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Guest TheDon

Christy Hemme on Howard Stern

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Guest DeathBecomesYou
Is there anywhere I can get a transcript of this?

I'm not sure about a transcript, but here's a pretty detailed description of the episode that I took from another board.


"Raw $250,000 Diva Search Christy Hemme was on the Howard Stern radio show this morning, first thing they did was have her play a trivia/current events game with a 11 year old school girl named Eliza. Sadly, all I heard was the final question. This might surprise you, but the contest was an “annihilation.” As the 11 year old “squashed her” (Christy’s words not mine). Young Christy didn’t know who faced Bush & Cheney in the November Presidential election. Her excuse “I was on the road a lot. I knew it was a John and a John (she knew John Kerry, but not Edwards.”


However, Eliza might have gotten most of the questions correct but she didn’t know who the head of the WWE was, but Hemme did and almost sang the name “Vince McMahon!” Eliza quickly left as she had to take a test. “Thanks for squashing me Eliza!” (I will hopefully have the other questions later today)


Howard called Christy a “hot chick, a lot of these WWE hot chicks used to be muscular.” She was wearing a “nice outfit” according to Howard, as because of the snow she got into NYC at the very last minute and her bags weren’t there, she called Playboy at 4am for something to wear as she was wearing her “comfy airline clothes.” Stern and company said she looked like a “more mature Lindsey Lohen with bigger breasts.”


Speaking of which, Christy described her boobs as “fake, really expensive, silicone, really soft.” The last time Christy made love to a man was around October-ish…(she grunted here) she and her boyfriend broke up in October (wasn’t that around the Taboo Tuesday match?) she claimed her job involved “so much traveling it was unfair to him.” As you might know, Christy is training to wrestle now, as she’s debuting at WrestleMania. “You don’t have to be muscular big to wrestling, I take a beating and I get up again.”


She stayed in character, saying that she’s being trained by Lita who in her own words “is one of the best wrestlers on raw.” Howard asked about the chances of her top being ripped off on live PPV or on live TV “if it happens, then it happens, and I can’t do anything about it, the show is live and stuff can sometime happens.” Christy got back to sex by informing us she doesn’t do one night stands and is a self-proclaimed “girlfriend girl.” She claimed to sleep with “around six” guys, she loves to have sex but can go a long time without sex.


She lost her virginity to an older guy when she 18, and tends to go for older guys (Vince wasn’t mentioned here). About sex she noted “a woman doesn’t know how to have good sex until she pleases herself first.” That seems very selfish to me, she also has a “nice little collection of vibrators at home” and the vibrator collection is the first thing she does once she gets home. Stern and Co really seemed to like her as she had the “Curves of a woman.” Christy noted she likes to dress up in outfits for her man. She’s a big fan of the little schoolgirl “I love pigtails!”


She also noted her “little girl panties” which was very creepy. “I loved to be spanked. I’m weird about pain, I’m totally fine with pain, pull my hair, I’m great.” Apparently the hair pulling turns her on. Also about sex christry had the following line “I like really passion, really sexy love making and sometimes really bad.” Howard asked her about WWE money, she reminded him that she won the diva search and it was a “great chunk of change.” In the, uh oh, moment of the interview she claims she doesn’t’ date wrestlers but later said “I never say no to anything, whatever happens, happens. I’m so focused on my career. We’re traveling all the time, and they all seem like brothers to me, like MENTORS~!”


Howard asked about Triple H (at least Howard knows who’s really in charge there) “Triple H is one of the best wrestlers in the entire industry, he’s extremely good..” Howard cut her off with asking if she liked her hair pulled and being spanked. More sex, her dad caught her having sex with her boyfriend on the floor of her father’s office, she talked about kissing Lillian Garcia. Howard called her “very delightful” and asked “did you ever do Vince?”


Doug from the show asked her to get in a schoolgirl outfit and letting them spank her. She said yes right away, Howard noted “that was easy you usually have to beg for it.” Christy changed out of her leather outfit, as she changed from the bathroom; Christy let us know “This bathroom has a lot of nana on the wall.” I don’t think it was Prince Nana she was talking about. Howard told her to “get in character or your spanking will be doubly hard!” She came skipping out of the bathroom, doing a baby voice about how bad she was. Howard let us know that “She’s FUN!”


