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Child born without a face

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Since most of you have never had kids I will offer this up.


If I knew about this BEFORE she was born then I would consider aborting it as her (if it were early enough along) may be too expensive to be able to give her a comfortable life and depending on the pain and suffering and if there is anything I could do about it.


Now if they DID NOT know until she was born then the people here who suggest that they kill an innocent child that was born into this world for being different, retarded, limbless etc then I hope the worst thing imaginable come into your life and take you and your family.



Whatever that thing is.

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Guest The Winter Of My Discontent
FrigidSoul asked to have his old account deleted, so outing him under another account doesn't make a difference.

What kind of pathetic sack of shit would consistantly whine about his mistreatment at two seperate message boards, and try to be a cyber martyr and ask to be unregistered? Frigidsoul.


Fine, maybe he's just an overdramatic pussy. I can live with that. But he's had health issues, and refuses to get a job so he binges at various message boards. Thats fine, I can accept that, he doesn't have any friends. I can see why, but again, its not a punishable offense. But when he suggests a little girl without a face (which can be joked about on a message board [within reason]) should be aborted as she'll eventually want to kill herself anyway is reprehensible and unbarably ironic. Even with her disability I can gaurentee she won't be a despicable disgrace to humanity like Frigidsoul. If anyone should abort their pathetic life it should be him. Don't state that everyone agrees with your statement. If I was ever compared to you in the same breath I'd rip the life out of my chest.


So no, I'm not trying to out his account, I am trying to out him for being a heartless and pathetic sack of shit.


Did you all wait for me to snap? Well there you go. Don't mock or ridicule children with disabilities. Its fucking inexcusable. There's many of you in this thread who should be fucking slapped for being dicks.

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Don't mock or ridicule children with disabilities. Its fucking inexcusable. There's many of you in this thread who should be fucking slapped for being dicks.


Meaning no more picking on Damaramu.

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Guest Failed Mascot
Now if they DID NOT know until she was born then the people here who suggest that they kill an innocent child that was born into this world for being different, retarded, limbless etc then I hope the worst thing imaginable come into your life and take you and your family.

Personally I wouldn't say kill something because its missing a limb or because its deaf, but in this case where the child is probably living in constant pain everyday and its only going to get worse as she gets older then I have one thing to ask; why can we be "humane" to the animals but not to the people?


Now its far too late for anything to be done in this case. The child appears to be 3 years old and is living(I'll use that term loosely). However at the hospital they just went and did everything possible to save the newborn's life without asking themself if they really should. I'm not placing all the blame on the doctor's either as the parents have just as much.


If I had a child and it was in as rough shape as this one when it was born and I could see it would do nothing but suffer then I would tell them to allow nature to take its course. If the child lived then alright, but if the child didn't then I could accept it just wasn't meant to.


Also since Banky isn't jumping on NeverMortal for saying he would beat the kid to death with a lead-pipe I just take everything he has with a grain of salt. I just seem to clash with all Canadians.

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Apparantly whoever said the "moral brigade" were run off is dead wrong. As an aside, if that were me, as soon as possible I would take my own life. No bullshit, or joke, I would seriously kill myself.

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I'm also not going to be lured into personal arguements this time around. If people really want to attack me verbally on a personal level then I can just hit that little 'x' in the upper right hand corner and it goes away.


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Guest Cerebus

I live in pain everyday. Maybe I should kill myself to save my wife and parents the trouble.

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I live in pain everyday. Maybe I should kill myself to save my wife and parents the trouble.

If you really feel that way, I do not know if you are joking, I would say look at all of the possible future scenerios. If you see no way that your life would get any better, than go ahead and do it. ( I am not saying this as a joke, if your life sucks, and will always suck, I see nothing wrong with suicide) However, I am not a religious person, so that might change how you view life, and what happens to you if you kill yourself. Also, I enjoy my life, therefore I do not know what you are going through.

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Guest Jason
why can we be "humane" to the animals but not to the people?


Why do everybody keep comparing humans to animals. You guys talk like animals should have equal rights. It's not the same thing.


If I had a child and it was in as rough shape as this one when it was born and I could see it would do nothing but suffer then I would tell them to allow nature to take its course. If the child lived then alright, but if the child didn't then I could accept it just wasn't meant to.


I seriously doubt that you could say this if faced wit this situation. I don't know you personally or at any degree but you would never understand what it feels like to lose a child unless you know what it feels like to have one.


Everybody's talking like mental disabilities and physical deformations (a word?) is something new in this world. Granted that this may be the worst case ever, it still doesn't mean we should just let it be. The saying is "If it ain't broke don't fix it". Well she's "broke" why not try and "fix it".


