince.

I thought that was great, especially when Angle got involved, so it was Angle and Austin fighting for Vince's affection, unlike most of the stuff WWE put out these days, that was entertaining.

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