Howard and Christy did some role playing, this was better then anything she’s done acting wise on the WWE. Except he didn’t like her calling him “daddy.” She wouldn’t let Howard see her underwear (even though she mentioned little girl panties earlier), according to Howard’s role playing she did bad in history, and she got a “D” and got 3 spankings for that. Christy told him that was “very nice but it didn’t feel hard enough.” She got an F in conduct. Howard spanked her.


His hand was starting to hurt because of spanking for her so hard. Stern sidekick took this time to ask “How are we constantly overlooked at the emmys?” Stern Producer “Baba Booey” let us know “I don’t think I can stand up.” Howard loved this “what a girl!” She told him “no wonder I won 250,000.” She was a nerd in high school, noted Stern wrestling fan DOUBLE A~! (who got spanked for Triple H, got splashed with urine balloons to meet the rock) asked her “how long are you in town for, take you out for dinner?” Christy gave us her philosophy on life “I like to have fun, life should be FUN!”


She also told us she was “Very nervous about the shoot, the day before she got hives she was so nervous. Such a wonderful experience!” She also likes to walk around her place naked. Eric Embry would be proud. Pretty good interview, nowhere near as fun as the Chynna Doll interview but good for a different reason. You got the impression that Christy Hemme is a fun girl."

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Guest Fook

And getting trained by Lita means she'll soon learn how to get peed on. Very wholesome.

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Well, maybe they have seperate dress codes?


Men: suit and tie

Women: nothing, clothing is not recommended in the WWE.

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Guest Trivia247

Well if LT could claim he was Trained in wrestling Bam Bam by Diesel then the Womens Equalivent is as accurate.

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Guest BobBacklundRules

We really need to start a Christy Hemme ditzy comment thread:


"My BUTT's hungry!" - From the pie sitting incident


And from this interview:


“Thanks for squashing me Eliza!”


“I like really passion, really sexy love making and sometimes really bad.”


“No wonder I won 250,000.”


“I like to have fun, life should be FUN!”

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And guess what! She just might be the next Women's champ!


I wonder if we'll see Trish present this on Raw to further run down Christy.

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When did guys stop liking women? :P It is a 5-hour+ show...constant wrestling, and a hall of fame ceremony, no matter how good the matches are, would get boring. Ok, not really, but, there has to be some TNa.

Most of us have access to porn or actual women. We watch wrestling because we enjoy watching wrestling, if we want big boobed women wearing very little or nothing we can google for pictures or get a porno. I doubt any of us dislike women in wrestling, what I think the majority dislike is women that add nothing taking up time on the shows that present the the actual wrestling product that we do enjoy. There is a time and a place for talentless dumbass women that look good that you'd like to screw, but Wrestlemania is not it.


It's her first match and it's on the biggest card of the year. Pros that have been on the roster for years lose a spot (and large payday) to her, a woman who hasn't proven anything except she needs to switch to decaf and that she has less common knowledge at her disposal than an 11 year old. All in all, it's a real insult to all the people that can wrestle and have worked hard that are being passed over for some ditz they hired for her looks that probably doesn't know a wristlock from a wristwatch.


Howard called her “very delightful” and asked “did you ever do Vince?”


Did she answer that?

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Most of us have access to porn or actual women. We watch wrestling because we enjoy watching wrestling, if we want big boobed women wearing very little or nothing we can google for pictures or get a porno.


Testify, Cam.

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Here's a very very very detailed report from MarksFriggin.com, including the questions she didn't know


# $10,000 Quiz With Christy Hemme And 11 Year Old Eliza. 03/09/05. 7:45am

Howard came back from break and said he had WWE Diva Christy Hemme (ChristyHemme.com) and an 11 year old girl who was going to compete against her in a game. He also had this guy Chris in a wheelchair who was going to guess who would win. Chris came in and thanked Howard for having him on the show. He had a brain tumor when he was 14 and ended up in the wheelchair. He was fine before the brain tumor so that screwed him up. Chris said that he has a rare disease that usually only affects Jews. He said the name of the disease but it was kind of hard to understand because of his slight speech impediment. Chris said he hasn't been able to get laid in this condition but he did kiss a girl when he was at camp as a kid. Howard read that Chris has had a pretty bad life. He has night terrors and had gone into a coma after his brain tumor surgery. He is able to pleasure himself and he does think about dominating a woman in his fantasies. Robin asked Chris is he's able to work. He said he'd like to work but no one will hire him. He would like to work in a video store. Chris would also like to work on radio or TV so Howard asked him if he'd like to be their entertainment reporter. It would be between him and Eric the Midget. He was just kidding about that


