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Lil' Bitch

The OAO "Does Booker T have a chance in Hell of

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I think WWE is once again getting my hopes up only for them to get crushed in the end. What do you all think?


Edit: Shit I meant "OAO" in the title

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

That's complete bullshit right there, The IWC will deny it up and down but Bradshaw has been a good if not great titleholder. Is he a better worker now? Absolutely not but his matches with Eddy were great and are criminally underrated because of blind hatred. His character is so much more enjoyable then Kurt "Yawn" Angle has been for the last 2 years.


Should he drop it? Yes. Booker T? No. Booker has had 5 World Title runs (all of which lasted around 2-3 weeks at most btw) so he doesn't deserve it all the sudden when you got a monster face in TBS whom is languishing with mid-card heel tag teamers right now or a RVD who will never come close to breathing the title again as long as Kurt Angle is employed by WWE.


Does Booker have a shot? Yes. Angle and 'Taker have basically forced Vince into the Angle Vs 'Taker program for Maniaxxi despite all of Paul Heyman's effort to distingrate. which means Angle will need a transistion title holder, and Eddy won't get another run just to drop it right away to Kurt. Booker T is ideal, he gets a token run for his efforts and crap they put him through, a nice present before he retires and gives Angle someone he hasn't "worked" in awhile with anyways.

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Rebuttal: Booker T is a better worker than Big Show and RVD combined and obviously deserves it more than either of them.


Besides, I'd be overjoyed to see Booker have the top gold again especially having gone through that shitfest feud with HHH last year.

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I actually watched Smackdown tonight, for the first time in a few months. I thought Booker was still doing his voodoo thing still, let alone that he was a face now.


And no, he has no chance. Because that actually might get some viewers back and that would be the smart thing to do.

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Booker T will bring viewers back?


That was a funny statement.

I'd probably tune in to Smackdown again during Booker's initial run as champion. If he's booked well, it may even be a continuous pratice.

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Bradshaw was portrayed as a joke for most, if not all, of his reign. That's not a good world titleholder, no matter how much people want to spin it.

Yes. He's done well in the chicken shit heel champion role though. I wouldn't say that it's a necessity to get the belt off of him.

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I hope not. Booker T is overrated and Bradshaw is just starting to become an entertaining heel.

You're going to get crucified for saying that.

Why? Because smarks don't like to hear the truth?

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If Booker T is used as a transition champion so that Kurt Angle can win the belt, i'd rather not see book win it at all.


I've enjoyed Booker T's run in the WWE, and he can have a decent match with just about anyone on the roster. I still believe Booker T could pull in a good buyrate if he headlined a ppv. With the way things are going it's best to test out different champions to see how they fair ratings wise.

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That's complete bullshit right there, The IWC will deny it up and down but Bradshaw has been a good if not great titleholder. Is he a better worker now? Absolutely not but his matches with Eddy were great and are criminally underrated because of blind hatred. His character is so much more enjoyable then Kurt "Yawn" Angle has been for the last 2 years.

I could not possibly agree anymore. One of the few remaining reasons (although, I'm finding more and more things to like on SD! these days) I still watch the show is because of the entertainment value of JBL. He and Orlando work quite well together as well.


JBL - (to Teddy Long) I CAME ALL THE WAY HERE TO....where are we?

Orlando - Fresno

JBL - All the way to Fre.....*turns back to Orlando* FRESNO!?

Orlando - I know.


That absolutely slayed me.

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Yes, because World Champions should be laughed at.


Bradshaw, as he has been booked, and for his talent level, would have been fine as US Champion. But as a World Champion. as the top guy of one of the rosters, he has been horrible. A World Champion should not be laughed at, mocked, or portrayed as a joke, three things that have personified Bradshaw's title reign. Such things make him out to be a complete joke, and while that may be fine for a midcard heel US Champion, it's wrong for a World Champion to be portrayed like that. What is so hard about the concept of a serious World Champion for people to grasp ? Do you really think if Austin had been booked like this during his 1998 run, that things would have been as hot ? Do you really think that such a World Champion, under any circumstances, could do good business ? If you want a joke champion, give him the US belt, but don't make him the World Champion. Joke's don't draw.


