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6-sided ring

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Okay, I haven't watched TNA for a long time, but what's the deal with the six sided ring? I thought that was just a specialty-match thing, but it was there all during Impact. Is that their regular ring now?

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Guest Salacious Crumb

Because it makes them different from the WWF and other federations. It's not really that big of a deal after a few viewings. It doesn't really effect anyone that badly anymore and it leads to some good spots for the X Division guys.

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Guest LooneyTune

Once you get used to the look, it's just another wrestling ring. If it was a circle though, then I'd be complaining. Of course, then it would actually be a ring, but that's not the point here.

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Its nice for something every now and then but I would certinally perfer the traditional four sided ring anyday of the week.

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The 6-Sided Ring's just another way for TNA to look different than WWE... A WWE fan turns on TNA, sees the ring, and decides that they want to watch because it's different. That's what TNA wants...


Of course, it doesn't work out like that, but hey, can't blame 'em for trying.

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I think it hinders the matches. I've watched Impact for the last few weeks and seen at least 4 or 5 guys getting whipped into the ropes and having to veer one way or the other so that they hit the ropes and not the turnbuckes. Plus the ring is really small, like WCW rings were and it makes for some stupid spots where the guys are always too close to the ropes in submission moves and pins. I saw Monty Brown (for the first time friday and was unimpressed) pin a guy who pretty much under the bottom rope after his goofy shoudler block finish. They should go to a 20 foot, square ring like WWE uses and keep the cables (as opposed to reall ropes) do the cruisers can do there springboard spots and such.


Another little gripe I have with TNA is that Don West is fucking terrible and Mike Tenay stands up to the wrestlers way too much during interviews and the nicknames for wrestlers (which are repeated over and over and over and over) suck. "The Charismatic Enigma" "The King of the Mountain" "Planet Jarrett" (if it failed as a bottom of the card comedy gimick for Shawn Stasiak it probably won't work on top as a serious gimmick, unless it's some kind of insider deal in where he's acknoledging that his daddy owns the company, in which case everybody who would get it already knows and it's not funny. "The Alpha Male" "Phenomenal" AJ Styles, etc...


Why do Road Dogg and Konnan still do the same mic work before matches that they've been using wince 1998? Oh you didn't know? It 2005 come up with something new.


I don't get the Chris Daniels gimmick. From his nickname and entrance attire I assume he's supposed to be a demonic priest or somethign yet when he does commentary he's just another generic heel.


Why would they bother to show the horrible interaction between DDP and Hall and Nash? They taped the show two weeks ago, one would think that the producer of that spot would have enough time to make them do it again so that it didn't come off as three friends doing a poor job of pretending to hate one another.


That and show looks way too much like WCW Worldwide with the goofy lasers and being in Disney. It looks like the a third rate show and seems to be treated as such. I know they want people to buy their PPVs but wouldn't it be a good idea to have some of your top guys as least work a squash match here and there so people could see if they want to pay money to watch them have a real match? I haven't seen Jarrett wrestle in at least 2 years, haven't seen Page, Hall, or Nash since they were in WWE. Maybe showcasing some of their top "talent" might get someone to spend $10 or $30 for the PPVs. I won't spend money on something when I don't know what I'm getting. Well with Hall and Nash I know I'll get a bad match becuase Nash hasn't had a good one since April of 96 and Hall since roughly Summerslam 95.


Why are they pushing some 50 year old gray haired Nascar show host

who nobody outside of Tennessee has ever heard of? And why would you put a Nascar guy with the rapper team? Shouldn't he be with team that would better suit his image? I just hope he doesn't try to "speak on this" and dance like K Kwick.


And why is Dusty booking himself to be a ladies man? This is beyond stupid and no one in their right mind would ever believe that a 60 year old fat ass who can barely speak English would have two reasonably hot women swooning over him in the bed of a pick up while sitting on bales of hay.


I guess that was more than one thing. But I don't hate the show, it's just not very good and could be a lot better. They have some good workers and some guys who are very green and unpolished but have potential.

