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Steve J. Rogers

Top Five biggest disgraces in sports history

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I'm not going to do a full 5, but I scratch my head at people saying the NHL season getting canceled altogether, meaning that for the first time in major US pro sports a season will not occur at all, is less disgraceful than the 1994 World Series not happening.


Yes, I recognize that baseball is more beloved than hockey, but the first time an entire season gets canceled has to be considered disgraceful.

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Guest Smues
And just to add another one although its not top five: Jeffrey Maier.

I don't have time to do my top 5 right now, but Jeff is most certainly on my list. I can't even look at his name without getting incredibly angry.

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I'm not going to do a full 5, but I scratch my head at people saying the NHL season getting canceled altogether, meaning that for the first time in major US pro sports a season will not occur at all, is less disgraceful than the 1994 World Series not happening.


Yes, I recognize that baseball is more beloved than hockey, but the first time an entire season gets canceled has to be considered disgraceful.

Besides lack of perspective, its worth noting that baseball of the time had no financial difficulties of any sort, which made it all so stupid. At least hockey has an excuse.

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I have never seen the full fight film.  It does seem to me that although Dempsey was pushed back into the ring, he did reach his feet on his own.  And besides, that fight was a wild fight to begin with.  Rules were looser back then, and it was that fight that prompted boxing officials to insititute the neutral corner rule that played such a critical role in the Dempsey-Tunney fight.


Well you can't see it in the fight film b/c the camera was focused on the ring. But Roger Kahn said that when he first visited Dempsey at his restraunt Dempsey took him over to the photo and pointed out the 3 reporters that pushed him in. Then he said he probably would've lost if it wasn't for them.

And yeah I wonder how many fights Dempsey would've won if they had the neutral corner rule the entire time he was fighting? I mean I know that he was a great boxer and hard hitter and a really aggressive fighter but part of his style was to stand over you and as soon as your knees left the canvas he began pounding again. A lot of his opponents had no chance to get their bearings.

And you're damn right it was a wild fight. I've seen the whole fight film and it was like 13 rounds of action packed into a couple. Firpo was a monster and if it was anybody aside from Dempsey they would've been out long ago with the pounding he was dishing out.


Back to the Black Sox though. When they were acquited of all charges didn't the court room erupt into thunderous cheers? And then didn't the jury carry them out?

Just shows you how in love with there sports stars they were at that time. Can you imagine Kobe being cheered and carried out of the court room?

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Back to the Black Sox though. When they were acquited of all charges didn't the court room erupt into thunderous cheers? And then didn't the jury carry them out?

Just shows you how in love with there sports stars they were at that time. Can you imagine Kobe being cheered and carried out of the court room?


I assume you're referring to the movie Eight Men Out. A fine fim, but remember it would contain exaggerations. I do think the sports figures were villified to an extent. Joe Jackson was eligible for election to the Hall, and he received just two votes until he was officially declared ineligible after the Rose scandal. The courtroom likely cheered, but the jury certainly did not carry them out.

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Back to the Black Sox though. When they were acquited of all charges didn't the court room erupt into thunderous cheers? And then didn't the jury carry them out?

Just shows you how in love with there sports stars they were at that time. Can you imagine Kobe being cheered and carried out of the court room?


I assume you're referring to the movie Eight Men Out. A fine fim, but remember it would contain exaggerations. I do think the sports figures were villified to an extent. Joe Jackson was eligible for election to the Hall, and he received just two votes until he was officially declared ineligible after the Rose scandal. The courtroom likely cheered, but the jury certainly did not carry them out.

Ok I haven't seen the movie. But this is just what I hear. Obviously from a source that had seen the movie.


But were they villified as they would have been these days? B/c if someone fixed the World Series today we know there'd be hell in a hand basket.

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I'm not going to do a full 5, but I scratch my head at people saying the NHL season getting canceled altogether, meaning that for the first time in major US pro sports a season will not occur at all, is less disgraceful than the 1994 World Series not happening.


Yes, I recognize that baseball is more beloved than hockey, but the first time an entire season gets canceled has to be considered disgraceful.

They charged fans for tickets, parking, etc. for 1500 games that turned out be utterly meaningless. With hockey, it was like "OK, there's no season this year", but with the baseball strike, it's like "you mean we followed this crap for four months, and now they're just going to quit in the middle of the season?"


Also, I agree that the fact that the NHL is in real financial difficulty makes a huge difference. The players are offering to give back 24% of their salaries as well as making long-term changes, and the owners still have a legitimate concern that they'll lose more money playing the season than cancelling it. In 1994, the players and owners ended up burning millions of dollars because they were too selfish and greedy to split it equitably.

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I remember that Bowe/Golota brawl. It was wild to watch live. Then the one corerman had to be stretchered out through the chaos.

