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I needed that...

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When I woke up this morning, I found a message on my cell phone from an operative of the Democratic Party of Louisiana on my cell phone.



Considering that my cell phone was unlisted, I was slightly pissed to say the least.



Given that the jackass who called left his number so that I could call back, I called him, asked how he got the number, and he said it was on his contact list. I told him to take me off the list and, if I ever got a call from him again, I'd call Terry McAuffile's home number to complain and then gave him the number.


If you want to know the number, check my sig. Don't ask how I got it.

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Guest Smues

No fair, all I ever get are the recorded messages that don't leave a number so I can't call and tell them to fuck themselves.

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Guest Anglesault
No fair, all I ever get are the recorded messages that don't leave a number so I can't call and tell them to fuck themselves.

I get people who struggle with my name. First and last. Think about that for a minute.

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Guest Loss

On my phone this morning:


"Do you want gay marriage in Arkansas? Well, I don't either. Do you realize that if you don't show up at the polls, Arkansas will have gay marriage? If you are against this, show up at the polls and vote for Jim Holt for US Senate. Blanche Lincoln says she opposes gay marriage, but she's really for it. Jim Holt will protect marriage."


Not to mention that he has "Elect Jim Holt - Protect Marriage" signs everywhere in town. And people say *I'm* single-minded.

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Guest Anglesault
Anglesault, isn't your first name Eric?

Is it Matt?




I go by Matt and Matthew, and seriously, I've never heard so many people pronounce the h.


"Hello, is Matt-HYOU available?"


"No, he's not home. *click*"

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Anglesault, isn't your first name Eric?

Is it Matt?




I go by Matt and Matthew, and seriously, I've never heard so many people pronounce the h.


"Hello, is Matt-HYOU available?"


"No, he's not home. *click*"

Huh. I'm a Matthew as well, but I've never gotten that one before (although just the other day somehow someone mistook my name for "Max").


But people ALWAYS fuck up my last name. It's very similar to "Nixon", but it's not - but you can be sure as shit that whenever I do tell someone my last name, they'll immediately come back with "Nixon?"


I've heard it so many times at this point that I can't even get offended anymore.

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Guest Smues

Wow that's a new one. Never been called Matt-Hyou before, but I'm sure now that i've heard about it it'll happen today because life is wierd. People mess up my last name all the time though. Despite being one sylable and very easy to pronounce people always throw in an N that's not there.

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Guest Anglesault
Huh. I'm a Matthew as well, but I've never gotten that one before

Because it's a common fucking name. 99% of people can manage it. Hell, it only started happening to me recently (And for all I know, it may be the same girl each time)

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On this topic, one of my friends emailed me this message (i.e. it's not spam):


Hello everyone--


Here's some useful info I'm forwarding on...


A directory of cell phone numbers will be published soon. This opens the door to solicitors calling cell phones annoying you and using up your minutes. The Federal Trade Commission has set up a do not call list. You must call FROM the number you wish to register. The number is 1-888-382-1222, OR you can click on the link below to register your cell phones on line.




So, you can probably expect more of this type of crap. Just passing along the info, for those who might want to head this stuff off at the pass.

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Guest MikeSC
On this topic, one of my friends emailed me this message (i.e. it's not spam):


Hello everyone--


Here's some useful info I'm forwarding on...


A directory of cell phone numbers will be published soon. This opens the door to solicitors calling cell phones annoying you and using up your minutes. The Federal Trade Commission has set up a do not call list. You must call FROM the number you wish to register. The number is 1-888-382-1222, OR you can click on the link below to register your cell phones on line.




So, you can probably expect more of this type of crap. Just passing along the info, for those who might want to head this stuff off at the pass.

You could easily file a suit on that. Since you have to pay to answer incoming calls, you can easily claim that the calls are a financial burden.


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The funny thing is that my cell phone was ALREADY on the Do Not Call list... I registered it and my (then) home phone number a year or two ago when the list first came about.



Unfortunately, I erased the message from the Dumbass National Committee, so my proof is gone.

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Guest MikeSC
The DNC list still allows political calls:(

On cell phones?


If you have to pay for incoming (I do not have, nor want, a cell phone), there is no way that can be considered legal. It'd be like allowing people to fax you junk mail.


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Guest Crazy Dan

Man, my new wife and I got bombarded by those damn phone calls last night. I am a Democrat and even I find them annoying. Its not like I am not going to vote for my party (usually, depends if I really like the challenger), but I really don't need the 5,000 phone calls making my day that more pleasant and telling me how to vote. I can make my own mind up, thankyou. For all you Republicans out there, does the RNC bomabard you with calls?


Man, can you imagine how pissed off cell phone users would get if they kept getting calls, that border on telemarketer level. Its bad enough that we get charged for received calls and those come from people we don't mind getting phone calls from.


One of the things that will make me glad this will be over is that I won't have to deal with the dreaded "calls" for four more years. And those annoying political ads from the parties and 527 groups will go away, so our airwaves will be safe for swimming in again.

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For all you Republicans out there, does the RNC bomabard you with calls?

It's not the RNC, but I've gotten at least one call a day for the past two weeks from a Republican watchdog-type group "not affiliated with any candidate or any candidate's campaign" telling me how evil Nick Lampson is.


A neighbor of mine has gotten calls from Laura Bush, Bush 41, and even GWB himself. I feel unloved. :(

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Guest JRE

A Republican woke me up this morning. They also called me on Saturday. And I'm not even a Repuiblican. Or of voting age. Or from Ohio (and they seemed to think I was...). I dunno who it was but it sounded unofficial

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Guest Brian

I get a ton of calls, even though my voting record is more inclinced towards Green and Libertarian candidates.

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For all you Republicans out there, does the RNC bomabard you with calls?

Everyone in my family are registered Democrats (because of the primaries, as mentioned before), but we were bombarded with calls from Republicans and relatively few from the Dems.

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Someone also called me yesterday, basically trying to give me the hard sell on Kerry, saying that if I'm not voting for him, I really, really, really, really, really, really should because Bush is evil and is leading us all down the wrong path. Needless to say, I didn't appreciate it.

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Guest Salacious Crumb

My friend almost killed some Kerry supporters over the weekend because the assholes ran his doorbell for two minutes straight and woke his neice up.

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