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WWE Wrestlemania 21

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I haven't located that stuff on GameFAQs yet, but Scroby, the 18th is a Monday and the 20th is a Wednesday.


Wait what month is it....and who are all you people?


No seriously through, my mistake. I typed that while going through a bit of a hangover from the night before.

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Download updated rosters as in?


If there is a draft and people switch from Raw to Smackdown and vicea versa, that should be updated for a game? Which would be pretty easy to do yourself if that was made a feature? Or better yet, the game could hold its own draft to make the season's become better.


Be able to download new wrestlers when they show up on Raw or Smackdown?


Something like that?

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Well, I suppose it would be up to the developers to decide how extensive the updates would be. It could be simple like outfits and different finishing moves or more applied like removing characters that were released and replaced by new characters.

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No need to cut people out of the game... that'll just mess it up. Do what they're doing for Halo 2 and release an expansion disc for the game down the line with updated arenas (like Wm 21, Backlash 2005, all the new ones) and some wrestlers not in the game, like Snitsky, Heidnereich, Carlito, etc... maybe even release two versions, a RAW disc and a SD disc, each with brand-specific superstars/arenas and maybe a legend or 2 tossed onto each disc for good measure. Sell each for 20 bucks (that's what the Halo 2 disc is gonna go for) and it'll make money.


Or even better, just add it as downloadable content through Live. B-)

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Alright, since the game comes out next week. Lets start getting people for the


SmartMark's Wrestling Xbox Live Fed....


For those who want in go ahead and post your Live Account name so we can start having matches right off the bat. If you wish to challange someone go ahead and lay it down just make sure you both can do the match when you both can. So we can't have people complaining about someone ducking them or pussing out.


How many titles do you guys think we should have?


If anything we will have the Smartmark's championship title, anything else?

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SmartMarks Titles:


Supreme - Main Event Title

Excellence - Midcard Title

Tag Team


...there, enough titles to start with.


Man, I wish I had gaming systems... >_< I miss gaming.

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I'm not 100% sure there will be tag titles for Live, but if anything I do like your names for the titles.

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I'll be getting the game as soon as the GameRush in Moreno Valley gets it in (I usually go to gameCrazy, but I took advantage of the trade in 2 games, get a pre-order for $30 offer).


My Gamertag is MattYoung.


For the league, we definitely need a heavyweight title and tag title, if available. I think we should decide on the number of titles after we see how many people are joining.


About the fed... Who's going in charge? How often would we have shows? Would we try to do all matches on the same night, or just over the course of the week?


I think we need to decide on all that soon and get things organized.

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Will this game support music ripping?

I believe so, but only for created wrestlers...


I could be mistaken though...

That's right, just for created wrestlers. I'm pretty sure the real wrestlers can't be edited at all, even their movesets... which sucks.


BTW, my Gamertag is Blazenwing, and I am SO ready to kick some ass in the SmartMarks Xbox Fed. :lol:

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You do know its gonna be embrassing for all of you when I'm the only one with a undefeated streak.


Mines: Scroby


add me to your friends list now so it'll be easier when WM21 comes out.

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Will this game support music ripping?

I believe so, but only for created wrestlers...


I could be mistaken though...

Fine by me. I only play with CAWs in wrestling games. I cannot wait to make my bad ass Riki Choshu and Riki lariat-o Renee Dupree. It'll be glorious.

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Well, it looks like the game is shipping tomorrow, so should be available on Wednesday, the 20th, according to ign.com. I was hoping I'd be able to pick it up tomorrow and play it in the evening, but I guess one more day won't kill me ;)

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Guest Coffey

My local Babagge's (now Gamestop apparently) says it'll be available tomorrow (Tuesday the 19th).

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I'll probably swing by the local Software Etc. to see, but I won't get my hopes up. Maybe I can reserve a copy (which maybe I should've done already, but I'm not too worried).


On a side note...isn't it weird that there has been zero commercials or anything airing for this game so far? I mean, we're still seeing ads for Raw vs Smackdown, and that game has been out for almost a year now.

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I'll probably swing by the local Software Etc. to see, but I won't get my hopes up. Maybe I can reserve a copy (which maybe I should've done already, but I'm not too worried).


On a side note...isn't it weird that there has been zero commercials or anything airing for this game so far? I mean, we're still seeing ads for Raw vs Smackdown, and that game has been out for almost a year now.

The commercials don't start playing until the games comes out. (or at least the day before)


It's always been like that with WWE games for some reason. It was the same for SDvsRAw, and DOR too.

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I don't know if this is the real commercial (seems like it) or one IGN made (since their logo is in the corner) or if it's even aired yet, but this is it




I hope this game is good... I bought an Xbox, XBL subscription (drvenkman21), and 100 feet of ethernet cable to go form my modem 2 floors up to my video game basement room all on the basis of wanting to play online against a group of people on IRC. IF it sucks, well, I'm sure the Xbox has other uses... I am enjoying KOTOR so far. Any word if custom themes will work online?

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That's fine, I only really intended them to use for CAWs


THe big thing people like my pal spman are wondering is that if he makes a Mountie CAW, will we, the people without that song on our HD (if we don't), be able to hear it when he makes his entrance online?

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Hey matt do you want to do a league together for this game maybe this time we can get people to play lol. Also I haven't really been following this game a lot. Is there anything worth while about this game anything that will stand out. It seems that there hasn't been a good wrestling game in a long time.

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What's up, Commish? I've been wanting to get a game going with you, but I haven't been on Live much and when I am, you're playing something else. I'm pretty sure I'm trading in ESPN MLB 2K5, also, due to having MVP already and I can't think of anything else I'd want to give up to get $20 off WrestleMania. But send me a PM or e-mail if you want to play something else.


As for a league for WM21, we're setting one up here as far as I know which you should join. if you're doing a separate one, I'll help. We need to get people and create a site on our own if we go that route, though, since there are no "official" leagues.


And to Commish and everyone else- I couldn't get GamingRing Radio to work, but upposedly, the reviewers gave the game a 7/10. That's pretty good considering the guys (at least Mike) have played practically every wrestling game out there. Pretty much all the info can be found in the first post of this thread:




That's basically all you could want to know about WrestleMania 21.

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Sorry. I wasn't aware that you had to be registered to view posts there. Keep in mind, this is from a post by a forum member who collected the info from the site into one handy guide, so spelling and grammatical errors he may have made will be left intact. This is very long.






Studio Gigante's








Number of Players:



Release Date:

April 18th 2005


ESRB Rating:





GR Pros On WM 21



1:Cena will rap/freesttyl in the game.


2: Superstars act like them self's for example, you most likly will here Undertaker saying " ressttt innn peaceee" from the videos I've seen.


3: More then 1 ladder in the ring, confirmed by the last pic.







1:The game is much faster then what it was guys, it has improved in so many ways, and


2:It is DEFENITLY worth you're mony.

Specials are improved such as HBK's Sweet Chin Music, the Lion Sault by Jericho, and

so on.


3:The wepons seem to be working GREATH, the blood animation is way of the charts it is AMAZING.


4: The guys all gave the game 7/10, and one of them was nice enough to give it 7.5/10.


5: The intro's are much better, then the last version of the game, most of you guys will be amazed, when you play it on you're big screen.


Bad News


1:By the looks of it, you CANT do high flying moves off the ladder, the guys have tried EVERYTHING and they just cant the guys to jump of the ladder, they said they will have to email THQ and ask them about it.


2: HHH pedigree is to cheesy


3:Som of the specials look wayyy not right, for example the lionsalt, and som others just look not good.


4:Table animation is HORRIBLE.



GR score: The game score overall is 7/10 7.5/10.


Game recommendation... Recommend? YES absolutely, MUST BUY GAME.







A: Quick Grapple (Tap the button)

Strong Grapple (Hold the button)


B: Specialty Grapple (Tap the button)

Submission (Hold the button)


Y: Runs


X: Strike Grapple


Black Button: Irish Whip


White Button: Pick/Drop weapon

Tag Partner


Right Analog Stick: Changes Target (Press)



Left analog stick and PAD: Moves the superstar


Left Button (back of Controller: Strike Reverse


Right Button (back of Controller: Grapple Reverse




Gameplay Features



--> 4 different wrestler classes. Each class confers a unique movement style and grapple/attack preference.


--> Weight detection system considers the size and stature of a wrestler when determining the outcome of any wrestler-versus-wrestler interaction (attack reactions, lift success rate, etc).


--> Limb damage system: damage sustained by each limb is tracked throughout a match. Limbs which have sustained severe damage become more vulnerable to submission holds.


--> Heat meter: tracks how favorably the crowd is responding to each wrestler. The greater the heat, the more momentum a wrestler has. Maximum heat allows a wrestler to pull off a finishing move.


--> 6 different attributes per wrestler, each with a distinct effect on gameplay:



<>Stamina: ability to sustain large amounts of damage


<>Speed: rate of movement around the ring


<>Strength: amount of damage inflicted per move


<>Submission: ability to force an opponent to submit


<>Countering: ability to counter an incoming move


<>Charisma: ability to build up heat through taunting



--> 4 grapple types available to each wrestler: quick, strong, specialty, and submission. Each type of grapple has its own selection of triggerable moves, which vary per wrestler.


--> Support for all possible grapple states: against the turnbuckle, against the ropes, ladder, out-of-ring, etc.

Every move in the game can be countered or reversed.


--> Pro Reversal system: allows for skilled players to reverse a grapple move or finisher during the course of the move, granting a '2nd chance' to avoid a damaging attack.


--> SG said: "While some developers might choose to a handful of animations to cover reversals of all attacks and grapples, Studio Gigante went above and beyond the call of duty, creating roughly 200 different Pro Reversal animations."


--> The difficulty of a reversal depends on a number of factors. Your difficulty level has the biggest affect, with higher difficulties shrinking the reversal window. Each Superstar also has a counter rating and each type of move alters your window of opportunity. A punch or kick is going to be the easiest to counter and generally the least devastating. Finishers and turnbuckle moves tend to be the toughest, but also offer the coolest reversals.


--> Superstar-specific mannerisms (attack preferences, taunts, and custom motions) bring life to each individual wrestling personality.


--> WM21 features body-specific damage, so that targeting the face can result in blood a little earlier.


--> A camera cut option allows for more powerful moves to be show in a more cinematic style. In these slow-mo close-up moments, players can get a good gander at sweat and blood flying off a Superstar's body.


--> The slow motion effect can be turn off or on for finishers moves.


--> (ADDED) Create A Poster! where you get to choose your backround and people in the poster.




Customization Features



<>Create a Superstar


--> CAE (Create-A-Entrance) is in


--> Massively expanded selection of customization options - body type/shape, costumes, and gear


--> Gradual delivery of content: Created Superstars can be developed and improved via their progress through the game's career mode.


--> Created Superstars can be brought online to fight against another player's creation.


--> You name your Superstar (up to 9 characters) and select a hometown. Next select your expertise:







Once that's done, you select one of four weight classes (Super Heavyweight, Heavyweight, Light Heavyweight, Cruiserweight). You can then dress you Superstar in a number of outfits, with many more available for purchase in the Shopzone.


--> Your (CAW) Superstar is rated in six different attributes:





Submission Countering



--> Support music ripping and will allow the player to pick his favorite ripped tune to play in his customized entrance.




The Basics: Build a Legend




Before you can begin your journey, you'll need to create a superstar. You begin with a large number of options for creating a superstar to your liking, but there's plenty more that can be purchased as you gain cash from winning matches. Here's a step-by-step look at creating your first superstar.


Vitals: First up is picking a name. You can use up to nine characters, which isn't much, so choose wisely. With a name you must choose a city. There are 46 cities to choose from, including Dudleyville, so you should have no trouble finding a suitable point of origin.


Expertise: This is the base for your wrestlers skills and determines their starting attributes and default moves. There are four skill types to choose from: Traditional, Aerialist, Power, and Technician.


Weight Class: Big or small, it's your choice. Super Heavyweight, Heavyweight, Light Heavyweight, and Cruiserweight.


Body Size: Using a vertical and horizontal slidebar, adjust the height and build of your superstar.


Skin Color: A pyramid color palette is used for picking your skin tone. All the colors of the ethnic rainbow are included. Sorry, no blue people -- everything is done with some form of realism in mind.


Face: Though not as in-depth or as total-control as one might like, there are a number of options to customize your superstar's noggin.

Forehead - Use the vertical rule to adjust the prominence of your superstar's forehead.



--> Eyes - There are nine basic eye shapes (Normal, Almond, Smaller, Pinched, Asian, Bigger, Fall Down, Fall Up, and Slanted), which can be altered to perfection with a horizontal scaling rule.


-->Nose - Use the vertical and horizontal rules to adjust the length and width of your nose and nostrils.


-->Lips - Use the vertical and horizontal rules to adjust the length and width of your mouth and lips.


-->Jaw - Want a point chin or a square jaw? Use the vertical and horizontal rules to adjust the shape.








Costumes are broken into three sections: Head, Upper Body, and Lower Body. Each of these is them broken down further, enable you to outfit your superstar to your liking. The best part is that just about every single costume piece from hair to boots have more than 200 color to choose from.


Head: The head has four components ( Mask, Face, Hair, and Hat ). Though you don't have to use each component, you certainly have the option. Who doesn't want a superstar with a hat?


--> Mask - You can choose from 10 full masks, including Rey Mysterio's Mask or you can go with one of four face mask options, which include Mankind's lovely number.



--> Face - There's a large number of face options. You can choose beards, tattoos, and face paint. Heck, face paint can be "young" or "aged," in case you want a more worn look to your markings. Want a Fu Manchu or the Hulk 'stache? You got it. And make it bright red while you're at it. That's not all, as there are nine eyebrow and nose piercings to choose from, six ways to pierce your lip, and eight types of earrings. The truly bizarre can also select any of nine oddball contacts for their eyes, including Alien Invader, Reptile, and Cat Eyes. Or you could just go for the Grandma Specs from the eyewear section.



--> Hair - The nifty thing about hair is that you can have layered colors so that your hair is truly unique. There are 57 hair types by default. Yeah, that's plenty of hair. Or you can go bald, like IGNXbox's own Douglass C. Perry. You can even add an extra "S" to the end of your name. Or you can be like a normal person and get a Jheri Curl.


--> Hats - Lastly, you have 33 hats to choose from. Our favorite is the Wizard Hat, but that might be because a weird obsession with Harry Potter.



Upper Body: Once your head is up to par, it's time to get dressed. You'll need to decide first if you want a shirt or jacket -- or you can go shirtless for all the ladies.


--> Shirt - Shirts aren't the coolest, but can offer a casual look. That is, unless you pick the "plain shirt" which is actually a dress shirt. Give it a bowtie to look extra dapper. Here's the full menu: T-Shirt, Long Sleeve Shirt, Muscle Shirt, Tank Top, Baseball Jersey, Basketball Jersey, Football Jersey, Cop Shirt, Plain Shirt w/Tie, Plain Shirt with Suspenders and Tie, Plain w/Bowtie, Plain w/Suspenders and Bowtie.


Shirts also include options for material type (though it's hard to tell the difference between satin and silk in-game), pattern (we love going Hawaiian), and logos (put a Raw logo on your Smackdown superstar for kicks). If that's not enough, you can choose from a variety of necklaces, including the Gangsta Gold Chain . Put some tats or an elbow pad on your arms and select from seven different glove types. Sorry, but the Michael Jackson's glitter glove is not included.


--> Shirtless - Why wear a shirt when you can have a massive tat on your chest or back? You have 33 tattoos to select from. The same selection of jewelry and arm attire available with the shirt or jacket are available here as well.


--> Jacket - A baker's dozen jackets are up for grabs. The Sequin Manager Jacket is a nice touch, but we also have a soft spot for Eugene's jacket.



Lower Body: Lastly, there's the lower body. You should probably put something over your Underoos, and there are three types to choose from: Trunks, Shorts, and Pants.


--> Trunks - There's no difference in the type of trunk you choose, it's just a matter of how long you want your trunks. Regular fitting provides some breathing room to your goodies, but you can also go for a skin-tight fit to please the ladies. Once again, color and patterns are extra options to make for a more custom look.


--> Shorts - You don't have much to choose from, unfortunately, just Cargo Shorts, Classic Jean Shorts, and Baggy Jean Shorts. However, with shorts comes the option for leg tattoos and who wouldn't want to ink up a calf?


--> Pants - The pants options don't really blow away the lack of choices in shorts. You can have Cargo Pants, Genie Pants, Regular Fitting Pants, Loose Fitting Pants, and Dress Slacks. Apparently you'll have to wait for WM22 to wear MC Hammer pants.


--> Shoes - To finish things off, you need to select some shoes. Check out the full list of choices: Wrestling Boots High, Wrestling Boots Medium, Wrestling Boots Low, Gym Shoes, Hi-Tops, Skater Shoes, Dress Shoes, Combat Boots, Cowboy Boots, Curled Toe.





The Moves



Now comes the silky-sweet part of Create-A-Superstar. It's time to give yourself some fancy moves. Every move available to your superstar is selectable. You want to pimp-slap like a girl? You got it, buddy. Keep in mind that there are many more unlockable moves, but you'll have to bust through career mode to access all of them . If you don't know every move, don't worry. There's a demo of every single punch, kick, grapple, and finisher, just in case you don't know your regular suplex from your German suplex.



Ready Stance: Your ready stance moves are the most commonplace. There's quite a lot you'll need to select from with multiple options for each position. These moves are taken straight from the superstars so you can choose moves used by your favorite wrestler or you can select moves that fit a particular personality for your CAW.


--> Attacks - Attacks are useful for wearing down your opponent, knocking them into the ropes, and generally knocking them about. There are six attack to be filled from the following list:




3.Crescent Jump Kick

4.Diva Chop


6.Face Slap

7.Kane Throat Thrust

8.Kick to Gut

9.Kidney Punch

10.Lady Slap

11.Low Blow

12.Overhead Chop

13.Palm Strike

14.Punch to Gut

15.Punch to Head

16.Quick Jab

17.Ridge Hand Roundhouse (High)

18.Roundhouse (Low)

19.Roundhouse (Med)

20.Slap (Palm)

21.Spinning Back Kick

22.Spinning Roundhouse

23.Spinning Side Kick

24.Super Kick

25.Throat Chop



--> Grapples (Facing) - There are four types of frontal grapples, Quick, Strong, Submission, and Specialty . Each of these is controlled by tapping or pressing A or B and a direction to grapple an opponent. Each grapple type has four slots for moves, giving you a total of 16 frontal grapples in your arsenal.





1.Arm Drag

2.Arm Drag Leg Drop

3.Arm Wringer Flip

4.Atomic Drop

5.Big Boot

6.Body Slam


8.Drop Kick

9.Drop Kick to Legs

10.Drop Toe Hold

11.Euegne's Throat Thrust

12.Eye Rake

13.Fireman's Carry

14.Headlock Punch

15.Hip Toss


17.Knee Breaker

18.Low Blow

19.Reverse Atomic Drop

20.Roundhouse Kick

21.Russian Leg Sweep

22.Snap Mare

23.Snap Mare Drop Kick

24.Snap Suplex

25.Trip/Leg Drop





1.180 Slam

2.Airplane Slam

3.Arm Drag Leg Drop

4.Arm Wringer Flip

5.Atomic Drop


7.Belly to Back Suplex

8.Body Slam




12.Drop Kick

13.Face Buster

14.Falcon Arrow 2

15.Falcon Driver

16.Fireman's Carry

17.Full Nelson Slam

18.German Suplex

19.Giant Push

20.Gorilla Gut Buster


22.Hangman Neckbreaker



25.Low Blow

26.Northern Lights Suplex

27.Northern Lights Suplex 2

28.Reverse Atomic Drop

29.Russian Leg Sweep

30.Shoulder Breaker

31.Snap Mare

32.Snap Suplex

33.Spine Buster

34.Step Up Insiguri

35.Super Kick


37.Swinging Neck Breaker

38.TiltAWhirl Slam





1.Abdominal Stretch

2.Arm Bar

3.Arm Wrench

4.Arm Wringer

5.Bow and Arrow

6.Cena Underhook

7.Chicken Wing X-Face

8.Chin Lock

9.Clover Leaf

10.Cobra Clutch

11.Crippler Crossface

12.Double Underhook Nelson


14.European Cravat

15.Face Lock

16.Full Nelson

17.Fuller Leg Lock

18.Hammer Lock



21.Neck and Arm Stretch


23.Sleeper Hold

24.Standing Octopus

25.Standing Wristlock





1.Arm Twist Kick

2.Back Club



5.Belly to Belly Suplex

5.Bionic Elbow

7.Choke Slam


9.Christian Neckbreaker


11.Dragon Screw Leg Whip


13.Eye Poke

14.Face Buster

15.Falcon Driver

16.Finishing Touch

17.Fisherman Suplex

18.Full Nelson Slam

19.German Suplex

20.Gorilla Gutbuster

21.Gourd Buster


23.Hangman Neckbreaker

24.Hopping Clothesline




28.Northern Lights Suplex 1

29.Northern Lights Suplex 2


31.Rolling Body Scissors

32.Roundhouse Kick

33.Russian Leg Sweep

34.RVD Insiguri

35.Samoan Drop

36.Shoulder Breaker

37.Snap Suplex

38.Snuka Chop

39.Special Headbutts

40.Spine Buster

41.Step Over Heel Kick

42.Step Up Insiguri

43.Stiff Fifty


45.Sunset Bomb

46.Super Kick


48.Swinging Neck Breaker

49.Thez Press

50.TiltAWhirl Slam

51.Tornado Heel Kick

52.Tres Amigos

53.Triple German Suplex

54.Triple H Choke

55.Twist of Fate

56.Ultimate DDT

57.Underhook Suplex




--> Grapples (Behind) - There are far fewer options when grappling from behind. In fact, there are so few ( before you unlock more ) that the moves aren't sectioned into types such as Strong or Submission. You can slot four from the list.


1.Atomic Drop

2.Belly to Back Suplex

3.Forearm Back Smash

4.German Suplex

5.Knee Breaker

6.Reverse DDT

7.Russian Leg Sweep



--> Ground Grapples - Ground grapples from the ready stance are pretty sparse. They only cover when your opponent is in a sitting position. Don't worry, there's a whole separate section for ground moves. You can slot two of the following moves:


1.Asian Spike

2.Body Scissor

3.Kick to Back

4.Neck Snap

5.Neck Vice

6.Sitting Ab Stretch

7.Strangle Hold

8.Strangle Hold 2




--> Rope Grapples - When your opponent is tied on the ropes you have a couple of moves to choose from. You can slot two of these four.


1.Choke Slingshot

2.Rope Gut Kick

3.Top Rope Choke




Ground Moves: As promised, there is an entire move section dedicated to ground attacks and grapples. These are broken into four categories: Ground Attacks, Arm Ground Grapples, Leg Ground Grapples, and Head Ground Grapples. The area of your opponent's body you target is based on your position. So, if you want a head grapple, stand by your fallen foe's noggin.


--> Ground Attacks - You have four different ground attacks to slot. Each one is based on your position relative to your opponent.


Basic Ground Strike:


1.Fist Drop



Head Ground Strike:


1.Booker T Knee Drop

2.Corkscrew Leg Drop

3.Elbow Drop

4.Elbow Drop 2

5.Fist Drop

6.Knee Drop

7.Leg Drop



Legs Ground Strike:


1.Back Flip Splash

2.Corkscrew Leg Drop

3.Elbow Drop

4.Elbow Drop 2

5.Fist Drop

6.Leg Drop





Arms Ground Strike


1.Back Flip Splash

2.Elbow Drop

3.Fist Drop

4.Knee Drop





--> Arm Ground Grapples - To perform an arm ground grapple, just step to your opponent's side. Once near his arm, choose your move. You can slot three from the list.



2.Bow and Arrow

3.Cross Arm Breaker

4.Flipping Hammer Lock

5.Fujiwar Armbar

6.Short Arm Scissor

7.Standing Armbar

8.Walk on Chest



--> Leg Ground Grapple - To perform, stand at your fallen foe's feet. You can slot three from the list.


1.Boston Crab

2.Elbow Drop to Leg

3.Figure Four Leg Lock

4.Knee Drop to Leg

5.Leg Bar

6.Leg Grapevine

7.Leg Smash

8.Leg Wrench

9.Nagata Lock

10.Single Leg Crab

11.Step Over Toe Hold

12.STF Across Face


--> Head Ground Grapple - To perform, stand at the crown of your opponent's melon. You can slow three from the list.


1.Camel Clutch

2.Face Lock

3.Figure 4 Head Lock

4.Flipping Camel Clutch

5.Foot Eye Rake

6.Ground Choke

7.Ground Punches

8.Head Scissors

9.Strangle Hold

10.Triangle Choke



Turnbuckle Grapples: Your opponent will be at your mercy when up against the turnbuckle. You have the opportunity to unleash some devastating moves. Turnbuckle grapples are broken into three sections depending on your opponent's position on the t-buckle.


--> Facing - You have a decent number of options when your foe has his back against the turnbuckle and is facing towards you. You can slot four of the following moves


Belly 2 Back Superplex

Dvon Neck Breaker

Forearm to Back

Head Smash

Side Slam

Snake Eyes

Tie to Tree of Woe

Tornado DDT

Toss into Ring Post

Turnbuckle Surfboard



--> Behind - You can deal out some real pain when your opponent is facing the turnbuckle, back towards you. As with facing grapples, you have four slots to fill.


1.Corner Charge

2.Corner Punches


4.Monkey Flip

5.Old School

6.Slice Bread #2



9.Taker Soup Bones


11.Tiger Mask



--> Sitting - Your opponent is about as vulnerable as can be when sitting against the turnbuckle. There aren't many default moves to choose from and you can only slot two, but all of them are quite satisfying.


1.Alley Oop

2.Alley Oop Power Bomb

3.Boot Wash

4.Running Knee

5.Spike Stomps

6.Stomping Mudhole


Aerial: We haven't left the realm of turnbuckles quite yet. Of course your opponent is an easy mark when against the t-buckle, but he's also quite vulnerable when prone on the ground. If your opponent is stunned, climb the turnbuckle (Left Trigger) and unleash a aerial move to drive the crowd wild. You can slot two moves for each.


Against Standing Opponent:


1.Axe Handle

2.Drop Kick


Against Down Opponent:


1.Corkscrew Moonsault

2.Flying Elbow Drop

3.Flying Fist Drop

4.Flying Leg Drop


6.Senton Somersault




Running: There's a plethora of running attacks. Perhaps a surprising amount compared to how some other areas fare. Running is first broken down in two categories, Against Standing Opponent and Against Down Opponent. Check out all your options for when you're on the run.



--> Against Standing Opponent - There are five ways to engage a standing opponent while running: Counter Attack, Behind Grapple, Frontal Grapple, Running Strike, Bounce Off Ropes. It doesn't hurt to hit Y every once in a while to run at another fool. Check out all your options.


Counter Attack (3 Slots):


1.Back Drop

2.Drop Toe Hold



5.Front Drop

6.Knee to Stomach

7.Polish Hammer

8.TiltAWhirl Backbreaker


Behind Grapple (2 Slots):



2.Chop Block

3.One Arm Bulldog

4.Twist Hurracanrana



Frontal Grapple (2 Slots):


1.Belly to Belly Suplex


3.Crucifix Head Scissor

4.Float Over DDT

5.Mysterio Bulldog

6.Neck Breaker


8.Stampede Clothesline

9.Super Drop Kick


Running Strike (2 Slots):


1.Double Forearm

2.Flying Clothesline

3.Flying Double Chop

4.Flying Forearm

5.Leg Lariat

6.Mafia Kick


8.Roaring Elbow

9.Running Clothesline

10.Running Drop Kick

11.Wheel Kick



Bounce Off the Ropes (1 Slot):



2.Hand Spring Elbow



--> Against Down Opponent - There are only a few choices on a downed opponent, with two slots open for Running Strike choices. There's also a slot for Bounce Off Ropes, but when you begin your career, there's only one option, an Elbow Drop. Check out your selection of Running Strikes.


1.Forearm Drop

2.Jericho Senton

3.Jumping Elbow Drop

4.Quick Leg Drop

5.Rolling Thunder

6.Running Elbow Drop

7.Running Headbutt


9.Shooting Star Press


Taunts:Each superstar has two taunts and so does your CAW. There are no extra taunts, nothing specially made for WM21, but you can choose two taunts from any of the 45 superstars in the game



Finishers:Last, but certainly not least, you get to pick two finishers. Each WWE superstar has a pair and most are available from the get-go. Are there a few extras to unlock? Play and find out for yourself.


1.5 Knuckle Shuffle

2.5 Star Frog Splash


4.Air Raid Siren

5.Alabama Slam

6.Angle Slam

7.Ankle Lock

8.Big Choke Slam

9.Bitch Clamp


11.Bubba Bomb

12.Choke Slam

13.Christian DDT

14.Crippler Crossface

15.Death Valley Driver

16.Double Arm DDT

17.Dudley Dog

18.Edge Spear


20.Eye of the Hurricane

21.Falcon Arrow

22.Flair Figure Four

23.Flying Elbow Drop

24.Flying Headbutt

25.Frog Splash


27.Gorilla Press Drop

28.Gory Bomb

29.Gory Special

30.Haas of Pain

31.High Cross Body

32.Hopping Piledriver


34.Indian Death Lock

35.Irish Whip Knees

36.Kick of Death


38.Lita DDT

39.Lucha DDT




43.People's Elbow

44.Pile Driver

45.Power Slam


47.Rock Bottom

48.Roundhouse Kick

49.Saving Grace

50.Scissors Kick


53.Shelton Splash

54.Shining Wizard


56.Side Effect

57.Sit-Down Power Bomb

58.Sitting Rock Bottom

59.Special People's Elbow

60.Spike Dudley Drop

61.Split Legged Moonsault

62.Step Up Insiguri

63.Step Up Wheel Kick



66.Superfly Splash

67.Sweet Chin Music

68.Tajiri Mist

69.T-Bone Power Slam

70.The Money Shot

71.The Worm


73.Trish Bulldog

74.Twist of Fate


76.Walls of Jericho

77.West Coast Pop








Now that you have the look and moves of your superstar down, only one thing remains -- a kick as entrance. There's quite a lot of entrance goodies that are locked. Along with extra items, there's bonus functionality, including the ability to customize individual tracks. Here's what you get by default.


Music: You can select two different songs for your soundtrack, one for the main soundtrack and one for an alternate soundtrack. Eighteen licensed songs are available from the go, but you can also use any custom soundtrack on your hard drive. Finally your pimped-out CAW can stroll into the ring with Snoop's "Gin and Juice" pumping up the crowd.



Moves: There are two sets of moves. First, you select your ramp move. There are only 10 to begin with, but each is taken from a WWE superstar, so expect there to be plenty more to unlock. Once you've picked your ramp move, select a ring move. Again, there are only 10 to start (in our current build, anyway), but all are based on WWE entrances, so you should have plenty more to choose from as you progress through the career mode.


Video: You have your choice of various WWE superstar vids to pick from. Do you want your big stud entering the arena with a Lita video playing in the background? The video entrance list isn't complete in the current build, but it appears there are no special offerings outside of videos for WWE stars. If you choose none of these, a generic video plays on your entrance.


[/b]Pyrotechnics:[/b] Fire is good. If you want to add some pizzazz to your entrance, the best way is with some flashing lights and smoke. You can pick one pyrotechnic package for the ramp and one for the ring.


1.Fire Torch

2.Fire Line

3.Fire Burst

4.Mushroom 1

5.Mushroom 2

6.Mushroom 3

7.Mushroom 4

8.Fireball 1

9.Fireball 2

10.Fireball 3

11.Dust Cloud

12.Sparkler 1

13.Sparkler 2

14.Sparkler 3

15.Steam 3

16.Steam Leak

17.Blue Fireworks

18.Red Fireworks

19.Gold Fireworks

20.Omni Fireworks

21.Smoke 1

22.Smoke 2

23.Smoke 3

24.Smoke 4



Crowd Signs: Lastly, you get to choose the signs held by the crowd. Initially, there are 10 crowd packages. Each package comes with four signs that include such gems as "Kick his ass" with a picture of a mule, to make it all the more poignant. Unfortunately, there's no custom sign design.








WM21 features a lot of interesting unlockables for your created superstar. First a condition must be met to unlock an item, then you have to purchase it with money earned from winning matches. Here's just a sample of what's available to unlock for your created superstar.



Credit to: losramones77 of IGN. Source:http://boards.ign.com/WWE_WrestleMania/b6547/79597528/?25




Unlockable Legends!


1.Jimmy Snuka

Cost- $150,000

Required Prestige Level- Amateur

Description- Unlocks WWE Legend Jimmy “Superfly” Snuka





Big Show 2003

Cost- $200,000

Required Prestige Level-Amateur

Description- Unlocks Big Show Circa 2003 (Big Show before the shaved head)



3.The Rock

Cost- $300,000

Required Prestige Level-Rising Star

Description-Unlocks WWE Legend The Rock (Late ‘90s Era)



Cost- $40,000

Required Prestige Level- Rising Star Prestige

Description- Unlocks WWE Legend Mankind


5.Bret Hart

Cost- $500,000

Required Prestige Level- Superstar

Description- Unlocks WWE Legend Bret “The Hitman” Hart


6.Andre the Giant

Cost- $600,000

Required Prestige Level- Legend Prestige

Description-Unlocks WWE Legend Andre the Giant



Unlockable Arenas!



Cost- $80,000

Required Prestige Level- Amateur

Description-Unlocks Gymnasium Arena



Cost- $120,000

Required Prestige Level- Amateur

Description-Unlocks Summerslam Arena


3.Wrestling Club

Cost- $150,000

Required Prestige Level- Rising Star

Description- Unlocks Wrestling Club Arena


4.Survivor Series

Cost- $250,000

Required Prestige Level- Rising Star

Description-Unlocks Survivor Series Arena


5.Training Facility

Cost- $250,000

Required Prestige Level- Superstar

Description- Unlocks Training Facility Arena


6.Royal Rumble

Cost- $300,000

Required Prestige Level- Superstar

Description- Unlocks Royal Rumble Arena


7.Civic Center

Cost- $400,000

Required Prestige Level- Legend

Description-Unlocks Civic Center Arena


8.Industrial Basement

Cost- $500,000

Required Prestige Level- Legend

Description- Unlocks Industrial Basement Arena


9.WrestleMania XX

Cost- $ 1,000,000

Required Prestige Level- Legend

Description-Unlocks Wrestlemania XX Arena



Unlockable Weapons!



Cost- $125,000

Required Prestige Level- Amateur

Description- Unlocks Paddle Weapon in all Arenas



Cost- $

Required Prestige Level- Rising Star

Description- Unlocks the Urn Weapon in all Arenas



Cost- $

Required Prestige Level- Rising Star

Description- Unlocks Crowbar Weapon in all Arenas



Cost- $175,000

Required Prestige Level- Rising Star

Description-Unlocks the Flag Weapon in all arenas



Cost- $200,000

Required Prestige Level- Superstar

Description- Unlocks Sledgehammer Weapon in all Arenas


6.2 X 4 Board

Cost- $

Required Prestige Level- Superstar

Description- Unlocks 2x4 Board Weapon in all Arenas


7.Barbed Wire Bat

Cost- $

Required Prestige Level- Legend

Description-Unlocks Barbed Wire Bat Weapon in all Arenas



Unlockable Attributes!









1-4 Points



Unlockable CAW Parts!




Dog Neck Collar

Lots of Gold Necklaces

Metal Chain Necklace

Olympian Medal

Knuckle Rings 1

Knuckle Rings 2

Knuckle Rings 3

WWE Classic

NWo White Logo 1

NWo White Logo 2

D-Gen X Logo 3






2.War paint

3.El Gran Luchador


5.Orient Express 2

6.Canadian Flyer


8.Hurricane Mask

9.Rey Mysterio Mask


11.Black Gold


13.French Beret

14.Mankind Mask

15.Undertaker Hat


17.Classic Kane Mask

18.Fuji Hat


20.Pale Ghost

21.Egyptian Pharaoh

22.Native American


24.Chain Mail Hood



Upper Body


1.Exposed Fingers 1

2.Exposed Fingers 2

3.Exposed Fingers 3

4.Decorative Arm Bands

5.Big Collar Suit

6.See Thru Mesh Shirt

7.Demolition Singlet

8.Right Shoulder Strap

9.Referee T

10.Classic Kane Fire



Lower Body


1.Curled Toe Boots

2.Medical Brace 1

3.Medical Brace 2

4.Medical Brace 3

5.Cowboy Boots

6.Combat Boots

7.Gym Shoes

8.Skin Tight-Short

9.Jean shorts-Classic

10.Genie Pants

11.Snake Scales Pants





1.Rising Star Moves

2.Superstar Moves

3.Legend Moves





1.Music Mogul (unlocks ability to customize entrance music in CAW mode)


2.Video Tech (Unlocks Titan Tron Video selection in CAW mode)


3.Cameraman (Unlocks Entrance Camera Shot in CAW mode)


4.Pyromaniac (Unlocks Pyro Selection in CAW mode)


5.WWE Fan Club (Unlocks ability to choose crowd signs in CAW mode)



Unlockable CAB Parts!




3.No Mercy PPV Title

4.Backlash PPV Title

5.No Way Out PPV Title

6.Unforgiven PPV Title

7.Hitman Hart Title

8.Smoking Skull Title

9.Million Dollar Title

10.Smackdown TV Title

11.Death Valley Title





Great American Bash



13.[Great American Bash and Taboo Tuesday in]

Taboo Tuesday




Unlockable Movies!


1.Chavo Guerrero Intro

2.Scotty 2 Hotty Intro

3.Nidia Intro

4.Jackie Gayda Intro

5.Charlie Haas Intro

6.Garrison Cade Intro

7.Jazz Intro

8.Hurricane Intro

9.Val Venis Intro

10.Rene Dupree Intro

11.Rhyno Intro

12.Spike Dudley Intro

13.The Dudley Boyz Intro

14.Tajiri Intro

15.Lita Intro

16.Christian Intro

17.Rob Van Dam Intro

18.Shelton Benjamin Intro

19.Rey Mysterio Intro

20.Chris Benoit Intro

21.Batista Intro

22.Ric Flair Intro

23.Big Show Intro

24.Edge Intro

25.Eddie Guerrero Intro

26.John Cena Intro

27.Booker T Intro

28.JBL Intro

29.Kane Intro

30.Kurt Angle Intro

31.Shawn Michaels Intro

32.Stacy Kiebler Intro

33.Trish Stratus Intro

34.Randy Orton Intro

35.Undertaker Intro

36.Chris Jericho Intro

37.Triple H Intro



Unlockable Images!


1.Wrestling Club Render

2.Gymnasium 1

3.Gymnasium 2

4.Gymnasium 3

5.Ind. Basement 1

6.Ind. Basement 2

7.Ind. Basement 3

8.Civic Center 1

9.Civic Center 2

10.Hi Tech Training 1

11.Hi Tech Training 2

12.Rey Mysterio Render

13.JBL Render

14.Ric Flair Render

15.Eddie Guerrero Render

16.Edge Render

17.Chris Benoit Render

18.John Cena Render

19.Randy Orton Render

20.Kurt Angle Render

21.Triple H Render

22.G. American Bash Title Render

23.Armageddon Title Render

24.No Mercy Title Render

25.Vengeance Title Render

26.Taboo Tuesday Title Render

27.Unforgiven Title Render

28.Bad Blood Title Render

29.Judgment Day Title Render

30.Backlash Title Render

31.No Way Out Title Render

32.Survivor Series Title Render

33.Summerslam Title

34.Wrestlemania 21 Title Render

35.Undertaker Logo Plate

36.Million Dollar Title Render

37.Cruiserweight Title 1

38.Cruiserweight Title 2

39.HardCore Title Render

40.Flag Side Plates

41.Raw TV Title Render

42.Smackdown TV Title Render

43.Classic IC Title 1

44.Classic IC Title 2

45.Undisputed Title 1

46.Undisputed Title 2

47.Undisputed Title 3

48.Classic WWE Heavy 1

49.Classic WWE Heavy 2

50.Classic WWE Heavy 3

51.Classic WWE Heavy 4

52.Batista Photo

53.Triple H Photo

54.Randy Orton Photo

55.Ric Flair Photo

56.Val Venis Photo

57.Chris Jericho Photo

58.Kane Photo

59.Chris Benoit Photo

60.Shawn Michaels Photo

61.Eugene Photo

62.Christian Photo

63.Shelton Benjamin Photo

64.Edge Photo

65.Rhyno Photo

66.Matt Hardy Photo

67.Tajiri Photo

68.Hurricane Photo

69.Kurt Angle Photo

70.John Cena Photo

71.Undertaker Photo

72.Rey Mysterio Photo

73.Eddie Guerrero Photo

74.Big Show Photo

75.Charlie Haas Photo

76.Booker T Photo

77.Chavo Guerrero Photo

78.Rob Van Dam Photo

79.Scotty 2 Hotty Photo

80.Bubba Ray Photo

81.D Von Dudley Photo

82.Spike Dudley Photo

83.JBL Photo

84.Rene Dupree Photo

85.Theodore Long Photo

86.Tazz Photo

87.Jim Ross Photo

88.Jerry Lawler Photo

89.Eric Bischoff Photo

90.Stacy Keibler Photo 1

91.Stacy Keibler Photo 2

92.Stacy Keibler Photo 3

93.Stacy Keibler Photo 4

94.Trish Stratus Photo 1

95.Trish Stratus Photo 2

96.Trish Stratus Photo 3

97.Trish Stratus Photo 4



Unlockable Load Screens!


1.Survivor Series Screen

2.Armageddon Screen

3.Raw Screen

4.Smackdown Screen

5.Velocity Screen

6.Hi Tech Training Screen

7.Gymnasium Screen

8.Ind. Basement Screen 1

9.Ind. Basement Screen 2

10.Wrestling Club Screen



Unlockable Logos!


1.Batista Logo

2.Charlie Haas Logo

3.Chris Benoit Logo

4.Chris Jericho Logo

5.Eddie Guerrero Logo

6.Edge Logo

7.Eugene Logo

8.John Cena Logo

9.Kane Logo

10.Kurt Angle Logo

11.Matt Hardy Logo

12.Randy Orton Logo

13.Rene Dupree Logo

14.Rey Mysterio Logo

15.Ric Flair Logo

16.Shawn Michaels Logo

17.Shelton Benjamin Logo

18.Tajiri Logo

19.Triple H Logo

20.Undertaker Logo



Create a Championship


--> Users are given the opportunity to craft a Championship of their own design. They may specify the materials the championship is made of, the style of the faceplate and sideplates, plus any additional embellishments that make a championship stand out (I.e. precious gems attached to various points).


