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Question: An Unusual Scenario

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My friend was telling me a couple of Months ago that he walked off of his Soft Ball Team when he thought he was being treated unfairly. A couple of days later The Team's Manager called his House Pissed Off and demanding a "$100.00 Early Termination Fee." My Friend called Bullshit on this and basically told him to Fuck Off. The Manager then threatened that If my friend didn't pay up In one week, he and The Team "Would have to pay a visit to his house and collect the money." The Manager then hung up on my friend. My Friend said at that point he was seriously thinking about calling The State Police and asking for 24 Hour Protection. I basically laughed In his face, telling him that unless he was A Very Rich, Very Important V.I.P., or unless He was The Key Witness In a Federal Case against The Mafia, he wouldn't get around The Clock Police Protection. I told him that he'd be better off going to The State Police and filling out a complaint against The Manager. That way If something happened, there would at least be a prior record of it. But I am In no way a Criminal Law Expert. I was just curious what some of you would do If you were faced with the same unusual scenario.

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He should go to the local police and file a report.


They won't give him protection, but if they feel his story is strong enough they will investigate it further.


And like you said - if something happens they'll have the manager's name on record.

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Do nothing. Is what I would do. Actually I wouldn't be on a softball team in the first place. And if I was, nobody would threaten me because I'm such a scary bastard.

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Sounds like your friend needs to grow a set.

Maybe, Maybe Not. However, what would you do If faced with a similar situation?

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So softball is now like the mafia?

This is why you don't let crazy people have hobbies, not only are they dangerous but they also form softball leagues.

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To be on the safe side, he should file a report with the local police.


But me, I'd just wait with my shotgun and pistol. Usually, when someone threatens to come to my house and kill me with sticks or some such, I tell them, "Just make sure you bring all your friends. I only want to have to clean my guns once."

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Guys that play softball are pussies. Tell your friend to pick them off one at a time and charge the families a $100 termination fee.

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Those of you who responded that you would take matters Into your own hands via Firearms, I have 2 questions:



1.) Would you Inform The State/Local Police of the situation A.S.A.P. so that they'll have a record of your account In case something drastic happens, thus possibly clearing you of any criminal charges?





2.) On the off chance that The Coach and a couple of members of The Team try to Invade your crib, do you shoot to stop them or shoot to kill?

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1. Yes, just to potentially head off the situation before it got to that point. This presumes I think the fellow threatening me is being serious about and not just talking out of his ass.


2. I'd shoot the first one square in the crotch with my shotgun. That would very likely deter the rest of them, and be nonlethal. If I were feeling especially charitable, that shell (and that shell only) would be loaded with rock salt.

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Guest Failed Mascot

Rig your residence like in the movie Home Alone. Then lure them into painful yet comical traps. That'll learn'em.

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Rig your residence like in the movie Home Alone. Then lure them into painful yet comical traps. That'll learn'em.

Ah dude seriously, I was just about to post that!!!!!




em......like.....get him to join the football team, have them go beat up the softball team

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Guest BDC
2. I'd shoot the first one square in the crotch with my shotgun.  That would very likely deter the rest of them, and be nonlethal.  If I were feeling especially charitable, that shell (and that shell only) would be loaded with rock salt.



Well, I'd go with what's been said: report and firearms. I just like to use hollowpoints when I target shoot, so it'd be kinda messy. Shoot to disable? I'd like to not HAVE to shoot them, but yes, first shot is a leg shot.

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Guest Failed Mascot
I never knew there were so many hardcore thugs here.

In the world of Message Boards this is South Compton.

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Guest INXS

No one is seriously advocating using a gun are they? That's fucked up. Way to spend the next 20 years of your life in jail.


Anyhow, I concur with the more level headed posters - report the threat to the police and if they do show up at your door call 911.


Of course, revenge must be administered to the coach at some point in the future.

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