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Shawn Michaels injured in Triple Threat Match

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By Dave Meltzer


Shawn Michaels suffered a torn meniscus in the three-way match tonight in Chicago and needs surgery. It is not a definite at this point that he won't work tomorrow if he is voted in (and if he isn't, he theoretically should work the tag match), but at this point the odds are against him working.

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Damnit. I knew he wasn't selling because it would have been too good for even him.


That puts a HUGE damper on the PPV, but I'd see Benoit winning and jobbing in the title match and Edge be partnered up w/ Christian in the tag match.

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Guest Fook

Well if Michaels wins the poll, they could just have Edge attack him out of jealousy before the match starts, then have Benoit fight HHH.

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That's what WWE gets for just having only 3 choices for the PPV, one of which (Edge) not even deserving to be there. Fucking idiots.


Edit: Maybe they can write HBK off by doing the car angle again. :P

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Didn't he have a torn ACL before Wrestlemania? Why didn't he get surgery and get everything fixed in his time off?

Michaels is one of those guys that would rather wait till they can barely move than fix it early on.

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Well if Michaels wins the poll, they could just have Edge attack him out of jealousy before the match starts, then have Benoit fight HHH.


The problem is that the whole perceived credibility of this PPV concept is completely shot if the "voters' choice" doesn't wrestle as advertised.


Edit: Assuming Michaels really is legit hurt, WWE should probably just go with the honest approach, remove Michaels from the ballot citing the injury and let fans who already voted for Michaels do a revote for Edge or Benoit.

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They should just rig it so that Benoit wins and stick Shawn in the tag match. It's not like anyone will know anyway.


That, or they could always have Shawn pull out the whole "Lost my smile" routine. Hell, they could even film a bunch of Indiana Jones-like vingettes following Shawn around the world in his quest to find his smile. It'd be better than the Diva Search at least.

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Since Shawn can't actually wrestle very well now with the injury, the smart thing to do now is to, regardless of who gets voted into the title match, is to give Benoit the title match (and say the fans voted for it whether or not it actually happened to give it credibility), then have Edge punk out Michaels during the tag match. That way they give all the matches they advertised, Michaels can stand on the ring apron while Edge does the bulk of the match, and they can advance the Edge story with him beating up his tag partner.




Edit: Got beat to the punch.

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This was in this week's edition of the Observer:


Shawn Michaels has been bothered by a bad knee. In fact, that played into the match in Sheffield where they did a knee injury angle to take him out of the match early, with the idea of basically giving him a night off.

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Jim Ross: This just in, last night after Raw, HBK was attacked in the parking lot and is said to have been found with a punctured wound in his knee.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

It was bound to happen sooner or later.


The thing was rigged already anyways, So just slide Benoit into the match and Have Edge work the 7-10 minutes of the tag team, I sure knowing Shawn, he'll fight it out for a couple minutes...Edge does the de-facto heel turn on him, attacks the leg alongside the help of Brother Christian. They embrace with a hug until Jericho and Benjamin chase them out and they tend to Shawn whom goes and gets the surgery.

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Guest JMA

Wow. Here's hoping Shawn recovers soon.


Talk about a worst case scenario. Michaels is very likely to win the voting, and we're talking about the MAIN EVENT of the card.

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Guest Loss

Well, here's their chance to make Edge a hated heel. Let's see what type of story they cook up.

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Guest 2pacallyps

That was Shawn's best sell job since Wrestle Mania XIV ;) If Shawn would have sold like that all the time, not when he had an actual injury, he would have been one of the best workers in the world. That was Kawada type selling. I hope they'll run an angle with Edge taking Shawn out. Then he can hopefully come back in a couple of month and elevate Edge.

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So no one was buying Trips' little tirade that Shawn is a con man? HBK probably will win by a lot simply because of sympathy. HBK will probably still face Triple H. For all the ragging about their politics both men do suck it up for stuff like this.

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It figures that since it's Shawn Michaels the one with the serious injury some people are making fun of him. I'm a big Benoit fan, too, but I want to check what happens if, God forbid, Benoit gets injured again. This board would go down drowned in tears with people going "Come back/Get well soon, Chris".


I for one I'm sorry that Shawn got injured and hope for a speedy recovery. If he can't perform at an acceptable level tonight then remove him from contention. I'm still voting for Benoit anyway.