Howard told Chris he was going to be playing for a $10,000 grand prize. He told him that they were bringing in the 11 year old kid and WWE Diva Christy Hemme. He was going to ask them 7 questions and whichever one got the most correct was the winner. Chris picked Christy to win the contest so Howard wondered why he picked her. Chris seemed to think that she might not be as smart at the 11 year old, Jewish, kid. The 11 year old is a good student but Christy has been around a lot longer. Gary asked Howard why he kept mentioning that the kid was Jewish. Howard said that a lot of Jewish kids are smart but Robin pointed out that Howard was a Jewish kid and he wasn't all that smart. Howard said he'd go with the 11 year old if he were Chris but he didn't want to sway him in the wrong way and have the guy blame him for the loss. Chris stuck with Christy as his pick to win. Howard wasn't going to tell Christy that Chris picked her but he changed his mind and wanted to pressure her to win.


Howard had Christy come in a short time later and gave her a couple of plugs for the April issue of Playboy in which she appears. The 11 year old girl, Eliza, was also in. She said that she's a straight A student. Howard told the girls the rules and that Chris had picked Christy to win. He also told Christy that there's $10,000 riding on this. He had a lot of questions for Christy but he didn't want to ask them in front of the 11 year old.


Howard moved on to the game and asked the questions. Each of the girls had a card to write their answers on. Here are the questions, answers and who got them right:


    * Who is the U.S. Secretary of Defense? - Donald Rumsfeld - Eliza got it, Christy missed it.

    * Who is the U.S. Secretary of State? - Condoleeza Rice - Eliza got it, Christy missed it.

    * What film won Best Picture at this year's Oscars? - ''Million Dollar Baby'' - Eliza got it, Christy missed it.

    * In the last election, who did George Bush and Dick Cheney run against? - Kerry, Edwards - Eliza got it, Christy got John Kerry but not Edwards.


Christy blew it for Chris. Eliza came out way ahead of Christy who didn't get one answer correct. Howard was handed a note that said they were going to give Chris $5,000 even though he didn't win. Artie asked him if he wanted to put that five grand on a bet. Chris didn't want to risk anymore and didn't want to give Artie the money... but Artie told him that West Virginia was a lock and Chris was ready to give him the money. Howard didn't want him to give up the money either. Eliza even suggested that he keep the five grand and not bet it. Howard said he thinks they're giving Eliza $1,000 for coming in. He asked her if she wanted to give up that money and try to double it with ''Uncle Artie.'' He told her to keep the money. Howard let Eliza and Chris go so he could spend some time with Christy.


# More With WWE Diva Christy Hemme. 03/09/05. 8:10am

Howard spent some time talking to Christy Hemme after the game. Christy said the clothes she was wearing were last minute buys because her luggage never made it to her when she flew in yesterday. Howard said that she's ''way hot'' and kind of looked like Lindsay Lohan. They had a picture of her up on his web site so guys could look at her while she was talking. Howard asked Christy when she last had a man. She said it was back in October. She looked very womanly according to Howard. He had checked out her Playboy layout and thought she looked really good. Christy talked about the work she's doing with the WWE and how she's in a feud with Chris Stratus. She filled Howard in on all of the details of her storyline.


Howard spent some more time talking to Christy about her dating life. She said she's only been with about 6 guys in her life. She was a virgin up until she was 18 years old. She said that she didn't get that much pleasure from the first guy, at least not like she does now. She said a woman can't really enjoy sex until they know how to pleasure themselves. She said she does that a lot now that she doesn't have a man. She has a whole collection of vibrators that she uses but she doesn't travel with them. She said that's the first thing she does when she gets home. Christy said she enjoys dressing up for her man and will dress up in a school girl outfit with pigtails sometimes. She said she's spontaneous about that stuff and doesn't plan it ahead of time. Howard wanted more details about that so he tried to find out just how she does that. She said there are things she'd like to keep secret. She said she does like to be spanked and stuff. Howard asked her if she gets excited when a guy spanks her. She was just laughing through the whole thing.


