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Celtic Guardian

School shooting in Minnesota

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Well, yeah, I just about had a conniption when he was announced as VP because he's gone after my video games and pro wrestling.


"I really wish that we could ban them constitutionally."


I love you, too, Holy Joe.

Fritz Hollings wanted to ban heavy metal.


"Maybe ah could be a rawk stah, ah dunno."

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OMG Bush and Joe are hugging. It's only a matter of time before Joe jumps ship... :rolleyes:

I wasn't really posting the picture as evidence.


His voting record is what makes him Republican-lite. Bankruptcy. SS Privatization. The way he constantly bashes Ds and ball-sucks Rs.

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Guest Agent of Oblivion

I didn't vote for Gore in 2000 specifically because of Lieberman.

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I have to say I admire the way Joe sticks to his guns, even if I don't agree with him a lot of the time. Did Joe ever try to make excuses for supporting the Iraq War the way Kerry did? Hell, no.

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Guest MikeSC

Why do Dems bitch that Lieberman is "Republican-lite"? Isn't it enough that you have Shays, Snowe, Hagel, and McCain?


I agree with Lieberman on many issues --- but his embracing of censorship makes him somebody I could never vote for.


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People like Lieberman, McCain, Hagel, etc. are often despised because they make it harder for intense partisans to demonize the other party as being too different or extreme. They're afraid if they admit they respect those on the other side, it'll make those "THE OTHER GUY IS SATAN" fund-rasing campaigns seem less credible.

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Why do Dems bitch that Lieberman is "Republican-lite"? Isn't it enough that you have Shays, Snowe, Hagel, and McCain?

I can see the McCain-Lieberman connection, sort of, although I think it's funny that you complain about people calling Lieberman not a Democrat and then follow it up by implying that McCain isn't a Republican. I like McCain a lot more though, because at least he errs on the side of individual freedoms more often, while Holy Joe wants the government to take away those Ninja Turtles so the kids don't karate chop each other to death.


Still, neither of these guys compare to Zell, because neither of them were premiere convention speakers for the opposing party. Just because he's finally gone now, thank God, people are turning their attention to Lieberman. I wish they were paying more attention when he was sic'ing the PTC on everything.

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Guest MikeSC
Why do Dems bitch that Lieberman is "Republican-lite"? Isn't it enough that you have Shays, Snowe, Hagel, and McCain?

I can see the McCain-Lieberman connection, sort of, although I think it's funny that you complain about people calling Lieberman not a Democrat and then follow it up by implying that McCain isn't a Republican. I like McCain a lot more though, because at least he errs on the side of individual freedoms more often, while Holy Joe wants the government to take away those Ninja Turtles so the kids don't karate chop each other to death.

Umm, McCain authored the CFR bill, which is as direct an assault on the 1st Amendment as has passed in many a year.

Still, neither of these guys compare to Zell, because neither of them were premiere convention speakers for the opposing party. Just because he's finally gone now, thank God, people are turning their attention to Lieberman. I wish they were paying more attention when he was sic'ing the PTC on everything.

The Dems would be wise to listen to Zell's complaints. Dean is, so far, doing everything I figured he would and the DNC really can't afford that.


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Still, neither of these guys compare to Zell, because neither of them were premiere convention speakers for the opposing party. Just because he's finally gone now, thank God, people are turning their attention to Lieberman.




Sir, you have insulted me. I challenge you to a duel!

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Man, those Zell-inspired picture thread from last summer were awesome.


Are they still around on the board somewhere hiding, or have they been deleted?

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His voting record is what makes him Republican-lite.

Or perhaps it makes him a conservative Democrat. Not every Democrat is a commie, just like how not every Republican is a Bible-thumping Jesus freak...

Smitty, what's your opinion of Lloyd Bentsen? Wasn't he sort of a misplaced Republican?

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Funny how no one seems to care about the victims of this crime, meanwhile the vegetable woman in Florida gets around-the-clock coverage.



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Guest Crazy Dan

Lieberman is a Conservative Democrat, so his views tend to be more in line with Conservatives, which a large portion use the Republican ballot. I voted for Gore and him in 2000, so I don't think that he is bad for being conservative. I just don't like his rails against the media and violent video games, which I interperet as him blaming everything on that and not on other factors. I felt that if he had been the Dem running against Bush, he would have agreed too much with Bush and lost because why vote for the parrot when you can have the pirate (no Bush is not a pirate, I was just making a saying). Also, this was a key reason for Gore's defeat.


As for Zell, he just comes off as real senile. I mean he was one of the Senators pleading for CBS not to show the Beverely Hillbillies reality show. Like all of America was going to drop everything and watch this crap, but he had to make sure the good names of hillbillies were kept out of the mud. Also, challenging Chris Mattews to a duel because he happened to call him on something he said during his keynote speech, makes me wonder if his grip on reality is slipping just a tad. He might have some good points, but he comes out as an angry old man and I don't want to listen to bitterness. I got screamed at for getting a tatoo by my parents, I don't need a politician doing the same. I do like Will Forte's impression of Zell, that is funny.


I admit I like McCain, but because I feel that he is his own man and will break lines if he believes in something that is not partisan. I also have agreed with some of his ideas and so I do like him. If he had been the Republican nominee in 2000, I might have voted for him. Just as many Demos don't like Zell, I understand the mutual feelings held by some Republicans.


