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JBL bashes Internet Writer Wade Keller

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You do realize you are making no sense right? Basically, you are saying since people would rag on Vince no matter what, it was okay for Vince to use the show to spew forth his political views. That makes no sense. Also, if they show that god damn Creed video one more time I think I am going to puke. Talk about milking good deeds.

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Guest Catcher8C

Wade Keller is a fucking dumb-ass...you can't get a first-hand perspective by talking to friends who have been to Iraq and friend's family members who have been there.



JBL was actually there. He didn't hear stories from colleagues and put together the facts as he wished like Keller.



I guess I thought too highly of him to assume that he would know the difference between primary and secondary sources.

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Guest TheLastBoyscout
Vince's tirade was about one thing: poor widdle victim Vince McMahon. Not about the war or the political views, and no, no even about the troops. It was woe as me Vince McMahon. It's the media's fault the XFL didn't catch... I mean, the war is being portrayed so negatively. He just latched his "persecution" on to something he thought the troops would cheer. Stephanie did the same thing (much more blatantly and tactlessly) post 9/11. It's in their blood.


And wise ol' man of the world Bradshaw is a complete naif if he thinks he's seen the real dirty parts of the war. Any visiting entertainers would be guarded like the president over there. If something goes wrong and one of them gets killed, there would be a huge backlash against the war.

Oh piss off you fucking snake. Not everyone has an ulterior motive for everything.

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Wade Keller is a fucking dumb-ass...you can't get a first-hand perspective by talking to friends who have been to Iraq and friend's family members who have been there.



JBL was actually there. He didn't hear stories from colleagues and put together the facts as he wished like Keller.



I guess I thought too highly of him to assume that he would know the difference between primary and secondary sources.

Guess what, just because someone has not gone to Iraq, it does not mean they cannot criticize what is occuring. There are tons of media types, politicians and average people who do it, and rightfully so, on a daily basis. One need not actually have been to Iraq to realize everything is not as great as WWE proclaimed it to be. Do you honestly believe all of those soldiers are happy with the way the war is going?

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Guest Catcher8C

Well, perhaps his opinion would mean a little bit more if he had actually been there. But, I guess since he has heard about what happens there he can act like an active member of the USO. There is nothing wrong with criticizing the war; but if you are a fucking internet wrestling celebrity, please give me a reason to think that your opinion is worth shit before you try and convince a man (VKM) that is trying to do what is in the best interests of both him and the troop's morale that you know what you're talking about.

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Damn, I'm becoming a Bradshaw fan.


I'm happy he responded, though - I read that editorial by Keller, and I found it to be completely full of shit to begin with.

Oh, come on, you didn't notice it? You're telling me you didn't see the Republican commentary (not pro-America, or pro-war, but the actual party line)?


Or are you just agreeing with Bradshaw saying Vince has a right to do it even if it's a kinda shitty thing to do? Because honestly, Vince waved the "Support Our Troops" flag around in the air as a distraction while airing his controversial opinion?


I agree with Keller (can't believe I said that) that, even if you want to say "it's his right to say it," you can't deny that he probably planted a seed in that crowd's collective thought process that their actions abroad are being demonized back home. If I was overseas fighting a war, and someone coming through for one day, who has better access to news than I do, said that, I'd be expecting a whole Vietnam spit-in-your-eye style parade of shame when I got back.

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Wade Keller is a fucking dumb-ass...you can't get a first-hand perspective by talking to friends who have been to Iraq and friend's family members who have been there.



JBL was actually there. He didn't hear stories from colleagues and put together the facts as he wished like Keller.

JBL isn't at the marketplace in Fallujah when the bomb goes off. JBL isn't first line of defense when the base gets attacked. If someone wanted to abduct JBL and record his beheading on a cheap VHS tape, they'd have to get through a ton of guys.


Even the aid workers who aren't doing the fighting have a better idea of what Iraq is really like than JBL, because he's protected as a VIP.


While it's certainly admirable that he goes over there as part of the USO, I've never heard any celebrities who participate in the USO tours (not ol' Bob Hope and he did a ton of them, not even political pundit Al Franken) talk so brashly about really knowing what's going on there. They understand that they're getting what they're being allowed to see.


Bradshaw acts like the war is over and he's a freakin' veteran, and that attitude is what pisses me off when he decides to banter about with people who email him about Iraq.

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I agree with Keller (can't believe I said that) that, even if you want to say "it's his right to say it," you can't deny that he probably planted a seed in that crowd's collective thought process that their actions abroad are being demonized back home. If I was overseas fighting a war, and someone coming through for one day, who has better access to news than I do, said that, I'd be expecting a whole Vietnam spit-in-your-eye style parade of shame when I got back.

That's assuming Vince was taking about the general public. Which he was not, and the majority of troops don't have the same opinion of the media. Talking and just reading from both former and current troops, they say the media does not discuss the positives aspects of the War.

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You are entitled to your freedom of speech, I firmly believe that. As long as you believe in America, I have no problem with that. Let me clarify, I believe in Freedom of Speech always, but when a person does not believe in America I have a problem with them (I don't feel this applies to you).

Is that the american defintion of freedom of speech?

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You are entitled to your freedom of speech, I firmly believe that. As long as you believe in America, I have no problem with that. Let me clarify, I believe in Freedom of Speech always, but when a person does not believe in America I have a problem with them (I don't feel this applies to you).

Is that the american defintion of freedom of speech?


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Oh piss off you fucking snake. Not everyone has an ulterior motive for everything.

Keep it civil, please. I am not about to go swearing at you just because we have a difference of opinion.


Not everyone has an ulterior motive for everything.


You're absolutely right. Not everyone does. But Vince does.

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You are entitled to your freedom of speech, I firmly believe that. As long as you believe in America, I have no problem with that. Let me clarify, I believe in Freedom of Speech always, but when a person does not believe in America I have a problem with them (I don't feel this applies to you).

Is that the american defintion of freedom of speech?


Actually, that's the REPUBLICAN definition.

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If you don't believe in the ideals of America you don't have the right to benefit from the rights it provides, that's the breakdown of what he said. I may not agree with JBL much, but I agree with him on that, and he even makes a point of saying anyone is free to criticize the leaders and military as long as they do it out of love for the country. Seems fair to me.

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Damn, I'm becoming a Bradshaw fan.


I'm happy he responded, though - I read that editorial by Keller, and I found it to be completely full of shit to begin with.

Oh, come on, you didn't notice it? You're telling me you didn't see the Republican commentary (not pro-America, or pro-war, but the actual party line)?


No. I didn't.


At all.


Maybe that's because I'm not overly sensitive about the subject like you seem to be.


The only thing I took from it all was Vince patting himself on the back for doing "a wonderful thing for the troops."


Like I said - I don't have these hangups about it like some people apparently do.

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Guest Dynamite Kido

Guys, that wasn't JBL that wrote that e-mail to Keller......it was a 12 year old on their Mom's computer.

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