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Let's contain the liberal post-election hysteria

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Guest MikeSC
How about you two get a room and provoke each other till the sun comes up?

LOL! You can just smell the sexual tension, can't you? :lol:

Just keep it in your pants.


And, kkk, if I was going to make a bunch of posts about the idiocy of the left post-election --- I'd have been a lot more active.


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Guest MikeSC
Well fuck you all then...

I'm betting that brokentusk fella will work with you on that. :)


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Guest MikeSC
I've seen kkk. I'm still suprised he is getting hitched.


No. You are the homosexual dream of a twink.

I'm touched.


I don't like it.


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Guest MikeSC
Sorry if I don't notice the red hair -- I still can't get past kkk jr.'s brown skin...

I heard Mumia talking about her once. He was discussing all of the things that screwed him in his life and her name popped up out of nowhere. :)


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Look, I know you all want me, and I hate to break it to you all, but I'm a strict believer in monogomy. Y'all are gonna have to fight it out if you want me!


Please, please, don't all rush in at once.

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Guest MikeSC
Look, I know you all want me, and I hate to break it to you all, but I'm a strict believer in monogomy. Y'all are gonna have to fight it out if you want me!


Please, please, don't all rush in at once.

That warrants a monumental ewwwwwww!


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Guest MikeSC

Well, that has changed.

We Must Have Patience

...Barbra Streisand

Posted on November 8, 2004


In response to the results of the Presidential election last week, I would like to share with you a quote from Thomas Jefferson. Although written in 1798, I feel his words speak perfectly to the strong sentiments of frustration and disappointment 48% of the country feel.


"A little patience, and we shall see the reign of witches pass over, their spells dissolve, and the people, recovering their true sight, restore their government to its true principles. It is true that in the meantime we are suffering deeply in spirit, and incurring the horrors of a war and long oppressions of enormous public debt......If the game runs sometimes against us at home we must have patience till luck turns, and then we shall have an opportunity of winning back the principles we have lost, for this is a game where principles are at stake."


Well, she learned a lesson and used the words from somebody who had a clue.


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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

You're giving her far too much credit.



...she probably saw that on Mikey's website and thought "Ohhh! He said it, must repeat ad nauseum for next 4 years!"...

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Guest Loss

Pointless exercise in elitism




There's also one going around right now that I couldn't find that shows that all the states that supported Bush in this election are the same states that supported slavery.


This is doing NOTHING to help the cause. Absolutely ridiculous.

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With Alberta, New Hampshire, Minnesota, and Wisconsin, the USC is a pretty fucking redneck country. I'll take Jesusland.


Also, couldn't you say numerous slave states voted for Clinton as well? That's a stupid theory. Now you're not allowed to carry the South?

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Jesusland has Mardi Gras.

Yup, nothing says Jesus like women flashing their bouncers for beads.

And Spring Break.


Jesus loves him some Girls Gone Wild right?

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Guest Loss

I've made my thoughts on the South clear in the past, but there's a very unsettling mindset among my liberal friends that all Southerners are inbred hicks who hate gays, women and blacks, a line I used to trumpet as well. But I'm Southern and I'm not like that, so I should have taken offense.

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Wait...my state is in the United States of Canada...

SON OF A BITCH! :angry:


Does this mean I should now care about hockey and the winner of the Grey Cup?

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Guest Wildbomb 4:20

No. Hockey's dead this year (which makes me cry), and who plays football with a 55-yard line?



...if you're gonna copy the damn sport, do it fuckin right...

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