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Anyways, it woulda been great if, during the brawl, Ron artest looked into the camera and been like "November 23rd, Allure's Cd. Buy it." smiles and thumbs up.

That is fucking RICH!


"ESPN's Jim Grey spoke at midnight, ET on ESPN about the incident. His voice was quivering. He sounded extremely shaken up."


There is no doubt Jim Gray was shaken up.


He sounded like he wanted to cry.

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Guest Flyboy


Ron Atrest gets assaulted and he's the bad guy?? Sorry, but what a joke. These fans are a joke and they were a disgrace.


And yes, getting hit in the face with almost anything can be an assault charge. Artest was assaulted, he had every damn right to go into the stands. This "players should never go into the stands" is bull, these guys are humans and they shouldn't be expected to just accept assault.


And why in the HELL were the police ready to pepper spray the PACERS?!?!

Nice post, bro. I agree totally.

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"ESPN's Jim Grey spoke at midnight, ET on ESPN about the incident. His voice was quivering. He sounded extremely shaken up."


There is no doubt Jim Gray was shaken up.


He sounded like he wanted to cry.


I expected him to say, "I wet Ron Artest's shorts and I'm not sure how I did it...mommy....mommy"


Poor Jim Grey, he's getting too old for this shit.

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I love how they're all going on about how this is a disgrace, lowest point, blah blah blah.


This will get them ratings. Stern now has a TRULY LEGIT Eastern Conference feud that people will care about. The Christmas rematch is gonna be nuts, kobe vs shaq will actualy be secondary. Other leagues have had stuff like this happen and its never hurt them.

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He should have yelled "DEEEEEEETROIT BAAAAAAASKETBAAAAALL" and seen if anyone responded.

That made me fucking laugh my ass off. You're the man.


Anyways, I just watched some clips of this on Sports Center...this is fucking insane. NBA's image is easily going to be killed. Interest will go up, definately, but man. Fucking nuts.


I've never seen anything like this before. I mean, soccer riots is one thing but riots in sports in America is basically unheard of.

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After further review - Artest did go after the right guy.


Right before Artest reaches the guy in the black shirt, you can actually see the guy's hand extended and arced like he just threw the bottle.

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I saw the fight happen on ESPN while I was at Dave and Busters' I just happened to stop and saw all hell breaking loose. I wonder how many fans will be arrested tonight. Completely uncalled for at a sporting event. It was uncalled for for Artest to go into the stands and start punching away but the fan's behavior was completely uncalled for as well. Security didn't do their job and the incident escalated from a minor fracas to a major incident. While I can understand but can't defend the Pacers reaction (it is always wrong for players to go into the seats to attack fans), the behavior of Detroit fans was inappropriate and shameful.


On the lighter side of things, never screw with Jermaine O'Neal again. Talk about the mother of all punches, it was so hard that O'Neal lost his balance. Damn.


So how much security will the rematch have? I'm betting on two National Guard regiments.

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After further review - Artest did go after the right guy.


Right before Artest reaches the guy in the black shirt, you can actually see the guy's hand extended and arced like he just threw the bottle.


Does he even punch the guy? To me, it looks like Ron holds back. Plus Artest was looking right into the stands when he got struck so I'm sure he knows who threw it.


It just looks like Ron grabs him, shoves him into his seat and is grabbed by secruity. Then Artest gets punched in the back of the head and it just goes from there.


Stephen Jackson went OFF!

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Anyone find it kind of ironic the Pistons wore WWE belts to start the season and NOW they are in one of, if not, the biggest fight in the NBA's history?

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After checking...I'm right, Artest doesn't punch him.


And Jackson doesn't throw a punch till another fan hits Artest in the face with a drink.


This WAS the fans faults 100%

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Anyone find it kind of ironic the Pistons wore WWE belts to start the season and NOW they are in one of, if not, the biggest fight in the NBA's history?

Heel champs?

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Awesome, my NBC affiliate is from Detroit and were showing this game tonight. They're replaying it now, but I don't think I'll stay up until the end to watch it.

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I can definitely see the NBA trying to stop alcohol from being served after halftime.


I just gotta say, HOLY FUCKIN SHIT! That was crazy. Points I'll make are...


-Ben Wallace overreacted to the foul. I could see him step up to Artest's grill and chew him out or something, but he throat shoved him. Then when it looked like things were chilling out, he throws a towel at Artest to instigate things further. Ben should get a 3 game suspension IMO, not 2.


-Artest was actually doing the right thing all the way up until he got hit with the bottle and beverage while lying on the scorers table. The foul he gave was not that big a deal, even Bill Walton admitted during the live broadcast. Artest laid out on the table to chill. Was it a dick move? Sure, but he wasn't getting physically involved. The fan who threw the drink should be banned for life from any NBA games. Although I would've reacted pretty much the same as Artest, it doesn't make it right for him to go into the stands to come after a fan. He should face a 5-7 game suspension for his part in this. I will give him a smidge of credit for AT FIRST reacting to Wallace's overreaction with a cool head. I'm banking he wouldn't have gone into the stands if he wasn't wound up from the Wallace altercation in the first place.