Christy told Howard about how she won the WWE Diva search which got her $250,000. Howard asked her if she likes her hair pulled when she's in bed too. She likes the pain and does like the hair pulling and spanking. Gary came in and said he read that she was caught having sex in her father's office one night. Christy told Howard about how she went there with the guy because she was young and had no place to go so they went to her father's insurance company office to do it. She said they were having sex and she saw a shadow in the hall. She made a comment to the guy about how it would be funny if her father showed up. Then she realized it was her father and he went nuts and asked her what the hell she was doing in his office. She said her father was cool about it the next day after he calmed down. Christy said she's not into girls but she did kiss the ring announcer on her show one time.


Howard gave Christy some plugs for the upcoming Wrestlemania 21 which airs on April 3rd. He also plugged her Playboy issue and was about to wrap up. Doug Goodstein from E! came in and asked her if she'd get into a schoolgirl outfit and then get spanked. She agreed to do it much to Howard's surprise. They had her go into the bathroom and get changed. She was in character when she came out and Howard started to take his clothes off. He didn't know what he was doing and acted out some scenes with Christy who was acting like a young school girl. Howard told her that he was going to spank her for any bad grades she got. She called him Daddy at one point but Howard didn't seem to like that too much since he's old enough to be her father. Howard wanted to see Christy's underwear but she refused to show it to them. Howard ''read'' her report card and found that she got a D in History so she was going to get 3 spankings for that. He had her bend over and gave her a few spankings. She also got an F in conduct so Howard had to spank her a few more times. She squealed each time he spanked her. Gary said that she was smiling through the whole thing. She got some bad grades in a few other classes like Science and Social Studies so Howard was spanking her like crazy. Artie asked ''How are we constantly overlooked at the Emmys?'' Gary said he wasn't sure he could stand up after seeing this. Artie said she smelled good too and asked her what she was wearing. She said she was wearing Romance.


Huge wrestling fan Double A called in and asked her how long she's in town because he'd like to take her out. Howard hung up on him before he could hook up with her though. Howard took a couple of other calls and spent a couple more minutes with Christy. Doug told Howard that there was one more thing that they could do to her school girl outfit... wet it down. Christy said that she was wearing a black bra under the outfit so it wouldn't work too well. Howard wrapped up the segment a short time later. Jason was in there snapping pictures of her so they could put those up on HowardStern.com immediately. He went to commercial break a short time later.


Here's some pictures








It was hilarious, they were really tearing into her. She kept blaming her lack of knowledge on the WWE travel schedule and Artie goes "Remind me not to ever travel again, it obviously makes you retarded". She was a good sport about it all though.

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She kept blaming her lack of knowledge on the WWE travel schedule and Artie goes "Remind me not to ever travel again, it obviously makes you retarded".




She was a virgin up until she was 18 years old. She said that she didn't get that much pleasure from the first guy, at least not like she does now. She said a woman can't really enjoy sex until they know how to pleasure themselves. She said she does that a lot now that she doesn't have a man. She has a whole collection of vibrators that she uses but she doesn't travel with them. She said that's the first thing she does when she gets home. Christy said she enjoys dressing up for her man and will dress up in a school girl outfit with pigtails sometimes. She said she's spontaneous about that stuff and doesn't plan it ahead of time.


Somewhere a 12 year old boy is getting some really messed up ideas about women.

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That first picture is not attractive. She looks like a poster child for teenage anorexia. Playboy were very kind to her.


Is anyone else amazed they cut half the women's division to pay give this chick the juiciest contract a female has got since Chyna despite the facts she is thick as shit, can't wrestle, can't cut a promo and can't even pull off the one move she has been asked to do so far right?


I mean, I'm not expecting them to bring in AJW women, but at least invest in someone that isn't a complete waste except for being used as a promotional tool who is embarassingly bad in that role as well.

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Just another quick reply to Ex--aside from HBK/Angle (good match) and Batista/HHH (the crowd heat will bump it up from average-at-best to possibly quite good), the WM cart is actually looking pretty lousy this year. Another *good* match would be welcomed.

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Guest DeathBecomesYou

I'm kind of torn, because in all probability poor Molly will be used to try and make Christy look like a wrestler, but that leaves the opening for Molly to stretch the holy hell out of her. Not likely to happen, but it'd be a nice thought all the same.

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Guest LooneyTune
She kept blaming her lack of knowledge on the WWE travel schedule and Artie goes "Remind me not to ever travel again, it obviously makes you retarded".


