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Guest Jason

Stupidity of cops today

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Guest Jason

Now, i'm not insulting cops right now but listen to this and I swear that it is true.


Two white cops in florida were put on paid leave monday as they tazered a 6 year old 60 pound blackboy. The cops defense was that they wanted to try out their new tazers and the boy was yeilding a sharp peice of glass, and they feared for their safety. The tazers were set on 10000 volts, and each cop used their own tazer.


The boy is recovering and should be fine, but was in a coma for 2 days.


what is wrong with our cops today? I mean there was two fully grown cops, which were afraid of a piece of glass and a six year old boy. The cops were way out of their jurisdiction in this case. I mean the kid was holding a piece of glass and got 20000 volts. C'mon, use your donut filled brains and just tackle the kid and put him in safety cuffs, not try to kill the poor kid.

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The only part that hurts them is the "wanted to try out their new tazers" bit.


Fear of a piece of glass...yeah, I'm fine with that. Them making it sound like they were playing with a new toy comes off a little iffy.


Then again, it was Florida. Children in that state are warped. I think I'd been fine if they shot him.

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I think I'd been fine if they shot him.

I was going to say that but I wanted to be nice...


I think I'm picking up some of your habits.

I need to get out of this folder.

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I'm surprised that there are people defending this really. You're retarded if you think they should have shot him, the only excuse they would have had is if they just yelled "HE'S COMIN' STRAIGHT FOR US!".


A six year old boy with a piece of glass isn't going to hurt them, even if it is a piece of glass. They're grown men, and don't need a taser when there is two of them, especially considering that he's six. The fact that they said 'they wanted to try it out" means to me that they're full of shit when they say he was threatening them, if they did say that since the article just said he had a piece of glass in his hand. Their credibility went down when they said that in my opinion. If I was the kid's parent I would sue them for all they had, and try to get those assholes fired. No way two guys who like to play with tazers should have a job that is supposed to "serve and protect".


But like KR said, these are just two fuckheads who happen to be cops. Not all cops are fuckheads, so I disagree with the thread title. You can't say "I'm not insulting cops" and then say "what's wrong with cops today". Pick one side, either you are a moron who thinks is indicative of all cops or you understand that this is an isolated incident.

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Where is that quote from? It certainly isn't a professional piece of journalism. Looks like some dumbfuck writing about what he heard from a friend (I don't mean you, Jason). There are several misspelled words and some incorrect comma use. And the word "blackboy" would never appear in print.

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Guest Failed Mascot

He had obviously just broken into some old white retired jewish family's home via their patio door and was in the process of stealing a car to get away. I mean what other conclusion can you come to when its a black kid holding a piece of glass? I think I speak for kkk, and many more out there when I say I'm proud to have these men out there protecting me; the white middle class of America!

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Guest Smues

Could you post the article? I just can't convince myself to register at a place Dan Lebetard works at.

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There's not enough information in the article to draw any definitive conclusions but I can't agree with some of the opinions here. Certainly it's true that the cops could have restrained him without the tazers but that's not their responsibility. One squirm or fast movement and one of them has a scar for the rest of his life if not worse. You're armed and approached by police, you drop the weapon and comply with their demands. Failure to do so results in whatever consequences they lay on you.


Of course on the other side, cops do have a responsibility to protect a suspects safety. I don't know what tazer settings mean, but 10000 times two seems pretty excessive for a 60 lb boy. If the tazers were what put him in the coma then that would back up my assumption. I also don't know what prompted them to use the tazers but they should definately have been an ultimate last resort. The "wanted to try them out" line makes them sound like a pair of dumbasses who were just itching to use them at the very first opportunity.

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Guest DubWiser



Crew to cops: Don't Taser kids


Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Rudy Crew asked the police department never again to use a stun gun on an elementary student on school grounds.




[email protected]



Miami-Dade Schools Superintendent Rudy Crew asked the county's police chief to instruct his officers not to use stun guns against children in elementary schools ever again, according to a letter released Friday.


