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When Vince loses confidence.......

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Sounds like a cheesy reality tv show, but when he lost confidence in Ric Flair and had him job the title at a house show, and also Bob Backlunds 8 second loss to Nash, who else has Vince lost confidence in and quickly or suddenly depushed or jobbed out

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You're a tad bit misinformed.


Flair dropped the title at a house show because he was injured. There are conflicting reports on the exacts, but I believe it was an inner ear infection.


I believe the plan all along was for Backlund to drop the title to Backlund at the MSG show.

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AFAIK Flair did something on a Saturday Night Main Event or another show that was unauthorised and Vince lost confidence in him, of course, I'm going off the Bret shoot which could be full of shit

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Ric Flair was told he was going to be in the mid-cards, and so they gave him the option to go back to WCW, so he chose to. They needed someone to put the title on since Flair was champion, and they just gave it to Bret Hart since he was the best option at the time. Not really confidence, as in a new direction.



And Bob Backlund was always going to lose the title to Diesel then.

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thats one thing i never understood. why not just have Bret lose the belt to Diesel at Survivor Series instead of doing the one week Backlund reign. they were really intent on pushing Diesel, and surely it would be a bigger deal if he beat the guy that had pretty much dominated the company for the previous 2 years rather than someone who was a major player 12 years ago.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
thats one thing i never understood. why not just have Bret lose the belt to Diesel at Survivor Series instead of doing the one week Backlund reign. they were really intent on pushing Diesel, and surely it would be a bigger deal if he beat the guy that had pretty much dominated the company for the previous 2 years rather than someone who was a major player 12 years ago.

Honestly the only reason they had Bret lose to Backlund was to make Backlund look credible as he was slated to face Bret at Wrestlemania XI.

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Guest netslob
I believe the plan all along was for Backlund to drop the title to Backlund at the MSG show.

the true test of a great champion...dropping the title to yourself. :P

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Guest LooneyTune

HHH and Hogan both had pretty short reigns as Undisputed Champion in 2002. Triple H returns from death to win the title...and drops it 4 weeks later at Backlash.


Hogan returns after 9 years, bringing Hulkamania back to life...and drops it 4 weeks later at Judgment Day.

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Hunter only had a short reign because Vince mistook Hogan's pops for him being over as a regular guy, when it was pure nostalgia. If Hogan hadn't been around, Hunter would have had a longe reign.


Hogan's short reign was probably down to the fact that it did a lot of damage to the ratings, as they slid down real fast after he won the title, and it was never going to be a long run anyway, as it was just to cap off his comeback.

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Guest LooneyTune

I know this was probably booked in advance, but giving Kane a 1 night reign was pretty lame, but I guess thats what happens when the stipulations are extremly lop-sided, like a WCW Main Event.


Foley's reigns all combined maybe a month total. The last 1 I heard was because Austin didn't want to job to HHH, which I doubt since he jobbed 2 months later at Judgment Day.


Every other reign I can think of that was only a matter of days (Undertaker in 1991, Bret Hart in Spring 1997) all were part of a storyline, so it wasn't confidence lacking.

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Guest Loss
Hunter only had a short reign because Vince mistook Hogan's pops for him being over as a regular guy, when it was pure nostalgia. If Hogan hadn't been around, Hunter would have had a longe reign.


Hogan's short reign was probably down to the fact that it did a lot of damage to the ratings, as they slid down real fast after he won the title, and it was never going to be a long run anyway, as it was just to cap off his comeback.

It's my understanding that HHH was only going to transition the belt from Jericho to the Undertaker, despite winning at X-8. I seem to recall that the working plan was for HHH to drop the belt to the Undertaker at Backlash before they rebooked the main event because of poor crowd response.

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It's my understanding that HHH was only going to transition the belt from Jericho to the Undertaker, despite winning at X-8. I seem to recall that the working plan was for HHH to drop the belt to the Undertaker at Backlash before they rebooked the main event because of poor crowd response.

