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Guest Rrrsh

The good streak of WM 21 Promo's has ended

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Worse yet it had absolutely zero to do with Wrestlemania.


All of the other promos - they had something to do with the PPV...or wrestling. Mentioned it, made wrestling references, etc.

Exactly. While the skit wasn't that bad, it did nothing whatsoever to hype or promote WrestleMania 21, which is meant to be the point of these things.

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My main problem with the Taker one was there was no even attempt at humor, or mentioning Wrestlemania along the way. The only thing that made it WWE, besides the product placement in the middle is when he rolled his eyes at the end.


I am surprised no one has brought up Indecent Proposal with Matt, Lita and Edge yet.

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My main problem with the Taker one was there was no even attempt at humor, or mentioning Wrestlemania along the way. The only thing that made it WWE, besides the product placement in the middle is when he rolled his eyes at the end.


I am surprised no one has brought up Indecent Proposal with Matt, Lita and Edge yet.

Hey...that's really good.

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I say Regal as Austin Powers in the opening scene of AP1, and have all the Divas chasing him. It could be revealed at the end that the real reason they were chasing him is because he has WM tickets.

That would fit perfectly.

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none of the WM promos were Jewels of acting greatness...


so im just seeing this as an excuse for Taker haters to Hate.


sad people

Everytime anybody says anything remotely negative about Taker you blame it on "Taker hatin'."


Give it a damn rest already.


I say Regal as Austin Powers in the opening scene of AP1, and have all the Divas chasing him. It could be revealed at the end that the real reason they were chasing him is because he has WM tickets.


Torrie or Stacy would make perfect fembots.

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none of the WM promos were Jewels of acting greatness...


so im just seeing this as an excuse for Taker haters to Hate.


sad people

But this promo had nothing to do with Wrestlemania- like the other ones did. That's why people are hating on the commercial.


And I know you like to shut your ears and ignore it all- but most of the Taker hate around here is deserved.

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It was really bad. I think the JBL/Cena one was the best followed closely by Benoit, Jericho, Christian, and Stacy's.


Kane could spoof a Jason movie.

Hassaan as Rocky from Rocky 4 with the American flag shorts would be funny.

JBL should have done the Harvey Kietel scene from True Romance where he says that Scilillians are spawned from black people it would have fit his gimmick.

Nunzio could do the Pesci "do I amuse you?" scene from Goodfellas with Spike playing Liotta.

Big Show and Mysterio could do a scene from Twins.

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I'm shocked they haven't done the Pesci "how am I funny" bit.


BEST ONE: Jericho, Christian, Stacy, Benoit: Basic Instinct

WORST: Eugene, Rega: Forest Gump...sorry, didn't work for me.

BEST CAMERO: Coach: A Few Good Men


I didn't care for the Pulp Fiction one. Other than "ESSA!" at the end.


Taker in the wig at least made me laugh, although it should have mentioned Mania somehow.


Bradshaw and Cena's seems to be the most out of place, it's the only one to do without any comedy at all, the two guys in it are fueding, so the idea of them doing a commercial together is a little iffy, and it seemed to go on forever.


I'd like to see Vince and Austin redo the Cool Hand Luke "What we've got here is...failure to communicate." Vince as the warden and Austin as the prisoner of course. Random prisoners could be played by Charlie Haas, Shannon Moore, and Rosey.


Angle and Christian as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.


2001 a Space Odyssey: Jim Ross and Batista.

Batista: "Open the pod bay door, J.R.."

JR:"Sorry, Dave, I cannot do that...BAH GAWD!"


AMERICAN PIE: Hurricane could play Jim in the love scene with the pie, Lawler could play the dad, he's kind of a perv anyway.


How about Spike Dudley as Marty McFly and Flair as Doc. I just want Flair to deliver the line. "We gotta go back Marty...back...TO THE FUTURE! WHOO!!"


And Shelton has to do Blazing Saddles!

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I'm shocked they haven't done the Pesci "how am I funny" bit.


BEST ONE: Jericho, Christian, Stacy, Benoit: Basic Instinct

WORST: Eugene, Rega: Forest Gump...sorry, didn't work for me.

BEST CAMERO: Coach: A Few Good Men


I didn't care for the Pulp Fiction one. Other than "ESSA!" at the end.


Taker in the wig at least made me laugh, although it should have mentioned Mania somehow.


Bradshaw and Cena's seems to be the most out of place, it's the only one to do without any comedy at all, the two guys in it are fueding, so the idea of them doing a commercial together is a little iffy, and it seemed to go on forever.


I'd like to see Vince and Austin redo the Cool Hand Luke "What we've got here is...failure to communicate." Vince as the warden and Austin as the prisoner of course. Random prisoners could be played by Charlie Haas, Shannon Moore, and Rosey.


Angle and Christian as Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid.


2001 a Space Odyssey: Jim Ross and Batista.

Batista: "Open the pod bay door, Hal."

JR:"Sorry, Dave, I cannot do that...BAH GAWD!"


AMERICAN PIE: Hurricane could play Jim in the love scene with the pie, Lawler could play the dad, he's kind of a perv anyway.


How about Spike Dudley as Marty McFly and Flair as Doc. I just want Flair to deliver the line. "We gotta go back Marty...back...TO THE FUTURE! WHOO!!"


And Shelton has to do Blazing Saddles!

They missed a good opprotunity to when the black guy said "Hey....". After that, he could have said, "You got Wrestlemania tickets?"

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The best one was the JBL-Cena one, and gave me hope for Cena in the future when he probably won't use the rapper gimmick anymore. JBL also did an excellent job, and they did well in hyping up the match a bit.


The Taker one was kinda crappy till the end. The ending wasn't too bad.

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Guest M. Harry Smilac

Yea this one was pretty bad.


I'm still waiting for a Tajiri/Funaki Crouching Tiger parody.


Since it's WWE and they love to place the ethnicity card so much i'm suprised they haven't done this one already.


You just have the two meet in a bamboo forest and start flying along chasing each other till they get to a ring in the middle of the forest.

Then have them start wrestling but show it all in slow-mo and add a bunch of overdone matrixy sound effects.Gold I tell ya.

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I'm sorry, but I burst out laughing when Taker did the 'Undertaker face' at the end when he had the shotgun (rolled his eyes back, etc.). I think that was supposed to be the joke, but I guess a lot of people didn't see it or find it funny, judging from this thread.


Also, I figure Taker could still do these kinds of ads w/o totally losing character; after all, I think most fans can remember he wasn't the Deadman from 2000-2003 anyway.

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And Shelton has to do Blazing Saddles!

Everyone is dressed as a cowboy.


Finkel: The IC Champion is a-*Crowd Cheering*


JR: What?


Finkel: The WWE Intercontinental Champion is a-*Bell rings*


King: What?


Finkel: The World Wrestling Entertainment Intercontinental Champion is a-*Sound of someone being slamed*


Vince: What?


Finkel: The winner of the match, and still the Intercontinental Champion is-


Shelton: The best pure athlete in WWE today?


Vince: That'll do, pawd-nah! HA HA!




The end can have some midcarders around the campfire.

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Eddie Guerrero and Joy Giovanni re-anactig the infamous cutting of the dress scene in The Mask of Zorro.

I think they're only doing parodies of movies that were actually somewhat good.

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People complain that Taker's commercial didn't have much to do with Mania...


...I don't remember the Basic Instinct one with the Chris' and Stacy having anything to do with Mania.

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One positive: the "Dirty Taker" clip looked like it used the same lighting and film stock as a movie released in the early 1970s.



That's all I could think of.

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none of the WM promos were Jewels of acting greatness...


so im just seeing this as an excuse for Taker haters to Hate.


sad people

No, Taker is a bad actor.


