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Yasser Arafat has "Hours to live"

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Guest MikeSC
I've heard that Arafat was suffering from AIDS...which I think, if true, will come out sooner rather than later.


He did good for his cause, especially in later years. The violence that he was related to in his years as a young man was of course wrong but he did learn from his mistakes and realized that in order to achieve a Palestinian state and in order to free the Palestinian people from oppression, peace and discussion was the only means.


A man who did great things for the Palestinian cause. May he rest in peace.

Yet he called for the intifada that is currently going on.




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I've heard that Arafat was suffering from AIDS...which I think, if true, will come out sooner rather than later.


He did good for his cause, especially in later years. The violence that he was related to in his years as a young man was of course wrong but he did learn from his mistakes and realized that in order to achieve a Palestinian state and in order to free the Palestinian people from oppression, peace and discussion was the only means.


A man who did great things for the Palestinian cause. May he rest in peace.

My god.


You know, every single moment before I read one of your posts, I tell myself, "This guy really can't be THAT ignorant", and then you prove me totally wrong. At least you're consistent, though.


Seriously, go read Alan Dershowitz's "The Case for Israel". Israel is NOT the one who's been against peace all along.

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You would think after the President of Israel (I have forgot his name) was blown away by terrorist for signing a peace treaty would be the first clue but I guess not.


It's easy to blame Israel apparently. I love how everyone says "The Jewish people should leave!", completely ignoring the fact that they will have to go somewhere and by giving up Israel they would probably be slaughtered on the way out.


But that's ok apparently. I don't know WHY but some people seem to be completely FINE with the citizens in Israel getting blown to bits.

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Guest MikeSC
You would think after the President of Israel (I have forgot his name) was blown away by terrorist for signing a peace treaty would be the first clue but I guess not.


It's easy to blame Israel apparently. I love how everyone says "The Jewish people should leave!", completely ignoring the fact that they will have to go somewhere and by giving up Israel they would probably be slaughtered on the way out.


But that's ok apparently. I don't know WHY but some people seem to be completely FINE with the citizens in Israel getting blown to bits.

Because they're joos, probably.


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Guest SideFXs

Good riddance to the man that gave us the PLO. To the man that invented airline hijacking. To the man that killed 11 Israeli Olympic athletes, with the assistance of the German government, in Munich. To the Egyptian man who took 3 billion dollars meant to assist poor Paletinians. To the man who sponsored suicide bombers. To the most prolific killer of Jews, since Adolf Hitler. To the man who received a Nobel Peace Prize, the father of modern terrorism.


Once the media and the French get over praising this shit- of-humanity, history will judge him harshly.

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Guest Chris2005

Can we collectively as a world piss on his grave? May he rot in hell and dont rest in peace.

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You would think after the President of Israel (I have forgot his name) was blown away by terrorist for signing a peace treaty would be the first clue but I guess not.

Rabin? He was killed by a Jew.


Oh, and Arafat was a scumbag, and I cheered when I saw the newspaper headline announcing his death.

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Beats the hell out of me, I don't have a memory strong enough to remember back when Arafat won a Nobel Peace Prize. I sorta blanked it out for some reason, no clue why.

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The world is a better place without Arafat.


You can't have Israel, Palestinians, its been like these for centuries, get over it!

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Guest MikeSC
I like how CBS apologized for interrupting CSI to announce his death.

They should apologize for not smiling while announcing it.


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I like how CBS apologized for interrupting CSI to announce his death.

They should apologize for not smiling while announcing it.


They should run a CSI special in which they do an autopsy on the body to determine the true cause of death.



QUITE a few people overseas won't be happy if it comes out that the old bastard died of AIDS.

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Newborn Twins Named Yasser And Arafat


POSTED: 1:38 pm EST November 11, 2004

UPDATED: 6:02 pm EST November 11, 2004


GAZA CITY, Gaza Strip -- When Safra Hassan went into labor Thursday, she told her husband she wanted to name their child Yasser after Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat, who died hours earlier.


It was only in the delivery room at Gaza's Shifa Hospital that Hassan, 32, discovered she was carrying twin boys.