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Guest curry_man2002

i will be really dissapointed if micheals cant wrestle the main event because thats the match i really wanted to see

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Aside from the Montreal screwjob, I have nothing against Michaels. He's a great wrestler and I wish him a speedy recovery.

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Wow, that's odd. I was just thinking today that if Shawn happened to get "injured" (I was thinking in a fake way), they could bring in Christian as Edge's partner tomorrow night (if he were to lose).


E and C beating La Resistance would be awesome.

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Guest LooneyTune

If I wanted to see Bad Blood 2004 again I'll just watch the PPV, not PArt II that would be Taboo Tuesday. I LOVE how the feud that FINALLY ended is continuing.


Shawn Michaels is a has-been who's trying to still be a pretty boy, despite losing his hair (at a somewhat faster pace) and looking like an old man now. I don't care if he's a born again Christian, because he's always been a dick when he got the big push to the main event, and him being a good worker doesn't change that. He's simply the 1990's version of Triple H.


(I took out the "Broken down" part because it seems too over-the-top, but the guy has had two pretty serious injuries in the last 6 months).


I don't wish injury on anyone though, so don't think I'm trying to say he should be injured. He should be used to put people NOT NAMED Triple H over, not wrestling every main event possible while people who are being pushed for the main events are fighting the JTTS Ric Flair or fighting in a meaningless tag team match against La Resistance.

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That "has-been" as you call him is still a better worker than 95% of the roster, and this year only Benoit and maybe Eddie have had better performances, even at his "old age" and with his receding hairline (what does that have to do with anything?)


What wrestler has he held down this year, or last year for that matter? What future main-eventer do you want him to put over? You can't logically blame him for the stuff he did almost 8-10 years ago and then use that as basis for criticism now. You don't want a Bad Blood repeat, fine, don't vote for him. Hell, he might still win the vote and maybe won't be able to make it to the show.


Bottom line, he's still mighty popular with the fans (even if he's somewhat hated by some in the IWC and the majority of Bret Hart supporters) and in the ring few are better. A "has-been?" I don't think so, my friend.

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Guest SP-1
If I wanted to see Bad Blood 2004 again I'll just watch the PPV, not PArt II that would be Taboo Tuesday. I LOVE how the feud that FINALLY ended is continuing.


Shawn Michaels is a has-been who's trying to still be a pretty boy, despite losing his hair (at a somewhat faster pace) and looking like an old man now. I don't care if he's a born again Christian, because he's always been a dick when he got the big push to the main event, and him being a good worker doesn't change that. He's simply the 1990's version of Triple H.


(I took out the "Broken down" part because it seems too over-the-top, but the guy has had two pretty serious injuries in the last 6 months).


I don't wish injury on anyone though, so don't think I'm trying to say he should be injured. He should be used to put people NOT NAMED Triple H over, not wrestling every main event possible while people who are being pushed for the main events are fighting the JTTS Ric Flair or fighting in a meaningless tag team match against La Resistance.

What does his being a Christian have to do with anything else you said there?



This kinda sucks. Maybe it's just time for Shawn to settle down for real.

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Guest Markingout
If I wanted to see Bad Blood 2004 again I'll just watch the PPV, not PArt II that would be Taboo Tuesday. I LOVE how the feud that FINALLY ended is continuing.


Shawn Michaels is a has-been who's trying to still be a pretty boy, despite losing his hair (at a somewhat faster pace) and looking like an old man now. I don't care if he's a born again Christian, because he's always been a dick when he got the big push to the main event, and him being a good worker doesn't change that. He's simply the 1990's version of Triple H.


(I took out the "Broken down" part because it seems too over-the-top, but the guy has had two pretty serious injuries in the last 6 months).


I don't wish injury on anyone though, so don't think I'm trying to say he should be injured. He should be used to put people NOT NAMED Triple H over, not wrestling every main event possible while people who are being pushed for the main events are fighting the JTTS Ric Flair or fighting in a meaningless tag team match against La Resistance.

What does his being a Christian have to do with anything else you said there?



This kinda sucks. Maybe it's just time for Shawn to settle down for real.

Because Shawn Michaels reason for returning was a born again Christian, and that he would have a whole new attitude on wrestling because of his faith. Anyways, knowing Shawn, he will return quickly.

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