I highly doubt Hunter was going to transition the belt to Undertaker at Backlash. For one thing, the big story of the time was Hunter's big comeback, and it would make him look real weak to drop the belt after so much was put into his comeback. Granted, he did that anyway with Hogan, but that was a special circumstance, and Hunter had no problems with it. I couldn't see him having no problems with it if wasn't a special case. And the main event being rebooked was purely down to Hogan's reactions live.

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Guest LooneyTune

To make that a non-argument statement, it's what the live crowds wanted. I'm sure "smarks" were bitching about it, although I was marking like crazy the whole time of his 2002-2003 runs.

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Guest Dynamite Kido
To make that a non-argument statement, it's what the live crowds wanted. I'm sure "smarks" were bitching about it, although I was marking like crazy the whole time of his 2002-2003 runs.

Honestly I saw it as nothing as a nostagia run. I had no problem with it. I was a HUGE Hogan mark as a kid, so it was actually kinda cool for me.

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Guest LooneyTune

Just covering the bases incase a mega-Hogan-hater decides to say no one wanted it to happen, since "no one" or "anyone" or "everyone" should never be used in any argument ever, since never will an argument be 100% for something and 0% against.

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Ummm....how about Bret Hart at the Montreal Screwjob? Thats gotta be the biggest dont you think?

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Guest LooneyTune

It could be a yes or a no. Confidence as champion and trusting him not to leave the company with the belt and taking it to WCW could be two different scenarios, depending on the point of view.

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Would Yokozuna count as someone Vince lost confidence in? He was pushed as a monster and then Vince decided to bring back Hogan and gave him the title less than 5 minutes after Yoko won it. He got given a second chance, but only because Hulk wouldn't put Bret over.

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Guest LooneyTune

Yokozuna wasn't even scheduled to win the title at Wrestlemania. If Hogan didn't come back, Bret would've retained and probably feuded with the Narcissist (hence the tease feud they had going after his feud with Hennig)

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Guest fanofcoils

Where did you hear Yokozuna wasn't scheduled to win the title at Wrestlemania?

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Guest LooneyTune

Random people on multiple message boards who hate Hogan. Who would Yokozuna feud with if he won the title anyway? Bret/Luger was being set up according to Event Center promos (and the teased attack the day of WM), Savage was semi-retired, and Hennig was a midcarder. Undertaker was set with Gonzalez. We could've gotten...


Yokozuna vs. Jim Duggan for the World Title! Order King of the Ring NOW!

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From what I understood, Hogan and Beefcake were originally going to win the tag team titles, and Bret was going to beat Yoko. Not sure what Bret was going to do after, I guess the popular assumption is feuding with Luger. What would Hogan/Beefcake have done with the tag titles, do you think?

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Defended them at KOTR against the "biggest team Ted DiBiase could buy!" to "soften them up" for a rematch against Money, Inc.


MegaBarbers Vs. YOKOZUNA and Giant Gonzalez


With MegaBarbers winning by DQ to protect Gonzalez' heat. Taker makes the save.

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Guest LooneyTune

Hogan/Beefcake would probably continue the feud with Money Inc. No other (serious) heel contenders were around besides the Head Shrinkers, and they weren't even pushed for a Tag Title run until the Spring of '94 when they turned face.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You
thats one thing i never understood. why not just have Bret lose the belt to Diesel at Survivor Series instead of doing the one week Backlund reign. they were really intent on pushing Diesel, and surely it would be a bigger deal if he beat the guy that had pretty much dominated the company for the previous 2 years rather than someone who was a major player 12 years ago.

They had to blow off Shawn and Diesel's connection first (because Shawn/Diesel was scheduled for Mania already) and besides, they wanted to push Diesel as a face. Beating the #1 face(Bret) wouldn't be the right way to do this. By beating Backlund in 8 Seconds, It made Nash look totally invincible.


However, I was always convinced Bret/Owen III was set in stone for Mania XI and they didn't do it. I Know Owen was doing the "Tag Team Mystery Partner" deal but they could have held back on that another month and gone with Bret/Owen at WMXI. I really don't see how Vince thought Backlund was a better choice there. Unless of course he didn't want the harts to outshine L.T or something.

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