Yea that was pretty crazy. I still have the whole thing on tape (I had taped the fight off HBO for my dad who was out working and boy was he surprised to see that lol)


although it makes NYC look like crap and probably disgraced MSG more than the kliq incident in pro wrestling (lol Im just kidding guys)


It was one of bowes cornerman who started the whole thing


and the guy strectchered out was Fred Flintstone himself, Lou Duva

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talking about biased officials. you see this a lot in baseball as well some umps make calls that are too dumb to be by mistake. and as for fixing the world sreies, 2004s seemed awfully fixed huh? (Im not saying it was it just seemed kindy fishy to me, hell the ALCS played out like it was fixed huh? like a hollywood writer wrote it)


and yes the refs always cheated for the lakers, makes me glad to see them toiling in obscurity right now with Mr Molester himself at the helm


and does Kobe qualify as a big disgrace in your minds? just wondering



I will agree on the 1919 series and the 94 strike. the 02 olympics? who gives a crap its freakin ice skating not a sport. damn whiny canadians (note to all canadians on this board, I dont mean to insult you)

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It's never going to get listed as a top 5 disgrace but: The 1992 Philippines Little League Team using teenage players to win the Little League World Series Championship and consequentially getting stripped of the title. Cheating in an amateur contest for 11-12 year olds and embarrassing your entire country in the process is pretty damn disgraceful.

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It's never going to get listed as a top 5 disgrace but: The 1992 Philippines Little League Team using teenage players to win the Little League World Series Championship and consequentially getting stripped of the title. Cheating in an amateur contest for 11-12 year olds and embarrassing your entire country in the process is pretty damn disgraceful.

oh that reminds me of young Danny Almonte of the bronx LL team back in 2001

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talking about biased officials. you see this a lot in baseball as well some umps make calls that are too dumb to be by mistake. and as for fixing the world sreies, 2004s seemed awfully fixed huh? (Im not saying it was it just seemed kindy fishy to me, hell the ALCS played out like it was fixed huh? like a hollywood writer wrote it)

Then it's the sequel to the Hollywood-penned 2003 ALCS. Or are you just bitter because the Yankees choked?

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lol youre right about 2003 being similar, but since unless your a yanks fan, you hate the yanks, so hollywood would have them lose (like they did in major league lol)



I didnt say it was fixed , just said it looked like it was geez sorry if I struck a nerve or somethin.


no I am not bitter just sad. though now it means less to me since the new season is starting soon. Ill stick by my team through the end of time


the only bitter fans appear to still be red sox fans which is sorta weird to me.



"There are two types of people, New Yorkers and those who wish they were",- A quote from my favorite philosopher, my father :D

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Barry Bonds' most recent press conference where he claimed that "I don't believe that steroids can help you hit a baseball".

Well...he is right.


You can roid me up all day, I still can't hit a fast ball.

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the 02 olympics? who gives a crap its freakin ice skating not a sport. damn whiny canadians (note to all canadians on this board, I dont mean to insult you)

While I agree that it doesn't really belong on this list, it wasn't exactly Pelletier and Sele's fault that the world press pretty much forced the IOC into handing out a 2nd pair of gold medals. I know from watching both the NBC and CBC coverage that NBC seemed almost more upset than CBC did, initially.

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Barry Bonds' most recent press conference where he claimed that "I don't believe that steroids can help you hit a baseball".

Well...he is right.


You can roid me up all day, I still can't hit a fast ball.

That's taking the quote out of context. He was not talking about you and me, he was saying that in response to the allegations of using steroids as cheating. He claimed that he doesn't believe that roiding up is cheating because it wouldn't help him hit a fastball. Justifying his drug use with a ridiculous claim. I could, if inclined to do so, find the thread here where I defended Bonds' attitude to the media as not being wrong due to him not owing anyone anything. But this is just too much, the guy is a disgrace to baseball. HE JUSTIFIED HIS DRUG USE. Flat out on camera said that he didn't think it was cheating. What a fucking loser.

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Guest LooneyTune

Definitely the 1919 World Series. What a shame... imagine if that were to happen today. All the players would probably be killed after the game by angry fans.

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lol youre right about 2003 being similar, but since unless your a yanks fan, you hate the yanks, so hollywood would have them lose (like they did in major league lol)



I didnt say it was fixed , just said it looked like it was geez sorry if I struck a nerve or somethin.


no I am not bitter just sad. though now it means less to me since the new season is starting soon. Ill stick by my team through the end of time


the only bitter fans appear to still be red sox fans which is sorta weird to me.



"There are two types of people, New Yorkers and those who wish they were",- A quote from my favorite philosopher, my father :D

I'm going to preface my post with the observation that you might have posted the most head-scratchingly confusing post in the history of TSM. Capital letters, punctuation, and grammar are our friends.


Having said that ...


If it "looked" like it was fixed, wouldn't the Yankees have been in on it, too? It makes no sense. It'd be one thing if the winning run(s) were scored on a play that the umpire blatantly fucked up (say, called a guy safe when it was obvious that he was out) ... but to just choke a 3-0 series lead hardly seems like it was a fix. Something out of Hollywood, yes, but fixed, no.


