Hoff 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 Six fights, by my count. Nice stuff. I'll leave, y'know, ACTUAL feedback later this evening, probably. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Adam 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 Great show guys, what Hoff said about leaving feedback later, well, I mean the same thing. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Phenom Report post Posted January 14, 2005 Very awesome how the continuity about Phoenix worked out. AJ Flaire has been Phoenix since December, very original! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 I mentioned this in GCF, but in terms of Saints matches and promos, Tony out did himself tonight. Excellent, pre match skit. Good match as well, I thought the description of Tony’s tights were cute and I liked how the fans got on the side of the Saints even though they aren’t the most faceish of teams. J.R. channeling real life Zack Malibu and thinking he’s cool because he watches the O.C. was neat. COLE A succesful first title defence from the Love Doctors! I can't wait to see what they do next. In fact, I'm booking into the Windy City Hospital just so I can meet them up close and personal! I'm going to wear special underwear, and - That’s even funnier then the time Cole said he was losing his memory because of eating flavored condoms. I was pleased with how the Stevens segment kind of put Jumbo over as a bad dude because he’s the one who did the actual beat down on Hoff. That’s all for now. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Failed Mascot Report post Posted January 14, 2005 I liked stuff and just knew that it wasn't going to be the actual Pheonix but somebody under the mask. The announce team needs Dusty Rhodes for when Hoff is around cause he be-uh clubberin'~ Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NYU 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 Very awesome how the continuity about Phoenix worked out. AJ Flaire has been Phoenix since December, very original! .....um, no. AJ Flaire just played the part of Pheonix tonight. That aspect is going to be explained next week, but -- yeah, I didn't want any more people to make that mistake here. I WILL leave feedback this week. Promise. But other people HAVE to do the same. Including Patty. Mentions everything BUT the segment with Pheonix. I thought me and him were tight. But I guess we're loose now. Shame..... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoff 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 He told me he doesn't like you. True story. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NYU 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 That hurts. Oddly enough, I like everybody. Except the people I dislike. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 Thanks. I feel the execution could've been better but I think it came off really well, considering it was a rush job. I'm very pleased with what I've written for next week. I'm kinda kicking myself for not using an older show like 90210 or Melrose Place for J.R.'s TV viewing. J.R. trying to become cool by watching a show that's been long gone would of worked better because he'd be a few years behind in the cool department. And here's a bit of useless triva -- I haven't seen the O.C. More feedback to come. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 I haven't seen the O.C. You have no idea what you're missing, my friend. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Mystery Eskimo 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 -Phenom-Conquistadors was…strange? -Tony’s promos, as Patty has said, were excellent, I loved them. -The Drek-Phoenix confrontation was cool, a nice little puzzler. I like that Drek seemed even madder because the guy he wanted to get at was just a jobber. -OAOAST Romance~! A first, I think, unless you count Cole’s various obsessions. I think Crystal and Axel should become a couple, and then Crystal turns heel on Axel and breaks his heart, because that’s what women do. So I hear. A good little match to continue their story, anyways. -The 70s Dude…also strange. Hey, the OAOAST’s Mom still thinks its hip. -I liked the Cappa-Watts segment. When it started, I thought Watts in a match was going to be a bad idea, but having Cappa refuse to do it worked really well. Will be interesting to see how he affects the Rumble. -Caboose strangling Coach made me laugh. That is all for this line. -Alix is cool. Maybe after Anglepalooza, she could go out with Dan Black for a drink or two. He needs some romance that isn’t from Oklahoma. -Saints-BT was a good match, and I’m really feeling the NNMX-Saints feud right now. JR watching OC was excellent. CABOOSE No, he's from Jiveliva. Home of such talent as Nathan Jones and A-Train. Remember A-Train? COACH Choo-Choo! This also made me laugh. -Lioness put me off my morning blueberry muffin. Impressively disgusting. I mark for Mike Awesome, Referee, and also for: CABOOSE (very angry at Coach’s new catchphrase) GWARRRRR!!! I like that noise. Oh yeah, good match too, and a cool beat down by Candie. -The Docs match was just to keep them on the show really, while I think of a good storyline for them. Suggestions welcome. -Chris Stevens is cunning. This storyline has been really good. Hoff seems to be going a bit Stone Cold, which isn’t a bad thing. -Isn’t Pheonix actually spelt Phoenix? Or is it special spelling for him? And that’s the end of the pedantic section of this feed. A shocking~! upset and the unmasking as AJ Flaire was very cool. Overall- wow, lots of matches. Good work everybody. AP should be a great show. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Zoidberg 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 WHOOOO!!!! AJ FUCKIN FLAIRE!!!! Why the fuck did I retire? Why? Someone tell me... ah, right....school.... But shit...AJ/Drek at AP...MUST READ!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
King Cucaracha 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 D'oh. I suck. Hopefully my stuff'll be edited in soon Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted January 14, 2005 Crystal turns heel on Axel and breaks his heart, because that’s what women do. I always thought someone should become Crystal's boyfriend. Then somehow be downgraded to what's basically her valet. Then all the angles that are normally ran with valets would be ran in reverse with the man playing the weaker "female" role. On the dude's "birthday" all the heels would buy him a real pretty dress because he wears the skirt in the relationship. Eventually the dude would get pissed that he's playing the "bitch", start suffering from gender role crisis, and turn on Crystal. Viola! A star is born and then jobbed out and dumped back to the midcard with the rest of us. Axel is a big dude. He needs a big woman. He should leave Crystal for a real fat chick. Then come running back when he finds out this real fat chick has a schlong. Then they'd all have a love triangle/feud. I should write for the WWE that seems like something they'd go for. The Docs match was just to keep them on the show really, while I think of a good storyline for them. Suggestions welcome. The Love Doctors should feud with the Frankensteiners. A team of stripping, wrestling, medical professionals against a team that pays tribute to Dog Face Gremlin Rick Steiner and Big Poppa Pump Scott Steiner would be entertaining. Somehow the angle should revolve around steroid testing. Steroids are what's hot. We need to make our angles socially relevant. Enough pointless fantasy booking for an e-fed. Onto the feedback! Including Patty. Mentions everything BUT the segment with Pheonix. I thought me and him were tight. But I guess we're loose now. Shame..... Actually, I was just about to do your segment, but then I found out someone who used to give me something very important came back to town and I had to go give up something very important to get it. Then I had to fill my mom’s car with gas. Your segment; That actually would’ve been weird if AJ Flaire was Phoenix since December. Anyway, I could see why you wanted the mainevent for this angle. I guess it would’ve been pretty stupid to have one big return with a swerve followed by another big return with another different type of swerve. If I hadn’t known ahead of time what you were planning, I would’ve been shocked by the ending. I enjoyed the descriptions in the match. I can’t really word that compliment any better. I am somewhat upset that Tom Goran wasn't the jobber to "take off". Read his bio! I practically handed a rags to riches feel good story to you people! And this is how you repay me?! I should've put him in a mask. Tom Goran is more human then any of you! That 70's guy reminds me of the greatest decade I wasn’t alive for. The 50's. J/K, pimps. Roller Disco’s rule! And I can’t be the only one who wears Bell Bottom jeans? Or listens to Slow Ride six times a day. Slow Ride! Take it easssssay! Weren’t Los Conquistadors Edge and Christian? Or were they Matt and Jeff Hardy? Or were they none of the above? Cappa has the best entrance music in the fed: its quick metaphors and hard punches on the cuts feels something like hard punches to the gut how I address the haters, and under estimaters and ride up on them like they escalators they shook up, and hooked up to respirators on they last breath talking to investigators Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted January 15, 2005 The opening match featured something you rarely see nowadays -- a count out win. I already talked about how I felt about The Saints promo in an earlier post. After reading it again, I got a good laugh out of it. I've been wanting to have T-Bod wear large-ass 1980s type sunglasses ever since I saw the Ultimate Ric Flair Collection DVD. There's something about the way they look that I like. They're ugly as hell, but it works with Black T's elite -- pun intended -- attitude. And I loved Black's "You come after our belts, we come after your lives" line. I got a total Arn Anderson vibe out of that line. Speaking of lines I loved, I also liked enjoyed this little one-liner during