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Recommend me a good PS2 game.

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The only game I own for PS2 is Final Fantasy X. Brilliant, amazing and... I finished it the other night, all aeons acquired, three Celestial Weapons acquired [Auron, Tidus, Yuna] and now I need something new to play in the rare times I'm not on the 'net.


So. Any suggestions for a good, multi-hour +, engaging PS2 game? Doesn't matter the genre.

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The only game I own for PS2 is Final Fantasy X. Brilliant, amazing and... I finished it the other night, all aeons acquired, three Celestial Weapons acquired [Auron, Tidus, Yuna] and now I need something new to play in the rare times I'm not on the 'net.


So. Any suggestions for a good, multi-hour +, engaging PS2 game? Doesn't matter the genre.

Not that its my personal choice, but you could always play the followup, FFX-2.

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The only game I own for PS2 is Final Fantasy X. Brilliant, amazing and... I finished it the other night, all aeons acquired, three Celestial Weapons acquired [Auron, Tidus, Yuna] and now I need something new to play in the rare times I'm not on the 'net.


So. Any suggestions for a good, multi-hour +, engaging PS2 game? Doesn't matter the genre.

Not that its my personal choice, but you could always play the followup, FFX-2.

The total lack of in-depth emotion, completely asinine "missions" that the game forced upon you {massaging!} quickly got on my nerves. I beat it once, and attempted to get 100% the next time, but again, the aggravatingly lame missions pissed me off.


Thanks, though ^-^

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Guest MikeSC

Ratchet & Clank II or III (I is excellent, but II and III are better)

Shadow Hearts Covenant

Jak II or III

Sly Cooper I or II


Any GTA title


I'm just assuming you might want to try something BESIDES the usual SquareEnix fare.


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Ratchet & Clank II or III (I is excellent, but II and III are better)

Shadow Hearts Covenant

Jak II or III

Sly Cooper I or II


Any GTA title


I'm just assuming you might want to try something BESIDES the usual SquareEnix fare.


*nod* Ja. I'm not a total Square fan, though I do enjoy the FF series. But if a game sucks, I'll so say, no matter what company it was made under. The three games I have up for consideration of purchase is Prince of Persia [first one], X-Men Legends, and Psi Ops.. action yet a lengthy game.



Heh.. I've seen this advertised.. most amusing commercial.


Thanks for your suggestions.

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There's a massaging mission in FF-X2?

Yeah. When Yuna, Rikku, and Paine [bad-ass!] break into LeBlanc's home [its Seymour's dammit!!!] LeBlanc needs to relax so Yuna, in disguise as one of the goons, straddles her back and takes control. The player is treated to a grid of six squares; its a guessing game of which square to pick. Responses from LeBlanc range from 'Ouch!!', '*sigh* Er, not there.', to 'OOOH!' in a very orgasmicy kind of way. Eventually she falls asleep.

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Psi Ops isn't that long. Only about 9 hours or so. Good though.


Metal Gear Solid 2 is a really good action/stealth game with a heavy emphasis on story.


There's always Kingdom Hearts.



I really liked X-2. It's funny and cute and Paine is cool.

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There's a massaging mission in FF-X2?

Yeah. When Yuna, Rikku, and Paine [bad-ass!] break into LeBlanc's home [its Seymour's dammit!!!] LeBlanc needs to relax so Yuna, in disguise as one of the goons, straddles her back and takes control. The player is treated to a grid of six squares; its a guessing game of which square to pick. Responses from LeBlanc range from 'Ouch!!', '*sigh* Er, not there.', to 'OOOH!' in a very orgasmicy kind of way. Eventually she falls asleep.

Oh My God What The Fuck?!?


I just play Nintendo anymore, but I may have to break my habit to witness this insanity.

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PoP1 is good, but your first time through you might beat it in, oh, 10 hours or less. Second time through significantly shorter. Fantastic game, but not lengthy.


Disgaea is excellent from what I've played of it. Despite the interface, the gameplay isn't the clunky, limited affair of FFTA. Plus, the dialogue is much like a WD translation--light-hearted and humorous. Despite loathing most newer RPGs, it really grabbed me. Of course...that's significantly more than you have to spend (didn't see the subtitle).


I also recommend the Ratchet and Clanks. There's so much to see and do, plenty of missions to fulfill, there's the New Game plus experience, finding the RYNO, getting the gold weapons--and that's just the first game. If you've conquered the first game, then you can use your save files to unlock bonus weapons in the second game. Going Commando is more highly-polished, features upgradable weapons, and I love the shooter sections as much as some of the main game. The third one I've barely nicked, but it's really good as well. If you do everything in the games, it takes quite a bit of time. The first ones are pretty cheap these days, too.

