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Guest NoMercy

Why would any American vote for Bush?

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Guest PlatinumBoy
The international community doesn't have America's best interests at heart, they have humanity's best interests at heart.


And America's best interests aren't exactly always righteous.

Are you on drugs? So Russia, China, Korea, Iran, hell almost any Asian or Islamic state has just been great to the world and wanted the best for everyone?

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The International community has said "FUCK SUDAN!" while we've been busy in Iraq.


They don't care about anyone but themselves. We have gained nothing, nadda, zlinch but a big ass debt from Iraq. But WE are the bad guys.


I give up.

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Hey MikeSC, got a question for you...


You obviously voted for Bush, may I ask why? I don't think I've ever read a post where you have given a reason for why you support him, even after all the bumbling mistakes he's done...


This is not flame bait!

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Wow, I wonder if:


1. NoMercy has figured out that there is a slight right wing tinge here?


2. NoMercy regrets starting this thread?

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Guest Cerebus
Cerebus - "There hasn't been a single terrorist attack on American soil since 9/11."


Its not like you were getting constant attacks like some volitile places in the Middle East. How long was it since the last terrorist attack on American soil by a foreign organization? Pearl Harbour? How are you any safer from terrorist threats now that before?

1994 jackass. Don't forget the USS Cole bombing or the Kenya embassy bombing.

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Guest macheteofodin

How dare you tarnish the name of the best wrestling video game ever?


I'm not happy Bush won, but then again I wouldn't have been happy if Kerry won either. I'll live with it as long as he chills with the spending and stops pushing for things like the Patriot Act and Gay Marriage Ban (neither of which affects me, but I'm still quite wary of them). Not like I could do anything if he didn't chill with that stuff, but whatever. Apathy.

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Guest Loss
So, no black people voted for George Bush?

It was just white bible thumping KKK members who hate blacks.

Don't forget gays.

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Why would anyone vote for Bush?


Because Bush's daughters are much much easier on the eyes than Kerry's




That's as serious as I'm getting

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Guest Loss
Why did George W Bush think Iraq was such an critical threat that he had to rush off and start a war with them? Why not Iran? Why not Saudi Arabia? Didn't they have LEGITIMATE WMDs and terrorist networks? Aren't they a bigger threat?



(By the way Powerplay its "renege" not "renig")

Because if he DIDN'T and did your alternatives, you'd be saying "Why did Bush do that? How could he leave Saddam alone?"


That's a big, fat non-answer.

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Guest Loss
And so it begins -- bring on the hysteria. This is going to be so fucking great...

Yet people who aren't happy with the results last night are the ones that are put in Whiny Bitches for being trolls. How very fair.

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Guest MikeSC
You know what is funny, you guys take what I say so seriously. It is sad and pathetic that you live on these boards all of your life and it is even more sad that you have to put down others for having their own opinions. So if you want to vote for a redneck retard for president that is your own choice. So continue to live on these boards and post thousands and thousands of times a year.

You're gonna love "Whiny Bitches"


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Guest MikeSC
Bush relies on a large majority of hicks or mid-west hillbillies for his votes, note that the Northest totally shat on him.


Go NYC! Go Jersey! Go PA! Go Boston!


Big ups to Chi-Town, too.

And the Dems have to rely on effeminate whiny bitches. Notice how the South utterly shit on him?


And, ironically, the South is gaining EV while the North is losing them.


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Guest Loss

I don't think I'd be proud to say that the South shares my values, but hey, if it gets him elected, so be it.

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Guest MikeSC
I don't think I'd be proud to say that the South shares my values, but hey, if it gets him elected, so be it.

I wouldn't want to have my values shared by gay pride parade folks, seeing as how I actually have values.


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Guest Loss
I wouldn't want to have my values shared by gay pride parade folks, seeing as how I actually have values.


So the homophobia finally comes crawling out! It was about time.