"I looked at my husband and I said, we will call them Yasser and Arafat," she told The Associated Press. "I'm so proud that the name of Yasser Arafat will be in my house every day, just as the name of Yasser Arafat will be in every Palestinian house forever."


The boys, each weighing about 4 1/2 pounds, are doing well, doctors said. Safra Hassan and her husband, Rafiq, have two other children, a 7-year-old daughter and a 5-year-old son.


Safra Hassan said naming her infants for Arafat was a small gesture compared to the sacrifices he made in pursuit of Palestinian statehood.


"I hope that my children will grow up in peace and will witness Yasser Arafat's dreams become reality," she said.




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Guest SideFXs


Newborn Twins Named Yasser And Arafat


I looked at my husband and I said, we will call them Yasser and Arafat," she told The Associated Press. "I'm so proud that the name of Yasser Arafat will be in my house every day, just as the name of Yasser Arafat will be in every Palestinian house forever."

Well, Chris, I guess those two infant boys will never be recruited to die in a suicide bomb attack.


You know, ...... since Yasser Arafat negotiated and stood so firmly for a peaceful Palestinian State.



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Ok, now that my AC Adaptor has arrived, Im back on my own laptop and can get back into things. Fuck Arafat. Hopefully the new Palestinian leader will crackdown on the terrorist groups and be commited to peace. I know better though...

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Fuck you! I'm not outsourcing that job to you, or those Afghan warlords in the caves of Torah Borah. I usually only pull them out to put someone's anti-Israel arguments in their place, but since you're being such a sandy vagina (eeewww...did I say that one right, guys?) and to show what a wonderful leader Arafat was to his own suffering people, I'll post one:


As always this Israel Myth and Fact of the day is sponsored by, The JSource Library at http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary.org/jsource/myth.



“The Palestinian Authority is bankrupt and the people are starving because the world does not care about the plight of the Palestinians.”




Just as Palestinian refugees have been international wards for decades, and received disproportionate amounts of assistance from around the world, the Palestinians living inside the Palestinian Authority have also been given far greater international financial support than most other suffering peoples. By the end of 2001, the Palestinians had received $4 billion (the figure is now closer to $5.5 billion) since Oslo. This is the equivalent of $1,330 per Palestinian. By comparison, the Marshall Plan to rebuild Europe after World War II provided $272 per European (in today's dollars).71


The violent uprising and terrorism have led to an increase in support for the Palestinians. In 1999, international donors provided $482 million, but that figure jumped to $929 million in 2001.


These figures do not include the billions of dollars in assets the Palestine Liberation Organization is believed to have accumulated over the years through drug trafficking, illegal arms dealing, money laundering, fraud, extortion, and legal investments.


No one debates that the economic situation in the PA is difficult, but the Palestinians are hardly the only people suffering in the world. In fact, people in many countries are much poorer than the Palestinians. Ethiopia, for example, receives about the same amount of aid as the PA, but has a population 20 times larger. Even other Arabs are in worse shape than the Palestinians, and yet they receive little or no foreign aid. In 2000, per capita income of a West Bank Palestinian was actually higher than that of Arabs in middle-income countries such as Algeria or Egypt, and much higher than that in Morocco or Syria. In 2000, per capita aid to the Palestinian was $214, by far the highest in the world, with Bosnia a distant second at $185. Even after taking into account the decline in Palestinian incomes in the last two years, they would still be considered lower middle class among the Arabs.72


The problem for the Palestinian Authority is not a lack of funds, but a lack of accountability. Instead of going to feed, house, and employ Palestinians, significant amounts of aid have been siphoned off by Yasser Arafat and other PA officials. One need only ask why refugee camps continue to exist within the PA. With $4 billion, shouldn’t the PA have been able to build at least one house for a refugee family?