I just hope all the best for this little girls and her family. And although the worst is obvious I'm gonna hope and pray for the best. Just makes me realize even more how lucky I am to have a "normal" baby.

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I'm sure she'll live a happier life then about 75% of the people that posted in this thread. Seriously.


Ok, I'm settling this thread.


Being monstrously ugly is one thing. You could make a case for euthanising infants that will die (perhaps horribly) anyway, but being hideously disturbing is not such a bad fate. You will of course, look fine to yourself. Those around you won't be bothered so much, because they're used to it, as evidenced by the burn victim I used to know. All it means is that strangers will react to you in a negative way, which, if you are moderately intelligent, you will be able to understand and accept, and you should be able to be sheltered until such time.


However, the quoted posts are ignorant posturing. Nothing more needs to be said.

Ignorant posturing?


I'm just going by the fact that most people on this board complain and bitch about everything, and how that child, who already seemed to be really happy from the video and is surrounded by loving people will grow up to be much happier then you'd think.


Though you are right on how no one would make a second thought about it other then strangers, but she would be used to the staring I'm sure. If you think people looking at you awkwardly on the subway is worth an abortion, then you're a moron. Not YOU IDRM, but whoever feels that way in the thread, and there are some. Those are the people that come across as very pathetic.

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Being a cynical, unfeeling bastard doesn't have to make you unhappy. That's the ignorant part. Judging a two year old child's temperment by a few minutes of news footage is the posturing part. I agree with the core of your point, just don't overstate it.

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Yeah Failed Mascot is a moron. An example of what I meant by the people who would talk about how it's in the best interest of the child to be "put down" because it would have a hard life. Like I said, not everyone is as shallow as you are, and you are full of shit if you think the child should be killed for the sake of herself, as her life can still go on and she can still live it, contrary to what "you wanna call it". She's happy, you don't know anything about her "suffering" or being in constant pain, so shut the fuck up when you think she'd be better off dead.


The reactions of those like FM and NeverMortal or anyone else who was an asshole in the thread, remind me of the story about a guy who killed his handicapped daughter when she was TWELVE because she was severely handicapped. He said he was doing her a favour because she was living in pain, and killed by leaving her in a room and filling it up with the carbon monoxide from the car being started. Yeah, that's so much more humane.


For once I agree with Banky.

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Being a cynical, unfeeling bastard doesn't have to make you unhappy. That's the ignorant part. Judging a two year old child's temperment by a few minutes of news footage is the posturing part. I agree with the core of your point, just don't overstate it.

Cynicism certainly doesn't lead to joy, and I think that the constant bitching and complaining that most of these people do outside of this thread is relevant as well, but I'll just drop it because I don't want this thread to veer too far off track, as if it hasn't already.


She's a child, surrounded by people that care for her, she looks happy. I just put two and two together really. But fine, I won't argue on that either.

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Did you ever see the guy who had a bear bite his face off? They fixed him up pretty well, except, because it was a guy, he could assist the process with facial hair.

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Did you ever see the guy who had a bear bite his face off? They fixed him up pretty well, except, because it was a guy, he could assist the process with facial hair.

I did see one guy with no eyes/nose, just a big hole. He popped in a prosthesis and it somehow looked even more disturbing.

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Guest Vitamin X
why can we be "humane" to the animals but not to the people?


Why do everybody keep comparing humans to animals. You guys talk like animals should have equal rights. It's not the same thing.

Of course it is. Human beings ARE animals, we have the benefit of civilization and technology to help us, and it's arrogant of our species to believe that we are indeed superior.


Then again, everything balances out when I hear about wild animals attacking and killing humans, who are a genetically inferior race to many other species on this planet.

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Guest Failed Mascot
Did you ever see the guy who had a bear bite his face off? They fixed him up pretty well, except, because it was a guy, he could assist the process with facial hair.

I did see one guy with no eyes/nose, just a big hole. He popped in a prosthesis and it somehow looked even more disturbing.

Ripley's Believe it or Not, correct?

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Guest Failed Mascot
I'm also not going to be lured into personal arguements this time around. If people really want to attack me verbally on a personal level then I can just hit that little 'x' in the upper right hand corner and it goes away.


Cats suck

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Did you ever see the guy who had a bear bite his face off? They fixed him up pretty well, except, because it was a guy, he could assist the process with facial hair.

I did see one guy with no eyes/nose, just a big hole. He popped in a prosthesis and it somehow looked even more disturbing.

Ripley's Believe it or Not, correct?

You got it, chief

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