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RVD injury update

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- Rob Van Dam has apparently not decided 100% to have knee surgery, even though he has a partially torn ACL and a torn MCL. RVD has been working through the pain for awhile now and is considering just not having surgery on it. He is waiting for the results of another MRI before deciding either way.



Credit: 411, ripped off from PWInsider.

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If he's in the middle of a huge push, I can see being reluctant to go on the shelf for surgery (being one half of the Smackdown mix and match tag champs doesn't count) but really, he's already in the doghouse for not going on the Iraq trip, he might as well heal on the company's dime and then come back fresh in a few months...

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The only reason RVD is gutting it out is because he's finally getting the WWE title push he deserves (since his DVD is coming out soon), I doubt that he would suck it up just for a tag team or U.S. title reign.

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Guest jm29195

Does that make the longest running wwe bloke without injury Chris Jericho then? I can't think of him being injured since he came to the wwf in 99.....

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