As for the shootings, just another tragedgy that shows that all it takes is one student to snap and get his hands on weapons, to take multiple lives. I think this kid was showing many signs that he could become dangerous. He seemed like he was a wallflower, it is a good chance that many of his peers probably did not notice that he was acting in wierd ways. I don't think that his grandparents probably thought that there was any way that their grandson could be a killer and they might have turned a blind eye. That or they just did not know how to read the warning signs he was demonstrating. Mainly the neo nazi websites and his death writings did not get noticed, IMO. I have only barely glimpsed at this story, so I am sure that there were more signs of trouble brewing. This is an example of what can happen when a student has decided that the world will pay for thier life and no one notices until too late.


Unfortunately, this kid did not have the supervision to watch over him. I am not going to say we need gun control or ban all guns here. I understand that gun ownership is right in this country. I do support background checks and denying those who might use them to kill (I saw on the Daily Show how the NRA thought the Feds had no right to supervise and deny those who were on terror watch list). I will never own a gun, but I do feel that is someone really must own a gun, they may do so, making sure to take safety courses, use locks on the guns, and not use them on another person without cause. This is a case where it wasn't Kmart selling ammo and kids buying black market guns, but a retired cop whose guns fell into the wrong hands. Was this gun locked up? If anyone can clarify, please let me know.


So I am sure that some will say that this kid was evil and I do believe that he should go to prison for life (I agree that some minors who are under 18 and commit serious crimes, should be tried as an adult, like murder, kidnapping, etc) but I hope that we can learn from this. It is important that as a future teacher that I am aware of my students at all time, so if I notice something unusual, I can act on it. Also, it is important that children can not gain easy access to guns, for safety reasons and worse case scenarios. It is important for parents and guardians to make sure that their children are not displaying signs that something is wrong and to get them help. This is called parenting and not enough parents are doing thier job, whether on purpose or by accident. It is sad that another Columbine shooting happened, becuase school should be a safe haven where students can go and not fear being seriously hurt and killed. For many students, schools provide structure they do not get at home. I don't know if this episode could have been prevented, but it does show that it could happen to any school and that is the last thing kids need, with so many issues, trivial and serious.

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Funny how no one seems to care about the victims of this crime, meanwhile the vegetable woman in Florida gets around-the-clock coverage.



Start an argument with MikeSC about welfare again and we'll get this thread to a double-diget page count, too...

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Umm, McCain authored the CFR bill, which is as direct an assault on the 1st Amendment as has passed in many a year.

That was a fuckup, truly. Still, every politician makes one, it seems.


The Dems would be wise to listen to Zell's complaints. Dean is, so far, doing everything I figured he would and the DNC really can't afford that.

Yeah, I was pretty steamed at that Dean interview where he promised to relinquish the US' right to self-defense to France. Oh wait a minute...

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Start an argument with MikeSC about welfare again and we'll get this thread to a double-diget page count, too...


Bitter much? Thats okay, that thread was ruined, and I agree.


This event? The kid was obviously warped, and the parents are at fault, at least in part. A LARGE part. There is a difference, however, with a kid who "acts" evil, and a kid who "does" evil. I had plenty of friends in highschool who did, any some still do, acts that would be considered offensive or indicitive of craziness. Because they enjoyed the irony. They didn't do anything actually bad. But I hear the newspeople talking about how the shooter spiked his hair into horns to look evil. Maybe this kid deserved watching, and maybe if his parents had done so, he could have gotten help. But don't try and act like every kid who worships Satan is a future mass murderer.

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Guest Crazy Dan

Actually in this kid's case, his Dad commited suicide or was shot an killed four years ago. His mom was in an accident and is confined to her hospital bed, making her a non entity. In this kid's case, it was his grandparents who were looking over him. I think that the lost of his dad and mom played a big part to him going over the edge. So I don't blame the parents directly for this one.

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Actually in this kid's case, his Dad commited suicide or was shot an killed four years ago. His mom was in an accident and is confined to her hospital bed, making her a non entity.

Too bad she's not in a persistent vegetative state with highly questionable, second-hand instructions as to her life and well-being, otherwise we would all be talking about this story for weeks.

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Looks like HITLERY!~ is going to take up Lieberman's crusade.


Damn, just when I was beginning to almost like her.


Clinton Says Violent Games "Major Threat"

Senator takes stance on violent video games.

by Patrick Klepek



Democratic senator and former first lady Hillary Clinton has stated her position on violent and sexually explicit video games, reports The Sunday Times, declaring them a "major threat" to moral health. Grand Theft Auto, as usual, is caught in the middle.

Clinton, expected to seek Democratic presidential nomination in 2008, made her stance clear. "Children are playing a game that encourages them to have sex with prostitutes and then murder them," she said.


While controlling violent video games are important to her, she also describes a larger issue. "This is a silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's okay to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour or they're from a different place," she said.


Source: 1up.com

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"This is a silent epidemic of media desensitisation that teaches kids it's okay to diss people because they are a woman, they're a different colour or they're from a different place," [Hilary Clinton] said.

It's not?


Also, 58 year-old woman using "diss" = comedy

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