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You want wrestlecrap?

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Got this off the DVDVR boards, I guess it's in this week's Observer:


"-Apparently one of the ideas the fired Smackdown writer had was to have Heidenriech play a Frozen Nazi who has been in a block of ice since 1939"


Come on, you have to admit that's funny.

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Well, it would be more entertaining than what they are doing with the piece of crap now.


Would it not?


At least it would have been so horrible that we could have laughed at it.

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I would have loved that angle, personally. Heck, I was just doing a similar angle in an E-Fed, where my character discovered a magic lamp containing the spirit of a 2nd century Mongolian warrior. He released the spirit, then proceeded to unfreeze the body of a 17th century Russian that he discovered all to speed up his plot for world domination. Meanwhile, he was being tailed by 3 other wrestlers who were part of a secret organization dedicated to the the prevention of evil spirits being released, and thus they must recapture the Mongolian. Sadly, before my character could summon the spirit of an African warrior god and stuff it into the body of a jobber, the league closed. Anyway, they should have kept that guy. Odd angles like that would actually get me to watch the WWE again and actually enjoy it. Ah well.

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I would have loved that angle, personally. Heck, I was just doing a similar angle in an E-Fed, where my character discovered a magic lamp containing the spirit of a 2nd century Mongolian warrior. He released the spirit, then proceeded to unfreeze the body of a 17th century Russian that he discovered all to speed up his plot for world domination. Meanwhile, he was being tailed by 3 other wrestlers who were part of a secret organization dedicated to the the prevention of evil spirits being released, and thus they must recapture the Mongolian. Sadly, before my character could summon the spirit of an African warrior god and stuff it into the body of a jobber, the league closed. Anyway, they should have kept that guy. Odd angles like that would actually get me to watch the WWE again and actually enjoy it. Ah well.

That must be the worst e-fed ever. :P

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That must be the worst e-fed ever.


Pretty much. The whole angle was mocking a guy who had his character get killed, then return possessed by a demon, leading up to a match as the character's demonically possessed body faced the character's brother for the rights to the character's soul. He played it completely straight too. Alas, my big blowoff of a soul on a pole match in a three tiered hell in a cell never came to fruition.

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Guest LooneyTune

Since we are all revealing stupid ideas...yesterday while washing some cooking utensils, I had an idea for a Wrestling Chef. He'd whack people with his rolling pin and ladle. After he won, he'd call the cops and sprinkle powdered sugar all over them.

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Guest Mordecai's Cathedral

That would be similar to how Kane debuted, although this time it's not The Undertaker's brother, but Bradshaw's uncle.

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Since we are all revealing stupid ideas...yesterday while washing some cooking utensils, I had an idea for a Wrestling Chef. He'd whack people with his rolling pin and ladle. After he won, he'd call the cops and sprinkle powdered sugar all over them.


There is already a wrestling chef. Except he comes out with a huge pot and wooden spoon. Check it out at ICW-Wrestling.com


Thats a bad picture of him really.

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Guest Shutterspeed

The angle seems less and less idiotic the more time it's given to sink in.


It's just assumed that in pro wrestling, the storyline has to take the backseat to the wrestling. Storylines should be simple and revolve around the wrestling aspect of the product. Why? If done properly, a far-out storyline can work itself around the wrestling and be great. Obviously it can't enhance realism, because if so, the Undertaker rising from the dead would be all over the news.


If someone had the guts to get behind this and make it work, it might actually make good television.

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Guest Duncan Eternia
Got this off the DVDVR boards, I guess it's in this week's Observer:


"-Apparently one of the ideas the fired Smackdown writer had was to have Heidenriech play a Frozen Nazi who has been in a block of ice since 1939"


Come on, you have to admit that's funny.

MY God......that could have been classic - in a Mantaur kind of way.

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"-Apparently one of the ideas the fired Smackdown writer had was to have Heidenriech play a Frozen Nazi who has been in a block of ice since 1939"

Amazing! The excact same thing to Captain America! Maybe they could of had The Undertaker put that American flag patch on his wrestling gear again and it would be like something stright out of a Captain America comic. I applud this writer for his horrible horrible idea that we all think is funny now but would be tearing apart if it had actually happened. :D

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Guest Korgath
Amazing! The excact same thing to Captain America! Maybe they could of had The Undertaker put that American flag patch on his wrestling gear again and it would be like something stright out of a Captain America comic. I applud this writer for his horrible horrible idea that we all think is funny now but would be tearing apart if it had actually happened. :D

I can't believe I had to reach the end of the thread before someone noticed it's a direct rip-off of Captain America's origin.


As if the wrestling world didn't already step on Marvel's toes with Arachnaman.


^Now THAT'S Wrestlecrap^

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Since we are all revealing stupid ideas...yesterday while washing some cooking utensils, I had an idea for a Wrestling Chef. He'd whack people with his rolling pin and ladle. After he won, he'd call the cops and sprinkle powdered sugar all over them.


There is already a wrestling chef. Except he comes out with a huge pot and wooden spoon. Check it out at ICW-Wrestling.com


Thats a bad picture of him really.

Heh, those are awesome move names. B.L.T, Salad Shooter, and possibly the best - Wonton Bomb.

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The frozen Nazi gimmick would have been worth it just to hear Tazz and Cole try to sell it.


"Here he comes, recently unfrozen, and he's here in WWE to....to....to.... Oh fuck this. TNA, here I come."

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Guest Phenom
So was the Nazi and Japanese Emperor suppose to be a tag team called the Axis of Evil or what?

And Nunzio would be the Mussolini of the group!

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Guest Duncan Eternia
To: Duncan Eternia.


Re: Your sig.


Shorten that shit down.


The Heidenreich idea is gold.

It's not big man...I have seen a lot worse on here. Maybe its due to screen resolution.

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"Ladies and gentlemen of Smackdown, I'm just a caveman nazi. I fell on some ice and later got thawed out by some of your scientists. Your world frightens and confuses me! I do not know alot about your "modern" world, but there is one thing I do know - fuck Barry Horowitz."

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The culmination of this gimmick would be the surprise appearance of Gene Snitsky on Smackdown as a kind of "Encino Man" for the new age. Only he can defeat Heidenreich because he knows what it's like to be frozen and only then can truly understand the frozen Nazi mentality.


Encino Snitsky's manager? Ric Flair.

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