And I'd rather have testicular cancer than be a New Yorker. Sorry.

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I'm wondering how many times Jericholic is going to use that stupid "There are two kinds of people..." quote that nobody agrees with. There are at least five that I can recall off the top of my head.

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Barry Bonds' most recent press conference where he claimed that "I don't believe that steroids can help you hit a baseball".

Well...he is right.


You can roid me up all day, I still can't hit a fast ball.

Yes but they can help you hit the ball farther.


Without steroids I think Barry Bonds may still be a 500 home run hitter b/c he is a terriffic natural hitter. But 200 or so of those home runs may have landed in center rather than the 10th row without steroids.

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Agreed on the Bonds "steroids don't help you hit a ball" argument ... if the guy was accused of doing 'roids because he was hitting .420 each year, his argument would make sense. But all people are saying is that he uses them to help him hit a ball further. Basically, he's hitting the ball because of skill ... he's hitting it into the Cove because of juice.


BTW, how long until SF pisses on history by renaming McCovey Cove "Bonds Cove"?

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lol youre right about 2003 being similar, but since unless your a yanks fan, you hate the yanks, so hollywood would have them lose (like they did in major league lol)



I didnt say it was fixed , just said it looked like it was geez sorry if I struck a nerve or somethin.


no I am not bitter just sad.  though now it means less to me since the new season is starting soon.  Ill stick by my team through the end of time


the only bitter fans appear to still be red sox fans which is sorta weird to me.



"There are two types of people, New Yorkers and those who wish they were",- A quote from my favorite philosopher, my father :D

I'm going to preface my post with the observation that you might have posted the most head-scratchingly confusing post in the history of TSM. Capital letters, punctuation, and grammar are our friends.


Having said that ...


If it "looked" like it was fixed, wouldn't the Yankees have been in on it, too? It makes no sense. It'd be one thing if the winning run(s) were scored on a play that the umpire blatantly fucked up (say, called a guy safe when it was obvious that he was out) ... but to just choke a 3-0 series lead hardly seems like it was a fix. Something out of Hollywood, yes, but fixed, no.


And I'd rather have testicular cancer than be a New Yorker. Sorry.

Damn my humor just doesnt work with you guys.

I give up.





And what makes NY so bad that you'd rather have cancer? you might want to rethink that statement (and I personally don't want to hear from people who have never been to or lived in the NY area).


I'm sick of the hating and the misunderstanding-I am just fiercly loyal to the city/area of my origin and The Yankees of course.


I might readjust that cancer statement to go with my current residence of southern cali (the capital of posing) But I digress.




And I do apologize for my grammar- I'm usually a stickler for that in my real life,but when I post here, I usually type out my thoughts so fast that I neglect to check my work.


Then again this is the internet-not exactly the capital of grammar and good spelling, so I'd figure I would get a break here.



And as for my repeating my favorite quotes, well there's not too much to say about that- I suppose I'll stop if it is causing hostility and trouble here on the boards. ( I honestly was only repeating it for my amusement-though objecting to it would basically prove my point, but that's neither here nor there.)



And one more time, I never said the series was fixed, ok? That would make me as dumb as a carfull of Californians on their way to the movies.


Are we cool now?

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And what makes NY so bad that you'd rather have cancer? you might want to rethink that statement (and I personally don't want to hear from people who have never been to or lived in the NY area).
I've been to NYC more times than I care to think about ... my old man's from there, my now ex-girlfriend lives there, I've gone to games and concerts there, and two of my accounts are based out of there. Let's just say that I've visited there more than any city. And I've hated it just about every time I've been there. Too a few too many cocky loudmouths there for my liking (I will admit, though, that it's not EVERYONE that lives there ... just a lot). I actually turned down a job offer because it would have meant living in NYC.


And I do apologize for my grammar- I'm usually a stickler for that in my real life,but when I post here, I usually type out my thoughts so fast that I neglect to check my work.


Then again this is the internet-not exactly the capital of grammar and good spelling, so I'd figure I would get a break here.

This post was fine; you used capital letters and punctuation and the whole 9 yards ... the one that I was bitching and moaning about didn't have either (I'm too lazy to scroll down and check, but if memory serves the only word that you capitalized was "I").


/cool as ever

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And what makes NY so bad that you'd rather have cancer? you might want to rethink that statement (and I personally don't want to hear from people who have never been to or lived in the NY area).


I live in the Pocono Mountains, so I get to put up with the tourists and the transplants. Many of them (not all) are the most ignorant fucks I have ever had the misfortune of encountering. Ten years ago, I could get off Exit 302 onto 611 in less than 15 minutes in the Summer. Not anymore. The region is overcrowded, crime is up, property taxes and housing costs are WAY up, and I blame New York City.


Sorry for the rant.

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