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Guest LooneyTune

You make plenty of good points Some Guy, but when did Trinity become hot? Her face looks like a trainwreck happened. Tracy, on the other hand, I agree with... unless Dusty Rhodes is really rich.

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I said "reasonably hot woman". In other words not bad for indy chicks but I don't see them getting a job in WWE, at least not based on looks and since they don't seem to have much talent I guess that leaves them completely out.

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Guest LooneyTune

Trinity's not too bad of a wrestler... for a woman at least. She was pretty entertaining during the angle she had with Kid Kash (being a stunt-woman in movies helps a lot I think when taking some nasty bumps). I have no idea how active Tracy is though (as in wrestling), so I won't give any judgment on her.

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Never seen either one of them do anything other whatever the angle is with Dusty.


My friend had a black box in 2002 so I got to watch the very begining of TNA, (It really looked like promotion of WCW and WWF regets then, I remember seeing Shamrock/JJ for the NWA title) when the box broke I didn't watch it again until I quit my job and was home at 4pm on Fridays.

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Guest LooneyTune

The first few weeks had lots of crap/rejects. Lash LeRoux, Norman Smiley, Buff Bagwell, Miss TNA Kwee Wee (as Bruce), Lodi, Wrestling Penis', Cheex (the REALLY fat guy), The Flying Elvis' (what a waste of Jimmy Yang), Devon Storm, and others.

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Guest Desperate Housewife
I think it hinders the matches. I've watched Impact for the last few weeks and seen at least 4 or 5 guys getting whipped into the ropes and having to veer one way or the other so that they hit the ropes and not the turnbuckes. Plus the ring is really small, like WCW rings were and it makes for some stupid spots where the guys are always too close to the ropes in submission moves and pins. I saw Monty Brown (for the first time friday and was unimpressed) pin a guy who pretty much under the bottom rope after his goofy shoudler block finish. They should go to a 20 foot, square ring like WWE uses and keep the cables (as opposed to reall ropes) do the cruisers can do there springboard spots and such.


Another little gripe I have with TNA is that Don West is fucking terrible and Mike Tenay stands up to the wrestlers way too much during interviews and the nicknames for wrestlers (which are repeated over and over and over and over) suck. "The Charismatic Enigma" "The King of the Mountain" "Planet Jarrett" (if it failed as a bottom of the card comedy gimick for Shawn Stasiak it probably won't work on top as a serious gimmick, unless it's some kind of insider deal in where he's acknoledging that his daddy owns the company, in which case everybody who would get it already knows and it's not funny. "The Alpha Male" "Phenomenal" AJ Styles, etc...


Why do Road Dogg and Konnan still do the same mic work before matches that they've been using wince 1998? Oh you didn't know? It 2005 come up with something new.


I don't get the Chris Daniels gimmick. From his nickname and entrance attire I assume he's supposed to be a demonic priest or somethign yet when he does commentary he's just another generic heel.


Why would they bother to show the horrible interaction between DDP and Hall and Nash? They taped the show two weeks ago, one would think that the producer of that spot would have enough time to make them do it again so that it didn't come off as three friends doing a poor job of pretending to hate one another.


That and show looks way too much like WCW Worldwide with the goofy lasers and being in Disney. It looks like the a third rate show and seems to be treated as such. I know they want people to buy their PPVs but wouldn't it be a good idea to have some of your top guys as least work a squash match here and there so people could see if they want to pay money to watch them have a real match? I haven't seen Jarrett wrestle in at least 2 years, haven't seen Page, Hall, or Nash since they were in WWE. Maybe showcasing some of their top "talent" might get someone to spend $10 or $30 for the PPVs. I won't spend money on something when I don't know what I'm getting. Well with Hall and Nash I know I'll get a bad match becuase Nash hasn't had a good one since April of 96 and Hall since roughly Summerslam 95.