The request comes in the wake of an October incident in which a Miami-Dade officer zapped a 6-year-old first-grader who was wielding a piece of glass in an office at Kelsey Pharr Elementary.


''The Pharr student was agitated and injured,'' Crew wrote in his letter to Miami-Dade Police Director Bobby Parker. ``However, police officers have dealt with other children in this condition without resorting to a Taser.''


Crew went on to ask that the department ``refrain from deploying or discharging Tasers against elementary school students in Miami-Dade Public County Schools.


''In addition, I ask that you instruct officers to consider the Taser only as a nonlethal last resort when dealing with students of any age on Miami-Dade County campuses,'' he wrote.


Police spokesman Randy Rossman said he couldn't comment on the letter late Friday because he hadn't seen it.


Earlier in the day, Parker again defended the officer's decision to zap the child as the safest way to get control of him.


''We have a highly agitated 6-year-old who a number of people could not disarm,'' he said at a press conference to release a tape of the 911 call that sent the officers to the school. ``Should they have decided to use their bare hands, the child could have received additional injuries in the struggle or the officers could have been injured.''


When Kelsey Pharr principal Maria Mason called 911 on Oct. 20, she said she needed help for a child whom the adults at the school couldn't approach.


''I have a child that broke a piece of glass, and he's holding it in his hand, threatening,'' Mason told the police dispatcher.


''He's threatening people?'' the dispatcher asked.


''We can't get near him because he has a piece of glass in his hand. He's a kindergartner, I mean first-grader,'' Mason said.


''Really?'' the dispatcher asked.


''He's cut and he broke the glass with his hand,'' Mason said.


The dispatcher asked if the little boy was close to any other children. Mason responded, ``He's not close to any kids, but I'm scared he's going to hurt himself.''


After playing the tape for reporters Friday, Parker noted that the officers talked to the boy for about six to 10 minutes and asked permission from a supervisor before using the Taser on him.


Mason wrote in her report on the incident that the officers locked the door of the assistant principal's office, where the little boy was, and wouldn't let her in. When she finally did enter the office, the boy was already handcuffed and vomiting, according to her report.


After the incident, the department decided to review its Taser policy. But before that review was finished, another child was zapped by a county officer.


On Nov. 5, an unarmed 12-year-old who was playing hooky was felled by a Taser. Parker does not defend that use of a Taser and reiterated Friday that the officer would probably face discipline.


That officer voluntarily gave up his Taser shortly after the girl was zapped, police spokesman Pete Andreu said.


In other words:


Two white cops in florida were put on paid leave monday as they tazered a 6 year old 60 pound blackboy. The cops defense was that they wanted to try out their new tazers.



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It really wouldn't have been that hard for them to reduce the voltage to a level that wouldn't put him in a coma.


Oh, and I think "blackboy" is going to become a permanent addition to my vocabulary. From now on, I'm using that word whenever I can.

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Any cop scared of a 6 year old with a piece of glass is the biggest fucking pussy in the entire world. How hard is it to just kick the kid in the arm? If you need to use a stungun to disarm a 6 year old of anything short of a firearm then you are an inept piece of shit.

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Guest netslob
``He's not close to any kids, but I'm scared he's going to hurt himself.''


"Yeah, i can't have him hurt himself...so i'll do it!"


hey the kid got off light...he's black, it's a wonder they didn't shove a plunger up his ass.


as if i needed yet ANOTHER reason to hate these nazi pig cock-suckers. gee, cops abusing their power and attacking minorites, yeah, THAT'S news. hell, i'm shocked they were even at the school, the Krispy Kreme musta been closed. and all they get for putting a 6-year-old into a coma is a slap on the wrist and a paid vacation. way to put you foot down, chief!.


the biggest oxymoron in the English language is "good cop".

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Guest netslob

no, i just hate cops with a deep and brooding passion. let's just say my family hasn't had alotta luck with law-enforcement officals, and it wasn't because anything they did.

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Whoever is justifying the cops' actions has some serious reality issues.


He is 6 with a shard of glass. These are large adult men with kevlar and training on how to take people down. The ends did not justify the means.

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