-The players should NOT be penalized for actions against the 2 morons who stepped on the court to fight. Just like in pro wrestling, when you step out onto the court/in the ring, the players/wrestlers do not know what your intentions are and have every right to protect themselves. I'm betting that is the defense most of the Pacers will be coming up with when the league starts handing down punishments. While I agree with that in regards to the fisticuffs on the court, I do not agree with what happened in the stands.


-Stephen Jackson and Jermaine O'Neal should face the bigger fines and suspensions IMO. Jackson was wound up since the foul and was looking for a fight. He did not attempt to do anything but harm other players or fans. I understand the whole sticking up for your player mentality, but what Jackson did wasn't that. Not at all. J. O'Neal should get some kind of punishment because he did physically get involved with fans, just not the one he hit with the sliding punch. That guy shoved an assistant (I believe Chuck Person) and J O'Neal was looking out for his interests. However, O'Neal had the chance to leave earlier and just made matters worse around the entrance way. Jackson should get a minimum 10 game or more suspension and O'Neal should get about what Artest should get, 5-7.



This was just unreal. There were some pretty good games on tonight and this just overshadowed it. I get the feeling ESPN will rerun this incident more than the TO/Nicollette Sheridan MNF thing, which IMO, is a good thing.



To add to NBA brawls, I remember seeing a pretty good brawl sometime in '93 with the Knicks and Suns where Greg Anthony, who was on the IL with a bum ankle, came off the bench and was fighting with various Suns players. It was chaotic. No wonder he was defending the players so much tonight :)

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If the NBA fines or suspends Ron Artest, they deserve to a kick in the ass. Artest went into the stands and effectively subdues the guy so he doesn't get away with what he did.


That is ALL he does. Ron f'n Artest, DIDN'T do a thing. He goes into the stands, and basically arrests the guy who assaults him.


Then another fan hits Artest, who is being held, in the face. Jackson defends the defenseless Artest since he's being held. Then Artest gets punched in the damn head, twice by a "fan"


It wasn't until one steps on the court that Ron Artest throws a punch. Up until then, he does NOTHING that should warrant a fine or suspension.

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I thought O'Neal hurt himself from the fall he took after the punch.


I think the cop was going after the assistant coach who run at Artest, he didn't spray him, so him pulling it out didn't bother me so much, considering how many people were on the court at the time.


BTW Scot Pollard was looking stylish, and it seems like his suit would not allow any garbage to hit him.

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Just watched the entire fight on Sportscenter, then they slowed down the riot to show what exactly was happening.


Unbelivable. There's going to be fucking people in DEEP shit for this. I mean, deep fucking shit. Fans, players, whoever.



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Going into the stands is a suspension. Bottom line.




Saying Artest should allow the man who ASSAULTS him go and HOPE that the secruity, who didn't even REACT until Artest did, catches him is an insult.


This isn't a fan insulting a player, that should be a fine and suspension. Saying Ron Artest should be suspending for making a citizen arrest is a joke, it's a joke. He deserves nothing, nothing at all.

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Guest Smues
Anyone find it kind of ironic the Pistons wore WWE belts to start the season and NOW they are in one of, if not, the biggest fight in the NBA's history?

My thought was it was odd they have wrestling belts, and there were more drinks thrown then at a WCW event.

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Then another fan hits Artest, who is being held, in the face. Jackson defends the defenseless Artest since he's being held. Then Artest gets punched in the damn head, twice by a "fan"


It wasn't until one steps on the court that Ron Artest throws a punch. Up until then, he does NOTHING that should warrant a fine or suspension.

Gotta disagree, especially about Stephen Jackson, he ran right by Artest to punch someone.

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Going into the stands is a suspension.  Bottom line.




Saying Artest should allow the man who ASSAULTS him go and HOPE that the secruity, who didn't even REACT until Artest did, catches him is an insult.


This isn't a fan insulting a player, that should be a fine and suspension. Saying Ron Artest should be suspending for making a citizen arrest is a joke, it's a joke. He deserves nothing, nothing at all.

Doesn't matter.


Rules are the rules.

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No fan deserves any money from this insane situation, it was the fans fault to begin with so they don't deserve anything. It's time for the fans to take responsibility for their actions. Just because they paid $20-$200 for a ticket does not give them the right to attack the players. There is no rational at all for throwing drinks at the players.

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Guest Flyboy

Did anyone see one of the assistant Pacers' coach drop the People's Elbow on the person that Artest first attacked?

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Then another fan hits Artest, who is being held, in the face. Jackson defends the defenseless Artest since he's being held. Then Artest gets punched in the damn head, twice by a "fan"


It wasn't until one steps on the court that Ron Artest throws a punch. Up until then, he does NOTHING that should warrant a fine or suspension.

Gotta disagree, especially about Stephen Jackson, he ran right by Artest to punch someone.

But that was after the guy threw his drink at Artest while Artest was being held.

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