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Guest INXS

Disturbing pictures from Over The Edge 99

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Guest MikeSC
I couldn't see Owen giving a thumbs up.

I never said you could see that.

I do remember a pop when Owen was, I assume, being wheeled out of the arena. You don't see it, but there is a pop.


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Guest Frank_Nabbit

People are conditioned to cheer no matter if the player/wrestler is mobile, or a bloody KO'd mess. Its one last sign of respect and a sign that we as a whole don't wish injury on anyone

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According to Martha Harts book, Owen had already turned blue in the ring and was pretty much lifeless without technically being completely dead. Everything from him being taken to the back on was just the doctors trying to bring him back with CPR.


Also what complicated the matter was that the ambulance didn't immediately take him to the hospital, because of some law they at first were waiting for another ambulance to come and finally they made a judgement call and just went anyways. When they got to the hospital the doctors tried to inject him with something that ended up shattering his vein and he was prenounced dead 13 minutes later, all according to Martha Hart

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Owen died in the ring unofficially. They were trying CPR on him in the back on the way to the ambulance. In the ambulance, efforts were stopped and Owen was pronounced dead.

No they still tried to do some stuff with him at the hospitall, one doctor said that it was still possible for him to live, he didn't have any vital signs or a hearbeat but he still had an electrical something like that was technically keeping him alive. His autora (sp) was damanged significantly and Martha said the doctors had seen people revived from that state before albeit with severe brain damage.


One thing that's confusing that is that Owen appears to be unconscience and lifeless in the ring, but according to the autopsy Owen didn't have any injury that would of made him immediately unconscience. Supposedly he should of been conscience but suffering through extreme pain.

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Guest BrokenWings

I rewatched the A&E Biography of Owen which came out shortly after his death, and they interviewed people who were at the show, and they said that after the initial fall it looked like Owen was trying to his 1001'th situp, and his head lifted slightly off the canvas before dropping again.


While they were wheeling him out, some people started an "Owen" chant, "in hopes that he would give the thumbs up that the football players do when they're being carried off the field.....but it never came from Owen."


And in regards to the ambulance, it's because they were planning an injury angle later in the night where an ambulance would be used. I believe the paramedics who were in the ring right away were hired by the WWE, and Martha was worried they weren't real but rather actors. It's really hazy, as I haven't read her book since I first bought it because it was a difficult read. I'll have to check it out and update later, unless anyone else can recall this and fill it in.


Rest in peace. :(

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Guest Frank_Nabbit
According to Martha Harts book, Owen had already turned blue in the ring and was pretty much lifeless without technically being completely dead. Everything from him being taken to the back on was just the doctors trying to bring him back with CPR.


Also what complicated the matter was that the ambulance didn't immediately take him to the hospital, because of some law they at first were waiting for another ambulance to come and finally they made a judgement call and just went anyways. When they got to the hospital the doctors tried to inject him with something that ended up shattering his vein and he was prenounced dead 13 minutes later, all according to Martha Hart

The ambulance was being used to tape a Vince McMahon segment where he was being carried out IIRC

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I vaugely remember after the fall, Shane McMahon saying 'Oh My God, Oh My God' in a segment backstage, which seems a bit tasteless looking back. I think it was something to do with Vince coming out or going in to an ambulance?? Anyway, I think they showed this when they knew the match wouldn't be going ahead.

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No they still tried to do some stuff with him at the hospitall, one doctor said that it was still possible for him to live, he didn't have any vital signs or a hearbeat but he still had an electrical something like that was technically keeping him alive. His autora (sp) was damanged significantly and Martha said the doctors had seen people revived from that state before albeit with severe brain damage.

But those people didn't fall 70 feet. Everyone will talk about this or that...look, bottom line is this. When a human being falls 70 feet, unprotected, you're going to die. Even if they saved him, he would of been in a coma and died hours later from complications.


And the comment about the paramedics being actors instead of real EMTs is kind of absurd...I think it's mostly stuff Martha has said out of agony and pain because of the loss of her husband.

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Also what complicated the matter was that the ambulance didn't immediately take him to the hospital, because of some law they at first were waiting for another ambulance to come and finally they made a judgement call and just went anyways. When they got to the hospital the doctors tried to inject him with something that ended up shattering his vein and he was prenounced dead 13 minutes later, all according to Martha Hart

The ambulance was being used to tape a Vince McMahon segment where he was being carried out IIRC

I thought the same ambulance was used for the Vince segment...so it has nothing to do with Vince. It has to do with at an event an ambulance is stationed at, it's required to have a replacement ambulance arrive to take the place of the ambulance that is leaving with a patient. And that makes total sense...because it's possible that something else could of gone wrong there and someone needed an ambulance just as bad as Owen.


Also, as far as the CPR goes...it's standard procedure in these types of cases. You just don't come upon a scene like this (in front of 15,000 people) and go "Well, he's dead." I think at the time the doctors and paramedics wanted everyone to think Owen had a chance (or they would of pronounced him in the ring) so they did the standard procedure of revival treatment.


It's like that with alot of high-profile deaths.

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The ambulance/injurt thing happened on heat. Remember the austin/taker title match that night was to have Vince and shane as special refs (during the false vince face turn leading to the higher power reveal two weeks later) on heat, shane goaded vince into facing Mideon. During that match, vince was attcked by the ministry and injured his leg/ankle. SO they had an ambulance take him to "the hospital" during the main event, vince was to arrive back at the arena in the ambulance and limp to the ring, which he did and "accidentily" hit austin to give taker the win. I only know all this, cuz I turned on heat (im on the west coast so it was tape delayed at 7 pm pst) after reading of owens death online to see if they would cut into heat to give deatils or somethin.


as for the thumbs up, didnt Mick Foley mention something about that in his books? let me check.....oh wait he didnt, he said that he was told by JR and King that owen tried to sit up, then went limp, never to move again.



still tragic, but guys dont get soo testy with each other. It seems as if after he died, every single fan became obssesed with protecting owen, as if he was all of theirs favorite wrestler, when I know he couldnt possibly be. Nobody cares untill you die it would seem. Still that was IMO the most senseless death in wrestling history. (Interesting cuz I always wondered how Sting was able to descend to the ring without falling off, I guess WCW employed better stunt people) Stupid Russo and Mcmahons

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Owen had a paramedic ON TOP of him when they were wheeling him out, giving him chest compressions. All the way to the ambulance.


It's all so depressing, and he actually was my favorite wrestler.

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There was some controversy regarding one of the people they hired to do the stunt, who had claimed he did the Sting stunts in WCW.


I'm not sure exactly what it was, but I remember hearing that the guy lied.

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There was some controversy regarding one of the people they hired to do the stunt, who had claimed he did the Sting stunts in WCW.


I'm not sure exactly what it was, but I remember hearing that the guy lied.

He had claimed to be the 'main' guy who handled Sting's entrances, and the WWE hired him based on that I guess without really researching it. It was later learned he was just an assistant on the whole Sting thing.

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Owen had a paramedic ON TOP of him when they were wheeling him out, giving him chest compressions. All the way to the ambulance.

Like Hartfan said the EMT's aren't going to pronounce Owen dead in the ring and place him in the body bag.

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It's the same thing with JFK. Forgive me for being descriptive and crude, but you literally can see his brains blown out when he's shot, yet he wasn't pronounced until well after he was at the hospital...and everyone knew he didn't have a chance.


Whether it's a sign of respect or something else, that's usually how it works out with high-profile deaths.


It's like if Barry Bonds went to go catch a flyball, hit the wall, broke his neck, and instantly died. Do you think there going to stop the game, empty the place out, and have an investigation as to why he died and how that wall was unsafe for Major League play? Fuck no, they'll cart him out as quick as they can. I mean, you realize they could of easily put the yellow caution tape around the ring (and how eeriely ironic with Owen that would of been) and turned Kemper Arena into a crime scene.


Think about that one.

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Martha Hart says that that Francois Pincoit guy that the WWF had as a trainer/ quick fix doc (WWF mag even did a write up of him) was hovering over Owen and was giving out ludicrious orders and not letting the EMTS do what was needed. Not that Owen had a chance. As far as him falling through the ring...Foley says in his 2nd book that there was a groove/dent in the ring where Owen landed and the guys had to kinda work around it.

I have her book and read it in full for the first time three days ago. There's nobody whose name even remotely resembles Francois Pincoit. There's a guy named Bobby Talbert who was giving instructions, MAYBE that's who you're thinking of, but that name's still way far off...

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I seriously doubt that any "thumbs up" happened, or that Owen had any chance of surviving the fall. When his aorta detached from the heart, it essentially shut down his entire circulatory system just as if his heart had stopped. (In fact the detached aorta is even worse than a heart attack, since it causes massive internal bleeding.) Even if by some miracle he had still been alive when they got him to the hospital and they surgically reattached the aorta, Owen's brain had received no blood or oxygen ever since the moment of impact. Even if his body had survived (which is unlikely considering the other injuries that the fall must've caused), he would've been comatose and completely braindead.

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Guest BrokenWings
(Interesting cuz I always wondered how Sting was able to descend to the ring without falling off, I guess WCW employed better stunt people)

Partially, but I think more emphasis should be placed on the fact it was a $60 or some odd priced *nautical* clip, which took less pressure than it takes to fire a gun to release it, and with no backup or safety cable.


Simply because they didn't want the 3-5 seconds it would take to unhook it normally.


I wonder how they live with that on their conscience.

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