As for Booker T being overrated, that's laugable. He's better than Bradshaw in just about every department. He's a better worker, got more charisma, and actually gets a pop for something he does in the ring. His style is more condusive to having good matches with the SD roster, and, even if everything else were equal with Bradshaw, I'd still go with the guy who could have better matches, because then at least there would be a consistantly good in-ring product.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Sad thing is......the main reason why Bradshaw's run sucked was because the way it was booked..............not because of JBL himself. I admit that Eddie carried him through their feud no doubt AND the matches were better than expected. I give him credit for carrying the Undertaker during their feud and actually was starting to grow as champion a bit. But the run WAS a joke mainly because he was never wrestling and legitimately winning clean matches on TV(although that has changed SOMEWHAT as of late)and when he has.....it's been against midlevel opponents. So in all honesty his run did suck..............but I wouldn't solely put the blame on him, and this is coming from someone who utterly hates JBL.


If they were smart....they'd put the title around Big Show. He came back with a new look and attitude, and it seems as if they are finding different ways to get him on the show(the skit with the Tough Enough group, I though did a good job at making Show look good) and it surely wouldn't be hard for people to take him seriously if they booked him that way. Plus, I really don't know if people would be behind a title win for Booker(considering he JUST went back face and had a horrible heel run on SD).............

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Sad thing is......the main reason why Bradshaw's run sucked was because the way it was booked..............not because of JBL himself. I admit that Eddie carried him through their feud no doubt AND the matches were better than expected. I give him credit for carrying the Undertaker during their feud and actually was starting to grow as champion a bit. But the run WAS a joke mainly because he was never wrestling and legitimately winning clean matches on TV(although that has changed SOMEWHAT as of late)and when he has.....it's been against midlevel opponents. So in all honesty his run did suck..............but I wouldn't solely put the blame on him, and this is coming from someone who utterly hates JBL.


If they were smart....they'd put the title around Big Show. He came back with a new look and attitude, and it seems as if they are finding different ways to get him on the show(the skit with the Tough Enough group, I though did a good job at making Show look good) and it surely wouldn't be hard for people to take him seriously if they booked him that way. Plus, I really don't know if people would be behind a title win for Booker(considering he JUST went back face and had a horrible heel run on SD).............

I agree that the blame for Bradshaw's horrible reign isn't with him. He has improved to where he's decent in the ring, and he is by no means bad. He's just not World Champion level, and from a talent perspective, there were a number of better candidates at hand on SD. And even if I did hate Bradshaw, which I don't; I hate the way he's been booked, I would have disliked whoever was booked as Champion like Bradshaw has been.


As for putting the title on Big Show, I don't think they should. For one thing, he can't deliver in the ring. I don't mean that World Champions should work **** matches all the time, but WWE fans have come to expect a certain level of match quality, and if they put the belt on BS, then match quality will drop even more. Not to mention that putting the belt on BS limits the number of potential challengers, because his size makes it hard to take anyone seriously as a challenger, and that alone hurts the drawing power of him as WWE Champion. Another problem is that in order to set up title matches, they'll either have to beat him or have him beaten down a lot, and monsters doing that don't stay monsters for long. For BS to be utilised the best he should be kept away from the title as much as possible, because a program with the champion will either necessitate a screwjob finish, which will hurt the belt, or a short reign, which will also hurt the belt, and hurt BS as well.

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Guest curry_man2002
If Booker T is used as a transition champion so that Kurt Angle can win the belt, i'd rather not see book win it at all.


This guy just summed it up right there.

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Sorry, but Booker T is most certainly going to be the transitional champion that holds it until we start yet another beyond horrible Angle/Undertaker program.


Which pisses me off, because he'll no longer be the five time, five time, five time champion anymore....

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Guest Dynamite Kido
As for putting the title on Big Show, I don't think they should. For one thing, he can't deliver in the ring. I don't mean that World Champions should work **** matches all the time, but WWE fans have come to expect a certain level of match quality, and if they put the belt on BS, then match quality will drop even more. Not to mention that putting the belt on BS limits the number of potential challengers, because his size makes it hard to take anyone seriously as a challenger, and that alone hurts the drawing power of him as WWE Champion. Another problem is that in order to set up title matches, they'll either have to beat him or have him beaten down a lot, and monsters doing that don't stay monsters for long. For BS to be utilised the best he should be kept away from the title as much as possible, because a program with the champion will either necessitate a screwjob finish, which will hurt the belt, or a short reign, which will also hurt the belt, and hurt BS as well.

Now, keep in mind that I actually agree with you. But I am looking at it in the form of a transitional champion (like whoever wins the title next would be anyways)so it's going to be a short reign regardless. But BS would be able to either redeem a fallen champion(like if Eddie were to beat him for example) or he can give the "rub" to someone else(as much as I dislike him.........I'm thinking Cena for this one), especially if BS is built into a big deal. I am not saying that BS can really hit the workrate up and become some awesome wrestler either. But he wouldn't be any worse in ring than Undertaker or even Bradshaw at this point.