Stone's segment, when Caboose says "Well, the bookers sure as hell have lost their minds." "You really shouldn’t be wearing white tights, you know…” Ha! I've been enjoying the Axel-Crystal interactions. Great use of the HI-YAH promotion during the Axel/Crystal-Nate/Mikey match. It gave a good reason as to why Nate & Mikey haven't been regulars on OAOAST prgramming. Nice little match, as well. I dig the way the 70s Dude refers to himself as "The Dude." That has a good ring to it -- The Dude. Considering how Cappa has abused Watts in recent weeks, it was very surprising to see him let Watts go this time. It also makes me wonder why old Bill is in real life. I think 62, but I may be wrong. Enjoyed the promo from COD. I like how Alix goes off on her rants. The New New Midnight Express return, and cost The Saints a golden opportunity to become the tag champs. The tag title match was mostly to further the NNMX-Saints feud, but I thought it came off well. I was cracking up reading the opening of the women's match; the entire commentary during the match was priceless. Coach's comment about Lioness being a chick with a dick not a chick over dick was hilarious. The match begins with the same collar and elbow tie up that eighty five percent of every match in the history of pro wrestling has begun with. Hell, yeah! About time somebody mentioned that. Believe it or not, I've been trying to come up with different ways to start tag matches but I'm so damn lazy that I normally say screw it and use the collar-and-elbow tieup. Good to see the Docs back in action. Now if we can find Hell's Hitmen. :)You know, when Eski posted his match in GCF, I thought the name of the team the Docs were fighting was "Japanese Dudes." It sounds more like a sitcom, but that would of been pretty damn funny, IMO. Nice segment involving Stevens and Hoff. But one thing overshadowed it all: Judge Judy is no longer on the air? WTF? I didn't even notice she was gone. At least she lasted longer than her old man did on "The People's Court." CABOOSE Oh, whoever organized this show tonight sucks! OMG! We're shooting on the air! Enjoyed the main event. The revealing of AJ was well executed. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest The Mad Cappa Report post Posted January 15, 2005 While I'm going to leave feedback later, I needed to explain on why I did the segment. Not too long ago, as in extremely recent, I was told that, finally after being in the Navy for almost 2 years, was finally going out to sea for the first time in my career, for at least a month. We were scheduled to leave sometime this past week. So I wrote the segment and I was planning to write a post (and PM the RR writers) explaining that I was going out. However, like the same day I was going to send the segment (and the PMs), something had happened on the ship that I'm not at liberty to talk about, and so as a result, we are stuck on land for at least six to eight weeks at the minimum. It could go up to six months. So we settled for a mini "pretend we are out to sea" thing and I just went ahead and sent the segment. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoff 0 Report post Posted January 16, 2005 OMG! We're going stream-of-conciousness style this week: - I was pleased with myself for rolling into a match. Too often I fall into formula. h0ff 0wnZ~ - Good, fun match by The Phenom, and short was the way to go, but I'd have thought he'd be more dominant. It worked as a comedy spot, but it wasn't what I was expecting. Right now I'd say Geddon looks like a safe bet to retain, given the build. But who knows. Decent piece of writiing though. Phenom, you've improved quite a fair bit in the short while you've been here, and it seems like you're having fun. Keep it up. - Synth rambimng about his dog was funny. Also his accusations of homosexuality. I'd expect the Saits to be off their game tonight. - Tony's promo is FIERCE~! I like that he's addressing the SJ situation. OMG ZAPF BRANNIGAN~! I love Futurama. Ton', if that's *not* a faux surname, cherish it. Seriously, a last name does make the character seem more human (unlike Hoff, who is of course NOT HUMAN). Dan was, by contrast, very professional and precise. Awesome promo. Black T is such a great old-school tag team. - HA security hates Caboose! Someone explain to me what "fesachoni" is. Good job by Drek of putting the title over. - OMG CRYSTAL IS HAWT~. I like funny Axel. I think there's big big BIG babyface po-tential in keeping him vulnerable and human. It also makes an eventual turn huge We'll have to see what happens. - Are...are we allowed to use the Tethereses? Us, the LOWLY children of the WWE?! Perish the thought! Anyway. It could NOT be Drek vs. Mikey at AMIV, so stop it. Tight tag match here, nice work with Caboose. Uh-oh, Axel is PISSED! Nice finish, with the nod to the blossoming relationship. One could say I was FEELIN'~ it. Also, I think we all see the writing on the wall. Hoff v. Axel, in a SPINEBUSTERS ONLY~ match. Make it happen, bookers. Make it happen. - Funny (and sadly, true) promo from That 70s Guy, heretofore