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Greatest Canadian?

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I picked Banting. Trudeau is one of our worst PM's, and he is absolutely reviled in the West, hell some of them were publically cheering his death.

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I may make a few jokes here and then about Canadians, but I got to give it to you; your grand fathers and great grandfathers fought with honor, distinction, and courage that would envy some of the greatest American soldiers. That's why I'll alwyas have a soft spot for Canada


Yeah, but look at them now, though.




From this list? Gretsky. For serious.


And if I couldn't vote for Gretsky, I'd vote for Wolverine. Cause outside of Wayne, Logan trumps all these other losers.

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I picked Banting. Trudeau is one of our worst PM's, and he is absolutely reviled in the West, hell some of them were publically cheering his death.

CBC loves him though, so he'll probably win. But I agree that he doesn't deserve it.

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I picked Banting. Trudeau is one of our worst PM's, and he is absolutely reviled in the West, hell some of them were publically cheering his death.

CBC loves him though, so he'll probably win. But I agree that he doesn't deserve it.

The list at CBC.ca has him in 6th. Tommy Douglas is leading the voting, followed by Terry Fox.

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OK, I've actually met Don Cherry, and I still think that the fact that he's on the list is utterly ridiculous. He was a hockey coach and broadcaster. That would be like people in the US voting John Madden as the greatest American of all-time.


I don't really think Canada's done all that great politically, so I wouldn't give it to any of their shitty PMs either.


Out of that list, I'd put Alexander Graham Bell first, Banting second and then Suzuki third. They at least accomplished something that's helpful to the greater world.


However, unless Suzuki's the guy I'm thinking of that did something with AIDS or cancer, he gets knocked out too. If he's a glorified television personality, he's not on the list of the greates jack shit.

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I may make a few jokes here and then about Canadians, but I got to give it to you; your grand fathers and great grandfathers fought with honor, distinction, and courage that would envy some of the greatest American soldiers. That's why I'll alwyas have a soft spot for Canada


Yeah, but look at them now, though.



I don't know if that was a joke or not about our army, or if you were just making a pointless jab at the country as a whole, but if you were NOT mocking our soldiers, then just ignore this next little rant:


Canadian soldiers are some of the best trained in the world. Better than Americans many would argue, on an individual basis, although your army is infinitely better because of all the money that's pumped into it. It's easy to make dumbass comments like that when you're talking out of your ass and clearly don't know what the fuck you're talking about. Next time you decide to be a fucking moron, shut the fuck up. Seriously, if I said something like "all American soldiers are stupid hicks" I'd be flamed to all hell, and rightfully so. This is on equal grounds I think, and is very disrespectful to some of the bravest men and women out there. But I forgot, that only applies to American soldiers.


Anyways, I'd say Mackenzie King is the best Canadian, he started up this revolutionary space program that was going to a bunch of new and wonderful things way up there. But then Diefenbaker disbanded it and most of the scientists went south of the board where there talents would be utilized...in this upstart little program called NASA.


Mack King is the greatest, Dief the Chief the worst.

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Guest Jason
Alexander Graham Bell - Inventor; most famous for inventing the telephone. Was the holder of 18 patents in his lifetime. A pioneer in a precursor to fiber-optic technology.

Um, i hate to point this out, but Bell wasn't Canadian, he was Scottish. He was born literally 500 yards along the road from where i live. He moved to Ontario for a short while, but spent just as much time in Boston, all while being Scottish.

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Alexander Graham Bell - Inventor; most famous for inventing the telephone.  Was the holder of 18 patents in his lifetime.  A pioneer in a precursor to fiber-optic technology.

Um, i hate to point this out, but Bell wasn't Canadian, he was Scottish. He was born literally 500 yards along the road from where i live. He moved to Ontario for a short while, but spent just as much time in Boston, all while being Scottish.

I don't judge the candidates' merits, I only report the facts.


Sir John A. was Scottish as well, as far as that goes.

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Bell is Canadian only by the most generous sense of the term: He would vacation here and he retired here. In fact the place he would finally retire in is about a 45 minute drive from where I live.


MacDonald has a far more legitimate claim to being Canadian than Bell does.

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Wow, Canada sucks even more than I thought it did. They can't even find 10 Canadians worthy of being on a top ten list. Don Cherry's weak as fuck, and now we find that three of the other ten aren't even really Canadian.

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Well obviously Macdonald can't really be Canadian, considering he was born before it existed.

He was one of the founding fathers of this country. Not including him is like not including Thomas Jefferson as an American because he was born before it was a country.

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Iggy, don't just look at what Grapes has done, look what he embodies and represents:


-Good hearted in general

-Tough but fair

-Hard working




The Canadian way. Yes, he's probably more conservative and outspoken than just about every Canadian, but he emodies, for the most part, Canadian ideals and values.



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It's been decided, much to my delight as a social democrat.


My pick, Tommy Douglas!


Terry Fox and Pierre Trudeau finished 2nd and 3rd, respectively. Exactly where I'd rank them.



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Well obviously Macdonald can't really be Canadian, considering he was born before it existed.

He was one of the founding fathers of this country. Not including him is like not including Thomas Jefferson as an American because he was born before it was a country.

After reading the post before mine, I decided to be sarc--


Never mind. Sometimes I wonder about the collective IQ of this place.

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I can see where Cherry would merit consideration from alot of people. Because "greatest" is so vague, and there was no real definition, it was very much open to interpretation.


How many people are prouder to be Canadian than Cherry? Cherry is an admirable supporter of Canada and probably the one person many people associate with patriotism in Canada, as much as anyone.


However, my pick would be Terry Fox. There are few human beings in history who were more courageous or inspirational then Fox. The man ran a marathon a day on one leg. Watching the Terry Fox episode actually brought a tear to my eye.


For all I know (and I'm not saying this is true) but a guy like Alexander Graham Bell could have been a jerk. What I'm getting at, is that for alot of these guys their accomplishments, discoveries, etc., no matter how amazing there are, are merely accomplishments. But with Terry, it was the spirit inside the person that made him great.


Like Gord Downie said, "Terry's gift is forever green."

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