You've obviously never been to a gay pride parade, or you'd know the most morally questionable thing that happens at these events is drug use and anonymous sex.


And guess what? The stereotypes of the gay community are also LARGELY TRUE. But I tend to be more interested in exceptions than rules, on just about every issue.

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Guest MikeSC
I wouldn't want to have my values shared by gay pride parade folks, seeing as how I actually have values.


So the homophobia finally comes crawling out! It was about time.


You've obviously never been to a gay pride parade, or you'd know the most morally questionable thing that happens at these events is drug use and anonymous sex.


And guess what? The stereotypes of the gay community are also LARGELY TRUE. But I tend to be more interested in exceptions than rules, on just about every issue.

Nope. Simply giving you an idea of how you're behaving presently.


And with that, I'm done replying to you. If I wish to deal with children, I can go watch my nephews.


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Guest SideFXs

Mike: I have yet to hear, at the half-hour CBS News break, a reason from the media, why President Bush won. Instead they offer many reasons why Kerry may have not received as many votes from Latino’s, or the youth, as they thought.


They have no idea that America, at its core, is conservative. The bums in the liberal media cannot give any credit at all to Pres. Bush!


Man are they in shock and denial. LMAO.


Unfortunately the next step to grief is anger. I can’t wait for that baby. Prepare for the bitterness to surface.


Hell, last night on CNN, who still could not give the election to Pres. Bush, at 3AM in the morning, the discussion centered around a President’s second term. They commented that an administration’s second term is warped with hubris. So you can see they are already trying to set Bush up. They still don’t understand him.

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And so it begins -- bring on the hysteria. This is going to be so fucking great...

Yet people who aren't happy with the results last night are the ones that are put in Whiny Bitches for being trolls. How very fair.

What are you talking about? I was referring to Big Media, Mikey I-need-Moore-ice-cream, etc., not the crybabies at this place.


Here's a hankie if it makes you feel better. I hope you don't mind that I wiped it across my crotch first...

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Do any of you see something wrong with Bush? At least look at the backlash that has followed his reign. It is not the American left that has conspired to create this, internationally there have been negative reactions to Bush and his administration. Don't any of you see why?

I see why. It's because we're bringing to light the fact Germany, France, and Russia provided Saddam with weapons in exchange for oil even after we went to war with Iraq. Way not to be corrupt.


No one likes us because 1) they will never touch our GNP, 2) they will never touch our military, 3) they can't stand to be dependant on us, and 4) we're too drunk on freedom while their citizens shell out 50% of their paycheck to taxes.


I love how foreign countries enjoy mentioning all the 'bad' we've done in the world while completely ignoring the good. Yeah, ok, so some civilians died during firefights in Iraq. Would you prefer a small percentage died that way or would you have thousands more die execution style and be dumped into a mass grave? Apparently you and the rest of the world choose the latter.


Everyone is acting in their best interests. My best interest is not to follow Germany, France, and Russia. My best interest is to look out for America.

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Guest Loss

Okay, so why was the hostility not there so much when Clinton was in power? What was the difference?

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Okay, so why was the hostility not there so much when Clinton was in power? What was the difference?

Because Clinton bent over backwards to appease foreign governments when instead they should have received a stern talking-to.

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Guest Loss

He did more than "give a stern talking to" with Bosnia, didn't he?


Clinton was lousy on foreign policy, specifically in China. But ... Bush is lousy on foreign policy too. Thing is, Clinton was liked. Bush is not. At least internationally.

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Guest MikeSC
He did more than "give a stern talking to" with Bosnia, didn't he?


Clinton was lousy on foreign policy, specifically in China. But ... Bush is lousy on foreign policy too. Thing is, Clinton was liked. Bush is not. At least internationally.

Because Clinton didn't want to DO anything. "Cut and run" is a piss-poor military strategy.


And, why do I get the impression that the French don't care that Chirac is every inch as hated here as Bush is abroad?


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