known as T70G. HA! Robot names OWN. I like this a lot. There's good face AND heel potential here, as with one of T70G's models, Dude Love. And it's something different. I like it, a lot. - I like that Cappa is taking charge of his own destiny. I'm confused how he's suspended but in the Rumble, but, eh. I'm willing to accept it. - WHOEVER WROTE THAT ANGLEPALOOZA AD IS AMAZING. THAT WAS THE GREATEST THING EVER WRITTEN IN OAOAST HISTORY. GIVE WHOEVER DID IT A MEDAL. - Yeah, I did that part. HA~ - Patty is my HERO! Putting over COD's angle with Zack while giving me the rub. I owe him...uh...well, something. Anyway, very good promo, I enjoy Alix's ramblings and tangents. Whenever I picture Alix in my head she's very cute and bubbly, and, get this, I don't even find Maggie Gyllenhal attratcive. OMFG. - The Saints' pride shall be their undoing. I bet. You know what's great about Black T? They're not really even arrogant. They're just confident. I like it. Did Caboose just gloss over the Great Depression and mention a master race? Yikes. Pitch Black...maybe a little too early? I'm all for shaking things up, but there's something to be said for dramatic tension. The OOB, though, that was a cool spot. This is a fine piece of writing. CRABS! GROSS! I *DO* remember that. JR is great. Good commentary by Caboose. It took me a second, but Logan is Ricky and Synth is Robert and that's the way I'd expect it. Ownage. NICE finish, playing on the strain amongst J.C.E. And...maybe Tony horning in on Zack's girl? *dun dun dun* - I'm ALREADY DISGUSTED. Thank you Patty! Velvet Revolver is horribly overhyped and Gwen's solo work is a disappointment, THERE I SAID IT. REFEREE MIKE AWESOME?! Whoa. NICE armbar. That reminds me of the finish to Hoff/CWM at Anglemania III. Haven't seen it? Forgotten it? Check my updated profile for a FREE replay. Shilling aside, le me expound on my comments to Patty last week. What I love about you, Patricia, is your ability with words to paint a vivid picture. One can tell you're well read. It's very pleasant. It shows in this match as well. Most of us can turn a phrase to at least some extent, but I think it's truly your forte. That is, of course, not meant to say you aren't disgusting. "...whenever someone gets into a standing fireman’s carry position, some bad ass shit’s gonna go down!" Excellent. Cool finish, and a fun read. The creampie reference is TOTALLY unnecessary. Yuck. I mean, well, not YUCK, per se....well, no, yeah. Yuck. And OH MY GOD that's heinous. Headdrop moves + chairs = wonderful. I like this, I like this indeed. Candie is PISSED. - DASTARDLY FOREIGNERS! RUN! Tight match. I'm enjoying the suplex/near fall sequence in the middle. I'm still not sold on the Docs' characters, but hey, variety is the spice of life. Owned, indeed! Heh. Nice finish, with the save by Dr. Max -- it's been a good night for finishes. - So feedback me if you haven't. Bitches. - OMG INSIDER SHOOTING! As a side note, if everyone could please pray or hope or whatever, I'm very close to getting a job writing for Fanball.com that pays WAY too much money. So...yeah. Anywho. I'm glad Phoenix is getting some mileage, even if it is as a red herring. So, I knew what was coming in this one, but it was well-done, with Phoenix lulling the Champ into a false sense of security and not giving away too much. Of course, the end was balls-out awesome. I missed AJ Flaire. I think we all did, and I think the character can really, really get over. A good way to cap off a good show. So yeah, nice stuff this week! - Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tony149 0 Report post Posted January 16, 2005 Tony's promo is FIERCE~! I like that he's addressing the SJ situation. OMG ZAPF BRANNIGAN~! I love Futurama. Ton', if that's *not* a faux surname, cherish it. Seriously, a last name does make the character seem more human (unlike Hoff, who is of course NOT HUMAN). Dan was, by contrast, very professional and precise. Awesome promo. Black T is such a great old-school tag team. Pitch Black...maybe a little too early? I'm all for shaking things up, but there's something to be said for dramatic tension. I actually got the Brannigan name from an old John Wayne movie, though I knew most will immediately link it to Futurama, which is also credit for The Saints crabs criss of '04. It just has a nice ring to it. Hmm, an idea just popped into my head for Jivin' J.R. Truth be told, the dialogue for Black was originally written for T-Bod, but when I read Dan's shoot interview and saw him list Arn Anderson as one of the guys he watched, I thought the lines worked better for his character than mine. I sorta see us as a modern day version of Arn Anderson and Tully Blanchard, whose last name would of been my first choice to use if I hadn't already given it to Narcissistic Ned. Concerning the Pitch Black spot, it was more or less a nod to the HBK/Diesel vs. Razor Ramon/1-2-3 Kid match where Ramon hit the Razor's Edge about less than a minute into the match. I thought it would be a nice little spot that could set off a hot series of events, which it did. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted January 16, 2005 I don't even find Maggie Gyllenhal attratcive Because I like you I won't kill you. What I love about you, Patricia, is your ability with words to paint avivid picture. One can tell you're well read. It's very pleasant. Itshows in this match as well. Most of us can turn a phrase to at leastsome extent, but I think it's truly your forte. Thank you! My parents didn't pay hundereds of thousands of dollars to send me to private schools for nothing! I'm sure they'd be thrilled to know their money has paid off in the form of mild e-fed success Hoff, what sport would you be covering at fanball? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoff 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 THREE-SPORT SUPERSTAR. When you consider I'm not big on basketball and haven't closely followed baseball for a few years, it's a somewhat scary thought. But it's not exactly splitting the atom and I know enough about how the sports work to make it. Apparently, the editor liked my writing sample, and it I do well on my interview (assuming I get one), the general feeling my buddy who works there gets is that the job is mine. So yay! It's not much, it's just newsbreakers and MAYBE an occasional feature article, but the pay is good and it's work I'd like to do, what with it being writing, and sports, and writing about sports. I'm actually excited about the fact that the job woul FORCE me to pay more attention to basketball and baseball aain, because I do like those sports. Football...if I paid any more attention I might start missing work. Heh. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoff 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 (edited) I don't even find Maggie Gyllenhal attratcive Because I like you I won't kill you. Good to know. I'm sorry, but there's something about her. She's got a little of the whole Olsen Twins-frog-face-thing going. She's cute and all, pretty eyes, but not my cup o' tea. You probably don't want to hear my thoughts on Charlize Theron, either. Edited January 17, 2005 by Hoff Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 (edited) When I was little Full House was my favorite show and I used to say whatever the Olsen's catchprhase was ALL THE TIME! And you can keep your thoughts on Charlize Theron to yourself, mister. You've said enough! If the NHL lockout ends anytime soon (which is highly unlikely) would you have to cover hockey? Seeing that you're from Minnesota I imagine you were born with hockey knowledge. Although I remember a WDI thread where you said you didn't like checking in hockey or something of that nature. That worried me. So do you have to actually go into an office and write stuff, or could you just stay at home and write about sports in your underwear? Edited January 17, 2005 by Patty O'Green Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Failed Mascot Report post Posted January 17, 2005 the phrase you're thinking about is, "You got it dude". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 the phrase you're thinking about is, "You got it dude". Yeah! Holy shit, I was addicted to that phrase! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoff 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 Wow. Anyway, if the lockout ends anytime soon, which it won't, I'd imagine I'd be responsible for some. Hockey's a game I know well but don't really care for, but covering it wouldn't be an issue, no. As for locale, there's an office I'd be working from, but it's entirely possible to do from home, I've seen it done. I think I'd have more leeway on weekends as far as that goes. Frankly, I like the idea of a sports news office. They have HDTV and TiVo and all sorts of shit. Plus the dress code is, in its entirety, "no vulgar sayings on clothes." It's nice. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Failed Mascot Report post Posted January 17, 2005 someday it should be revealed that Hoff is the illigitimate child of Dusty Rhodes. Hoff can be the son of a blue collared man who was working hard and eating ham. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Patty O'Green 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 Oh, Hoff. You don't like hockey, and you don't think Maggie Gyllenhaal is attractive. What am I going to do with you? Well, you did recomend me Closer. And you knew a chick named Mary Pat which is uncanny because I knew a girl named Mary Margaret! OMG! Anyway, good luck with your new job! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Hoff 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 Well, I don't have it just yet. But thank you. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Zack Malibu 0 Report post Posted January 17, 2005 Yogalattes. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Dr. Zoidberg 0 Report post Posted January 18, 2005 *NAILS Zack in the back of the head with the Safeway Select Cream Soda Championship Belt!!* CONTRIBUTE TO THE THREAD, MALIBU!!! CONTRIBUTE!!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites