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Edge and Orton In the Midcard !

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Tonight WWE sent a big message...


Orton and Edge are not ready for the main event.


Orton's been thrown into the mix with Christian and Goat Boy...and Edge's whole "never gotten a shot" gimmick was effectively Pedigreed into the ground.


What's next?


Do they stretch out Orton's injury thing, and do Randy/Christian at Mania?


Or throw Orton and Edge at each other after Orton wins a blowoff against CC?

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Guest FromBeyondTheGrave

Uh, Edge wins the title next week, and defends it against Orton in the main event at WrestleMania. Uh.

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They're not going to give up with Orton.


He's been pushed to moon before, give a few months and he'll be back in the Main Event. I mean with Batista winning the belt at Mania, the natural way to go would be a match with Orton.


Batista has never beaten Orton is a one-on-one, I believe.

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Batista has never beaten Orton is a one-on-one, I believe.

Actually, he did. He beat him in the match that knocked Orton out of the running for the title shot at Taboo Tuesday.

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What is with Orton's new "knocked silly almost unconcious" gimmick? Is this supposed to make the fans rally behind or something? I find it rather annoying myself.

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Guest Rrrsh

The WWE sent a clear message today.


They have no clue how to book long term properly and WrestleMania 21 will bomb like WrestleMania 18 did.


Edge and Randy Orton should be BOTH Champs going into WM. Orotn should have stayed heel at Summer Slam and after fueding with HHH into the winter, he should now be facing a fresh face at WM


Edge should have been traded to Smackdown and should be Champ there right now the second he got so over back at Taboo Tuesday



Edge and Orotn, as heels, could be and would be more over and more sucsessful than HHH and JBL.



And this stupid notion of making this awesome blowoff of Batista/HHH a Title match therefor making a lot of other wrestlers direction-less going into WM will kill WM 21. This whole event will be heatless other than HHH/Batsita because WWE are morons.


Just morons.

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I don't think Batista is going to win the World Title at Wrestlemania, either. So far all the guy has shown is that he can win 30 second squash matches against Maven. Putting the strap on him this early is a mistake, no doubt about it.

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What is with Orton's new "knocked silly almost unconcious" gimmick? Is this supposed to make the fans rally behind or something? I find it rather annoying myself.

Lawler seemed to have set the seeds tonight for blaming Orton's recent misfortune on hooking up with Stacy. He never had these problems before meeting her -- but now, he can't help but suffer through a concussion state with almost every match.


I wouldn't be surprised if this continues for a few more weeks until Orton finally blames the entire thing on spending time with Stacy, effectively turning him heel in the process. There has to be a reason they've put him together with her and, considering that they've now given up on him as the top face for the time being, this might be the next best thing.


I really can't see them going with Randy Orton vs. Christian at WrestleMania -- especially since they've basically ignored Christian since dropping his relationship with Trish a few months ago. But Orton against a relatively high face.....? Perhaps even Rock? That I see.

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Orton is going to be the Eric Lindros of the WWE...

With the way their making the angle, it's reminding me of Chyna back in 2001 when she "broke" her neck and had a "relapse".


So let's say Randy is the new Chyna.

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Guest krazykat72
They have no clue how to book long term properly and WrestleMania 21 will bomb like WrestleMania 18 did.

I think you mean 19, since 18 (Rock/Hogan) was one of the most successful ever.



-Paul Jacobi-

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Not to mention they had the worst fueds. Angle/Kane was over Angle kicking his ass and Edge/Booker was over a shampoo commercial. The original tag team idea of APA vs Chuck/Billy tanked which is why the two other teams were added.

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Guest SoZe

At this point, they might as well trot Randy out there with a

"please cheer this man, PLEASE" sign strapped to his chest. It's getting to be pathetic.

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I wouldn't be surprised if this continues for a few more weeks until Orton finally blames the entire thing on spending time with Stacy, effectively turning him heel in the process.

I think that would probably make him more of a face. Stacy isn't over enough for a babyface to turn on, and become a big heel over. Remember when Austin gave her a stunner in 2003 ? He was still cheered.

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I wouldn't be surprised if this continues for a few more weeks until Orton finally blames the entire thing on spending time with Stacy, effectively turning him heel in the process.

I think that would probably make him more of a face. Stacy isn't over enough for a babyface to turn on, and become a big heel over. Remember when Austin gave her a stunner in 2003 ? He was still cheered.


Austin was cheered for anything.

Austin could have hit the Pope with the stunner in Italy and the fans would have went wild.

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Guest Deadbolt

so can we expect edge to main-event wrestlemania possibly in the triple thread: trips vs. batista vs. edge?

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so can we expect edge to main-event wrestlemania possibly in the triple thread: trips vs. batista vs. edge?



Most likely. I don't believe they are going to change from their Batista/HHH main event, which seems to be the biggest selling point.

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I have no friggin idea what WWE is planning for Edge...Nor do I really think they know either. Edge right now, is at a very important phase of his gimmick, if not his career. If he doesn't win a world title right now, while his entire character is obsessed over it, then he's basicly going to be a failure. Too many times choking can kill a character DEAD.


I can see Edge feuding with Batista after WM, but they won't put the world title on him. No heel, since Summer of 2002, has held a world title on Raw except for Hunter. Brock was the last person to do so before he jumped to SD.


That, is just a siiick statistic.

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Weeeeelll... Orton won the title while he was a heel. Sure, he got turned face like, the next night, but he WON it while being a heel and had one night of heel bragging.

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Guest Deadbolt

Actually, to further his "Everyone is screwing me" (not in a Jasmine St Claire way) type angle, I wouldn't be surprised if he didn't even get a match at Wrestlemania, but instead played a part in some sort of backstage angle, or match interference. Or maybe Teddy Long will give up on Batista, offer Edge a title shot on SD, and scoop him up by some sort of loop hole, or by the draft lottery. That would of course mean JBL losing the title to a face at mania, which I also see happening, as he's beaten all worthy contenders on SD already.

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I actually think Edge will be a perfect candidate if Batista wins the title. If Edge does win it though I think you'll see his character start to chill out and drop the gimmick of never getting the title. In effect, a face turn.

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I actually think Edge will be a perfect candidate if Batista wins the title. If Edge does win it though I think you'll see his character start to chill out and drop the gimmick of never getting the title. In effect, a face turn.

Or be like "See! I told you I could do it! In your face!"


I wonder what a chilled heel Edge would be like. In between E&C era and now maybe?

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I wish it was true about Orton going back to midcard status but since he's suppose to be the next Rock according to WWE management then most likely he will still be pushed down our throats until we like him.

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Uh, Edge got hit by Batista's spinebuster. I call that a overbooked finish to keep Edge strong.

I agree.


Edge looked great out there, and it sent the message Triple H couldn't beat him on his own.

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