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Guest The Shadow Behind You

Raw Thread 12. 13. 2004

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Someone really needs to remove Triple H's name from the belt.

You say it like he's not going to just win it back at NYR again.

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as requested by The Czech

Ok, i stand corrected...That facial expression kicks ass

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Guest JMA
Someone really needs to remove Triple H's name from the belt.

You say it like he's not going to just win it back at NYR again.

Oh, I know he's going to win it back. Having the name still on the belt just isn't very smart or logical, though. Then again, this is WWE Logic we're talking about...

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I've been out of it the last month since I've moved. Why has the Raw thread been neutered?


P.S. Nice to see the Disabled feature is still in full effect.

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I've been out of it the last month since I've moved. Why has the Raw thread been neutered?


P.S. Nice to see the Disabled feature is still in full effect.

Too many posts were crashing the board every Monday.

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Guest NaturalBornThriller4:20

So now Lita is accepting to the fact that Kane is her husband?

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Guest wildpegasus

Man, that was one depressing Raw. Not only tonight but what it means for the future. Nothing to look forward to at all.

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Everyone and their mother has been calling Elimination Chamber for MONTHS now. If anyone didn't see this coming they haven't been paying close enough attention.


Pretty good show tonight, the Edge v. Orton and Evo v. Benoit/Jericho matches were both very good. Typical RAW where the same 6 guys carry the show every week.....


EDIT* the chamber will likely come down to HHH, Orton and Batista, with HHH pulling out some sort of lucky win

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Hassan calling the troops 'cowards' and 'gutless' was a bit over the top. It further enforces the stereotype of all Muslims being evil anti-Americans, which i'm sure a large majority of wrestling fans believe already. But I guess this is wrestling after all.

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Guest Loss

I sound like a broken record, but why is Jericho continually buried in the buildup to big matches? Benoit, Edge and HHH all have a reason to be in the Chamber. Orton and Batista now hold respective victories over Edge and Benoit, so they have an argument as well. Jericho hasn't gotten a victory over HHH, which would make the most sense to logically find a way to include him, despite having the opportunity to allow that to happen in booking two consecutive weeks.

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They want Jericho to have the record for most appearances in the elimination chamber without winning. He already has it at 2, but hey, why not put it out of reach for the next JTTS they pretend to push........

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
Did Batista really need to go over Benny? Why couldnt he just pin Jobber Jericho. Everyone knows he aint winning the EC, so make him lose.

Because Jericho was not in the world title picture.


What would him pinning Jericho have done? Nothing. Him pinning Benoit, meant...he beat one of the championship contenders, which in a way made him one.

He is in the EC, so he is a Champ contender. And they didnt mention it was a huge Batista win. Hell, they will probably just say that Batista took HHH's pin and not mention who he was pinning.

Batista has already beaten Jericho, that proves nothing. Beating Benoit puts him in Benoit's league, so it was the right call to make if you're booking.

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Also, the course of the show told a good story leading to Bischoff's decision.


Going in, you have HHH, Edge and Benoit to consider for the title.


Orton beats Edge clean, thus making a case for him.


Batista said that standing tall and victorious in the tag match would show Bischoff who the true champ should be.


Jericho totally dominated the end of the match, and pretty much had it won.


Batista beat Benoit, making a case for him.


Lastly, considering there needs to be 6 men for the chamber, Jericho's involvement in this whole storyline, and his dominating at the end of the tag match, you have to consider him, too.



As for the EC match itself, I would buy into any argument for each guy winning. Too close to call right now.

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I've been out of it the last month since I've moved. Why has the Raw thread been neutered?


P.S. Nice to see the Disabled feature is still in full effect.

Too many posts were crashing the board every Monday.

Yeah and we don't even discuss Raw anymore, we just play fill-in-the-blank with clangy pipes.

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Guest I *Heart* Jeff Weaver

They need to mic the crowd better. The announcement of the match itself and revealing Orton as the 6th man didn't get nearly the reactions they were looking for.

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The obly reason I could come up with was Bischoff thoguth he deserved a title shot since he didn't get one the week he was Raw GM.

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I predict Hunter to win EC, with him getting involved in eliminating Batista in such a manner as to build towards a match between the two at WM XXI. I don't think Hunter v Orton is on the cards for WM XXI anymore, because everything on tv is building towards a Batista-Hunter split, and I think they'll face off at WM XXI, with Batista probably beating Hunter for the Raw title.

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Guest The Shadow Behind You

I'm guessing the excuse for him getting a shot will be the old stand by "He's a former world champion"

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I predict Hunter to win EC, with him getting involved in eliminating Batista in such a manner as to build towards a match between the two at WM XXI. I don't think Hunter v Orton is on the cards for WM XXI anymore, because everything on tv is building towards a Batista-Hunter split, and I think they'll face off at WM XXI, with Batista probably beating Hunter for the Raw title.

Interesting. Maybe if Batista/Trips is on for Mania and they don't want to hault Orton's push, they'll send him to Smackdown! to beat JBL. I don't see that being likely, as I think Cena's got that spot.

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Guest Evolution

Or maybe they're trying to get Orton built up as a full-blown face instead of a Jeff Hardy kind of face (face pops from the ladies, indifference from everyone else). Right now, Batista is getting all sorts of crazy face heat, perhaps more than Orton had when battling with Triple H in the early Evolution split. Maybe the fact that Batista looks like he could not only go toe-to-toe with Triple H, but also beat him into the ground makes the fans more accepting of Batista?

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That, and I think the fans aren't buying Orton's Rock-Lite face persona. And they probably did turn him face a bit too quickly, unlike the slow burn with Batista.


Besides, Big Dave is just cooler than the other side of the pillow.

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That, and I think the fans aren't buying Orton's Rock-Lite face persona. And they probably did turn him face a bit too quickly, unlike the slow burn with Batista.


That is exactly the problem. I hear it all the time from my friends who are more of casual fans. They claim they don't like Orton because he seems to be imitating Rock all the time.

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