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Hunter's Torn Quad

WWE News And Notes From 12/6 Observer

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Just for the record, the top story in this weeks Observer was Zero One shutting down.

Another reason I do not subscribe to the Observer, I do not give a fuck about international wrestling.

Then subscribe to the Torch. You'd love them, as they totally ignore anything that didn't happen in America.

I realize I will get shit on for this, but I do subscribe to the torch.

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Guest LooneyTune

HTQ goes through the trouble of typing this up when he doesn't have to, and people just complain about what news is in it. I suggest not posting this anymore (or for a while) if people are just going to complain about the top story, which is an interesting read IMO.

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Actually, I do appreciate it and said thanks if you read my first post.  I just gave an opinion on the Observer.  I did not know opinions were not allowed.

Saturday Night's Main Event and the XFL are comparably the best AND worst stories coming out of Titan in the last 20 years.


Dick Ebersol and Vince McMahon are equally responsible for the ideas coming to fruition - hence the story of a "non-wrestling figure" being featured prominently on a insider sheet.

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Mizanin has also told people his strategy was to go after Puder personally, figuring him as the toughest competition, but after this week, when that looked to have backfired as the live crowds booed him. He responded by yelling “boo me” at the crowd like a spoiled child.

I missed that on SD. I didn't think the crowd booed him at all.

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Guest LooneyTune
Actually, I do appreciate it and said thanks if you read my first post. I just gave an opinion on the Observer. I did not know opinions were not allowed.

Whoops, sorry bout that, just a general statement really. HAving read the review for that horrible Chyna/Pac porn has made me think not very clearly.

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Guest TroughOfMantaur

Thanks for your efforts, HTQ. If you ever need any help, and have a scanner, I'd be willing to help transcript stuff.

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great stuff HTQ, reading that brought back memories of how much I loved SNME in the 80s. The first episode to the episode right before WM 3 is the peak of the Hogan Era and my favorite era ever in wrestling.

I second this! It's also nice to know that I was right about Hogan/Andre being the most watched match of all-time a few months back and not Austin/Taker in 1999. NOT EVEN CLOSE! Thanks for writing this also.

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Guest JJW

Thanks htq,Very interesting read,I just got my observer this morning but i haven't opened it yet cuz i wanted to finish this coming weeks F4W that i got yesterday.

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Reeves posted at Rajah again:


"Ok I came to the forum here for support from a board I have been reading news and rumors on for over 6 years or so. Fucking Puder uses the mixed martial arts boards and miz has God knows how many fucking fans just from his shows alone.For those of you complaining shut the fuck up and realize the contest is based on fan votes, so we do have to try and market ourselves a little, due to Miz being in it and Puder doing his thing. This was the only fucking board I came on and I am sick of hearing you guys say I am posting everywhere for votes.


I love how some call me bland, did you not see what they made us fucking do, we all were put in tough positions and had to still show respect to the wrestlers and still try to get over, not fucking easy so try it some time. Also I had bronchitis the whole time thus the low voice on the mic and my ribs were cracked week one, but I kept that to myself until they finally broke. I am talking with WWE on wednesday about my future with them and after that I will have to stop posting again, but I wanted you all to know I am a true wrestling fan first and only came to this board looking for a little support from fellow fans. Thanks for those who helped and best of luck to all of you!"

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"the contest is based on fan votes"




Not that it matters if it were.


Shame Reeves didn't really tell us what the hell that they do in between SDs. That would have been somewhat interesting.

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Guest combat_rock

You can read a good bit about it on Miz's site, most of it is just them doing standard in ring training with Al Snow and Bill DeMont. Also it seems that Miz and basically anyone that isn't in the competition anymore went out and partyed together quite a bit, while Puder and Justice seem to stick to themselves (well, Puder probably doesn't have a choice if everyone hates him so much).

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