In 1996, $326 million disappeared from the PA and the Palestinian Legislative Council established a commission to investigate the loss. The subsequent report concluded that nearly 40 percent of the PA’s $800 million budget had been lost through corruption and mismanagement. The PA’s comptroller wrote: “The overall picture is one of a Mafia-style government, where the main point of being in public office is to get rich quick.”73


In 2000, Arab countries pledged $1 billion to help the PA, but stipulated that “Chairman Arafat show complete transparency in the funds.” Arafat refused, and the Arab leaders withheld the funding “for fear that the money will end up in the wrong pockets.” And for good reason. On June 5, 2002, the Kuwaiti daily Al-Watan published documents showing that Arafat had deposited $5.1 million from Arab aid funds into his personal account to support his wife and daughter who live in Paris and Switzerland.74


Despite their concerns, since April 2001 Arab governments have transferred $45 million each month to the PA, and the European Union has contributed another $10 million monthly. Overall, however, donor aid, which comes primarily from these two sources has dropped by around half in 2003 from 2001 and 2002.74a


The problems facing the Palestinian people and the PA economy are not due to a lack of funding or international concern, they are a direct result of the corruption and the lack of accountability of the PA, and the use of donated funds for terrorism and other purposes not intended by the donors.

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Guest Anglesault
I like how CBS apologized for interrupting CSI to announce his death.

I Tivo'ed CSINY last night, and I watched it today. The show was unresolved. I'm quite annoyed.

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Of course INXS will totally ignore this and continue to praise Arafat- but that's why we love him

As previously clarified, I do not like INXS. In fact, Im pretty pissed that he's sneaking away from his end of the avatar bet. My suggestion was provided at the end of this thread: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...pic=63038&st=90


I think a mod should see to it that it is enforced. It's only fair.

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I like how CBS apologized for interrupting CSI to announce his death.

I Tivo'ed CSINY last night, and I watched it today. The show was unresolved. I'm quite annoyed.



And the killer is....




CBS News is reporting that freedom fighter and the #1 believer in peace Yasser Arafat is dead. May God rest his peace loving soul

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I've heard that Arafat was suffering from AIDS...which I think, if true, will come out sooner rather than later.


He did good for his cause, especially in later years. The violence that he was related to in his years as a young man was of course wrong but he did learn from his mistakes and realized that in order to achieve a Palestinian state and in order to free the Palestinian people from oppression, peace and discussion was the only means.


A man who did great things for the Palestinian cause. May he rest in peace.



Jesus tapdancing Christ, you have to be the most naive and ignorant person alive.


Arafat was a TERRORIST and a THUG, nothing more. Late in Clinton's presidency, he had Arafat at Camp David and offered him *everything* he'd said he wanted: peace, a Palestinian homeland side-by-side with Israel, etc. Do you want to know what your "great man" who was all about "peace and discussion" did?


He walked out.


KNow why? Because Arafat didn't want a Palestinian state to coexist with Israel. He wanted to destroy Israel, kill all the Jews, and take over the whole bloody place for his Palestinian homeland. He was a mass murderer and sociopath who ordered, condoned, financed, and actively supported thousands and thousands of murders.


The only thing wrong with his death is that he didn't suffer nearly enough.


I heard tens of thousands of Palestinians were in the streets after he died. Israel should have killed them all. They should also kill every piece of shit terrorist who attends Arafat's funeral tomorrow. A couple missiles should be enough.


And fucking educate yourself about people before you start giving them head. Christ on a cracker.

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Does Jimmy Carter count as a terrorist to take out with a missile?

He's been Disavowed, like in Mission Impossible, so we look the other way if he gets killed.

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Beats the hell out of me, I don't have a memory strong enough to remember back when Arafat won a Nobel Peace Prize. I sorta blanked it out for some reason, no clue why.

The Nobel Prize was for the Oslo Accords, which didn't really do anything. They were perceived to be historic at the time, though.

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Guest INXS


Of course INXS will totally ignore this and continue to praise Arafat- but that's why we love him

As previously clarified, I do not like INXS. In fact, Im pretty pissed that he's sneaking away from his end of the avatar bet. My suggestion was provided at the end of this thread: http://forums.thesmartmarks.com/index.php?...pic=63038&st=90


I think a mod should see to it that it is enforced. It's only fair.

I actually forgot all about that bet. If you can direct me to the Avatar of your choice, via PM, i'll add it.

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