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Guest Askewniverse

Tony Hawk's Pro Skater 3 or 4


Twisted Metal Black

SSX Tricky or SSX 3

Soul Calibur 2

Splinter Cell

Gran Turismo 3

Need for Speed: Underground

Midnight Club 2

Viewtiful Joe


Not a game, but as an alternative, you could buy Donnie Brasco on DVD. It's a pretty good movie that's often overlooked. Johnny Depp plays the title character, so that alone might be a good enough reason for you to check it out.

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Not a game, but as an alternative, you could buy Donnie Brasco on DVD. It's a pretty good movie that's often overlooked. Johnny Depp plays the title character, so that alone might be a good enough reason for you to check it out.

Heh...yeah, I was also exploring the various deals on DVDs that contain him; mainly Nick of Time and Dead Man. I have yet to see Donnie Brasco, but I'll rent it at the library.

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The three games I have up for consideration of purchase is Prince of Persia [first one], X-Men Legends, and Psi Ops..

PoP is a good game, but as Andrew said, it's relatively short.


X-Men Legends is a fun action RPG, especially if you're an X-Men fan, but it's VERY linear (there's maybe 2 or 3 "sidequests" total) and that cuts down on the replay value.


Psi-Ops, I don't know. I actually just bought that a few weeks back but I haven't gotten around to it yet (been too caught up playing Killzone, which despite some conflicting reviews, truly IS a great FPS).


If you're up for RPGs, go with whomever suggested Kingdom Hearts. Exceptional synthesis of Square and Disney properties, and I can honestly say that it's one of my favorite RPGs of ALL time (probably my fave for the PS2 - Final Fantasy X is a bit overrated, IMO).

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I'll throw Champions of Norrath and Return to Arms in the mix.


The first one is about a linear as it gets, but its fun just collecting the items and creating others.


The second one is a bit more involved yet still linear, but the side quests are actually very hard, even with a transferred character from the first game. These two games are more like what the BGDA series (which I love and still play) should have been.

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Guest JebusNassedar

The Mark of Kri is my favorite game on Playstation 2. It's a really captivating stealth-action game that can be terrifyingly brutal at times. Especially once you get the axe.


EDIT: Plus, everywhere I've seen it, it's been dirt cheap. And there's a ton of shit to do during the game. It's really a unique experience.

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Disgaea is excellent from what I've played of it. Despite the interface, the gameplay isn't the clunky, limited affair of FFTA. Plus, the dialogue is much like a WD translation--light-hearted and humorous. Despite loathing most newer RPGs, it really grabbed me. Of course...that's significantly more than you have to spend (didn't see the subtitle).

Actually, there's very easy ways to get "cheap" with Disgaea's leveling system and have uber characters before you face a midboss like character. <_<


Well maybe a little farther than that. But still it can be accomplished in where your characters are leveled to the point you can waltz through the rest of the game and takes about 40 hours or less.


That's managable and not that time fulfilled.

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The Mark of Kri is my favorite game on Playstation 2. It's a really captivating stealth-action game that can be terrifyingly brutal at times. Especially once you get the axe.


EDIT: Plus, everywhere I've seen it, it's been dirt cheap. And there's a ton of shit to do during the game. It's really a unique experience.

I picked it up for $5.99 used and I love it. I haven't finished it yet (when you've got about 5 games you're working through a little bit of a time each, it's hard to get around to finishing one), but I'd heard it's quite short so I didn't mention it.


However, Kri may be the biggest "bang for buck" PS2 game I've purchased before.

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Guest Coffey

Castlevania: Lament of Innocence


The first 3D Castlevania game that's actually worth playing. The soundtrack is great. So are the backrounds. It's not hard. It's fairly easy actually. However, with backtracking and whatnot to get 100%, it will provide you with a few hours of entertainment.


There's also some "big" secrets to find.


I'm fairly confident that you can get it for around $10 on eBay too.


The only things I don't like about the game are the voice overs, which sound bad, the random storyline swerve, which wasn't needed, and it can get repeatitive if you've played Devil May Cry and the like a lot.

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"Dracula May Cry" (my pet name for it) was only above-average at best IMO, and I have the soundtrack. It lacked the magic of the more recent CVs and certainly of SotN. Not bad, but hardly a long, engrossing, unforgettable experience.


I honestly should give it another shot, though. Since I didn't play it much when I had rented it. It's mainly that I didn't feel it was worth dropping the amount for a full game on it.


*side note: wonders if I should be ashamed to actually know what an OS-tan is.*

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Psi-Ops is very good, and likely very cheap right now.


If you haven't played it, you might want to consider Castlevania, Symphony of the Night (PS1 game) probably right up your alley, it's cheap, and it's a near perfect game. 2D if you care about that sort of thing.


If you want some cheap insanity (granted not a very long game) that will have you friends mesmerized within 2 minutes, KATAMARI DAMACY~!


And if you like rhythm games, Frequency is the shit.

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