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A Guy Who Injects Heroin Into Kids' Eyes

The Spiderclone Saga

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Granted it's been quite a few years since it happened, it was what like 10 years ago? Maybe 8 but I don't remember it being THAT bad. I mean it wasn't the greatest series of comics ever written but I became a huge fan of Scarlet Spider. The hoodie over spandex thing looked really really really gay but it was a nice extension on Peter Parker, especially the name he chose Ben Reilly.



The biggest problem I had with the whole thing was it was almost like Vince Russo was writing the damn series. It swerved you so many times and alot of the time it seemed to be just for the joy of fucking over the reader. My biggest gripe with that was during the "Which One Of Us Is Real?" bit. First Peter was the original, then Ben, then Peter. Got to be really frustrating, really fast.


Oh and Ben Reilly took it like a bitch when he died. Impaled by a goblin glider and knocked off a building...fuck that would have sucked.

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Guest PlatinumBoy

It was bad--maybe not as bad as some make it out to be, but it killed some of the good stuff Spiderman had going for a while. Personally, I think some people add on more hate because they see it as the sum of what was wrong with comics in the 90's--pointless twists, crossovers, etc. etc.

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Google for "The Life of Reilly". It's a must read for anyone wanting to understand the Clone Saga, in print and behind the scenes.


Personally, I think it was an ok idea for a 4 issue arc. Obviously, it went a bit longer than I thought it should.

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Starvenger is right. If it hadn't gone as long as it did then it wouldn't be as badly remembered as it is now. A 10, 12 issue storyarc would have been enough.

I will Google for "The Life of Reilly", though. I'm interested in what went on behind the scenes.

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Yeah, it was that bad.


It really hurt Parker's character.


The one cool thing was Reilly's alternate Spider-man costume. Looked great, and was close enough to the original. I wish they had kept it, or at least the big, black-costume-esque spider logo.

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Well they liked the costume enough to give it to Spider-Girl for the M2 comic. Wait this comic is still going on isnt it? Well whatever. Yeah the Clone Saga sucked major ass. I agree that if it was a 4 story arc or even 6 or 8 story arc since every Spidey comic was crossing over then anyways, it would of ben tolorable, but the fact that this went on despite fans no longer reading the spidey comics and the public outcry not just from Spidey fans but the entire comic community that it was horrible, they STILL kept it going for what? 2 years? I mean c'mon.

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Everyone should click that link.


The Clone Saga was one of the best and worst things to ever happen to Spider-Man. For like the first year everything worked out well. Then Marvel's front office took over and everything went to crap.

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