--> Progressing through the single player game unlocks additional elements that can be purchased and attached to the belt, adding to its value.


--> At any time, a championship can be defended locally on the user's machine, or it can be taken online and defended against all challengers.


--> Successfully defending a championship adds to its value, which is tracked online for those championships that rank among the most prestigious.



WWE Wrestlers (46 Total!)


34 WWE Superstars





Total: 74

Stamina: 8

Speed: 6

Strength: 10

Submission: 7

Countering: 7

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044145948.jpg


2.Chris Benoit

Total: 80

Stamina: 9

Speed: 7

Strength: 8

Submission: 10

Countering: 9

Charisma: 6 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044146526.jpg


3.Chris Jericho

Total: 82

Stamina: 9

Speed: 8

Strength: 7

Submission: 9

Countering: 8

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044205916.jpg



Total: 77

Stamina: 8

Speed: 8

Strength: 7

Submission: 7

Countering: 8

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044733267.jpg



Total: 74

Stamina: 8

Speed: 7

Strength: 8

Submission: 7

Countering: 8

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...4158229-000.jpg



Total: 74

Stamina: 7

Speed: 7

Strength: 7

Submission: 8

Countering: 7

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044154073.jpg


7.Garrison Cade

Total: 46

Stamina: 5

Speed: 6

Strength: 5

Submission: 5

Countering: 5

Charisma: 2 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044153479.jpg



Total: 64

Stamina: 6

Speed: 9

Strength: 6

Submission: 6

Countering: 6

Charisma: 6 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044150245.jpg



Total: 74

Stamina: 9

Speed: 5

Strength: 10

Submission: 7

Countering: 7

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044149714.jpg


10.Matt Hardy

Total: 67

Stamina: 7

Speed: 7

Strength: 7

Submission: 7

Countering: 7

Charisma: 6 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044156479.jpg


11.Randy Orton

Total: 80

Stamina: 9

Speed: 8

Strength: 8

Submission: 8

Countering: 8

Charisma: 8 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044206635.jpg



Total: 66

Stamina: 8

Speed: 7

Strength: 9

Submission: 6

Countering: 5

Charisma: 5 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044155979.jpg


13.Ric Flair

Total: 80

Stamina: 9

Speed: 5

Strength: 7

Submission: 10

Countering: 9

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044207838.jpg


14.Shawn Michaels

Total: 82

Stamina: 9

Speed: 8

Strength: 7

Submission: 9

Countering: 8

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044213291.jpg


15.Shelton Benjamin

Total: 74

Stamina: 8

Speed: 8

Strength: 7

Submission: 8

Countering: 7

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044209541.jpg



Total: 67

Stamina: 7

Speed: 8

Strength: 6

Submission: 7

Countering: 7

Charisma: 6 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044210854.jpg


17.Triple H

Total: 84

Stamina: 9

Speed: 7

Strength: 9

Submission: 8

Countering: 9

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044154682.jpg


18.Val Venis--> NOT BALD

Total: 57

Stamina: 6

Speed: 6

Strength: 7

Submission: 6

Countering: 6

Charisma: 4 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044208963.jpg


(note-> Rosters are still subject to change)





1.Big Show (now bald!)

Total: 77

Stamina: 10

Speed: 5

Strength: 10

Submission: 9

Countering: 6

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044149042.jpg


2.Booker T

Total: 75

Stamina: 8

Speed: 7

Strength: 8

Submission: 8

Countering: 8

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044211572.jpg


3.Bubba Ray Dudley

Total: 67

Stamina: 7

Speed: 6

Strength: 8

Submission: 6

Countering: 7

Charisma: 7



4.Charlie Haas

Total: 66

Stamina: 7

Speed: 7

Strength: 7

Submission: 7

Countering: 7

Charisma: 5 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044152964.jpg


5.Chavo Guerrero

Total: 66

Stamina: 6

Speed: 8

Strength: 6

Submission: 6

Countering: 8

Charisma: 6 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044144901.jpg


6.D-Von Dudley

Total: 66

Stamina: 8

Speed: 6

Strength: 7

Submission: 6

Countering: 7

Charisma: 6 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044148417.jpg


7.Eddie Guerrero

Total: 80

Stamina: 8

Speed: 8

Strength: 7

Submission: 8

Countering: 9

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044147839.jpg


8.JBL (John Bradshaw Layfield)

Total: 74

Stamina: 9

Speed: 6

Strength: 9

Submission: 6

Countering: 8

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044157620.jpg


9.John Cena

Total: 80

Stamina: 9

Speed: 7

Strength: 10

Submission: 6

Countering: 8

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044208354.jpg


10.Kurt Angle

Total: 84

Stamina: 9

Speed: 7

Strength: 8

Submission: 10

Countering: 9

Charisma: 8 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044159463.jpg


11.Rene Dupree

Total: 66

Stamina: 7

Speed: 7

Strength: 7

Submission: 7

Countering: 7

Charisma: 5 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044152370.jpg


12.Rey Mysterio

Total: 72

Stamina: 7

Speed: 10

Strength: 5

Submission: 5

Countering: 9

Charisma: 8 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044212307.jpg


13.RVD (Rob Van Dam)

Total: 74

Stamina: 8

Speed: 9

Strength: 7

Submission: 5

Countering: 8

Charisma: 8 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044205354.jpg


14.Scotty 2 Hotty

Total: 61

Stamina: 6

Speed: 8

Strength: 5

Submission: 6

Countering: 6

Charisma: 6 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044200885.jpg


15.Spike Dudley

Total: 59

Stamina: 6

Speed: 9

Strength: 5

Submission: 5

Countering: 6

Charisma: 5 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044144323.jpg


16.The Undertaker

Total: 82

Stamina: 10

Speed: 5

Strength: 10

Submission: 7

Countering: 8

Charisma: 10 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044150885.jpg


(note-> Rosters are still subject to change)



RAW/SD! Divas: (6 TOTAL!)


1.Jazz (RAW)

Total: 42

Stamina: 4

Speed: 5

Strength: 4

Submission: 5

Countering: 5

Charisma: 3 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044204682.jpg


2.Lita (RAW)

Total: 52

Stamina: 4

Speed: 8

Strength: 3

Submission: 5

Countering: 5

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044145448.jpg


3.Miss Jackie (SD!)

