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Mystery Eskimo

Zero Hour

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We've not had one of these for a while, I think, so here. Go. Predict. I'd say at least 4 matches are hard to call, unless you have tha insider knowledge.


OAOAST World Title

Drek Stone © vs. Hoff


Anderson Cup

Black T vs. The Global Party Xchange


Axel vs. The Mad Cappa


The Puerto Rican vs. Panther


OAOAST X Division Title

Leon Rodez© vs. Chris Stevens


Calvin Szechstein vs. The 70s Dude


HI-YAH Tag Titles

The Love Doctors © vs. Hell's Hitmen


6 Person Tag

Saints & Jim Cornette vs. New New Midnight Express and Holly-Wood

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OAOAST World Title

Drek Stone © vs. Hoff

WINNER: Hmmm. This is actually a tough one. At first, I would have said Drek easily, BUT, after reading the buildup, and the fact that this is taking place in Hoff's hometown, and the fact that they are already hinting at a possible Hoff vs. Axel match at AngleMania IV, this is really a tough decision. Still, I'll go with Drek, since I think it makes more sense if Drek's World Title reign ends at AngleMania IV. (Sorry Hoff :))


Anderson Cup

Black T vs. The Global Party Exchange

WINNER: This is another hard one as both teams are awesome and have been former tag team champions, so it's not like one team should win because it's their time to win the tag belts. This could go either way also since Black T are heels, but GPX have shown signs of a possible heel turn also. So, I'll go with GPX winning, but they'll turn heel during the buildup to the AngleMania IV Tag Title match.


Axel vs. The Mad Cappa



"The Corporate Champion" Tha Puerto Rican vs. Panther

WINNER: Well, I can't tell you. But what I CAN tell you is that you will be suprised at what Papacita and I have planned for this matchup!


OAOAST X-Division Title

Leon Rodez © vs. Chris Stevens

WINNER: Leon Rodez


Calvin Szechstein vs. The 70's Dude

WINNER: This is a tough one as well. If the OAOAST was real, then The 70's Dude would most likely win, since it would make sense that the legit main eventer and former World Champion put over the rookie and future of the company. I pick The 70's Dude, since Dude has been on fire lately. I've noticed that Chuck Woolery hasn't written much in the past few weeks. Is Calvin Szechstein leaving the OAOAST?


HI-YAH Tag Titles

The Love Doctors © vs. Hell's Hitman

WINNER: Hell's Hitmen


6-Person Tag

Saints & Jim Cornette vs. New New Midnight Express & Holly-Wood

WINNER: Saints & Jim Cornette, to build to a rematch at AngleMania IV.

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OAOAST World Title

Drek Stone © vs. Hoff



Anderson Cup

Black T vs. The Global Party Xchange

I know because I have tha insider knowledge, but if I DIDN'T know I'd have guessed the same way anyway.


Axel vs. The Mad Cappa

Again, tha insider knowledge.


The Puerto Rican vs. Panther

Hmm. I'll say PR with some considerable interference, setting up a return match.


OAOAST X Division Title

Leon Rodez© vs. Chris Stevens

Again with tha insider knowledge!


Calvin Szechstein vs. The 70s Dude

This is what I'm most looking forward to. I dunno, my gut says it's the Dude in a BIG upset, but my head says Calvin doesn't put him over quite yet. I'll go with Cal, Thrillogy represent, y0.


HI-YAH Tag Titles

The Love Doctors © vs. Hell's Hitmen

Again...tha insider knowledge.


6 Person Tag

Saints & Jim Cornette vs. New New Midnight Express and Holly-Wood

NNMX, after some crazy things happen.

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There will be another mad added to the card (OMG~!) once I get my segments edited into HeldDOWN~!

I was gonna say, is a PPV without Zack Malibu possible?



OAOAST World Title

Drek Stone © vs. Hoff

WINNER: Drek goes into AngleMania as champ. I can't see a face v. face main event to be honest. Plus, Drek needs the victory in the main event that he hasn't had the past two PPVs. Although Hoff and NYU have done a good job of making it hard to predict.


Anderson Cup

Black T vs. The Global Party Xchange

WINNERS: Black T. Again, can't see face vs. face at Mania.


Axel vs. The Mad Cappa

WINNER: Axel to go in strong at Mania.


The Puerto Rican vs. Panther

WINNER: Methinks TPR wins with some schenanigans or sculdugery of some sort to set up the gimmick match rematch at Mania


OAOAST X Division Title

Leon Rodez© vs. Chris Stevens

WINNER: I guess I shouldn't say.


Calvin Szechstein vs. The 70s Dude

WINNER: Booking says The Dude, but instincts says Cal takes the win.


HI-YAH Tag Titles

The Love Doctors © vs. Hell's Hitmen

WINNERS: I dunno...guess at The Hitmen.


6 Person Tag

Saints & Jim Cornette vs. New New Midnight Express and Holly-Wood

WINNERS: Saints and Corny, again to set up for Mania...probably split into a tag match and an intergender managers match.

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I have this so called insider knowledge meaning I know the ending to over half the matches. Which is odd because I don’t really talk to anyone from here but somehow I know the finishes.


Axel Vs Cappa

Winner: Cappa after Crystal fucks something up.


TPR Vs Panther

Winner: TPR, and Panther at the rematch at AM


Cal Vs Dude

Winner: Cal

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I'm only doing the matches I don't know the finishes to.


OAOAST World Title

Drek Stone © vs. Hoff


Winner: I'm going to go WWE here and say the returning hometown hero gets jobbed. Stone wins. Although I won't be the least bit surprised if Hoff wins it here.


Axel vs. The Mad Cappa


Winner: Axel


The Puerto Rican vs. Panther


Winner: TPR


OAOAST X Division Title

Leon Rodez© vs. Chris Stevens


Winner: Stevens


Calvin Szechstein vs. The 70s Dude


Winner: Dude

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