Why are they pushing some 50 year old gray haired Nascar show host

who nobody outside of Tennessee has ever heard of? And why would you put a Nascar guy with the rapper team? Shouldn't he be with team that would better suit his image? I just hope he doesn't try to "speak on this" and dance like K Kwick.


And why is Dusty booking himself to be a ladies man? This is beyond stupid and no one in their right mind would ever believe that a 60 year old fat ass who can barely speak English would have two reasonably hot women swooning over him in the bed of a pick up while sitting on bales of hay.


I guess that was more than one thing. But I don't hate the show, it's just not very good and could be a lot better. They have some good workers and some guys who are very green and unpolished but have potential.

I agree with absolutely everything you've said

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I agree too. I do watch TNA Impact usually (I tape it and watch it at my convenience at some point during the week, when nothing better is on at the time).


What is up with Chris Daniels' gimmick? OK, I get that he is a good wrestler, but there doesn't seem to be any point to his "Fallen Angel" nickname.


Furthermore, the six sided ring is useful because it differentiates the promotion from WWE...but I don't really see how it truly adds anything to the matches. None of the moves I've seen executed in it couldn't be done in a four sided ring. I could see maybe if they were pushing a "shoot" style of pro-wrestling (like the old UWFi or something), but for the mix of X Division and more traditional US heavyweight style, it doesn't seem to make a big difference.

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It's just another "look how different we are" gimmick for TNA. If their weekly show wasn't unwatchable I could deal with it. But some guys just look lost getting thrown into one of the side ropes.


other then some good X spots it's pretty much a dumb gimmick they didn't need.

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Guest LooneyTune

I think last week during the 6-Man Tag (or maybe it was Rhodes/Riley v. Naturals) someone got completely lost in the ropes, which happens at least once a week.

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Guest Fiscusalicious

Christopher Daniels gimmick is no longer that of an "evil preacher." He is using the moniker "The Fallen Angel" right now exactly as he initially used it on the indy scene before switching to the preacher garb. Basically Daniels was a face, in "good grace" with the fans. He turned on them, and became a heel; henceforth he is a "Fallen Angel."


Besides, he is known worldwide as the "Fallen Angel" Christopher Daniels, why would he change it just because the current storyline he is in does not involve him preaching?


Daniels has done his preacher gimmick in TNA, he then suffered a shoulder injury in Japan, and when he returned he basically became a face. He kept the nickname because that's who he is, he is "The Fallen Angel" Chris Daniels regardless of the storyline.


Now that he is a heel again, perhaps when his storyline about Dusty holding him down is finished he will be able to return to the preaching gimmick, but I see nothing wrong with his use of the nickname as it stands today.

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I think it hinders the matches. I've watched Impact for the last few weeks and seen at least 4 or 5 guys getting whipped into the ropes and having to veer one way or the other so that they hit the ropes and not the turnbuckes. Plus the ring is really small, like WCW rings were and it makes for some stupid spots where the guys are always too close to the ropes in submission moves and pins. I saw Monty Brown (for the first time friday and was unimpressed) pin a guy who pretty much under the bottom rope after his goofy shoudler block finish.

Technically speaking the hexagonal ring should have more surface area than a 4-sided ring of roughly the same dimensions. It's actually good for the X-divisioners, less so for the heavyweights. Your Monty example is more about Monty than the ring. Brown is still pretty green, so he doesn't have that "ring presence" that veterans have. Frankly, he makes a lot of mistakes, but still, he's the guy TNA needs to push.


Another little gripe I have with TNA is that Don West is fucking terrible and Mike Tenay stands up to the wrestlers way too much during interviews and the nicknames for wrestlers

I could really do without Don West but I suppose budget issues means he stays. Tenay is there to get the guys over and frankly I think he'd be better with less input from the "Gorilla" position.


Why do Road Dogg and Konnan still do the same mic work before matches that they've been using wince 1998?  Oh you didn't know?  It 2005 come up with something new.