She probably wasn't paying attention. Judging by her knowledge of recent news, thats not too hard of a stretch.

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She kept blaming her lack of knowledge on the WWE travel schedule and Artie goes "Remind me not to ever travel again, it obviously makes you retarded".


She probably wasn't paying attention. Judging by her knowledge of recent news, thats not too hard of a stretch.

I'd be curious if you gave everyone on the WWE roster, a Current Events pop quiz how many would get failing grade?

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Guest LooneyTune

Pfft... everyone here would probably fail, but when you're on flights every day, I'm sure you read a newspaper now and then.

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Pfft... everyone here would probably fail, but when you're on flights every day, I'm sure you read a newspaper now and then.

Some of us hang out in the Current Events folder, but that might just make things worse.

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She kept blaming her lack of knowledge on the WWE travel schedule and Artie goes "Remind me not to ever travel again, it obviously makes you retarded".


She probably wasn't paying attention. Judging by her knowledge of recent news, thats not too hard of a stretch.

The Oscar question is the only recent one, actually.


Rice only took office this year, but we knew she'd be taking office last year.


Considering most of the people in one of my Poli Sci classes 2 years ago didn't know who the *Vice President* was, I'd say most of the people in America probably wouldn't be able to tell you who the Secretary of State and Defense were right now.

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Guest Shadow
Pfft... everyone here would probably fail, but when you're on flights every day, I'm sure you read a newspaper now and then.

I'm pretty sure that Val Venis, Lance Storm, Mick Foley, Bradshaw, Jericho, William Regal and Kane are the most intellectual and informed wrestlers out there.


Val Venis was always candid about his political beliefs, Storm has always been the smart guy, Mick Foley did the debate thing, Bradshaw's engulfed with politics and shit, Jericho has always seemed to be a news guy, William regal always seems to be smart as hell and Kane's a licensed educator.

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Pfft... everyone here would probably fail, but when you're on flights every day, I'm sure you read a newspaper now and then.

I'm pretty sure that Val Venis, Lance Storm, Mick Foley, Bradshaw, Jericho, William Regal and Kane are the most intellectual and informed wrestlers out there.


Val Venis was always candid about his political beliefs, Storm has always been the smart guy, Mick Foley did the debate thing, Bradshaw's engulfed with politics and shit, Jericho has always seemed to be a news guy, William regal always seems to be smart as hell and Kane's a licensed educator.

I think he was saying they should know...not that most of them don't..?


Anyways, look at the amount of people you listed. Not exactly a high amount considering all of the people in the locker room. I'm sure there would only be a few more who actually would be able to answers these questions, while most of them probaly couldn't.

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Guest LooneyTune

Yeah, I was standing up that some of them probably are up to date with current events (although I could've worded it better).

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Christy didn't come off bad in the interview. I didn't hear her lose to the 11 year old in trivia though.


Women's wrestling generally sucks and the three womens wrestlers who were worth a shit (Victoria, Molly, Trish) are still employed. But people just have to bitch about everything, I guess.

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She was a virgin up until she was 18 years old. She said that she didn't get that much pleasure from the first guy, at least not like she does now. She said a woman can't really enjoy sex until they know how to pleasure themselves. She said she does that a lot now that she doesn't have a man. She has a whole collection of vibrators that she uses but she doesn't travel with them. She said that's the first thing she does when she gets home. Christy said she enjoys dressing up for her man and will dress up in a school girl outfit with pigtails sometimes. She said she's spontaneous about that stuff and doesn't plan it ahead of time.


Somewhere a 12 year old boy is getting some really messed up ideas about women.

Those are very good ideas actually. I think this should be put in pamplets to little girls about growing. Actual good advice/way to live there.

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Guest Trivia247
Christy didn't come off bad in the interview. I didn't hear her lose to the 11 year old in trivia though.


Women's wrestling generally sucks and the three womens wrestlers who were worth a shit (Victoria, Molly, Trish) are still employed. But people just have to bitch about everything, I guess.

because they had women that actuallly could wrestle, Jazz and Gail Kim and they dropped them so these bims can come in and twirl their pigtails and skip down to the ring.


if women wrestling sucks then guess we know why trish molly and victoria matters to you... dag nabbit jethro look at them hooties yeeeaahhhawwwww

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