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OAO New Years Revolution Thread

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"We're opening with Eugene & William Regal vs. Tyson Tomko & Christian for the tag team titles. Eugene pinned Tomko with a schoolboy using the tights. They are selling a knee injury for Eugene which will probably play into the show tomorrow night. Regal's nose was bloodied again. Crowd is pretty easy.


Edge confronted Christian after the match and they have a plot to make Christian world champion."




"1 -- EUUGENE & WILLIAM REGAL vs. TYSON TOMKO & CHRISTIAN -- World Tag Team Title match


Eugene dressed up as "The Hulkster" (as Jim Ross called him, rather than Hulk Hogan). Eugene led the crowd in a chant of "Christian sucks." Lawler said if he dresses up as his idols, he should wear a crown next week. After some initial offense, Eugene sold for a few minutes. He then Hulked up, pointed at Christian, backdropped Christian, and then tagged in Regal at 6:00. Tomko, though, quickly took over offense on Regal. Christian tagged in and settled into a chinlock. Regal began bleeding from the nose after a forearm by Christian. Tomko gave Regal a forearm. They double-teamed him as the ref was preoccupied with Regal. At 13:00 Regal hot-tagged Eugene and went to work on Tomko with Hogan's style of punches. The crowd was totally into everything. Eugene clutched his knee after he threw a dropkick. Ross said he might have blown it out. He hugged it and wouldn't budge. Tomko tried to lift him, but Eugene wouldn't go up with him. Eugene hopped on one leg and rolled up Tomko for the win. He then kept gripping his knee afterward. It looked legit and serious. Three refs came to tend to him. The fact that he went into the cradle finish was gutsy and resourceful. He worked his way to the ring apron where he screamed in pain when he moved. He seemed totally out of character with his facials, just concerned with not being in terrible pain.


WINNERS: Eugene & Regal at 16:00 to retain the tag titles.


STAR RATING: *1/2 -- Pretty formula match that never really shifted out of first or second gear. Okay, though."

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What has been the problem here latley? Can the server simply not handle alot of traffic?

...It's not like it's happened much rececntly..


And, A bad match, with no commentary, is even worse.

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What has been the problem here latley? Can the server simply not handle alot of traffic?

Which I why I gave a link to the board, but nobody wants to go on it, so I guess we'll stay here and let the server explode a few times and be disruptive.

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While the boards back I gotta say I thought Maven did a fantastic job. I couldn't tell if all that was scripted or if he was just making it up.


Lita fucking her knee up seemed real and then Trish just pinned her, total no match.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

Wow, Hussan can't even get a clean win over 55 y/o Lawler. That doesn't bode well does it?

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While the boards back I gotta say I thought Maven did a fantastic job. I couldn't tell if all that was scripted or if he was just making it up.


Lita fucking her knee up seemed real and then Trish just pinned her, total no match.

I'm thinking that BOTH of the injuries earlier were legit, and they told him to go out there and waste time. Because the Lita/Trish match ended abrupt after she hurt and her knee, ,doesn't even look like Trish was supposed to win..but they changed it. And looks like first match might have been cut short by a little.


And if that's the case. Maven definitely was on point. Had me laughing..

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Two hours left for Kane/Snitsky and the Chamber? Wow....ans Hassan looks like a badass...why book him in such a terrible match with no commentary....and where the hell was Coach...he coulda stepped in...this is the first PPV I've bought since Mania 18 and I think I just wasted 35 bucks....

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Wow, this is one fucking dire PPV so far.

Hasn't really been bad at all so far though..Barring the match that just happened which was awful. The Maven/Benjamin segment/match was pretty decent. The two Edge segments were good. And the first match wasn't that bad at all, as it was passable, and showed even now, the fans are still pretty into Eugene. So barring that match, it's been pretty decent so far.


And we all knew it was a one match show anyways.

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While the boards back I gotta say I thought Maven did a fantastic job. I couldn't tell if all that was scripted or if he was just making it up.


Lita fucking her knee up seemed real and then Trish just pinned her, total no match.

I'm thinking that BOTH of the injuries earlier were legit, and they told him to go out there and waste time. Because the Lita/Trish match ended abrupt after she hurt and her knee, ,doesn't even look like Trish was supposed to win..but they changed it. And looks like first match might have been cut short by a little.


And if that's the case. Maven definitely was on point. Had me laughing..

Well if Maven made all that up on the spot im well impressed. He was getting great heat when the match started and the following promo was awesome. They cant of planned for the crowd to start all of those chants. And the rematch bit too. Maven did a great job! I never was much of a Maven fan till now.

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What happened so far?

Eugene and Regal beat Christian and Tomko. Eugene seemed to legit injure his knee.


Trish beat Lita to get the title. Lita seemed to injure her knee.


Shelton beat Maven twice in a row (maven asked for the match to be restarted after getting pinned with a Roll up)


Hassan beat Lawler via Flatliner.

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Guest Failed Mascot

You are all missing Chyna on the Surreal Life by watching this. The cunt stole Mini-Me's specially made to fit his size room!

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The opener was fine, nothing terrible in it. Trish vs Lita and Benjamin vs Maven were essentially non-matches. Hassan vs Lawler was crap.


Kane vs Snitsky is just something to sit through before the main event.



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