Well, BG James is probably the worst wrestler of the Armstrong/James brothers but was blessed with good mic work, so it's better that he talk than wrestle. Konnan, there really is no excuse. He used to be pretty good. And Killings is allegedly much better than these two, but I've yet to see it. He really needs to strike out on his own.


Why are they pushing some 50 year old gray haired Nascar show host

who nobody outside of Tennessee has ever heard of? And why would you put a Nascar guy with the rapper team?  Shouldn't he be with team that would better suit his image?  I just hope he doesn't try to "speak on this" and dance like K Kwick.

I've no idea on that one. But if he dances like Killings, that'd be hilarious. Doubly so when he pulls something doing it.


And why is Dusty booking himself to be a ladies man?  This is beyond stupid and no one in their right mind would ever believe that a 60 year old fat ass who can barely speak English would have two reasonably hot women swooning over him in the bed of a pick up while sitting on bales of hay.

Wrestling chicks are attracted to power. And it's an iota better than them swooning over Russo. Even if he's a former WCW champion.

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Why do Road Dogg and Konnan still do the same mic work before matches that they've been using wince 1998?  Oh you didn't know?  It 2005 come up with something new.

Well, BG James is probably the worst wrestler of the Armstrong/James brothers but was blessed with good mic work, so it's better that he talk than wrestle. Konnan, there really is no excuse. He used to be pretty good. And Killings is allegedly much better than these two, but I've yet to see it. He really needs to strike out on his own.

I wasn't talking about Road Dogg's ring work (which is pretty bad), I was refering to him using the same "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..." deal that he's been using since 1998. He's had 7 years to come up with something new. I question whether or not he has good mic skills anymore because of the lack of any new or creative in the last 7 years.


I've seen nothing from Killings in the ring to demontrate that Vince made a mistake in cutting him and nothing on the mic either. All I've seen is the same sloppy shit he did in WWF (which was like 4 years ago). But he sure can dance around the ring like a retard. 3LK seems to be the arrested development group, as neither have doen anything different or gotten any better in the last half decade.

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re: the 6-sided ring ... yes, it looks different than the normal ring, but different isn't always a good thing. It always looks fake to me, like one of those Saturday Afternoon syndicated shows (RollerGames, Slamball, or that lame martial arts one that always included hanging, rolling cages and crazy shit like that). Wrestling has taken place in a 4 sided ring for a long ass time, why change that just to look different?


re: Monty Brown ... I don't watch much TNA due to work and apathy, but the little that I've seen of Brown has left me VERY unimpressed. The guy's greener than astroturf. I shudder when people think that he's the guy that TNA should put the belt on and build around. Raven, Killings, Styles, Daniels are all better choices than Brown.

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I wasn't talking about Road Dogg's ring work (which is pretty bad), I was refering to him using the same "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..." deal that he's been using since 1998. He's had 7 years to come up with something new. I question whether or not he has good mic skills anymore because of the lack of any new or creative in the last 7 years.

Well, he DID change the ending to say "3 Live Kru" instead of "New Age Outlaws". But to be honest, I don't pay attention anymore - I just FF the matches these three are involved in.

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I like the 6 sided ring. It is different and that doesn't mean worse to me. It's about the wrestlers that make me want to watch, not the ring, but it's not a distraction or anything.

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I wasn't talking about Road Dogg's ring work (which is pretty bad), I was refering to him using the same "ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages..." deal that he's been using since 1998.  He's had 7 years to come up with something new.  I question whether or not he has good mic skills anymore because of the lack of any new or creative in the last 7 years.

Well, he DID change the ending to say "3 Live Kru" instead of "New Age Outlaws". But to be honest, I don't pay attention anymore - I just FF the matches these three are involved in.

Well..maybe on Impact...


but I liked there match against Shane, Kazarian and Daniels at Final Resolution...and the match with Team Canada at Turning Point.

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Roadogg BG James Armstrong did add "Not 1....not 2....but 3 Live Kru" to the end. Oh yeah, Ron Killings should go solo and be working in the X division where all the talent is.

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