Total: 44

Stamina: 4

Speed: 7

Strength: 3

Submission: 3

Countering: 5

Charisma: 5 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...4155198-000.jpg


4.Nidia (RAW)

Total: 33

Stamina: 6

Speed: 5

Strength: 2

Submission: 3

Countering: 3

Charisma: 3 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...4157088-000.jpg


5.Stacy Keibler (RAW)

Total: 41

Stamina: 3

Speed: 6

Strength: 2

Submission: 3

Countering: 3

Charisma: 8 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...25044147167.jpg


6.Trish Stratus (RAW)

Total: 52

Stamina: 4

Speed: 8

Strength: 3

Submission: 5

Countering: 5

Charisma: 7 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...4200104-000.jpg


(note-> Rosters are still subject to change)





1.Andre the Giant (added)

Total: 80

Stamina: 10

Speed: 3

Strength: 10

Submission: 10

Countering: 7

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...27045107720.jpg


2.1997 Rock

Total: 84

Stamina: 9

Speed: 7

Strength: 9

Submission: 7

Countering: 9

Charisma: 10 http://image.com.com/gamespot/images/2005/...6_screen009.jpg


3.Bret Hart

Total: 85

Stamina: 9

Speed: 7

Strength: 7

Submission: 10

Countering: 10

Charisma: 9 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...27045201306.jpg


4.Jimmy Snuka

Total: 75

Stamina: 8

Speed: 8

Strength: 7

Submission: 7

Countering: 8

Charisma: 8 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...27045146511.jpg



Total: 82

Stamina: 10

Speed: 7

Strength: 8

Submission: 8

Countering: 7

Charisma: 10 http://xboxmedia.ign.com/xbox/image/articl...27045117765.jpg



The final 6th Legend is:




The Classic Big Show '03 (with hair)




http://www.gamespot.com/xbox/action/wwewre...ia21/media.html (Watch the Legends and more!!!)







1.Nick Patrick (SD!/RAW)







1.Vince McMahon


2.Eric Bischoff (RAW GM)


3.Jim Ross (RAW Commentator)


4.Jerry "The King" Lawler (RAW Commentator)


5.Teddy R. Long (SD! GM)


6.Tazz (SD! Commentator)


7.Michael Cole (SD! Commentator)




WWE Shopzone



note: There's a surprising number of goodies to be had at the shop and while we can't list every last item (since that list has not been finalized by Studio Gigante), here are all the categories you can choose from at the shop:


Legends - Both playable characters and legendary WWE items.


Arenas - Purchase some arenas for play online.


Weapons - Forget chairs and tables, there are much deadlier weapons you can store for a match.




Create-a-Superstar - Accessories which unlock as you progress. These include items for head, upper body, and lower body, plus moves and entrances.


Create-a-Belt - Expect some really extravagant decorations for your championship belt.




Diva Photos - Hulk Hogan in a feather boa not included.








Weapons Confirmed


(note: Some of which must be unlocked )







6.2x4 Board

7.Barbed Wire Bat







Wrestlers Detail



-->Bump-mapping: allows for cloth wrinkles, extra muscle definition, veins, hair fibers, etc.


-->Pixel shaders: create various surface effects, including the specular highlight on leather, and the gloss of oily skin.


-->" Per-pixel lighting: helps to eliminate blockiness in the character models.


-->Endomorph muscle flexing: allows for chests to expand wit breaths, biceps to bulge when flexed, calves to clench, etc.


-->Endomorph facial deformation: allows for lip-synching, and the depiction of emotion on the wrestler faces.


--> Hair and cloth physics: allows for a level of detail only possible on the Xbox product.


--> Blood won't leave its mark on the mat, truly damage opponents will have their face and chest spattered red.




Animation Features



--> First WWE product to feature a fully motion-captured animation set


--> Per-character animation variation: allows for animations to be scaled depending on the height/size of the wrestler, thus increasing the believability of each move.


--> Adjustable Motion Playback speed: allows for a single animation to be made faster/slower for smaller/larger wrestlers.


--> Full IK support: allows for punches to connect with multiple body parts, and for feet to stay planted at all times during movement.


--> Interpolative animation system: allows for smooth blending between animations


--> Custom hand animations: in-game and in cutscenes


--> Custom facial animations: allows for an increased amount of emotion during matches and during cutscene character interaction.




WrestleMania 21 Arenas (21 Total!)







3.Bad Blood


4.Civic Center






7.Industrial Basement


8.Judgment Day


9.No Mercy


10.No Way Out




12.Royal Rumble






15.Survivor Series


16.Training Facility








20.Wrestling Club


21.WrestleMania 20 or 21




Environment Details



--> Dynamic lighting effects (affecting players, crowd, and environment)


--> Enhanced rope and turnbuckle physics


--> Reactionary crowd: multiple levels of excitement and celebration.




Modes of Play

note: Gamers can test their skills on four different difficulty settings ranging from:




Rising Star




<>Exhibition Mode


--> Single:


Cage Match

Hell in a Cell

Table Match


Ladder Match


--> Tag:

2-on-2 TAG

Tornado Tag

Cage Match

Hell in a Cell

Table Match


Ladder Match


--> Handicap:


1-on-2 Tag


1-on-3 Tag


--> Triple Threat:


Cage Match

Hell in a Cell

Table Match


Ladder Match


--> Fatal Fourway:


Cage Match

Hell in a Cell

Table Match


Ladder Match


--> Battle Royal


--> Royal Rumble


--> Last Man Standing


--> Bra and Panties




Career Mode



--> Take your created superstar through his formulative stages in Velocity, all the way to becoming the WWE Champion at Wrestlemania XXI.


--> As each challenge is successfully cleared, the player is given attribute points to improve their superstar's abilities, and cash to upgrade their superstar's appearance, entrance, and move set.


--> Extensive use of cutscenes


--> Full voiceover support


--> Gigante designed a career mode that would tell a story about a young wrestlers rise to fame on the road to WrestleMania 21.


--> Career mode sports a heavy amount of cinematic cut-scenes and is promised to be much more focused than Raw 2.


-->For those disappointed with Raw 2, breathe a little sigh of relief. WM21 has full voice-overs from the real Superstars and AI that actually makes sense.


-->To better your Superstar, you must earn some spending cash. Aside from winning matches, there are specific goals set through each phase of career mode. At the start of your career, you have Rising Star Tasks to tackle. Here's the full list of your first challenges on your way to superstardom:


Earn $50,000

Win 20 matches

Purchase unlockable item

Win Tag match

Win Table match

Win Triple Threat match


--> Career mode lasts 52 weeks


-->(added) Each victory earns you money based on the quality of your win. Use finishers and play clean to earn extra bonuses. This cash can be used to purchase new moves, costumes, and entrances. Most importantly, cash can buy you attribute points to bolster your superstar. Cash can also be earned outside of career mode, so that you can earn extra money in exhibition matches and online. That way you're always playing for something.



-->(added) Nothing, however, is better than having the commentary based on your story exploits. In your first fight, your sanity is questioned. The crowd doesn't care about you, doesn't know you at all. You get nothing from them. But check out one of the first things you hear in your second fight after the bell rings: "This new kid beat Renee Dupree in three minutes last week! Can he do the same tonight?" And in your next battle, it's noted that should you win, you're easily on your way to becoming the new Smackdown star.



Online Mode

--> 4 player support via Xbox Live


--> Compete in most of the single player exhibition mode types (final list TBD)


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Guest Coffey

Double Underhook Nelson


So, is that Steamboats old Chickenwing or AmDrag's Cattle Mutilation?

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I'm going to GameRush today to trade in a couple games my friend sent me for the $30 pre-order deal. I'm hoping they'll get the game tomorrow, but the date, tomorrow or Thursday, will likely depend on the store you get the game from.


Tomorrow would be much better, since not only do I want the game ASAP, but Smackdown is on Thursday and I want a full night to play.

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