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We should call it the SWF Belt Championship, in a subtle nod to the butchering of the English lagnuage in the great WWF Warzone.


Man, Warzone references just never get old. I remember at the last ROH show I went to, Rocky Romero blew a kick (!) and people started to boo him. Me: "Rocky doesn't suck, YOU SUCK!" No one got it. But screw them, it was great.

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We should call it the SWF Belt Championship, in a subtle nod to the butchering of the English lagnuage in the great WWF Warzone.


Man, Warzone references just never get old. I remember at the last ROH show I went to, Rocky Romero blew a kick (!) and people started to boo him. Me: "Rocky doesn't suck, YOU SUCK!" No one got it. But screw them, it was great.

Wahahaha, awesome.


And fuck the idea of unifying, I'd come back and win them both then bugger off to Mexico and start up a hotel before turning it all into a whacky sitcom before you did that.

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