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EVIL~! alkeiper

Braves/Astros NLDS Thread

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Guest Coffey
Cuz she's a stupid fairweather bandwagon fan who's been absent from virtually every baseball-related thread this season, but shows up now that Houston's in the postseason. People like her should be punched in the face. Actually, I'd say that even if you eliminate the baseball aspect of all this.

What if you're a Cubs fan and you just used another forum for all of your baseball venting before being suspened?

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A timeline of my afternoon...


1:45 PM, PST – The Braves take a 1-0 lead in the 1st inning.


1:50 PM, PST – Yours truly heads off to journalism class, optimistic about the game.


4:10 PM, PST – Heading back home, I find TSM poster nogoodnick on the highway in his Dodge, shouting “8-3, motherfucker”.


4:25 PM, PST – I spontaneously combust upon reading the box score.


I’m going to miss the first few innings of today’s game due to another class, but I’l be locked to the tube (and this thread) as soon as I make it through the door.

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Guest Smues

I doubt you'll find the game in the airport, but most airports have cnn headline news and you can get score updates from that.

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But I'll be in a Canadian airport. :-(


Mike 'Champion of the Denver Public Schools' Hampton really needs to keep up that streak of not losing.


And hopefully the Braves will stop copying the 2001 Oakland As and actually score when they have runners in scoring position

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Guest Smues

Never been in a Canadian airport, maybe they show something similar to CNN? Actually it's probably 24 hour updates on the hockey strike.

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The hell? My ESPN feed just went out


EDIT: And it's back again (was out for a couple minutes, as was ESPN2, but other channels were fine)

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Guest Smues

Bah 2-0. Well at least it's a smaller deficit then when I got home yesterday. COME ON BRAVES.

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Ahh shit Estrada got hit by a foul tip and might be hurt.

I love the euphemisms and/or avoidance-of-direct-discussion that happen when a guy gets hit in the crotch

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Guest Smues

Some luck with a ball dropping into shallow center, runners at the corners, but 2 outs. So a chance here, but Atlanta's usually way of doing things is 2 outs, then get runners, then strand them. Come on Andruw, you've been hot lately, don't strike out on that breaking ball.

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Guest Smues

Holy fuck I almost had a heart attack. Dewayne Wise hits a double, and on his way to 2nd falls down. Thank god he got back up and made it to 2nd.

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Guest Smues

A run a run we've got a run! Of course now we finally get some momentum but a long pitching change will probably kill that. Go Atlanta go.

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Guest Smues

!!! Furcal steals 2nd and the throw goes into the outfield and he makes it to 3rd. Finally something going. Come on Giles get him home.

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Guest Smues

What in the hell, we're playing this game under protest now? Someone want to explain to me what that means?

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