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As for putting the title on Big Show, I don't think they should. For one thing, he can't deliver in the ring. I don't mean that World Champions should work **** matches all the time, but WWE fans have come to expect a certain level of match quality, and if they put the belt on BS, then match quality will drop even more. Not to mention that putting the belt on BS limits the number of potential challengers, because his size makes it hard to take anyone seriously as a challenger, and that alone hurts the drawing power of him as WWE Champion. Another problem is that in order to set up title matches, they'll either have to beat him or have him beaten down a lot, and monsters doing that don't stay monsters for long. For BS to be utilised the best he should be kept away from the title as much as possible, because a program with the champion will either necessitate a screwjob finish, which will hurt the belt, or a short reign, which will also hurt the belt, and hurt BS as well.

Now, keep in mind that I actually agree with you. But I am looking at it in the form of a transitional champion (like whoever wins the title next would be anyways)so it's going to be a short reign regardless. But BS would be able to either redeem a fallen champion(like if Eddie were to beat him for example) or he can give the "rub" to someone else(as much as I dislike him.........I'm thinking Cena for this one), especially if BS is built into a big deal. I am not saying that BS can really hit the workrate up and become some awesome wrestler either. But he wouldn't be any worse in ring than Undertaker or even Bradshaw at this point.

BS can't give a rub to anyone right now, primarily because he has none to give. Maybe in 6-8 months, if he is booked a monster, he can give someone a rub, but right now he can't give anyone any kind of rub. He's only just started his monster role, and losing anytime soon, which a transtional champion role would require, would do too much damage. It's better for BS, and for business, that he not be put into that position. At this point, the only kind of 'rub' that the transitional champion, whoever it is, can give, is if they are talented enough to make the title switch a **** level dramatic affair, and make it look like the guy he dropped the belt to earned the belt in a belter of a contest.

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Rebuttal: Booker T is a better worker than Big Show and RVD combined and obviously deserves it more than either of them.

As much as I like Book, he truly is very overrated and I could count in one hand all the *** or plus matches he had in his single carrer(They were all with Benoit). His matches will bores the crap out of me. RVD would make a better choice for a champion because number 1: He is still over as a face with the fans w/o having any type of push whatsoever and number 2: he could have better matches with Angle, Eddie and Taker compare to a Booker T or a Bradshaw.

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Sad thing is......the main reason why Bradshaw's run sucked was because the way it was booked..............not because of JBL himself.

Sorry to burst your bubble but the reason JBL's title reign sucked was because................

he just plainly sucks as a main eventer, just like he did when he was a Hardcore champion.

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Guest Loss

Booker T is underrated if anything. He's had a lot of good matches that have been forgotten, most notably his match with Jericho on the 07/09/01 RAW and his match with Mark Henry on the 11/17/03 RAW. He rarely gets the credit he deserves.

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People are now accepting JBL as a credible wwe champion?


:lol: :ph34r: :lol: :P


I mean when JBL is making inside jokes about his championship reign with such "classic" barbs such as being a technical wizard like Bret Hart, being the most popular champion of all-time, and being the single greatest athlete to ever hold the belt I guess it must have some credibility to it. He couldn't be doing a wink of an eye to people who know he sucks. Seriously, he SUCKS!


Sure his character is growing on people when he steals Ted Dibase's gig and is pushed down people's throats. Now granted, I think anyone given this similar push would suck with the talent level of Bradshaw. The brand has only started to focus on Bradshaw at the moment which could be a sign that they are ready for him to job the title. He might have been better for the US championship, but I think I rather Carlito's push at the moment. I like Booker and all, but he is over-rated on the net. I think the wwe ruined him by letting Rock destroy him when he first came on the scene. However, I would buy him as champ much quicker than JBL. When someone had the ability of actually making people believe he would win the title over Triple H he has to have some kind of value. How many people actually seem like a threat to win over Trips? Of course, we know how that went and where he went after that feud. I just pray that JBL doesn't do the same kind of angle and Booker loses again.


With all that said I wouldn't be surprised to see Bradshaw hold the damn belt at least until Royal Rumble. The wwe seems content with pushing heel champions for extended periods of time over babyface champions since the brand split.


Okay, so if Booker ends up being the transition champion for Angle I want to know what in the hell is going to happen if we get Taker/Angle at Mania. That means Taker gets the belt or Angle gets a win over Taker? I think either way we are stuck with a horrible outcome. If Orton goes over Trips at Mania I really don't think there will be two title changes.

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