And since this wasn't funny, it had to be a good acting job for it too be good. JBL and Cena were very good at acting The rest were funny. Taker sucked ass.

Great explanation nimrod, at least Taker's parody was kind of funny at the end when he rolled his eyes before he shot that guy.

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none of the WM promos were Jewels of acting greatness...


so im just seeing this as an excuse for Taker haters to Hate.


sad people

No, Taker is a bad actor.


And since this wasn't funny, it had to be a good acting job for it too be good. JBL and Cena were very good at acting The rest were funny. Taker sucked ass.

Great explanation nimrod, at least Taker's parody was kind of funny at the end when he rolled his eyes before he shot that guy.

How is he a nimrod? He said that the paraodies should be (1) funny or (2) well acted. The Taker one was neither funny (I don't find an eyeroll funny) or well acted. The JBL/Cena one in many people's eyes, including mine, may not have been funny, but very well acted. Name calling really isn't necessary, especially if it isn't even true.

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Guest LooneyTune

I thought the Jericho/Benoit/Xtian/Stacy one was the weakest. (I for the life of me, can't remember the name, but I'll say Fatal Attraction? Or basic instinct...) The only thing that saves it is Christians lines.


The Triple H/Flair Braveheart was alright, mainly due to the last 30 seconds.


JBL/Cenas a Few Good Men was the best, because it was more serious.


Eddy/Booker T doing Pulp Fiction I couldn't get into.


Eugene/Regal in Forest Gump was entertaining, but forgetable, hence why I mentioned it last.


I missed RAW, so I didn't see Undertakers, but I guess I'll see it on Smackdown or a B-Show.

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Guest Deviant

Now that I've seen it, Taker's is definitely the worst. Not funny, not a smart twist on a movie, nothing. Very dull. The idea is meant to be more than just "it's funny because Taker's wearing a wig while he re-enacts a movie scene~!" Where's the creativity? Where's the humour?


I hope they bounce back with something as good as some of the others next week.

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When I first saw the Taker commercial, I was with a mark who hasn't watched since the Attitude era (had only seen last weeks Smack! before this). We both agreed it was just had a reallly awkward feel to it, like we felt like we shouldn't be watching it. The poor defenseless black man seemed so helpless, it just seemed very wrong. Then Taker killing him, it just all seemed really wrong and out of place. We were pretty disturbed by it. My favorite has been the Cena/JBL one. I'd like to see them spoof something in theatres right now, like Be Cool. Get a lot of superstars in that one. Bring back Rikishi to be the Rock.

Damn, this Wrestlemania going Hollywood shit REALLY makes me miss Goldust. Why the fuck did they not re-sign him? Him and Booker T carried RAW until it became the HHH show. Their "At the Movies" spoofs of Scorpion King were great. Bring back Goldust!

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I'll say it one last time, dammit!


"Y'all know me. Know how I earn a livin'. I'll catch this bird for you, but it ain't gonna be easy. Bad fish. Not like going down to the pond and chasing bluegills and tommycocks. This shark, swallow you whole. No shakin', no tenderizin', down you go. And we gotta do it quick, that'll bring back your tourists, put all your businesses on a payin' basis. But it's not gonna be pleasant. I value my neck a lot more than three thousand bucks, chief. I'll find him for three, but I'll catch him, and kill him, for ten. But you've gotta make up your minds. If you want to stay alive, then ante up. If you want to play it cheap, be on welfare the whole winter. I don't want no volunteers, I don't want no mates, there's too many captains on this island. Ten thousand dollars for me by myself. For that you get the head, the tail, the whole damn thing."

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Guest LooneyTune

I don't think anyone could pull off that Jaws scene well, but it would be an easier candidate than the Indianapolis speech. Besides, they already had Jaws hit the glass ceiling when Lesnar F5'ed the shark in a Summerslam commercial.

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Guest LooneyTune

I don't know... the shark was barely 7 feet long. When they give someone a 26 foot shark to do that to, THEN it will be awesome. It was kinda cool though.

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